Contents I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. Opening Material Introduction Greenhouse Gas Inventory Process Ranking & Prioritizing CHG Mitigation Opportunities Education & Outreach Financial Offsets Initial & Future Steps Satellite Campuses Appendixes I. Opening Material – II. Introduction: The speed and scale of global warming and its potential for large-scale, adverse health, social, economic and ecological effects requires the reduction of the global emission of greenhouse gases by 80% within the next few decades in order to avert the worst impacts of global warming and reestablish more stable climatic conditions. In addressing the concern there will be short term challenges but there will also be great short-, medium- and long- term economic, health, social and environmental benefits including energy independence. Colleges must exhibit leadership in their communities and model ways to meet this challenge and our University has the ability to be in the forefront of a transformation of our economy and our infrastructure in creating positive ways that will fuel economic growth. Actions that are not planned well are expected to costs campuses millions and possibly billions of dollars in the long term in order to mitigate their greenhouse gas emissions. By tapping the research, education and public service mission of the University and harness all of the resources at our disposal we can achieve carbon neutrality. By creating and implementing coordinated plans to neutralize our campuses’ greenhouse gas emissions impact within a generation, the University of South Carolina is in a position to drive the scientific and public education needed to catalyze rapid change. We are already working on the technology to help address emissions and cleaner energy, but we are also looking to address the social, ethical, ecological and economic factors required for success. We are examining ways to incorporate sustainability issues throughout our curriculum and develop programs that work to identify the connection of these factors as part of sustainable systems. We hope not only to develop the solutions but also ensure our students are able to apply them in South Carolina and across the globe. In addition to our on-going research work and over a decade of efforts to green our campuses, we are already looking to the future for the long term commitment that will be required to address carbon emissions. We have already significantly reduced our energy consumption and carbon emissions on the Columbia campus through extensive energy upgrades and our on-going commitment to green buildings. We have been using alternative fuels in our vehicles and look to increase the use of our shuttle system and carpooling systems. Our projects are always trying to implement alternative and renewable technologies that reduce their dependence on fossil fuels and of course our biomass facility will reduce our consumption of natural gas by 76% and ensure over 1/3 of the entire campus energy consumption comes from a renewable source. As part of our commitment to address climate change, Carolina is a signatory to the American College & University President’s Climate Commitment (ACUPCC). Hundreds of other colleges and universities have also signed on, and committed themselves to serve as leaders in their communities, and model ways to minimize global warming emissions by “providing the knowledge and educated graduates to achieve climate neutrality”. To prepare for the future we developed a strategic and comprehensive carbon action plan (CAP) that will provide detailed us with the organization and processes to develop on-going technical and financial analysis of available carbon emissions mitigation options that make financial sense to implement. As part of the CAP we will maintain a science based footprint of our emissions that will ensure future financial and measurement efforts will be accurate and consistent. It will also establish an accurate and achievable target for climate neutrality and incorporate our energy conservation plan. The CAP provides us the plan and process to integrate energy reduction and carbon mitigation into budget, master and capital planning as well as account for campus growth. It will be just one of the tools we implement as we wisely pursue a net zero energy status and carbon neutrality. In all of these efforts our students will have a major role. We are continually impressed by their efforts to help lead our campus as they pursue actions to address climate change and sustainability. These are efforts that will have an impact globally and we hope to see them continue the excellent work. III. Campus Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory In order to implement and track progress of the Climate Action Plan, the campus will maintain a GHG emissions inventory. All GHG emissions-producing activities on and off campus have the potential to be included in the inventory. Currently the campus GHG emissions inventory analyzes emissions in three different categories or scopes: SCOPE EMISSIONS INCLUDED 1: Direct Emissions On-campus heating & cooling; fleet vehicles; refrigerant use 2: Imported Emissions Purchased electricity & steam 3: Other Staff and student commuting, air travel, recycling and waste Indirect disposal, food, production and transportation of goods and Emissions services, construction, landscaping and sewage CAMPUS SOURCES Steam plants, Chillers, Campus Fleet & shuttles Electricity purchase Commuters, Athletics, Solid & Liquid Wastes, Fertilizers Scopes 1 and 2 are considered mandatory reporting areas and the Campus will attempt to track Scope 3 to the fullest extent possible. If areas are identified as difficult to track the campus will work to develop new procedures to track the needed information. The Columbia campus inventory includes all six major greenhouse gases, including carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), HFC-134A, HFC – 404A, and sulfur hexafluoride (SF6). The Clean AirCool Planet (CA-CP) greenhouse gas calculator, Campus Carbon Calculator, will be utilized to produce the inventory. It is designed specifically for use by universities to calculate the six major gas emissions types into a common unit of measurement – metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (MTCO2e). CACP is free of charge and available via . The calculator is consistent with key standards of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) and World Resources Institute (WRI). It is also recognized by the National Wildlife Fund (NWF), AASHE and the ACUPCC. We will use the CACP calculator until we identify a better and still affordable method. The campus emissions inventory is the basis for the University’s emission reduction goal, but is not fully reflective of the entire campus’ carbon footprint. The inventory is only a subset of emission, since it excludes the full lifecycle emissions associated with certain campus activities. It does provide a consistent sampling that we can plan off of. We will utilize the Operational Control Approach to identify its geographical boundary and what will be included in the inventory. This will result in counting the buildings that are central to the University mission and under operational control of the campus. Emissions associated with buildings leased by the University are not included in the inventory at this time, as they are not in direct operational control of the campus. As the campus boundaries adjust in the future and the emissions inventory is refined, these changes will be reflected in the 2004 year baseline. The year 2004 was chosen as the baseline because it provides the most consistent data. Information is not available for all categories of the inventory before that date. Additional study might lead to refinement of the existing boundary. The campus inventory will be updated annually and made available to the public via the ACUPCC website and the Office of Sustainability website. The update will be conducted in the fall to incorporate the previous fiscal year (1July – 30June) data. The Office of Sustainability will be the primary office responsible for completion and submittal of the inventory, but will be supported by the Climate Change group and the Budget & Planning Office. All campus offices, schools and departments are expected to supply needed data in support of the effort. The Office of Sustainability will produce an annual update that reflects the campus progress in relation to its goals and project list. The sources and location of data currently utilized to develop the data can be identified in Appendix D. Appendix D is available in the Office of Sustainability. Audit Requirements & Process: NEEDS TO BE IDENTIFIED – can we do this in house with faculty or students or do we need to utilize an outside consultant -Thresholds for re-calculation -review period (every X years?) IV. Process The initial CAP has been developed by the Climate Change Working group of the EAC. The working group is comprised of faculty, staff and students is tasked with maintaining the plan, tracking progress and working with key stake holders across the campus to implement climate change related efforts. Any member of the campus community may participate in the group and all are encouraged to submit suggestions. It is recognized and encouraged that many initiatives will take place without the working group’s input. Various campus groups will support the working group by providing information on their efforts so that data may be reflected in updated plans and inventories. They will utilize a common sense and business argument approach in identifying opportunities. The group will work with campus stakeholders, vendors and others to identify and evaluate a wide variety of possible projects and actions. Each idea will have a cost-benefit analysis using selected criteria that allows the campus to rank options in relation to their CO2 reduction and encourage real on-campus options a priority in selecting projects. Additionally the group will work with the campus Energy Team to identify projects, their impact and feasibility. By working with the Energy Team, the climate related projects may also be integrated into the campus Energy Conservation Plan which requires the University to achieve a 20% reduction in energy use by 2020 as compared to 2000 levels. As many of the campus projects will reflect similar goals between the two groups, both may benefit from the collaboration. The campus will continue utilizing a Portfolio approach to reduce greenhouse gas impact, but with an added step. This will entail aggressively pursuing low cost, high-return energy efficiency upgrades, while making strategic investments in cost-effective renewable energy and continuing to promote and expand energy and climate education on campus. The Portfolio Approach includes several categories to identify where emissions may be cut. Portfolio Approach: Indentifying and Ranking Projects Avoidance Infrastructure (Energy Efficient Operations) Fleet & Fuel Management Behavior Change Green Power and Renewable Energy Credits (RECs) Carbon Offsets Eliminate unnecessary growth and expansion by utilizing or modifying current campus conditions and available resources. Large and small projects on campus that produce a physical and measurable change and reduction in emissions. On-campus renewable energy efforts would be included here. Reduce the use of fossil fuels and emissions. Similar to Infrastructure. Education and culture change efforts that result in conservation actions. Since they rely on a change in behavior, projects are less predictable and harder to calculate. Savings and long term impacts can still be substantial and support the University Mission. The campus may purchase RECs for energy produced by renewable sources elsewhere. Though the effort does not provide any financial savings to the campus or local community, it does encourage the expansion of green power in the country and help reduce the campus carbon footprint. Offsets may be utilized to provide an immediate reduction in emissions or to bridge the gap between the plan initiatives and campus goal. When identifying options several criteria will be utilized as part of the analysis matrix. This will allow projects to be evaluated and compared on their relative merits. It will also the more profitable, shortpayback projects to support projects that are more costly or have lower returns. By bundling projects together, a mix of projects can be implemented at a net profit over time. The campus analysis table will look similar to the following: Project Analysis Matrix 2009-2010 PROJECT Initial Investment Annual Cost Savings Payback in Years kWh Saved Metric Tons of CO2 Reduced $/MTC O2e Additional Benefits (Social/Educational) Status The plan will need to incorporate campus growth to ensure a realistic view of true net emissions reductions. Growth will need to be worked into calculations of net CO2 reduction – and into other campus planning efforts to minimize the effect of that growth on the carbon footprint. The working group will continually analyze and update project evaluations to measure progress. If a project is determined to be unfeasible during any given year and the payback is not sufficient to invest in at that time, its priority drops. It may become more attractive at a later time after more appealing projects have been implemented and in comparison to RECs or offsets. V. Ranking & Prioritizing CHG Mitigation Opportunities Projects can be ranked on one or more of the identified criteria to determine which are more feasible and likely to achieve the needed levels of CO2 reduction. Initially, it is expected that projects will be ranked with emphasis on their cost savings and payback even though CO2 reduction is stressed. As projects that yield large returns are implemented future projects with smaller or even negative returns will become more attractive and a necessity to meet the reduction goals. The campus may choose to go to a simple metric to compare projects in the future such as NPV/MTCO2e reduced or capital cost per MTCO2e reduced. Campus priorities and mission will also play a significant role in selecting projects. The project list will be updated annually. It will be submitted to the EAC and the campus Administration for approval. The campus Budget & Planning Office will have a critical role in developing the project list prior to its finalization. The impacted departments, schools or offices will also be incorporated into the process prior to completion of the project list. The completed list will be submitted through the Budget & Planning Office to the President and Board of Trustees for final approval NLT April 1 each year. Simple payback should not be the only reason to implement a project. At some point, simple payback for projects may not be available and the campus will still need to identify projects to implement to meet its goal. An abatement curve will be developed to graphically present mitigation strategies and updated regularly. VI. Education & Outreach The campus pursuit of carbon neutrality will create many unique and dynamic educational opportunities for the campus community and the state. It has the potential to enhance the education across all academic disciplines. By involving and exposing our students to the climate change issues and efforts on campus we not only empower them to take an active role in the campus efforts but also to carry their experiences with them after graduation to impact other areas. As a University, we have a responsibility to provide the knowledge and educated graduates that will lead to a thriving state. Higher education plays a unique and critical role in making a sustainable society and stable climate. We prepare most of the leaders and professionals who will lead, educate and influence our institutions. They will need new knowledge and skills that only the universities of the state can provide on a broad scale. We must ensure our graduates have an educational experience that reflects an intimate connection among curriculum; research; service; understanding and reducing any negative impact of the campus’s actions; and working to improve their own communities so they are more socially, economically and environmentally sustainable. We can accomplish this through three areas: The context of learning – ensuring the campus practices what it preaches and models social, economic and environmental sustainability in our operations. The Content of learning – reflect interdisciplinary sustainable systems thinking, dynamics and analysis for all disciplines. The process of education – teach what we practice by complementing formal curriculum with active, experiential, inquiry based learning and real world problem solving on campus and local community. To accomplish this shift and maximize the future impact our graduates will have on society the CAP will incorporate Education for Sustainability Strategies. The EAC already has a working group in place and working on many of the issues related to sustainability and campus education. The education and outreach group will work with shareholders across campus to continually identify and update strategies that ensure all our students are exposed to and graduate with an understanding of sustainability and the knowledge to help address climate change. The group will coordinate with the climate change group to provide updated strategies and progress reports for incorporation into the annual CAP progress report. They will also provide an annual list of strategies and/or projects to be targeted. The working group, annual campus Earth Summit and the ACUPCC publication titled “Education for Climate Neutrality and Sustainability: Guidance for ACUPCC Institutions” have all identified strategies to address sustainability and climate change on campus. These strategies are covered in more detail in Appendix B. VII. Financial Implementing emissions reduction efforts on campus will ultimately require the investment of significant funding. The financial impact will be challenging for the campus, but there are a variety of proven financial strategies that can meet the emissions reduction target. It will require a shift in thinking and more emphasis on long term and whole picture efforts. The campus can not look at each project individually and still expect to make a significant reduction in the emissions. A list of potential funding strategies is provided in Appendix C. The Climate Change working group will work with relative stakeholders on campus including the Energy Team and the Office of Planning & Finance to identify feasible and additional financing options and work them into the project list for implementation. VIII. Offsets According to the ACUPCC a carbon offset “is a reduction or removal of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions that is used to counterbalance or compensate for (“offset”) emissions from other activities; offset projects reducing GHG emissions outside of an entity’s boundary generate credits that can be purchased by that entity to meet its own targets for reducing GHG emissions within its boundary. Generally, offsets fall into two categories: 1) emissions reductions or avoidance, such as replacing a diesel generator with solar panels, and 2) sequestration, or removing GHGs from the atmosphere, such as planting trees that will absorb CO2 as they grow. There are many different types of projects that generate offsets in both categories, however different offset markets and offset standards only recognize certain project types as acceptable”. The University will work to reduce its footprint to the fullest extent through internal reductions before considering offsets. Offsets may be considered as a means to close the gap in reaching our goal or a short term solution to drive real emissions reductions. Offsets may also offer the potential to support the campus efforts at a substantially lower cost than is feasible on campus. Again, internal reductions are our primary goal and offsets should only be considered after efforts to avoid or reduce our internal emissions have been set in place. The University will investigate development of its own offset projects if needed in the future. Though higher risk and project quality is stressed, these projects have the potential to have significant community outreach, involve our students and researchers and additional benefits to the State of South Carolina. The campus should consider supporting student research efforts that explore potential localized offset projects for future consideration. The following general criteria will stand for consideration of utilizing offsets by the Columbia campus if offsets are pursued: - - - All offsets should follow the ACUPCC guidelines Take place locally or within South Carolina Attempt to involve our students and researchers Encourage campus groups and organizations to consider offsets as part of their own teaching tools. These efforts may be put in place as teaching tools or models and therefore may not follow all the campus requirements for offsets. Examples may include Athletics conducting a carbon free game, departments purchasing offsets for their air travel or the residents of the Green Quad choosing to purchase green power that may qualify as offsets. Establish a formal offset policy for the campus ID student research project to develop policy? IX. Initial Steps & Future Needs - Expand Project List – Immediately the climate change group should consult with JCI and campus stakeholders to expand the current project list in preparation for next year. Several projects for FY09 have already begun. The education and outreach group should also continue its progress on projects and ensure their future projects are listed as part of the annual CAP update. - Research emphasis – The University should investigate ways to utilize our academic and research strengths to investigate climate change solutions. A Presidential vision, statement or direction would encourage rapid action. o This work need to be shared with the University community in ways that will foster knowledge of, and desire to reduce campus emissions. - Student work – The University should identify student projects and support efforts that support the CAP, implement projects on campus and work towards climate neutrality actions that can benefit South Carolina. - Regional Campuses – Continue support to meet initial obligations under the ACUPCC to include inventories and plans. Encourage campuses to take steps to pursuing a joint performance contract. Tentative Goals for Fall 2009: Expand project list - Consider plans for future growth, research trends and behavioral patterns. How do we incorporate these into the CAP? - Develop emissions trajectories - Inclusion of Budget & Planning Office in the process via committee membership or regular meetings. Extremely Important!! - Develop Abatement Curve - Set ultimate and interim targets accordingly o Reduction target – short & long term goals (Suggested) 2004 Levels as baseline: (due to available information& prior to PC) 10% 2015 20% reduction by 2020 30% reduction by 2030 - Include decisions into a revised version of plan X. Regional Campuses The regional campuses may choose to develop their own Climate Action Plans. Until that time they may elect to follow the main campus plan with some amendments if they choose. Several campuses have already elected to and taken positive actions to produce their own CAPs and inventories. o Responsible Parties o o o o The campus should identify the individual responsible for reporting the inventory and CAP to the ACUPCC. Each campus should organize a green team or committee of faculty, staff and students to identify and implement projects and programs on campus. The Office of Sustainability will be available to assist each campus in their efforts. Inventory The Office of Sustainability will assist each campus in producing their inventories until a campus is able to produce their own. Each campus must provide the required data to the Office of Sustainability in order to receive assistance. Plans Each campus should customize this plan in the future to fit their organization and needs. Audits Campuses will need to conduct audits of their facilities in order to produce an initial list of projects. This can be done internally with existing staff and/or vendors as well as with the assistance of their green team. Performance Contracts It is suggested that all campuses consider the use of a performance contract. Such a contract will allow campuses to obtain expert advice, audits, carbon tracking, project implementation and event support of their CAPs and inventories without any upfront costs. Performance contracts allow organizations to pay for the services and improvements out of the savings realized. If campuses elect to pursue a performance contract it is suggested that all the campuses combine into a single contract to maximize their bargaining power and return. The Columbia campus Budget Office and Office of Sustainability can assist in the process. If utilizing a performance contract, it is strongly recommended that a third party be utilized to audit the contract and process. APPENDIX B: Sustainability & Climate Change Education Strategies The following strategies have already been identified as potential efforts that will contribute to the campus sustainability efforts, climate neutrality and mission of producing graduates with the knowledge, skills, and values necessary for success and responsible citizenship in a complex and changing world. The Context of Learning: - Freshman Orientation, common readings, entry courses, and other activities required of all freshman can introduce all students to these concepts. - Required Courses – including general education requirements and capstone courses required for graduation can be a quick way to infuse sustainability throughout multiple courses. - Elective Courses – for all students, regardless of major, provide exposure to important concepts, but unlike required courses, these electives may not reach all students. - Existing Courses – in which climate change and sustainability can be integrated as initial steps to creating a diverse curriculum. - Offering existing courses in sustainability topics to more students – regardless of major. Overcome internal barriers that prevent students from taking classes not in their program or major. - Creating multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary courses – that are crossed referenced and possibly team taught - New programs, institutes and colleges – focusing on sustainability education - Integration across the curriculum – with a reorientation of all majors to towards sustainability - Encourage student research and demonstrations tied to campus projects The Content of Learning: (expand) What do we want our students to learn ? What knowledge & skills do they need to know? - Climate & Sustainability Literacy – Provide an education to students that helps them understand links between greenhouse gas emissions and climate, the potential impacts of climate change, connections between their own activities and greenhouse gas emissions, and paths to sustainable living. This should include ways to reduce their carbon footprint, to ensure they are sustainably literate, understand the importance of a stable climate and their own impact on the planet. - Sustainability Literacy Assessment – measure our progress of what we are providing and what level of understanding our students are leaving with - Green Economy - What do we need to provide to ensure our students are positioned for the green economy and prepared for green jobs Emphasis on our strengths - combining our areas of academic strengths on campus to address the context and content of learning The Process of Education: (Expand) “What are the pedagogical methods for teaching systems thinking and the interdisciplinary concepts of climate change and sustainability?” By encouraging thinking that is multidisciplinary we can teach action through creative teaching techniques that may be applied through the disciplines. This includes applying problem solving on campus through demonstrations and hands-on experiences to encourage students to initiate interdisciplinary research projects. - - - - - - Inquiry based and Experiential Learning – Students learn through discovering knowledge themselves or hands-on learning. It can take place in or out of the classroom as well on or off campus. It provides the opportunity for students to develop problem solving and systems thinking skills that can be applied to interdisciplinary issues. It also encourages researching problems that have not been solved and allows them to apply their work in useful ways. Case-based learning – Takes place in classrooms through discussions of real-world examples and encourages dialogue on actual cases drawn from specific events and actions. Co-curricular student campus projects and experiences – Provides for experience outside the classroom by allowing and encouraging students to participate in campus efforts through internships, assistantships, class credit and service projects. Student internships and practicum experiences – o Expand options with the Learning Center and Office of Sustainability o Utilize corporate partners for ‘real-life experiences’ and internships Outreach Partnerships – Campus partners with the local community, companies, agencies and non-profits to identify class projects, internships and local research efforts that provide a local benefit. New tools & technology – Identify new methods o Computer software can be used to demonstrate connections between emissions and climate response. For example, the Model for the Assessment of Greenhousegas induced Climate Change and Regional Climate Scenario Generator (MAGICC/SCENGEN) simulates how specific emissions paths lead to changes in greenhouse gas concentrations and climate. Peer Education o Off-Campus Engagement Green Alumni funding Incorporate more community and local partners into planning Communicate w/ city & DHEC Institutional Capacity The University must take appropriate actions to be successful by ensuring institutional learning capabilities and support mechanisms are in place. The abilities listed below have been identified to support a successful education for sustainability initiative. - - - - - Support – Senior Administration and key leadership positions such as Deans understand the importance of the campus effort for sustainability education and provide appropriate support through statements, resources or supportive administrative structures. Mechanisms o Course identification system Commitments o Consider becoming a signatory to the Talloires Declaration, which is a ten point action plan to incorporate sustainability and environmental literacy into teaching, research, operations and literacy. o Implement STARRS as a sustainability matrix on campus Incentives, rewards and recognition - Encourage faculty to expand their comfort zones and incorporate sustainability into their area of teaching and expertise. Investigate possibly initiatives to encourage faculty to integrate sustainability into their work such as faculty scholars program, stipends or tenure points. Additional collaboration and partnership among faculty from different fields. Establish departmental and campus recognition program or possibly expand School of the Environment Earth Day awards. Institutional structures of responsibility and accountability – o Leadership statement reflecting the importance and encourage faculty initiative through a clear vision o Identify an individual or responsible group that has the authority and accountability for sustainability education efforts o Ensure sustainability education is part of strategic plan o Develop campus process to track efforts, assess and report regularly The campus needs to develop or refine processes to identify sustainability content that supports the mission, evaluate the content Determine how we will improve our course work and curriculum and make it available Consider an interdisciplinary group to start identifying our needs and initial steps as well as work on improving our offerings Communicate the results o Seek opportunities to fund and institutionalize efforts Enable stakeholders o Faculty Development Program – Institute a faculty led program to strengthen their engagement with sustainability and environmental programs. Creation of a o o o o program similar to the Ponderosa Project at Northern Arizona or Piedmont Project at Emory can provide faculty with a variety of approaches and resources, opportunities to step beyond their disciplines, and the content critical to this effort. Staff Development – Ensure that offices across the campus are supportive of various sustainability efforts and potential research that may be taking place. The campus must demonstrate what it is teaching. Programs such as regular training, employee recognition and the inclusion of sustainability into employee orientation can ensure staff inclusion efforts. Additionally, the development of a peer leader program should be investigated to place individuals in each department or school that can become a resource for sustainability issues. The Facilities Apprenticeship Program has already begun to include sustainability into its training schedule. Each campus employee should have the ability to be a teacher in their daily work. Develop programs to ensure regular recognition of employee efforts. Students – Continue to encourage and expand student based initiatives on campus. The Green Quad Learning Center may be a role model to expand education and support efforts campus wide. An environmental education position on campus could be a significant force in expanding campus efforts and ensuring positive results. Increasing student control over their own funds, such as a student green fee, to address climate change can reinforce the concept of individual effort. Learning communities – Continue growth and evolvement of our current learning communities. The current Eco-Rep program has tremendous potential to impact our residential students. Efforts should be considered to continue the expansion of the program and include a funding source that recognizes their effort similar to resident mentors. Additionally, the Eco-Rep program has the potential to expand campus wide into a peer mentoring program to engage faculty, staff and students directly. Idea contest – Promote student suggestions to address climate change through an initial or annual idea contest. APPENDIX C: FINANCING OPTIONS - - - - - Life Cycle Costing – Planning and procurement requirements should be examined to allow the incorporation of life cycle cost/benefits instead of simply initial cost. Big Picture Planning Revolving Loan Funds – An initial fund could be established to allow departments or schools to borrow from to make improvements or initiate savings related projects in their buildings. They funds could be repaid through the future savings to ensure the fund continued. Alumni green fund – Establishment of a fund that alumni could contribute to that went directly to energy and/or environmental efforts on campus. Student green fee – Student fee that was directed by students to address specific projects or student concerns on campus related to environmental/energy issues. Incentives & Rebates o Re do energy/utility billing Reinvest our savings – Savings realized from energy saving initiatives should be re-invested back into additional energy/environmental efforts. Power Purchase Agreements (PPA) – Partner with third party to obtain on campus renewable power without minimal or zero initial investment. Future benefits would include free power, energy credits and reduced emissions. Credit Card Agreements – Utilize purchasing cards that provide cash or a percentage back that could then be invested into carbon offsets or energy projects. Track State/Federal Incentives/Grants – Creative Financing Public/Private Partnerships – Endowments – Initiate efforts to include a search for significant endowments related to sustainability. Student Group Purchase of Green Power – Select groups on campus, such the residents of Preston College, can elect to buy additional Green Power to make a statement. Vendors – Future contracts should take into consideration the negative impact vendors can have on our campus and reflect that in the contract. Vendors also have the potential to bring special resources to the campus and those may be reflected in the campus, such as the soft drink vendor required to provide recycling bins and vending misers. Performance Contracts – Future PCs should be considered that cover a long term effort to address energy and climate issues that require paybacks longer than 4-5 years. This will allow further reduction of emissions that would not normally be feasible under a traditional PC. Additionally, PCs should include carbon impact numbers for every proposed project. Incorporate into Budget/Planning Process – A key element for the successful reduction of GHG emission. The Budget and Planning office of the campus should be an active participant in the CAP process to ensure efforts are economically accounted for and feasible, but also to ensure the emissions reductions is part of the long term campus planning efforts. - - Integration with campus planning and incorporation of sustainability and carbon reduction into the master plan. – o Update Sustainable Design Guidelines o Re examine the carbon impact of the Campus Master Plan and specifically the Innovista street plan o Begin planning for development and energy as a whole for the future and not building by building. Energy must be looked at to service a campus or neighborhood because addressing it building by building will not be cost effective. Long term planning should include a master energy plan and development plan that minimized the carbon impact. Incorporation into strategic plan – The strategic plan should reflect not only the importance of sustainability to the mission but also the efforts to educate and create and impact.