Game Designer, Game Programmer

11 Guijo St. Marietta Romeo Village, Sta. Lucia, Pasig City 1608
(+63) 917 5877833
C/C++, C#, Objective-C, Javascript/UnityScript
XNA, Unity3D, Cocos2D
Xcode, Visual Studio, MonoDevelop
De La Salle-College of Saint Benilde
2014, expected
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology with specialization on Game Design and Development
- Focused on game programming and game designing
Dean’s List: 7 terms
Best Game Engine Programmer Award
- Awarded for creating the most robust game engine in the batch
November 2012
Won 2nd Place in Unity Game Jam: Benilde
October 2012
- Awarded for creating one of the most functional games, Crystal Boom, following the event’s
theme: Primitive Life.
- Received Unity Pro License for 4 months.
Plaque of Recognition
- Awarded for being a Dean’s Lister for 3 consecutive terms
September 2012
Won 3rd Place in Advocacy Game for SIO
March 2012
- Awarded for creating a game, Rollie Ball, designed to help bring awareness for 2 of the 8
Millennium Development Goals (MDG): Promoting Gender Equality, and Ensuring Environmental
Swobble, Game Theory Project
August 2013
Game Designer, Game Programmer
- Successfully made a very polished game for iOS platform.
- Used Objective-C language, and Cocos2D (with Box2D) game engine to make a touch-based
rhythm game engine.
- Familiarized with Objective-C’s memory management.
- Learned more about delivering effective tutorials for players to learn the basics of the game.
Nightmare Hunt, Thesis 1 Project
Game Producer, Game Designer, Game Programmer
April 2013
Lead a team of 9 members in total (5 artists from my course, 3 artists from different courses)
Developed professionalism within a group of friends
Implemented various systems necessary as I was the only programmer in the team
SlideNote, Game Production 1 and XNA Game Development Final Project
Game Designer. Game Programmer
- Designed a rhythm game for non-rhythm gamers
- Built a small level editor in Unity for note charting the songs
- Created a system for handling note chart data from the level editor
- Implemented various feed backs to maximize the feel of the game
- Game featured songs from a local band, Harlequin Carnivale
December 2012
Buster Engine, Game Engine 1 and 2 Project Final Project
December 2012
Game Engine Programmer
- Designed, and built my own game engine for wrapping OpenGL code, greatly reducing
development time, and helped focus on gameplay programming
- Implemented extensible systems that other programmers can use to expand the engine
- Built a default game object that contains convenience methods, and communicates with other
systems such as the models and collision system
- Implemented a system that handles the deletion of game objects at program termination
- Created helper classes such as the math class for ease of computation
Bubble-O-Pop, Game Programming 3 and Game Design 2 Final Project
Game Designer, Game Programmer
- Designed and built a game with multiplayer capabilities
- Implemented the core gameplay using ray casts instead of collisions or arrays
September 2012
Rollie Ball, Game Programming 2 Final Project
March 2012
Game Designer, Game Programmer
- Designed and built a game that took advantage of Unity's physics engine
- Completed the game and submitted it to a mini competition inside the school, Advocacy Game for
- Won 3rd Place in the competition Advocacy Game for SIO
Crystal Boom
October 2012
Assistant Game Designer, Game Programmer
- Assisted in the design, and built the game in under 48 hours
- Won 2nd place in Unity Game Jam: Benilde, and received Unity Pro license for 4 months
Game Designer, Game Programmer, Game Artist
- Designed and built a full game in under 24 hours
- Published the game to the Windows Phone Marketplace
June 2012
May 2012
Game Designer, Game Programmer
- Intended to port Wazzzup!!! to Windows Phone, remade the game instead
- Integrated and used Farseer Physics engine for XNA
- Completed the game, and submitted it to Globe Labs 2012 competition under Windows Phone
- Published the game to the Windows Phone Marketplace
Code Red
Game Programmer
- Built my first 3D XNA game from scratch within 2 months
- Integrated 3D systems to achieve the desired design
- Completed the game, and submitted it to Imagine Cup 2012, and advanced to Round 2
Game Designer, Game Programmer
- Designed, and built a full game in under 48 hours
- Lead a team of 3 members
- Completed the game and submitted it to Global Game Jam 2012
May 2012
January 2012
Chains of Kuhfu
January 2012
Game Programmer
- Programmed the whole game from scratch to do a self-evaluation on my gameplay programming
- Made intense manipulations of two-dimensional arrays to implement the killer feature: shifting
- Completed the game and submitted it to Unity Flash in a Flash Contest
December 2011
Team Leader, Game Programmer
- Lead a team of 3 programmers, assisted in the game's design, and programmed the game from
- Trained myself on using recursion, and implemented the core gameplay based from the Flood fill
- Game was completed and submitted to the Game On! Competition in Philippine Game
Development Festival 2011
Advanced C++ Seminar, Invited by G.U.I.L.D., De La Salle-College of Saint Benilde October 22, 2012
- Taught object-oriented programming to freshmen and sophomore programmers with no previous
OOP experience
C++ Seminar, Invited by G.U.I.L.D., De La Salle-College of Saint Benilde
August 6, 2012
- Taught basic C/C++ to freshmen programmers with no previous programming experience
Available upon request