
Period Three and Four Study Guide
Why is Achilles nearly invulnerable?
a. He was blessed by Zeus himself
b. He is surrounded by a force field.
c. He was dipped in the river Styx
d. He regenerates damage if wounded
Which of the following is not one of Troy’s heirs to the throne?
a. Aeneas
c. Hector
b. Deiphobus
d. Paris
Who leads the Greek army during the war?
a. Achilles
c. Menelaus
b. Agamemnon
d. Odysseus
Who is the largest warrior of the Greeks?
a. Achilles
c. Diomedes
b. Ajax
d. Odysseus
Which of the following does Odysseus NOT recommend to Tyndareus?
a. Have the kings sign a contract
c. Give him Penelope
b. Have one daughter marry Achilles d. Let Helen choose her husband
Who sacrifices Iphegenia to the gods?
a. Achilles
b. Agamemnon
c. Menelaus
d. Herself
Which Trojan survives the war?
a. Antenor
b. Hector
c. Priam
d. Paris
Which Trojan creates Rome after the war?
a. Aeneas
c. Deiphobus
b. Antenor
d. Hecuba
Which Greek warrior has the bow and arrows of Hercules?
a. Odysseus
c. Philocetes
b. Achilles
d. Agamemnon
10. Which girl is NOT a relative of King Tyndareus?
a. Clytemnestra
c. Iphigenia
b. Helen
d. Penelope
11. Who was Paris’ girlfriend before Helen?
a. Cassandra
c. Briseis
b. Penthesilia
d. Oenone
12. Which Goddess uses the apple to disrupt Thetis’ wedding?
a. Hecate
c. Eris
b. Isis
d. Kali
13. Which god cursed Cassandra?
a. Apollo
b. Artemis
c. Hera
d. Zeus
14. What is the curse on Cassandra?
a. Doomed to die young?
b. Won’t be believed
c. Cannot have children
d. Turned ugly
15. Which Goddess offers Paris power over countries?
a. Aphrodite
c. Athena
b. Artemis
d. Hera
16. Which Goddess offers to make Paris strong and smart?
a. Aphrodite
c. Athena
b. Artemis
d. Hera
17. Which Goddess offers Paris the love of the most beautiful woman?
a. Aphrodite
c. Athena
b. Artemis
d. Hera
18. Which Greek hero kills himself?
a. Ajax
b. Ajax the Lesser
c. Achilles
d. Agamemnon
19. Which Greek hero is killed by his wife?
a. Ajax
c. Achilles
b. Ajax the Lesser
d. Agamemnon
20. Which Greek hero is killed by an arrow?
a. Ajax
c. Achilles
b. Ajax the Lesser
d. Agamemnon
21. Which Greek hero is killed by the gods?
a. Ajax
c. Achilles
b. Ajax the Lesser
d. Agamemnon
22. Why does Achilles become angry at Agamemnon?
a. He’s a bad tactician
c. He doesn’t fight.
b. He takes everyone’s money
d. He took Briseis from him
23. Which Greek leader comes up with the Trojan Horse idea?
a. Achilles
c. Diomedes
b. Agamemnon
d. Odysseus
24. Who gets Achilles’ armor after he dies?
a. Agamemnon
c. Diomedes
b. Ajax
d. Odysseus
25. Who is Achilles best friend?
a. Diomedes
b. Patroclus
c. Menelaus
d. Odysseus
26. Who warns Achilles that he will die young if he goes to the war?
a. Cassandra
c. His mother Thetis
b. The prophet Calchas
d. Zeus
27. Which Greek hero calls for the war?
a. Achilles
b. Menelaus
c. Odysseus
d. Philocetes
28. Which Greek hero attempts to hide from the war by disguising himself as a girl?
a. Achilles
c. Odysseus
b. Menelaus
d. Philocetes
29. Which Greek hero is abandoned on an island for about 7-8 years?
a. Achilles
c. Odysseus
b. Menelaus
d. Philocetes
30. Which Greek hero attempts to get out of the war by pretending to be insane?
a. Achilles
c. Odysseus
b. Menelaus
d. Philocetes
31. Which of the following people is NOT killed by Achilles?
a. Deiphobus
c. Memnon
b. Hector
d. Penthesilia
32. What happens during the Penthesilia/Achilles fight?
a. He is shot down
c. The Trojans try to surrender
b. They fall in love
d. The gods break up the fight
33. How does Astyanax die?
a. Stabbed to death
b. Drowned
c. Poisoned
d. Thrown off a tower
34. Who is Neoptolomos’ father?
a. Achilles
b. Menelaus
c. Diomedes
d. Odysseus
35. Who pretends to be Achilles at one point?
a. Diomedes
c. Patroclus
b. Menelaus
d. Odysseus
36. Who is the king of Aethiopia?
a. Aeneas
b. Memnon
c. Agamemnon
d. Priam
37. What city does Menelaus rule over?
a. Athens
b. Mycenae
c. Sparta
d. Thebes
38. What of the following three things do the Greeks NOT need to do to win the war?
a. Get Philocetes
c. Get Neoptolomos
b. Steal a Trojan statue
d. Get the blessing of Artemis
39. Who kills Paris?
a. Diomedes
b. Neoptolomos
c. Odysseus
d. Philocetes
40. Who kills Priam?
c. Diomedes
d. Neoptolomos
c. Odysseus
d. Philocetes
41. Who kills Deiphobus?
a. Agamemnon
b. Achilles
c. Menelaus
d. Odysseus
42. Who is the husband of Hecuba?
a. Aeneas
b. Hector
c. Memnon
d. Priam
43. Who is the husband of Andromache?
a. Aeneas
b. Hector
c. Memnon
d. Priam
44. Who marries Helen after Paris dies?
a. Aeneas
b. Antenor
c. Deiphobus
d. Memnon
45. Achilles may have been killed during..
a. An ambush
c. A funeral
b. A peace meeting
d. A wedding
46. Who makes Achilles’ magical armor?
a. Apollo
b. Hephaestus
c. Poseidon
d. Zeus
47. Who is the king of Mycenae?
a. Ajax
b. Menelaus
c. Diomedes
d. Agamemnon
48. Who fights Hector to a draw?
a. Ajax
b. Menelaus
c. Diomedes
d. Odysseus
49. Who attacks Cassandra in the temple of Athena?
a. Ajax
c. Neoptolomos
b. Ajax the Lesser
d. Menelaus
50. What heroic thing does Protisilaus do at the start of the war?
a. Fight Hector
c. Die first.
b. Attack Troy’s walls
d. Ride a chariot around the Trojan army
51. Who wrote the Iliad and the Odyssey?
a. Herodotus
b. Homer
c. Thucydides
d. Virgil
Iphigenia at Aulis Quiz
Who told Agamemnon that his daughter had to be sacrificed to a goddess?
A. Tiresias
c. Nestor
B. Odysseus
d. Calchas
Which goddess had Agamemnon offended?
a. Aphrodite
c. Athena
b. Artemis
d. Hera
What message did he send to his wife?
a. Iphigenia is getting married
c. I miss my daughter
b. Iphigenia is needed for a ritual
d. Send my son, Orestes
What is the name of Agamemnon’s wife?
a. Clytemnaestra
c. Helen
b. Leda
d. Penelope
What is the name of the island where the Greek armies are assembling?
a. Tenedos
c. Rhodes
b. Cyprus
d. Aulis
What was in the second message he sent to his wife?
a. Send Iphigenia immediately
c. Do not come to the island.
b. Come to the island yourself
d. Bring Orestes to the island
Why didn’t the second message get to his wife?
a. It was too late
c. The messenger’s ship was wrecked.
b. His brother got the message
d. The messenger was lost
Who did the mother think was marrying Iphigenia?
a. Achilles
c. Diomedes
b. Patroclus
d. Odysseus
What is the name of the author of the play?
a. Aeschylus
c. Solon
b. Euripides
d. Sophocles
10. What decision does Achilles make after hearing of the plan to sacrifice Iphigenia?
11. Who did the author consider the ‘bad guy’ of the play?
12. What decision does Iphigenia make at the end of the story?
The Prince
According to Machiavelli, is it better to be cautious or aggressive?
According to Machiavelli, when is the only time that you should take advice from someone?
What are the two animals one should imitate when acting as a ruler?
In what country did Machiavelli live?
Who is De Medici?
What makes a Monarchy different than a dictatorship?
How does someone prevent fortune from getting the better of him/her?
In the Middle Ages the effects of fortune where represented by what symbol?
Why is it better to be feared rather than loved?
10. Although it is good to be feared, what must you avoid being?
11. Why should you not take people’s property?
12. Why should you not mess with your subject’s women?
13. What does ‘amoral’ mean?
14. When talking about assassinated leaders, what ancient leaders does Machiavelli use as examples?
15. Is it better to be lavish or stingy with your money?
16. When is the only time that you should use cruelty?
17. Who did Machiavelli write this book for?
18. Machiavelli says that it is bad to be completely honest all the time. Why?
19. In order to make assassinations more unlikely, you should make the assassins fear what?
20. Why should you not accept the advice of flatterers?
21. What is the justification for a King/Queen’s rule in a monarchy?
22. Therefore, what cold-blooded action does Machiavelli recommend if one conquers a monarchy?
23. What makes a Feudal Monarchy easier to conquer than an Absolute Monarchy?
24. What are several ways of handling a newly conquered ‘Free State’?
25. In 1688, William of Orange (a Dutchman) was invited by English Protestants to take over their
country. According to Machiavelli, what problem would he face after the takeover?
26. After the battle of Pharsalus in 48 BC, Julius Caesar forgave the Senators who had fought against
him in the Civil War and allowed them to return to office. Why would Machiavelli consider this
a mistake?
27. However, Caesar’s adopted son, Octavian, had 300 Senators and Office Holders killed
immediately after he took control of Rome. Machiavelli would approve of this action as long as
Octavian did not do what?
28. Is it better to be generous or parsimonious? Why?
29. In 1814, Andrew Jackson launched an unplanned night attack on British soldiers who had just
landed in Louisiana. Would Machiavelli have approved of this action? Why?
30. In the Scottish War for Independence, King Robert the Bruce confiscated the castles of his
enemies. Why would Machiavelli consider this a mistake?
31. Henry V’s two predecessors had several rebellions launched against their rule. Immediately
after becoming King, Henry declared war on France. Why would Machiavelli approve of this
32. King Shaka Zulu tricked the witch doctors of his kingdom into lying to him and then had them
all executed. Why would Machiavelli approve of this action?
33. Kings Edward II and Henry VI of England had ‘favorites’ who they had as advisors. Eventually
both men were overthrown by their discontented people. What mistake did they make?
Le Morte D’Arthur
Who is the author of Le Morte D’ Arthur?
35. What is the name of King Arthur’s mother?
A. Elaine
c. Morgan Le Fay
B. Igraine
d. Morgowse
36. What is the name of King Arthur’s sister? (The one he sleeps with)
A. Elaine
c. Morgan Le Fay
B. Igraine
d. Morgawse
37. What is the name of the girl who loves Lancelot?
A. Elaine
c. Morgan Le Fay
B. Igraine
d. Morgawse
38. Who is King Arthur’s real father?
A. Cornwall
B. Ector
c. Merlin
d. Uther
39. Who is King Arthur’s foster father?
A. Cornwall
B. Ector
c. Merlin
d. Uther
40. Who is the father of King Arthur’s sisters?
A. Cornwall
c. Merlin
B. Ector
d. Uther
41. Who is Arthur’s foster brother?
A. Bedivere
B. Kay
c. Bors
d. Pellinore
42. Which of the following knights does NOT find the Holy Grail?
A. Bors
c. Gawaine
B. Galahad
d. Percivale
43. Which of the following knights sits in the Siege Perilous?
A. Bors
c. Gawaine
B. Galahad
d. Percivale
44. Which of the following knights has to resist temptation at a castle of maidens?
A. Bors
c. Gawaine
B. Galahad
d. Percivale
45. Which of the following knights winds up becoming friends with a lion?
A. Bors
c. Gawaine
B. Galahad
d. Percivale
46. Which knight winds up receiving a magical sword and shield?
A. Bors
c. Gawaine
B. Galahad
d. Percivale
47. Which knight discovers that his mother died after he left her?
A. Bors
c. Gawaine
B. Galahad
d. Percivale
48. Which knight is a relative of Lancelot?
A. Bors
B. Galahad
c. Gawaine
d. Percivale
49. Which knight winds up becoming an enemy of Lancelot?
A. Bors
c. Gawaine
B. Galahad
d. Percivale
50. Which knight is a descendant of Jospeh of Arimathea?
A. Bors
c. Gawaine
B. Galahad
d. Percivale
51. Which knight’s sister sacrifices herself to help the knights continue the grail quest?
A. Bors
c. Gawaine
B. Galahad
d. Percivale
52. Which knight winds up in a fight with his brother?
A. Bors
c. Gawaine
B. Galahad
d. Percivale
53. Why is Elaine’s nursemaid Brisen important?
A. She’s related to the Grail King
c. She’s married to Gawaine
B. She’s a witch
d. She’s one of Arthur’s sisters
54. How does Gawaine die?
A. Suicide
B. Killed by Mordred
c. Killed by Lancelot
d. Killed by Arthur
55. Who gives Arthur the sword Excalibur?
A. Merlin
c. One of his sisters
B. Lancelot
d. Lady of the Lake
56. What can Excalibur do that is magical?
57. Who is Guinevere’s father?
A. King Pellinore
B. Sir Leodegraunce
c. King Lot
d. King Pelles
58. Which Grail Knight returns to Arthur’s court after the quest?
A. Mordred
c. Bors
B. Galahad
d. Percivale
59. Which Grail Knight becomes a hermit after the quest?
A. Mordred
c. Bors
B. Galahad
d. Percivale
60. Which Grail Knight ascends to Heaven when he finds the Grail?
A. Mordred
c. Bors
B. Galahad
d. Percivale
61. Who preserved the Holy Grail when Jesus was crucified?
A. Judas
c. Joseph of Arimathea
B. Peter
d. Paul of Taurus
62. Where does King Arthur go when he is mortally wounded?
A. Avalon
c. Brigadoon
B. Hybrasil
d. Atlantis
63. Why does Lionel try to kill Bors?
64. Why does Guinivere not like Elaine?
65. What is the name of King Arthur’s castle?
66. Elaine is the daughter of who?
A. King Arthur
B. King Lot
c. Cornwall
d. King Pelles
67. Lancelot saves Elaine from what?
A. A monster
B. Pulls her from boiling water
c. Prevents her execution
d. Saves her from lusty knights
68. Who is Elaine and Lancelot’s child?
69. What causes Lancelot to disappear for two years?
A. He is defeated in combat.
C. He goes on a crusade
B. Elaine and Guinivere’s rivalry
d. He is kidnapped
70. Why does Merlin wind up disappearing?
71. Why is Lancelot denied the right to touch the Holy Grail?
72. What happens if someone improper sits in the Siege Perilous?
73. Which Knight never loses a fight?
74. Name one difference between Le Morte D’Arthur and the movie Excalibur.
Lady of the Lake
Morgan Le Fay
75. The Duke of Cornwall’s castle.
76. He can see the future.
77. The hermit who follows Galahad around.
78. The Grail King.
79. Cousin to King Arthur by his sister.
80. Owns the Shield of Joseph of Arimathea
81. Pretends to have pulled the sword out of the stone.
82. Was raised in the woods by his mother.
83. Had an enchantment cast on him by Merlin so he could sleep with the woman he wanted.
84. The most beautiful woman in the world
85. Arthur’s sister who becomes a witch.
86. Possibly a goddess (or several goddesses)
87. Foster Father of Arthur
88. Who does Merlin get the sword Excalibur from?
89. Which knight opposes Arthur when he draws the sword from the stone?
90. Why did Arthur go near the stone in the first place?
91. Who traps Merlin in his cave?
92. Why does Lancelot avoid staying at Camelot?
93. What is the name of Arthur’s foster brother?
94. Who is the mother of Arthur’s son?
95. Which knight finds the Holy Grail?
96. Why does Excalibur break at one point in the movie?
97. Who is the only survivor of the Arthur/Mordred battle?
98. One of the knights fails to find the Grail the first time he sees it. What is happening to him in real
life while he is looking at the Grail?
99. Why does Lancelot go crazy?
100. What has Guenivere become at the end of the movie?
101. Where are the three witches taking Arthur at the end of the movie?
102. Why does Arthur ask a knight to throw the sword into the lake?
103. Which knight of the round table accuses Guenivere of lusting after Lancelot?
104. Who stabs Lancelot in the movie?
105. How does Arthur wind up meeting Guenivere?
106. Who is Uther Pendragon’s enemy?
107. Why does Merlin take Arthur from Uther?
108. Who is Sir Ector?
109. Who claims to have drawn the sword after Arthur pulls it out of the stone?
110. Who kills Morganna?
111. What is “An-nal nathrach uthus pethud, dotheil dienve”?
112. Why does Uther break his treaty with his enemy?
113. Why does he drive the sword into the stone?
114. What does Merlin warn Arthur about shortly after he becomes king?
115. Why does the land become a wasteland in the movie?
116. Who saves the day in the final battle between Mordred and Arthur?
117. How does Merlin steal Morganna’s power from her?
118. Who returns Excalibur to Arthur towards the end of the movie?
119. Who knights Arthur?
120. Why does Arthur refuse to champion Guenivere when her honor is challenged?
Third Trimester Guides
Period Three - Hamlet and Dante's Inferno
Period Four - Taming of the Shrew, 10 Things I Hate About You and A Tale of Two Cities
* IF you are missing any of these study guides let me know and I will replace them.