University of Phoenix Material

Virtual Portal Exploration
Samantha Ronsick
February 3, 2014
Elizabeth Franklin
University of Phoenix Material
Virtual Portal Exploration
Access the virtual organization portal from the link on the rEsource page. Two entities of interest within
the Virtual Organization Portal will be explored: Northwest Valley Community College and Boardman
Corporate University.
1. To access Northwest Valley Community College, select the Northwest Valley Community College at
Kelsey Campus from the Education Virtual Portal.
2. To Access the Boardman Corporate University, select the Virtual Businesses Organization Portal.
Click on Baderman Island. Once on the Baderman Island Web site, select the Baderman Island
Employee Access link. Click “Continue to Baderman Island Resort Employee Site” and select the
Operations link. Locate Boardman Corporate University (BCU) and select the link, “Click here to be
redirected to the BCU page for Boardman Management Group.”
3. State five points of Interest about Northwest Valley Community College:
Northwest Community College offers associate’s degree programs in the areas of arts, sciences,
applied science, and general studies. They also offer six certificate programs in the areas of
administration of justice, beginning management, computer programming, justice studies,
management, and web design.
Northwest Community College has been primarily focused on developing criminal justice,
computer technology, and general education programs in recent years. However, they have
identified areas for program development opportunities to better serve potential students in the
Kelsey community due to the growth in the hospitality industry, the local hospital, and other new
businesses in the area.
A total of 7,000 students at Northwest Community College are enrolled in continuing education
(certificate programs) and individual courses, compared to only 5,000 students enrolled in degree
programs. Of those students enrolled in degree programs, a majority of students are pursuing the
Associate of Applied Science degree, which includes business, computer information
systems/web design, and administration of justice programs.
Northwest Community College has a local main campus in Kelsey, and satellite campuses in
Kelsey, Davis, and Martin, in addition to offering online classes.
Northwest Community College provides a service to students in the form of Learning
Enhancement Centers where many services are provided to students for coursework help, basic
skills, study skills, and to access computers, in addition to rooms where study groups may meet.
4. State five points of interest about Boardman Corporate University (Accessed through Baderman
Island’s Boardman Management Group):
Boardman Corporate University has been offering professional development courses to
Baderman Island Resort employees since 2004.
Professional development educational offerings at Boardman Corporate University are provided
at no cost to employees of the Baderman Island Resort.
Different offerings provided by Boardman Corporate University include professional development
for staff members to gain new skills, customized training development for managers, and a
standard orientation program for all new hires to increase employee success.
Boardman Corporate University offers both instructor-led and online professional development
Boardman Corporate University offers a variety of professional development selections, including
courses in disaster planning, CPR, food service, alcohol safety, supervising, customer service,
listening skills, hotel room preparation, and facilities maintenance.
5. Conduct research within the virtual organizations portal (e.g., businesses, education, healthcare,
government). Review course catalog descriptions within the Northwest Valley Community College.
Identify two educational needs from two different virtual organizations that are not fulfilled currently
through courses offered at Northwest Valley Community College. Explain your choices.
Due to the recent expansion of the local Patton-Fuller Community Hospital, one educational need
in the Kelsey community would be in the area of nursing and health care administration.
Northwest Community College could benefit greatly by offering nursing and health care courses
and certificates to attract potential students from the hospital. Possible additions could include an
Associate of Arts in Health Care Administration and other concentrations, as well as individual
courses for nurses and certificate courses for continuing education.
The Baderman Island Resort is creating an educational need in the areas of hospitality, travel,
and tourism. Northwest Community College could benefit by offering some additional business
courses or certificate programs focusing on hospitality and operations management, tourism,
travel, recreation and event planning, food service, or even an associate degree program in the
area of hospitality management.
6. Conduct research within the Baderman Island Resort Destination in the Virtual Businesses
Organization Portal and explore the virtual tour of the island including its hotels, restaurants,
transportation, and entertainment and recreation available to guests. Review the course catalog
descriptions within Boardman Corporate University linked through the Boardman Management
Group. Identify two employee professional development needs from two different services provided
on Baderman Island that are not fulfilled currently through courses offered at Boardman Corporate
University. Explain your selection.
Boardman Corporate University has a professional development need in the area of hospitality
management and event planning for employees who work in the Melancon Convention Center &
Hotel as well as the Visitor’s Center at Baderman Island Resort. Employees need to be able to
assist customers with booking and organizing events in the convention center and other private
gatherings to create the best experience for their clients as possible. Professional development
offerings could include curriculum on finances and budgeting, organization and communication
skills, catering, knowledge of permits and health code safety, knowledge of foods and and
beverages for events, and facilities knowledge for setting up meeting and event space.
Boardman Corporate University also has a professional development need in the area of golf
course management for those who work at Pepicello Fairways, including training for those who
work in the Golf Pro Shop on knowledge of all merchandise and gold equipment to be able to
recommend the best supplies and equipment to customers. Professional development golf course
management courses could include curriculum on business knowledge, golf lessons teaching
skills, food and beverage knowledge, retail, club management, golf instruction, repairs, and golf
course design and upkeep for greenskeepers.