BIOL101 Fall2015 Updated Aug 21, 2015 Biol 101a: Molecular Biotechnology, Fall 2015 Class Meeting Time: Tuesdays and Fridays 9:30-10:50 a.m. Room: TBA Instructor: Dr. Rachel Woodruff Office Hours: drop-in to Bassine 251 12-1pm Wednesdays, or make an appointment (see LATTE) TA: Lisa Weingarten Office Hours: see LATTE Summary: Biol 101 is a course designed for beginning graduate students and advanced undergraduates. This course will focus on the theoretical application of the tools and processes used to manipulate nucleic acids and proteins in molecular biology. Course Goals: An overarching goal of this course is to give you the knowledge and skills to research, choose, and interpret the best experimental approaches for answering research questions in molecular biology. More detailed goals are listed in the table on the last page of this syllabus. Course Format: Class meetings will involve a mixture of lecture, discussion, group work, and problem-solving. Many challenging in-class activities will be graded for effort, to give you a safe place to “fail” on your way to learning and success. You will also need to be an active participant outside of class: reading, working practice problems, and developing your own research proposal. Readings will include research articles, reviews, and proposals, as well as excerpts from the textbook. The research proposal project is an important part of this course: you will need to commit substantial amounts of time to this project both during and outside of class time. The course is intended to be more “experiential” than a traditional lecture class would be (see description of experiential learning on LATTE for more on the rationale for this). Time commitment: You are expected to attend class meetings. This class should take you, on average, about 12 hours per week, including class time, and assignments are distributed throughout the semester. You should therefore expect to spend, on average, 4-5 hours on work for this class between each class meeting (Tuesday or Friday) and the next (Friday or Tuesday). 1 BIOL101 Fall2015 Updated Aug 21, 2015 Homework assignments: You should read the assigned readings, which will be a mix of textbook readings and research articles, before the class for which they are assigned. In addition, there will be a writing assignment or problem set for each class meeting. Some of these will be due in class; others will be due the day before the class meets (giving me time to read them before class). Exams: To help you assess your learning, there will three midterm exams. The latter two will be cumulative. Note the scheduled exam dates and do not miss an exam! There will be no written make-up exams: in the event that you miss a midterm exam, you will be given an oral exam instead. Project: Research Proposal! A key component of your learning experience will be writing your own research proposal. The research proposal will involve choosing a scientific question of interest to you, finding high-quality sources of information in the scientific literature relating to your question, self-directed reading of the scientific literature on this topic, writing, and oral presentation. You will begin developing your proposal early in the semester, and your final paper will be due at the end of the semester; a schedule of the stages of this project is posted on LATTE. I want to see each of you challenge yourself and make improvements in your proposal over the course of the semester. To avoid plagiarism in your writing, please speak with Dr. Woodruff if you have any questions about how to deal with your sources. (Also see section on Academic Integrity below.) Late work policy: Deadlines are set early in the semester. I encourage you to plan your time ahead so that you can keep these deadlines. Should you foresee having difficulties in meeting a deadline, you should ask for an extension at least 48 hours before the assignment is due; in some cases it may be possible for me to grant you an extension if you ask in advance. Unless I have given you specific written permission for a deadline extension, points will be deducted for late work. LATTE: The course website on LATTE is the central point of distribution for lecture slides/notes, practice problems, assignments, schedule updates etc. It is important that you check this site regularly. Textbook: From Genes to Genomes, By Jeremy Dale and Malcolm von Schantz ISBN 9780470683859 Additional readings: Assigned research articles and reviews will be available through LATTE. A few additional assigned readings (also posted on LATTE) will be excerpts from other textbooks, including Strachan’s Genetics and Genomics in Medicine, which you may also have for another class. In addition, you will also be responsible for finding research articles to read for your own research proposal. Disabilities: If you are a student with a documented disability on record at Brandeis University and wish to have a reasonable accommodation made for you in this class, please contact me during the first week of class. 2 BIOL101 Fall2015 Updated Aug 21, 2015 Cell phones and laptops: Use common sense. If I or any of your classmates suspect that you are distracting yourself or anyone else by using these tools in class, you will need to put them away. To state the obvious: No texting or tweeting or skyping in class. Academic Integrity: You are expected to be familiar with and to follow the University’s policies on academic integrity (see ). Faculty may refer any suspected instances of alleged dishonesty to the Office of Student Development and Conduct. Instances of academic dishonesty may result in sanctions including but not limited to failing grades being issued. 3 BIOL101 Fall2015 Updated Aug 21, 2015 Course Plan: Actual course schedule will differ somewhat from this projected course schedule. Date Class Meeting Agenda Readings and Homework *Note that a written response is due by 11:59pm every night before a class day except when noted. 1 Friday, Introduction Dale Chapter 1, all Aug. 28 Bring your laptop to class if you Optional: Strachan Chapter 1 if you have this book have one. No written response Recommended: Introduce yourselves through the questionnaire on LATTE 2 Challenges in Research Activity Firestein TED talk video (on LATTE) Tuesday, Research article: Pauling and Corey Sept 1 Check meeting location Complete miniquiz(zes) 3 DNA Structure and Replication Readings: Watson and Crick; Meselson and Stahl Friday, Optional reading: Crick’s letter to his son Sept 4 If you have additional time, I recommend you read ahead, as we have a lot of readings assigned for Sept 11. 4 Research and Biological Molecules I Research Article TBA (will be posted on LATTE) Tues, Sept 8 5 Quiz Readings: Friday, -Strachan, pp65-70 Sept 11 -Dale pp29-36 and 308-315 Introduction to Research -Research Proposal Examples (on LATTE) Proposals DNA Features and Behavior Sept 15 No class 6 Scientific Literature Workshop Optional readings: Strachan chapter 3; NIH grant proposal checklist Strachan Chapter 2 4 BIOL101 Fall2015 Friday, Sept 18 DNA and RNA mechanisms Updated Aug 21, 2015 Research article relating to your topic of interest due instead of normal written response. Bring your laptop to class if you have one 7 Tuesday, Sept 22 8 Friday, Sept 25 DNA, RNA and gene function Strachan Chapter 2 PCR and its applications Dale Chapter 4, all Rough statement of question and Annotated bibliography for your proposal due instead of normal written response Sept 29 9 Friday, Oct 2 10 Tuesday, Oct 6 No class Exam 1 Study and Review readings, activities, and practice problems PCR and its applications, II Read PCR review article (on LATTE) 11 Friday, Oct 9 Gene Regulation Analysis: Overview, gel electrophoresis, Hybridization assays, Western blotting Dale Chapter 6, pp169-171 and 174-87 12 Tuesday,O ct 13 13 Friday, Oct 16 Developing Research Questions Manipulation and analysis of gene expression: antisense and RNAi Specific Aims Discussion Sanger and Next-generation sequencing technologies, I Research article on LATTE Reading: Specific aims examples (on LATTE) Strachan pp70-75 5 BIOL101 Fall2015 14 Tuesday, Oct 20 15 Friday, Oct 23 16 Tuesday, Oct 27 17 Friday, Oct 30 18 Tuesday, Nov 3 19 Friday, Nov 6 Various (Nov 6Dec4) 20 Tuesday, Nov 10 Updated Aug 21, 2015 DNA Sequencing Technologies Workshop GWA Review Article (on LATTE) Chapter 8: 8.2, pp229-263 GWAS and Genome Analysis Analysis of Proteins, protein-protein interactions DNA sequencing research: written response due in class today. Dale pp320-323 Research article on LATTE Gene Cloning, Expression, and Mutagenesis Paragraph describing your research question due by 11:59pm Oct 22 instead of normal written response. Dale Chapter 2, pp36-61 Dale Chapter 7 pp195-204 and 215-224 Experimental Plans Workshop I Transgenic organisms: knock-outs, knock-downs, knock-ins Dale Chapter 11 pp327-353 Dale Chapter 8, pp271-274 CRISPR and how it relates to transgenics Articles posted on LATTE Experimental plans workshop II Exam 2 Individual short meetings with Dr. Woodruff to get feedback on drafts. Genetic Variation and analysis Full draft of your research proposal paper due: You will sign up for a specific duedate and meeting date. Due dates fall between Nov 8 and 28. Meeting dates fall between Nov 9 and Dec 4. Dale Chapter 9, pp275-298 6 BIOL101 Fall2015 21 Friday, Nov 13 22 Tuesday, Nov 17 23 Friday, Nov 20 24 Tuesday, Nov 24 Nov 27 25 Tuesday,D ec 1 Various (Nov 24Dec4) 26 Friday, Dec 4 27 Tuesday, Dec 8 Dec 10 Updated Aug 21, 2015 Genetic Variation and analysis Dale Chapter 9, pp275-298 Clinical Trials, Study Design, and Gene Therapy Strachan 336-346 (gene therapy) Epigenetics and Data Analysis Reading: article on LATTE Research Activity Reflection on draft of research proposal due today No Class. Happy Thanksgiving! Student presentations Prepare your presentation and/or revise your proposal Additional Student Presentations Each student should plan to attend one of these 50-minute sessions outside of class time Student presentations Prepare your presentation and/or revise your proposal Exam 3 no class, but... Final research proposal papers due 8am 7 BIOL101 Fall2015 Grading: Description Homework assignments (including proposal-related assignments not listed below) In-class Activities (including proposal-related activities) Exams and Quizzes Research proposal project: Sum of the following: - Annotated bibliography (3 %) - Research Question Paragraph (2 %) - Full Draft of Proposal (effort) (6 %) - Oral Presentation (9 %) - Final written proposal (20 %) Updated Aug 21, 2015 Percentage of Final Grade 10% 10% 45 % 40 % 8 BIOL101 Fall2015 BIOL101 2015 Course Goal By the end of the course, students should: 1. Understand how to critically read and evaluate scientific literature 2. Understand the relationships between the molecules and processes central to molecular biology (DNA, RNA, protein, DNA replication, transcription, translation, RNA splicing, gene expression, etc) 3. Understand the implications of the physical and chemical qualities of DNA and RNA 4. Understand the use of important molecular biological techniques (for example: PCR, cloning, Sanger sequencing, CRISPR, Western blots, Southerns and Northerns, microarrays, GWAS, transgenic organisms, gene therapy, RNAi knockdown, nextgen sequencing) Updated Aug 21, 2015 Objective By the end of the course, students should be able to: 1-1 Identify the key question(s) addressed by a research article 1-2 Identify experiments supporting conclusions in a paper 1-3 Analyze data presented in paper 1-4 Critique authors’ analysis of their results 1-5 Critique study design and/or choice of experiments 1-6 Differentiate between high-quality and low-quality sources of information 2-1 Identify class of molecule by chemical structure 2-2 Explain in detail the relationships between biological molecules and processes 2-3 Understand gene structures 2-4 Explain the significance of multiple levels of regulation of gene expression 3-1 Describe how physical features of DNA molecules relate to “behavior” of DNA in natural processes (eg,replication, transcription) and in molecular assays or techniques 3-3 Outline the steps of DNA replication 3-4 Diagram a replication bubble 3-5 Interpret hybridization/melting data 3-6 Use your knowledge and research skills to explain novel DNA/RNA techniques 3-7 Diagram phosphodiester backbone of DNA 3-8 Recognize the chemical structures of the nitrogenous bases of DNA and RNA 4-1 Explain which feature(s) of DNA each technique is dependent upon 4-2 Analyze data resulting from each technique 4-3 Explain what question(s) each technique can be used to address 4-4 Design experiments to determine the level(s) at which a gene’s expression is regulated 4-5 Design DNA oligomers for specific applications 9 BIOL101 Fall2015 5. Understand the process and challenges of developing a molecular biology research proposal Updated Aug 21, 2015 5-1 Identify high quality biological questions that can answered by experiment/observation 5-2 Develop novel research questions that could answered by observation and experiment 5-3 Select appropriate molecular techniques to address particular biological questions 5-4 Critique the experimental choices of research studies (proposed or completed) 5-5 Differentiate between designs, goals, and outcomes of genome-wide vs. targeted studies 5-6 Understand the purpose and qualities of a good research proposal 5-7 Write your own research proposal (using all the skills listed above) 10