rev 01/09/2016
Hyper Text Markup Language
HTML -history
 Hypertext Markup Language is the main language for creating web pages
 . It was first created by Tim Berners-Lee in 1989-1990.
 He is now the director of the group that manages web standards
rev 01/09/1026
HTML is written in the form of HTML elements (Think “commands” )
Surrounded by tags, start and end,
enclosed in angle brackets (like <html> and </html>),
How does it work
 The purpose of a web browser is to read HTML documents and
compose them into visible web pages --called rendering)
Name some browsers
Common elements
 <!doctype html> html 5 indicator, not an element
 <html> …</html> first, last tags, html is the element
 <body>…</body> Actual content within the page
 <h1> …</h1> <h1> font size, largest default size…down to <h6>
 <title> …</title> Shows page title in address bar
 <head> … </head> section where title goes
 <p> …</p> content to display goes as series of paragraphs
 <!-- comments here -- >The Comment element:
Creating a simple Web page
•Start Notepad
•Choose File>New
•File>Save (even though it’s blank) in your USB
device’s jma260/HTML folder as simple.htm
Rendering and editing
 To Render (display page)
 right-click on simple.htm and choose open with internet explorer or open with
 Or double-click the file name
 To Edit:
 Right-click and choose open with notepad
Add another line:
<!doctype html>
<h1> Hello World </h1>
Page by John Shepherd
Make the </h1> into </h1 and watch
 html ignores spaces, tabs etc. You can, however, put
them in your Notepad version to make it more readable
Add a comment
Paragraphs and blocks
 Add 2 paragraphs
 <p> Paragraph 1 </p>
 <p>Paragraph 2 </p>
Add 2 paragraphs
Are members of block category objects
Block Objects
 <p> is of the block category (displays a blank line before and after).
 Thus, in between two paragraphs there are two blank lines.
 <h1> is also block, so it causes a blank line before and after
Double lines
 Goes inside a <head> element and shows in the address bar of the
browser, also in Favorites, and is used by search engines.
 Type“My Hello World Page” (add head and title)
My Page
• Save as simple3.htm
• Render
Run on Web
 Our simple3 page is saved where? What folder?
 Where must it be to be viewed over the Web?
Note: The name of a page that is automatically rendered when the browser
sees it is index.htm
 Want to transfer the simple3.htm page from USB to pub/jma260/html
folder (i.e to our z: drive)
 If browser sees one, it is automatically rendered.
 Copy simple3.htm to root folder on z:
 I know, we now have 2 simple3.htm pages on Z:
 One in html folder, one in root folder
 Rename the root folder page, simple3.htm, to index.htm
 Save and test
Click on our section link on schedule page
Render to Z: and test
 Drag (simple3.htm ) from your USB device’s JMA260/html folder to
your network (Z:): drive’s pub/JMA260/html folder…will always work ,
as long as in our labs…205 and 345
 Mine might be:
 Close