Classical Civ Mediterranean

Classical Civilizations in the
Greece and Rome
By: Susan M. Pojer
Horace Greeley H.S. Chappaqua, NY
Reorganized and edited by Bobbie Clark
The Geography of Greece
The Geography of Rome
Bronze Age Greece
Crete: Minoan Civilization
(Palace at Knossos)
Knossos: Minoan Civilization
Minoan Civilization
The Mycenaean Civilization
Homer: The “Heroic Age”
The Mask of Agamemnon
Italy in 750 BCE
Influence of the Etruscans
 Writing
 Religion
 The Arch
The Mythical Founding of
Romulus & Remus
ATHENS: Yesterday & Today
Piraeus: Athens’ Port City
Early Athenian Lawgivers
$ Draco
 “draconian”
$ Solon
$ Cleisthenes
 created the first
Persian Wars: 499 BCE – 480 BCE
Persian Wars: Famous Battles
$ Marathon (490 BCE)
 26 miles from Athens
$ Thermopylae (480 BCE)
 300 Spartans at the
Mountain pass
$ Salamis (480 BCE)
 Athenian navy victorious
Golden “Age of Pericles”:
460 BCE – 429 BCE
Great Athenian Philosophers
$ Socrates
 Know thyself!
 question everything
 only the pursuit of goodness
brings happiness.
$ Plato
 The Academy
 The world of the FORMS
 The Republic  philosopher-king
Great Athenian Philosophers
$ Aristotle
 The Lyceum
 “Golden Mean” [everything in
 Logic.
 Scientific method.
Athens: The Arts & Sciences
$ DRAMA (tragedians):
Democritus  all matter made up of
small atoms.
Hippocrates  “Father of Medicine”
Phidias’ Acropolis
The Acropolis Today
The Parthenon
The Agora
The Classical Greek “Ideal”
The Ancient Olympics:
Athletes & Trainers
Olympia: Temple to Hera
The 2004 Olympics
Helots  Messenians enslaved by the
Peloponnesian Wars
Macedonia Under Philip II
Republican Government
2 Consuls
(Rulers of Rome)
(Representative body for patricians)
Tribal Assembly
(Representative body for plebeians)
The Twelve Tables, 450 BCE
 Providing political and social
rights for the plebeians.
The Roman Forum
Rome’s Early Road System
Roman Roads:
The Appian Way
The Roman Colosseum
The Colosseum Interior
The Colosseum Interior
Circus Maximus
Carthaginian Empire
Hannibal’s Route
Reform Leaders
 Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus
the poor should be given grain
and small plots of free land.
Military Reformer
 Gaius Marius
recruited an army from the poor
and homeless.
professional standing army.
Civil War & Dictators
Julius Caesar
Crossing the Rubicon, 49 BC
The Die is Cast!
The First Triumvirate
 Julius Caesar
 Marcus Licinius Crassus
 Gaius Magnus Pompey
Beware the Ides of March!
44 BCE
The Second Triumvirate
 Octavian Augustus
 Marc Antony
 Marcus Lepidus
Alexander the Great
Alexander the Great’s Empire
Alexander the Great in Persia
The Hellenization of Asia
Pergamum: A Hellenistic City
The Economy of the Hellenistic World
Hellenistic Philosophers
$ Cynics  Diogenes
 ignore social conventions &
avoid luxuries.
 citizens of the world.
 live a humble, simple life.
$ Epicurians  Epicurus
 avoid pain & seek pleasure.
 all excess leads to pain!
 politics should be avoided.
Hellenistic Philosophers
$ Stoics  Zeno
 nature is the expansion of
divine will.
 concept of natural law.
 get involved in politics, not
for personal gain, but to
perform virtuous acts for the
good of all.
 true happiness is found in
great achievements.
Hellenism: The Arts & Sciences
$ Scientists / Mathematicians:
 Aristarchus  heliocentric theory.
 Euclid  geometry
 Archimedes  pulley
$ Hellenistic Art:
 More realistic; less ideal than
Hellenic art.
 Showed individual emotions,
wrinkles, and age!
The Breakup of Alexander’s Empire
Octavian Augustus:
Rome’s First Emperor
The First Roman
Pax Romana: 27 BCE – 180 CE
The Greatest Extent of the
Roman Empire – 14 CE
The Rise of Christianity
St. Paul:
Apostle to the Gentiles
The Spread of Christianity
Imperial Roman Road System
Diocletian Splits the
Empire in Two: 294 CE
Constantine: 312 - 337
Constantinople: “The 2nd
Rome” (Founded in 330)
Barbarian Invasions: 4c-5c
Attila the Hun:
“The Scourge of God”
The Eastern Roman Empire
The Byzantine Empire
During the Reign of Justinian
The Byzantine Emperor
The Legacy of Rome
Republic Government
Roman Law
Latin Language
Roman Catholic Church
City Planning
Romanesque Architectural Style
Roman Engineering
• Aqueducts
• Sewage systems
• Dams
• Cement
• Arch
Rome vs. Greece
• 1. Mighty empire vs. inept/Greek
• 2. Mastered engineering vs.
scientific thought
• 3. Western Europe-Greco Roman vs.
Eastern Europe- Greek influence
• 4. Shared- political ideas, religion,
artistic styles, and economic
• Christianity spread, but not a
product of Christian/Roman Culture
• Greco-Roman religion-nature>gods
and goddesses
• Different names/interacted
w/mortals/whims/soap opera
• God Stories used to illustrate
human passions- literature
Economy and Society
• Difficulty Farming
• Merchants- better than Chinese
• Slavery- key component to
agriculture and military expansion
• Behind India and China in
• Not as bad for women as China
Shout Out to the Persians
• 550 BCE Cyrus the Great- massive
Persian Empire across Middle East
• Tolerant of local customs
• Advanced iron technology
• Zoroastrianism
• Artistic lifestyle
• Conquered by Alexander the Great
• Persian language and culture survived in
the 20th Century