File - Volunteer Frontier

Volunteer Management:
Mobilizing All the Resources of the Community , 3rd Edition,
(for sale - paper or as downloadable book)
Steve McCurley and Rick Lynch
Many consider this book the “bible” on volunteer management. It provides a thorough examination of
every facet of a successful volunteer program, from planning and organizing a program through
measuring effectiveness of it. The book is ideal for a staffer who’s running a volunteer program and needs
a solid framework and foundation. It is newly revised, up to 418 pages – with ample sample forms,
policies, and worksheets.
From the Top Down (for sale – paper or downloadable book)
By Susan Ellis (updated, 2010)
Susan's book addresses the top decision-maker's role in developing a strategy and the resources needed
for high-quality volunteer engagement. It explains fundamental subjects that must be considered at the
executive level, including developing a vision for volunteer involvement, creating policies and setting
expectations, budgeting and finding funds to support volunteers, hiring the best staff leader, assessing
the impact of volunteer contributions, and dealing with legal, risk management, and insurance issues.
Leading the Way to Successful Volunteer Involvement:
Practical Tools for Busy Executives (for sale - paper or downloadable book)
By Betty Stallings (2010)
Nonprofits rely heavily on volunteers, but many CEOs do a poor job making volunteer a priority. As a
result, research shows that more than one-third of those who volunteer at a nonprofit in the first year do
not donate their time the next year. This is a thoughtful article that gives as good a business case for
changing the paradigm as I've seen. David Eisner served as CEO of the Corporation for National and
Community Service (CNCS). I consider this his "legacy" article, which came out near the end of his tenure
at CNCS.
Boomer Volunteer Engagement:
Collaborate Today, Thrive Tomorrow (free download for selected templates and forms)
by Jill Friedman Fixler and Sandie Eichberg, with Gail Lorenz, CVA
This practical book boils down in a simply, yet elegant way the core concepts in starting and building a
well thought out boomer engagement plan that really is what good overall volunteer engagement is all
about. This step-by-step guide provides overall concepts and helps users think through the best way to
proceed. Go to the site above to get 14 downloadable PDF worksheets, including a work plan and
progress report templates. You don’t even have to buy the book… but you’ll want to do so.
Courtesy of Volunteer
Contact Reed Dewey at (240) 454-1992
Training Materials
Training Busy Staff to Succeed with Volunteers:
The 55-Minute Staff Training Series
By Betty Stallings, 2009 ($69 dollars – best money you’ll ever spend!)
12 ready-to-deliver – but completely adaptable – training sessions so that you can teach paid staff the
fundamentals of working with volunteers in your setting. Each training module is designed for delivery in
55 minutes of staff time. Easy to use and adapt, each electronic module comes with: a complete
PowerPoint® presentation; a timed script for the trainer highlighting “4 Key Concepts” on each topic;
suggestions for expandable group activities; handout masters ready to duplicate, including a workshop
evaluation form; and more. Includes notes to the trainer on how to best use and adapt the material, ideas
for lengthening or combining the sessions, a bibliography and other resources.
Put together by Carter McNamara, MBA, PhD, Authenticity Consulting, LLC. For a great global overview
on most aspects of volunteering see:
A comprehensive resource on volunteer management and leadership for leaders of volunteers, as well as
for senior managers in nonprofits and government. The website is full of free resources along with
products for purchase (newsletter, training program, books, tools - many in an electronic format).
Comprehensive, solid materials and links, especially for the person who’s new to the field of volunteer
engagement who needs practical information and resources.
Great resources to help take volunteering to the next level. Links to resources (many free) including
articles, training materials and a free assessment tool.
National Professional Organization
Association for Leaders Active in Volunteer Engagement (AL!VE)
AL!VE enhances and sustains the spirit of volunteering by fostering collaboration and networking,
promoting professional development, and providing advocacy for leaders in community engagement.
The Council for Certification in Volunteer Administration
Provides the well recognized CVA certification to individuals who demonstrate knowledge and
competence in the leadership of volunteers.
Courtesy of Volunteer
Contact Reed Dewey at (240) 454-1992