Online Activity Assessment Chat Activity Rubric Rubric for Story Narrative Activity Maximum total grade points per student = 50 Maximum individual grade points = 40 Maximum group grade points = 10 Chat activity 0 5 10 Participation Student participation is low Student participation is moderate Student participation is high Story Contributions Student contributions are irrelevant or inappropriate to story Student contributions are relevant and work ok with story Student contributions are thoughtful and work well with story Cooperation Student leaves their own group’s chat room during the exercise Turn Taking Student contributes out of turn frequently Student sometimes contributes out of turn Student always contributes in correct turn order Chat activity 0 5 10 Story Completion Group produces no story or a poorly developed story Group produces a partially developed story Group produces a fully developed story Student stays in their own group’s chat room during the exercise Pedagogical GAMES @ Sponsored by the U.S. National Science Foundation Copyright © 2012 University of Southern California 1