APHuG Chapter 11 SG - Industry

AP HuG Chapter 11
Industry Key Issue 1
1. After reading pp. 342-343, draw, using different colors, the movement of manufacturing for both Huffy
bicycles and the Etch-a-Sketch toy on the map below. (be sure to label which color is which please!)
2. Why were the stories of Huffy Bikes and Etch-a-Sketch used for in the intro?
3. What is a cottage industry?
4. In what way did iron production benefit from the steam engine?
5. What was the name of the man who patented the steam engine in 1769?
6. In what 3 regions is most of the world’s industrial production concentrated?
7. Regarding the Industrial Revolution:
a. What got it started?
b. Where did it begin? Where did it spread to?
c. When did it start? When did it spread to other areas?
8. Why were railroads slower to develop in Europe than in the US?
9. Did the expansion of productivity during the Industrial Revolution result in an increase in standards of
living? Explain.
10. Why did the UK lose its international industrial leadership in the 20 th Century?
11. How has the United Kingdom responded to losing its industrial edge?
12. The spread of railways mirrors the spread of the Industrial Revolution. Examine this on the map on p.
346. Where is the “hearth region” of industrialization? Which European regions were last to receive
the benefits of industrialization?
Read the Case Study on p. 344
13. What is a maquiladora?
14. Do you think maquiladoras are good or bad for the US and Mexico? Find reasons to support each view.
APHuG Chapter 11
Industry Key Issue 2 – Situation Factors
15. What is the difference between a site factor and a situation factor (you may want to glance at KI#11-3
for more info on site factors) (you also could use this break to add this terms to your notecards for
Chapter 11 )
a. Make a brief flowchart to illustrate how copper is an example of a bulk reducing industry.
b. How does energy play a role in the choosing the site of copper mills?
Steel Industry
17. Is steel another bulk reducing industry?
18. Who revolutionized the steel industry?
19. Initially the steel industry started in the Pittsburg area. Why?
20. Why has steel production shifted away from Pittsburg?
21. Today, what is the leading factor in choosing where a steel mill is located?
22. Why did manufacturers during the Industrial Revolution turn to coal instead of using a more traditional
fuel like wood?
23. Location near markets
a. Give three examples of bulk gaining industries.
b. Explain the distribution of motor vehicle assembly plants in the US – Where are they currently
located, and why are they located there? (Hint: use the Map and caption on p. 352)
24. Single-market manufacturers
a. Specialized manufacturers make products that are designed to be sold primarily in a single market.
Describe an example of a single market manufacturer.
b. What are “just-in-time” parts? Where do these parts manufacturers tend to cluster?
25. Perishable products. List examples of perishable products that must be located near their markets.
26. Give reasons for which each of the following modes of transportation might be selected by a
manufacturer to deliver their products to market.
27. What happens to costs at break of bulk points? Give two examples of break of bulk points.
AP HuG Chapter 11
Industry Key Issue 3 – Site Factors
28. What are the three production cost factors associated with the site of an industry? (Memorize them)
29. What is the difference between a labor-intensive industry and a capital-intensive industry?
30. What industry accounts for a high percentage of the world’s women employed in manufacturing?
31. Textile and apparel spinning…
a. What transformed spinning from the dispersed cottage industry to a highly clustered industry?
b. ____________________ is the principal natural fiber spun.
c. What fraction of the world’s thread production is now synthetic thread?
d. China produces 66% of the world’s cotton thread – why is this percentage so large for China?
e. What percentage of the world’s woven cotton fabric is produced in LDCs?
Where are most articles of clothing actually assembled (sewed together)? (Circle one)
a. MDC
b. LDC
33. “Land” not only involves the Earth’s surface; it also is considered to encompass ___________________
____________________ resources.
34. Why were cities so popular as factory sites in the past?
35. Why are rural sites now preferable for most factories?
36. Give three examples of possible “attractions” for industries as they consider where to settle.
37. Explain the role electricity plays in location of (aluminum) factories.
38. What is capital (in the context of this unit)?
39. High tech industries clustered in California’s Silicon Valley. There were two major reasons for this
choice of location; list the reasons, stating the most important first.
40. ________________% of all capital in the U.S. is spent on new industries in the Silicon Valley.
41. What are two difficulties LDCs face in trying to get capital for industry?
Read “Honda Selects a Factory Location” on p. 353. Then explain how the following terms apply to the case
multinational corporation; situation factors; site factors (land, labor, capital); core/periphery; cultural
convergence; internal migration; demographic transition model.
APHuG Chapter 11
Industry Key Issue 4 – Why Move?
42. Internationally, where has manufacturing declined? Where has it increased?
Changing Distributions Within MDCs
Intraregional Shifts in Manufacturing
In the past most factories were located…
44. because (2 reasons)…
49. Currently, most factories are located…
50. because (3 reasons)…
Interregional Shifts in Manufacturing
45. Why is Central Europe growing in prominence as an industrial center?
International Shifts in Industry
46. What country is BY FAR the leading new industrial center? Provide an example to support your
47. What are the 3 growing regions? Name 1-2 large economies in the region, and explain why it is growing
(what advantages does that area possess?).
48. How do the steel and textile industries demonstrate the changing distribution of manufacturing on the
49. What is outsourcing?
50. What is good about outsourcing? What is bad about outsourcing?
51. What two reasons seem to consistently pull industry back into LDCs?
52. What is the difference between Fordist production and post-Fordist production?
53. Why is “just in time” delivery used by stores/factories (ex. Walmart)? (what is the benefit?)
54. What is a negative consequence to using “just in time” delivery?
55. Read p. 367 titled “What is an American Car?” Explain why it is hard to define an American car
56. Read the “Throwing BRIC at NAFTA”
a. What is NAFTA?
b. Why do people in the US and Canada fear NAFTA?
c. What evidence supports the idea that Mexicans should fear NAFTA?
d. If everyone is nervous/troubled about NAFTA, why do we have it?
e. What countries make up BRIC?
f. Why are the BRIC countries predicted to grown in importance in the coming years?