Internet Safety

Internet Safety
Presented by
The Fargo Police Department
Who Uses the Internet?
More than 30 million children in the United
States use the internet.
There are over 165 countries connected to
the internet.
All of these people have access to your
Why is the internet so popular?
Large amount of information at fingertips.
Quick answers.
Easy access.
Social Networking.
Business applications.
Social Networking
Types of Social Networking
General (MySpace, Facebook)
Cell Phones (mocospace)
Blogging (livejournal, xanga)
Microblogging (twitter, jaiku) small content
Students (,
Religious (holypal, fusion101, koolanoo, naseeb)
Travel (TravBuddy, WAYN)
Cultural (, LunarStorm,
Social Networking
Meet new people.
Communicate with several people. (IM’s,
Post information about yourself.
Several different sites.
Share common interests.
Several social networking sites have some
safety features.
MySpace Safety Features
User must be 14 years old or older.
Users ages 14-15 are automatically
assigned a private profile. (Only friends
can view their profile).
Profiles of users 16+ can be either private
or public.
Law enforcement cannot access private
profiles without subpoena.
MySpace Safety Features
Sentinel Safe Program -check subscriber
information for registered sex offenders &
blocks them from using site/will remove
them automatically.
Amber Alert Program
When NCMEC is notified of an Amber Alert,
Myspace notifies all users within the zip code
area via the internet. (Added January 2007).
#1 worldwide social networking site.
700 million users worldwide
3 Billion photos uploaded monthly.
100 million users accessing through mobile
Anyone over 13 years old can join.
Networks are based around company,
region, or school.
Facebook Safety Features
Profiles can only be seen by others in the
same network or those who have been
confirmed as Friends. (Can be a large
number of people).
Users can limit those who view their
profiles by customized settings.
Can also limit so others can only view specific
parts of their profile.
Facebook Safety Features
If your child is under 13, and you believe
s/he has created an account:
Have child sign into account & Facebook will
assist you in deleting it.
E-mail Facebook at the following
With subject line of COPPA Data Request
Virtual Worlds
Second Life
3D virtual world where users connect & can use
free voice & text chat.
Have a virtual “second life”.
Make up profile (choose identity, clothes, have
job, travel, IM’s, own economy, buy land).
Costs money to be a member and to purchase
items. (millions of dollars in transactions each
Second Life
Second Life
PG version for ages 13-17 years old.
Problems with predators. (Child
pornography links).
Users can buy private regions.
Watch various sexual acts, torture, and
Chatroulette is an online chat website that
pairs strangers from around the world
together for webcam-based conversations.
Others include ChatRandom, Omegle,
Camzap, and iMeetzu.
Example of posting
Location Based Social
Foursquare is a location-based social
networking website for mobile devices.
Users “check-in” at various places using a
mobile website.
Foursquare has over 4 million users.
Location Based Social
Facebook’s“Places” is similar to
Foursquare in that it gives an individual’s
location when the users posts information
using a mobile application.
Location Based Social
Location-based social networking allows
strangers to track your movements every
day. If they watch someone long enough
they will know exactly when and where to
find that person on any given day.
Safety Tips for Social
Networking Sites
Make your profile private.
Only accept friend requests from people
you know and trust.
Don’t post cell phone number, address, IM
screen name, your whereabouts, or
anything that makes it easy for a stranger
to find you. (photo with school logo on it).
Do not share passwords.
Keep in mind
Any of the safety features can be
Because the sites are free any information
can be entered.
Technology & Stalking
1 in 4 victims report being stalked through the use of
form of technology (such as e-mail or instant
• 10% of victims report being monitored with global
systems (GPS), and 8% report being monitored through
or digital cameras, or listening devices.
[Katrina Baum et al., “Stalking Victimization in the United
States,” (Washington, DC:BJS, 2009).]
Technology & Stalking
3.4 million people over the age of 18 are stalked each
year in
the United States.
• 3 in 4 stalking victims are stalked by someone they
30% of stalking victims are stalked by a current or former
intimate partner.
• 10% of stalking victims are stalked by a stranger.
• Persons aged 18-24 years experience the highest rate
of stalking.
On-line Chat Services
Several others
On-line Chat Services
AOL-offers both paid services and free
Children’s chat rooms are monitored by AOL
employees & have parent safety controls.
AIM (AOL Instant Message) – free, so users
can hide their identity.
On-line Chat Services
Yahoo- free to everyone
Easier for users to hide identity.
Has safety features including an “ignore list”
which allows users to filter out other users.
Can also filter out inappropriate language.
MSN On-line Services
E-mail Services
Authentication Service: Windows Live ID
Instant Messaging: Windows Live Messenger
Social Networking Services: Windows Live Spaces &
MSN Groups
Custom Domains: Windows Live Admin Center & Office
Live Small Business
Online File Storage: Office Live Workspace & Windows
Live SkyDrive
Gaming: Xbox Live, Playstation, Wii
On-line Gaming
On-line with other players
Can talk to each other, send im’s
Games often centered around violence.
(Runescape, Halo, Call of Duty Black Ops).
Cell Phones
Can access internet, download images,
music, send e-mail and text messages, and
much more. (Like mini computer).
Always careful about placement of computer
in home.
How many of you look at your child’s cell
Trend of children sending nude images of
themselves to friends. (Sexting).
Safety Issues with Cell Phones
Same issues with social networking, online gaming, and chat rooms.
Also have geo-tagging.
Texting while driving.
39-08-23. Use of a wireless
communications device prohibited.
The operator of a motor vehicle that is part
of traffic may not use a wireless
communications device to compose, read,
or send an electronic message.
Texting by a minor
39-08-24. Use of electronic
communication device by minor prohibited.
An individual at least 16 and under 18 years
of age who has been issued a class D license
may not operate an electronic communication
device to talk, compose, read, or send an
electronic message while operating a motor
vehicle that is in motion, except to obtain
emergency assistance.
“Sexting” refers to the sending of a
photograph or other visual image,
depicting a person in the partial or total
state of nudity, via text message, from
one cell phone to another. Once the
initial image is sent, it can be
disseminated rapidly to countless others.
What is it called to Law
Dissemination of Child
After you click “SEND” you no
longer control the image or how
it is used. By clicking “send” you
are – breaking the law.
What Can Happen?
NDCC 12.1-27.1-02. Promoting Obscenity
to Minors.
Guilty of class C Felony if “recklessly
promote to a minor any material or
performance which is harmful to minors”.
What Can Happen?
N.D.C.C 12.1-27.2-04.1 Possession of
Certain Materials Prohibited.
Class C felony to knowingly possess any
motion picture, photograph, or other visual
representation that includes sexual conduct
by a minor
These are state charges, if charged federally,
the penalties are more severe.
Federal Charges for Child
Possession (18 U.S.C. § 2252A (a)(5)(B))
First Offense – Max 10 years
Prior Sex Offense- Min. 10 years; Max. 20 years
Distribution & Receipt(18
U.S.C.§§2252A(a)(1)&(2) and
First Offense-Mandatory Min. 5 yrs; Max 20 yrs.
Prior Sex Offense- Mandatory Min. 15 yrs; Max 40 yrs.
Federal Charges for Child
Production (18 U.S.C.§ 2251(a))
First Offense- Mandatory Min.15 yrs; Max. 30 yrs.
Prior Sex Offense-Mandatory Min. 25 yrs; Max 50 yrs.
Online Enticement (18 U.S.C.§2422(b))
Mandatory Min. 10 yrs; Max. Life
Advisory Guidelines (U.S.S.G.§2Ga.3) 97-121 months
Can often lead to bullying of child if
images are sent to others.
Can lead to multiple problems
Cassidy Andel Case
Cassidy Andel
Committed suicide
November 4th,
Several factors
contributed to her
death to include
depression &
ND Bullying Law
NDCC 15.1-19. (Added to the student and
safety chapter).
Defines bullying and requires school
districts to adopt a policy before July 1,
“Conduct” includes use of technology or
other electronic means.
Problem: covers conduct only occurs on
school grounds, bus, or school event.
Sexting & Bullying
Children don’t understand long term
May be unaware of potential predators.
Nude images and sexually explicit videos
are exchanged daily among predators.
How do we keep our children safe?
Need to understand the problem
Children are bombarded with a wealth of
information (good & bad).
 Recent Study
Internet-initiated Sex Crimes against Minors:
Implications for Prevention Based on Findings
from a National Study
Keep In Mind
 Victims in Internet-initiated cases were
predominantly young teens.
 Seventy-six percent were between 13 &
15 years old
 75% of victims were girls
Statistics Continued
Ninety-nine percent of offenders were
76% of first encounters between victims &
offenders occurred in on-line chat rooms.
Most offenders took time to develop
relationships with victims.
64% percent communicated online
with victims for more than 1 month.
Statistics Continued
79% included telephone conversations.
48% of offenders sent pictures online to victims.
47% sent or offered gifts or money.
Gifts ranged from small tokens like jewelry & teddy
bears to items like clothing, cell phones, and digital
Investigators described victims in ½ of the
cases as being in love with or having feelings of
close friendship toward offenders.
The Role of Deception
Although most of the offenders were much
older than their victims, deception about
these large age differences was a rare
feature of these crimes.
Only 5% of offenders represented
themselves online as peers of victims by
claiming they were age 17 or younger.
Deception & Sexual Solicitation
Deception about sexual motives was also
Although 21% of offenders hid or
misrepresented their motives, most of
these deceivers were open about wanting
sex from their victims.
80% brought up sexual topics during
online communications with victims.
Kinds of Sex Crimes That Occurred
In 89% of cases with face-to-face
meetings, offenders had sexual
intercourse, oral sex, or other form of
penetrative sex with victims.
Only 5% of cases involved violent
offenses, mostly rape or attempted rape.
Does it happen in Fargo?
The Fargo Police Department has made 8
arrests since June 2010.
2 Detectives within the department conduct
on-line investigations.
Prior to this, worked in with Perverted Justice.
Case Examples
Chad Seeba
Spring of 2008, worked as IT Specialist during the
week in MN, but resided in Fargo, ND.
CP discovered in his office in MN
Seeba’s wife contacts Fargo PD
Shaw obtained consent
Hundreds of images of CP and videos on
Case Examples
Allen Halstad
December of 2007 initiates chat with Fargo
undercover officer.
Believed he was talking to a 13 yr old female.
Undercover notifies Moorhead PD.
Halstad initiates chat with undercover Moorhead
Invites Fargo undercover to meet for sexual
Halstad interviewed, confesses, and is arrested.
Case Examples
Charged with solicitation of a minor.
35 months.
15 year registration as sex offender.
Michael Novotny
Michael Novotny
63 year old male has on-line chat with
what he believed to be a 14 year old
Has text conversations with female where
he solicits her for sex.
August 3rd, 2010, drove to Fargo to meet
14 year old and was arrested.
Sentenced to 5 years in prison.
Michael Novotny
Bernard Fischer
Bernard Fischer
32 year old male approached what he
believed to be a 14 year old female in a
chat room.
After several chats, where he solicited the
female for sex he goes to West Acres to
meet her.
Fischer is arrested.
Found CP in his digital media.
Bernard Fischer
Fischer is charged federally.
Sentenced to 17 ½ years in prison.
Fischer Search Warrant
Fischer Search Warrant
Fischer Search Warrant
Fischer Search Warrant
Daniel Thomas
Daniel Thomas
Daniel Thomas
55 year old male approached what he
believed to be a 14 year old female in chat
Chatted for 7 months.
Thomas was very sexual in every chat and
exposed himself nude via web cam on 4
separate occasions to the female.
Daniel Thomas
Arrested in April of 2011.
Thomas had gun in his vehicle when he
showed up to meet the 14 year old female.
(Does have concealed weapons permit).
Sentenced to 6 months, probation for 7
years, and register as a sex offender.
What Can Happen?
N.D.C.C. 12.1-20-05.1 Luring minors by
computer or other electronic means.
Class B felony if the adult is 22 years or older
and the adult reasonably believes the minor is
under the age of 15. (10 yrs, $10,000 fine).
Class C felony if the adult is 22 & believes
minor is 15-17 years old or the adult is under
22 years old and reasonably believes the
minor is under the age of 15. (5 yrs, $5,000
What is Law Enforcement Doing?
Project Safe Childhood
Nationwide U.S. Department of Justice
Designed to protect children from online
exploitation and abuse.
Led by U.S. Attorney’s Offices, federal, state,
and local law enforcement.
What is Law Enforcement Doing?
ICAC Task Forces
Created to assist state & local law
enforcement agencies to enhance
their investigative response to
offenders who use the internet.
North Dakota has a task force
which is led by ND BCI.
Fargo Police Department is a
What is Law Enforcement Doing?
Fargo Police
Created Crimes
Against Children Unit
(3 Detectives)
7 School Resource
We Need Your Help!
Parent’s Role
Talk to your children.
Have them show you their profiles.
Be aware many kids have more than 1!!!
Place computer in common area of home.
Keep in mind the things that can be done
with a cell phone.
Learn as much as you can about the
Parent’s Role
Check history on computer.
Can purchase software
Remember gaming systems can also
connect to the internet.
Learn abbreviations kids are using.