SY 2014-15 Academy Action Plan for Academy of Finance Achieving the 12 Academy Standards 1000 West Rhode Island Ave Orange City, FL 32763 p. 386.968.0013 f. 386.968.0019 Table of Contents I. Career Connection Academy Executive Summary ............................................... 2 Career Academy Team for School Year: 2014-2015 Mission Statement Academy Highlights: 2013-14 II. Standard 1: Integrated Curriculum ...................................................................... 5 III. Standard 2: Career Focus ..................................................................................... 6 IV. Standard 3: Program of Study .............................................................................. 6 V. Standard 4: Advisory Committee .......................................................................... 8 VI. Standard 5: Enrollment ........................................................................................ 9 VII. Standard 6: Pure Schedule ................................................................................... 10 VIII. Standard 7: Common Planning/Collaboration ................................................... 10 IX. Standard 8: Professional Development ............................................................... 11 X. Standard 9: Articulation ....................................................................................... 11 XI. Standard 10: Workbased Learning ...................................................................... 12 XII. Standard 11: Industry Certification (CHANGE) ................................................. 12 XIII. Standard 12: Marketing........................................................................................ 13 XIV. Appendix............................................................................................................... 15 Operating Budget Rationale for Career Academy Cohort Scheduling: Supporting Standards 1 & 6 Crosspointe Technical Assistance Paper: How to Enter/Exit Academy Students XV. Academy Ambassador Program SY 14-15 ........................................................... 22 Career Connection Academy Ambassador Benefits: Career Connection Academy Ambassador Roles and Expectations: Student Ambassador Application - Sample Career Connection Academy Executive Summary Since 1994, Volusia County Schools have nurtured thriving career academies. The evolution of the career academy model as a part of high school redesign, continues to adapt to meet the needs of the 21st Century student here in Volusia County. With a total of 34 career academies active for 2014-15 school year, the success of the academy model is directly linked to the outstanding teachers, directors, business members, school based administrators, district staff, parents and students who have a stake in the rigorous career based curriculum. Graduating students who have both career experience and high level academic preparation, is the ultimate goal of career academies. The reality of a world with high stakes testing and increasingly high standards for employment required that Volusia build in the highest standards of quality within their academies. Since 2005, Volusia has utilized 12 Standards for Career Academies as a means to evaluate each academy on a yearly basis. Academies must meet minimum standards to retain their gold, silver, or bronze academy status. Integrated curriculum, pure schedule, and common planning are the three key components that separate an academy from any other CTE program. The additional standards further clarify a structure for what an academy should look like. This level of standardization has helped to serve as a benchmark for academies and a way to achieve the goal of measureable outcomes related to academy success. Academy of Finance The following pages will outline the plan for achieving the 12 Academy Standards for SY 2014-15. As much specific detail and follow-up information is contained in this document that should be shared with school based administration, Career & Technical Education Department district personnel, and academy Advisory Committee business partners to ensure the success of the academy and it’s students. The plan begins with the academy’s Mission Statement which outlines the goal and purpose of this academy and continues on through each of the standards. Each standard is defined and text boxes are given for the academy team to describe their approach to enacting each standard, and tables where appropriate to give more specific detail for their plan. Standards that need additional collaboration with school based administration such as Assistant Principals for Curriculum, Data and Scheduling, Guidance Counselors, and Data Processing Clerks are delineated. Standards that need guidance and participation from Academy Advisory Business Partners are also noted. Please click here to access further information on the 12 Academy Standards, associated forms, and to further access the Academy Wiki Site. SY 2014-15 ACADEMY ACTION PLAN FOR ACADEMY OF FINANCE - [SELECT DATE] 2 Career Academy Team for School Year: 2014-2015 School University High School Academy: Academy of Finance Director: Sheryl Flowers/Vince Roeshink District Liaison: To be filled in by CTE District Team School Based Administrative Contact: Guidance Counselor: Requires Administrative Support- Devito Requires Administrative Support - Marrichino CTE Course: Level CTE Course Name CTE Course # Finance & Business Tech 8815150 10th Accounting Applications 8203310 11th Financial Operations 8815110 9th Section# Academic Course: Teacher Roeshink Flowers Flowers Roeshink Pd 1,4,6, 7 12th 8815120 Academic Course # Section Teacher # English I Honors 2,5,6 English II Honors Tonger 2,5 English III Honors Drysdale English IIII Honors Flowers Student Ambassador: Application process pending Business Partner(s): Launch Federal Credit Union, Aramark, Stetson University Mission Statement Your Mission Statement answers the question, “What is your academy’s core purpose?” (Quick video: Academy Mission Statement) Characteristics: Short Memorable Inspiring Pd 1 4, 7 Personal Financial Planning Academic Course Name T-Shirt Test Tip: Would your mission statement fit on a tshirt? If it did, would you wear it? If you produced it, would your academy staff/students wear it? SY 2014-15 ACADEMY ACTION PLAN FOR ACADEMY OF FINANCE - [SELECT DATE] 3 1-7 MISSION STATEMENT WILL BE COMPLETED BY THE SENIOR CLASS ON THE FIRST WEEK OF SCHOOL. Academy of Finance Academy Highlights: 2013-14 If you are an established Academy, Please note Awards, recognitions, successes here for the previous school year. Celebrate your accomplishments! o 2 students awarded paid internships at Aramark o 2 students awarded part-time paid summer positions at the Launch Federal Credit Union o 9 students selected to work in the UHS credit union branch during the 2013-2014 school year o 2 monetary scholarships provided by Launch Federal Credit Union SY 2014-15 ACADEMY ACTION PLAN FOR ACADEMY OF FINANCE - [SELECT DATE] 4 Standard 1: Integrated Curriculum A minimum of 25% of at least 1 out of 4 of the academic courses integrated with the career area. •Capstone Project/Portfolio Bonus - Minimum of 1 Curriculum In Action Visit. Completed Reflection for each integrated unit taught CTE Specialist to ask for assistance: Dr. Kristin Pierce Your plan here. I.e., are you writing new projects, or revising previously written projects. How are you going to be implementing the integrated curriculum. If there are issues, how are you going to work through them.. Identify in the table below the what, who and when. *Grade Level Project Name CTE Course Name CTE Teacher Academic Course Name English Honors I Academic Teacher 9th Interviewing and Articulation Project Finance and Business Technology Roeshink 9th Memos Finance and Business Technology Roeshink English Honors I 9th Business Etiquette Roeshink English Honors I 9th Employability portfolio Finance and Business Technology Finance and Business Technology Roeshink English Honors I 10th Working in the Industry Accounting Flowers English Honors II Tonger 10th Multi Genre Presentation project Accounting Flowers English Honors II Tonger 11th Business Marketing Plan Financial Operations Roeshink English Honors III Drysdale SY 2014-15 ACADEMY ACTION PLAN FOR ACADEMY OF FINANCE - [SELECT DATE] Project Summary (2-3 sentences) Students learn about proper interview skills and how to articulate proper responses for successful interviewing. Students focus on procedural texts, this process involves the ability to understand and create memos. Students learn to adapt themselves and utilize proper business etiquette. Students focus on business written communication such as cover letters, resumes research and documentation. Students examine careers in finance and accounting. Students look at global conflict and approaches to resolving it. Students create advertising campaigns, including 2-3 media *Duration (in weeks) 2 Weeks 1 Week 2 Weeks 3 Weeks 1 Week 2 Weeks 1 Week 5 genres. 11th 12th Personal Financial Planning Flowers English Honors IIII 12th *Integrated curriculum must represent a minimum of 25% (9 weeks) of at least 1 academic course integrated with 1 CTE course for each grade level. Standard 2: Career Focus Students are exposed to 3 or more classroom career assignments, activities at each grade level. •Completion of Career Focus Template. Should include input and participation of Academy Advisory Committee Business Partners. CTE Specialist to ask for assistance: Dr. Kristin Pierce Grade Level 9th Grade: 10th Grade: 11th Grade: 12th Grade: Activity/Event/Speaker/Project/Portfolio Junior achievement Donna Wells Guest Speaker – Resume writing Visit Stetson University David Jimenez Guest Speaker – Bank Products Visit Federal Reserve Devry University Guest Speaker – Accounting Robb Flowers Guest Speaker - Sales NYC trip Ray Krutz Guest Speaker – Investment strategies Mitch Green Guest Speaker - Insurance Date/Semester Ongoing October November March April December Standard 3: Program of Study Requires Administrative Support: Include Guidance Counselor and Assistant Principal in charge of the Curriculum. A rigorous and relevant POS is defined for grades 9-12. DOE Program of Study for grades 9-12 & part of the school's curriculum guide Industry Certification or technical skills attainment exam administered in final course of the program CTE Specialist to ask for assistance: Dr. Dan Cox SY 2014-15 ACADEMY ACTION PLAN FOR ACADEMY OF FINANCE - [SELECT DATE] 6 School: CTE Program: Volusia County Schools Career Cluster: Academy of Finan Finance 13 CORE CURRICULUM CREDITS SOCIAL ENGLISH MATH SCIENCE STUDIES 11 A OTHER REQUIRED COURSES CAREER AND EDUCATION LIFE MGMT. (.5 cdt) 4 credits 3 credits 3 credits 3 credits Major Area of Inte Technology PHYSICAL EDUCATION (1 cdt) HIGH SCHOOL Career Cluster of interest identified by students enrolled in mandatory middle school career educat inventory through Choices and ePersonal Education Planner through FAC 9 English 1 or English 1 Honors Algebra I or Geometry or Geometry Honors Biology 10 English II or English ll Honors Geometry or Algebra ll Anatomy & Physiology World History Geometry or Algebra II or Anaylsis of Function Marine Science, Earth Space Science or Chemistry American History Algebra ll or Anaysis of Function or Calculus Biology ll, Chemistry ll, Physics ll or AP Science Government / Economics 11 POSTSECONDARY 12 English III or English lll Honors or AP English lll English IV or English lV English Honors or AP English IV Finance and Busin Accounting A Financial O Personal Finan Dual enrollment courses may be used to satisfy high school graduation or Bright Futures Gold S requirements - see the Articulation Coordinating Committee's Dual Enrollment Equivalency List and Course Table. Secondary career and technical education programs may lead to industry recognized certificates postsecondary education options. Based on the Career Cluster of interest and identified career and following postsecondary options are available. Stetson University DAYTONA STATE COLLEGE PROGRAM(S) Roland George program Accounting, Business Management, Finance SAMPLE CAREER SPECIALTIES CAREER Accountant, Banker, Financial Analyst, Financial Advisor, Stockbroker SY 2014-15 ACADEMY ACTION PLAN FOR ACADEMY OF FINANCE - [SELECT DATE] 7 Your plan here. Current state of affairs, what is in place, what changes have occurred, plan to move forward or make accommodations. Standard 4: Advisory Committee An active advisory committee is established with at least 8 members. A minimum of 2 meeting agendas with minutes A business person chairs the committee A representative is named to sit on the Cadre Please see detailed information/directions the Career Connection Academy Advisory Committee Booklet. CTE Specialist to ask for assistance: Kate Vandervoort / Marianne Blair Marilyn Cherubini KSC Federal Credit Union Board Member John Cox III LRA Insurance - Partner Agent Jason Debono NuView IRA General Manager Mark Ernest Tammy Semelsberger Director of Annual Giving DeVry Community College Representative II Pamela Peer Embry-Riddle University Director Jeffery Ritchey Edward Jones Financial Advisor/CFP Pat Slavin Retired Principal Rich Gunter Lincoln Financial Securities Manager Ryan Symenski Aunt Catfish - Manager Chris Carson City Council DeBary Everest University High School Coordinator Lisa Barron SY 2014-15 ACADEMY ACTION PLAN FOR ACADEMY OF FINANCE - [SELECT DATE] 8 Chris Tobler Monica Jeancola Stetson University Finance Professor Stetson University Accounting Professor Matthew Hurst Stetson University Finance Professor Steve Pilling AXA Equitable Financial Professional Daniel Bogeajis AXA Equitable Financial Professional Ray Krutz Ameriprise Investments Professional Mitch Green State Farm Insurance Business Chair: David Jimenez 2014-2015 ADDED: Mitch Green Meetings TBA Standard 5: Enrollment Goal of 90+ students in all grades with less than 50% of students from out-of-zone. CTE Specialist to ask for assistance: Dr. Dan Cox Plan or status: We are a CLOSED academy. Grade Level 9th Grade: 10th Grade: 11th Grade: 12th Grade: Enrollment Total In Zone % SY 2014-15 ACADEMY ACTION PLAN FOR ACADEMY OF FINANCE - [SELECT DATE] Out of Zone % 9 Standard 6: Pure Schedule Requires Administrative Support: include Guidance Counselor and Assistant Principal in charge of the Master Schedule. Class rosters for each grade level showing a minimum of 50% of students are enrolled in classes with identified academy teachers. CTE Specialist to ask for assistance: Kelly Amy Plan or status: Has/have your core instructor(s) been identified? Are academy students identified for administration to schedule? If issues with scheduling, what remediation will occur in the schedule or otherwise to address the delivery of integrated curriculum? Freshmen: Sophomore: Tonger Junior: Drysdale Senior: Standard 7: Common Planning/Collaboration Academy teachers have a minimum of 2 hrs. of common planning per week or 72 hrs. per year from activities listed below: Teachers attend a 24 hr. Academy Workshop Academy teachers meet / collaborate at designated times Planning template documents agendas, minutes, and attendance from school meetings CTE Specialist to ask for assistance: Kelly Amy Person In Charge of Agenda: Person In Charge of Minutes: Weekly Planning Schedule: F2F or Virtual Collaboration Resources: Vince Roeshink Sheryl Flowers Common Planning 3rd period Other Follow-up: Agendas available upon request SY 2014-15 ACADEMY ACTION PLAN FOR ACADEMY OF FINANCE - [SELECT DATE] 10 Standard 8: Professional Development Academy teachers earn a minimum of 18 in-service hours in curriculum integration, academy related topics, or using technology for academy development (over a 2 yr. period). Academy related conference attended / on-line course CTE Specialist to ask for assistance: ALL Plan or status: Academy workshops Standard 9: Articulation Academy articulates with middle school via at least 3 career academy activities: Curriculum Fair / Orientation Night / Open House 8th grade high school registration Middle school Orientation / Awareness Day 8th grade shadow day HS / MS collaboration Mentoring / volunteering Future Freshman Night Other: CTE Specialist to ask for assistance: Dr. Dan Cox Plan or Status: High school showcase Titan Freshman Night 8th grade parent night Open house UHS Academy Open House SY 2014-15 ACADEMY ACTION PLAN FOR ACADEMY OF FINANCE - [SELECT DATE] 11 Grade Level 9th Grade: 10th Grade: 11th Grade: 12th Grade: Activity/Event UHS Academy Open House High school showcase High school showcase Open House Date/Semester Standard 10: Workbased Learning Goal of 90% or more of students at each grade level participate in a real world experience, on or off campus. Other: Should include input and participation of Academy Advisory Committee Business Partners. CTE Specialist to ask for assistance: Dr. Kristin Pierce Event: Guest Speakers 9th Grade: # of Anticipated Participants: Purpose: Event: Visit Stetson University 10th Grade: # of Anticipated Participants: Purpose: College Life Event: Visit Federal Reserve 11th Grade: # of Anticipated Participants: Purpose: How the Reserve works Event: NYC trip 12th Grade: # of Anticipated Participants: Purpose: Stock market/Wall Street Standard 11: Industry Certification (CHANGE) Goal of identifying appropriate Industry Certifications where applicable. Percentage of students based on students who take the test NOT the total number of grade level students. This is a suggested breakdown for points – further discussion is planned at the Academy Team Planning/ICW Workshop. SY 2014-15 ACADEMY ACTION PLAN FOR ACADEMY OF FINANCE - [SELECT DATE] 12 90% + = 5 points 75% - 89% = 4 points 50% - 74% = 3 points 25% - 45% = 2 points Practice Exams - Should include input and participation (if possible) of Academy Advisory Committee Business Partners. CTE Specialist to ask for assistance: Marianne Blair 9th Grade: 10th Grade: 11th Grade: 12th Grade: Industry Certificate: Course: Industry Certificate: Course: Industry Certificate: Course: Industry Certificate: Course: Academy of Finance offers NO Industry certification testing. Currently uses Capstone projects. Standard 12: Marketing Academy awareness is promoted through the following the following activities: Alumni Association (Required) High School Showcase (Required) Open House Agenda Newsletter Brochures, flyers, electronic marketing materials Academy t-shirt or uniform to identify academy members Academy logo Should include input and participation (if possible) of Academy Advisory Committee Business Partners. CTE Specialist to ask for assistance: Dr. Kristin Pierce Event Date: Details/Agenda SY 2014-15 ACADEMY ACTION PLAN FOR ACADEMY OF FINANCE - [SELECT DATE] 13 Open House: High School Showcase: Academy Commercial Academy logo Academy Ambassador: Academy Alumni: September 2, 2014 December 11, 2014 TBA UHS campus Volusia County Fairgrounds Project: Team: n/a TBA TBA SY 2014-15 ACADEMY ACTION PLAN FOR ACADEMY OF FINANCE - [SELECT DATE] 14 Appendix Operating Budget When planning, the Academy Team, along with the district and school based assistance, begins to build a list of equipment, textbooks, and additional materials that will be needed to operate for the year. Cost considerations include marketing, competitions, academy activities, etc… This is only a suggested format, and can be edited for your needs. Please know that this also allows for talking points and conversations with your business partners. Deposits Bank Account Academy Competitions Academy Activity 1 Academy Student Assocation Equipment Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Total Equipment Opening Inventory Other (list): Item 1 Item 2 TOTAL EXPENSES SY 2014-15 ACADEMY ACTION PLAN FOR ACADEMY OF FINANCE - [SELECT DATE] 15 Rationale for Career Academy Cohort Scheduling: Supporting Standards 1 & 6 VITAL AREA CONSIDERATION District Investment Integrated Team Planning/Curriculum Writing workshops occur annually. Academy teacher teams of CTE and Core instructors are paid to write/update integrated curriculum projects to be delivered to students for the upcoming school year. National Best Practice Approach for Student Achievement The Integrated Curriculum project approach is a vetted data driven method for increasing student achievement. Several professional and national associations from around the country consider this model a best practice for students. Volusia is a Nationally Recognized Ford NGL Community Volusia as a Next Generation Learning Community that has been nationally recognized as a leader in career academy development, integrated curriculum delivery, and academy progress monitoring Academy teacher teams build and allow for high VSET domain gains. Through the integrated curriculum and project based learning – academy teacher teams avail Complements the themselves of more than half of the 9 Power Components: District VSET Highest Setting instructional outcomes, assessing student learning, Performance Standards creating an environment of respect and rapport, establishing a culture of learning, engaging the students in learning and reflecting on teaching. District Florid Standards Connection Teacher teams are strengthening the Florida Standards connections via rigorous and relevant project based learning. The integrated curriculum projects are a vehicle for connecting Florida Standards with career and college ready skills Evaluation considers Pure Scheduling at a minimum of 50% of identified academy students at each grade level should be scheduled into a corresponding identified core course. Academy Evaluations Integrated curriculum, pure schedule, and common planning are the three key components that separate an academy from any other CTE program, and yield the highest documented student success rates A total of 20 points out of 100 points total are awarded for meeting the 50% standard for scheduling. SY 2014-15 ACADEMY ACTION PLAN FOR ACADEMY OF FINANCE - [SELECT DATE] 16 Crosspointe Technical Assistance Paper: How to Enter/Exit Academy Students SY 2014-15 ACADEMY ACTION PLAN FOR ACADEMY OF FINANCE - [SELECT DATE] 17 SY 2014-15 ACADEMY ACTION PLAN FOR ACADEMY OF FINANCE - [SELECT DATE] 18 SY 2014-15 ACADEMY ACTION PLAN FOR ACADEMY OF FINANCE - [SELECT DATE] 19 SY 2014-15 ACADEMY ACTION PLAN FOR ACADEMY OF FINANCE - [SELECT DATE] 20 SY 2014-15 ACADEMY ACTION PLAN FOR ACADEMY OF FINANCE - [SELECT DATE] 21 Academy Ambassador Program SY 14-15 Career Connection Academy Ambassadors will represent their academy at school events like Open House, and district events, such as the Academy Awards and High School Showcase. The program consists of one Academy Student Ambassador selected by their Academy for the current 34 Career Connection Academies. The 2014-15 program will include: Orientation Meeting – September 11, 2014 at Mainland High School Selection of an East Side and West Side Academy Ambassador Lead Position Academy Awards Hosting – September 25, at Daytona State Hosseini Center High School Showcase – December 11, at the Volusia County Fairgrounds Academy Advisory Committee Representation and responsibilities. Organization of an Academy Commercial for Spring 2015 Marketing activities (details to follow). Leadership Seminar – April 2015, at Bethune Cookman University (details to follow). As you can see, the Academy Ambassador will have tremendous opportunities to represent your academy, network, and develop leadership skills/abilities. Career Connection Academy Ambassador Benefits: Interacting with business partners, district and high school administrators, faculty, and staff Creating networking opportunities and making new friends Gaining valuable knowledge Career & Technical Education and the Academy Model Augmenting your resume/college and/or scholarship applications Working with peers in a positive, friendly environment Acquiring leadership skills Building self-confidence Career Connection Academy Ambassador Roles and Expectations: Dress appropriately! Casual business attire or academy polos. Behave in proper business etiquette. Know your academy, keep current with academy successes and events. Represent Academy Students on the Academy Advisory Committee/take minutes. Greet and assist academy visitors provide campus/academy information. Explain the benefits of participating in your school’s academy. Participate in campus academy tours for future students, school groups, and other campus guests. May help select, train and lead student volunteers and/or new Student Ambassadors. SY 2014-15 ACADEMY ACTION PLAN FOR ACADEMY OF FINANCE - [SELECT DATE] 22 Student Ambassador Application - Sample Student Ambassador Application for Qualifications: - Must be Junior or Senior for the 2013-2014 school year - Must have a 3.0 GPA or better - Must have a good attendance and discipline record - Must be available for after school activities - Must have strong leadership skills - Must be in good academic standing with the academy It is our mission to – fill in your Mission Statement here. SY 2014-15 ACADEMY ACTION PLAN FOR ACADEMY OF FINANCE - [SELECT DATE] 23 Student Ambassador Application YOUR HIGH SCHOOL HIGH SCHOOL ADDRESS APPLICATION FORM Please print or type all information. NAME: __________________________________________________________________________________ LAST BIRTHDATE: ____/____/____ FIRST SEX: M _____ F _____ AIDE LETTERS: ________________ ADDRESS: ________________________________________________________________________________ STREET ADDRESS ________________________________________________________________________________ CITY STATE ZIP CODE PARENT/GUARDIAN NAME(S): ______________________________________________________________ PHONE NUMBER: __________________________ CELL PHONE NUMBER: _______________________ STUDENT E-MAIL ADDRESS: ________________________________________________________________ REFERENCES: TWO CURRENT TEACHERS AND ONE OTHER PERSON OF YOUR CHOICE: Give one attached ‘Recommendation Form’ to each person you list below. The people recommending you need to mail the form directly to the address listed below to ensure validity. NAME: _____________________________ POSITION: ____________________ PHONE: ______________ NAME: _____________________________ POSITION: ____________________ PHONE: ______________ NAME: _____________________________ POSITION: ____________________ PHONE: ______________ BRING OR MAIL ALL ITEMS TO: Sheryl Flowers, University High School SY 2014-15 ACADEMY ACTION PLAN FOR ACADEMY OF FINANCE - [SELECT DATE] 24 Please write a short (150 words minimum) explanation of why you wish to be a Student Ambassador for YOUR ACADEMY, YOUR HIGH SCHOOL. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ SY 2014-15 ACADEMY ACTION PLAN FOR ACADEMY OF FINANCE - [SELECT DATE] 25 YOUR ACADEMY Student Ambassador Recommendation Applicant Information Student Name Teacher Name Teacher Signature Student Evaluation Poor Fair Satisfactory Good Excellent Classroom performance Group participation Peer interaction Initiative Communication/Listening Skills Attitude Academic motivation STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES ADDITIONAL COMMENTS Please return by (Your Due Date) to: Sheryl Flowers University High School 1000 West Rhode Island Ave Orange City FL SY 2014-15 ACADEMY ACTION PLAN FOR ACADEMY OF FINANCE - [SELECT DATE] 26 YOUR ACADEMY Student Ambassador Recommendation Applicant Information Student Name Teacher Name Teacher Signature Student Evaluation Poor Fair Satisfactory Good Excellent Classroom performance Group participation Peer interaction Initiative Communication/Listening Skills Attitude Academic motivation STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES ADDITIONAL COMMENTS Please return by (Your Due Date) to: Sheryl Flowers University High School 1000 West Rhode Island Ave Orange City FL SY 2014-15 ACADEMY ACTION PLAN FOR ACADEMY OF FINANCE - [SELECT DATE] 27 YOUR ACADEMY Student Ambassador Recommendation Applicant Information Student Name Teacher Name Teacher Signature Student Evaluation Poor Fair Satisfactory Good Excellent Classroom performance Group participation Peer interaction Initiative Communication/Listening Skills Attitude Academic motivation STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES ADDITIONAL COMMENTS Please return by August 29, 2014 to: Sheryl Flowers University High School 1000 West Rhode Island Ave Orange City FL SY 2014-15 ACADEMY ACTION PLAN FOR ACADEMY OF FINANCE - [SELECT DATE] 28 SY 2014-15 ACADEMY ACTION PLAN FOR ACADEMY OF FINANCE - [SELECT DATE] 29