Understanding, Implementing and Communicating with Core Vocabulary Materials compiled & adapted by Dori Anderson Kendra Bittner Allegheny Intermediate Unit Assistive Technology Coordinators August 2013 Resources • This compilation of information was gathered from the work of multiple researchers and professionals from the fields of assistive technology and speech & language. • Please read the notes section of each slide as resources are listed as well as, in some cases, additional information about the slide content. Resources are also listed within the reference section at the end of the power point. • If you are going to use any portion of this power point, please include the notes section with the slides as well as reference slides to ensure that the information is properly cited. 2 “The ‘art’ of building communicative competence has to do with the faith, the hope, the belief, and the commitment to the right of every individual to seek his or her full potential.” ~Janice Light, 1996 3 Communication & Vocabulary Selection 4 Why Do We Communicate? • Reject what we don’t want • Ask for what we do want • Comment on what we see • Tell stories • Complain • Ask questions • Answer questions • More… 5 Goals of Communication Supports • To meet the student’s basic needs • To teach the power of communication • To provide the student with access to the curriculum • To provide the student with life-long language 6 Communication? I want cheese chips Pop Tart drink carrots swing bike Italy Canada country 7 Students in need of communication supports are often provided with insufficient vocabulary 8 Limitations of Activity Based Displays • The opportunity to speak ends with the activity due to limited vocabulary • More activities where I can “say things” (label) is not the same as “I want to talk about/describe the things” (communication) • Activities change • Communication partners change 9 Why is vocabulary sometimes insufficient? • Task is given to staff who have limited experience with language and vocabulary selection • Communication displays are activity based and comprised of noun or label based vocabulary • Creation of activity based displays for each activity is time consuming by constant customizing & programming • Lack of language organization 10 First Steps: Vocabulary Selection • Plan for immediate needs • Plan for recurring activities • Provide novel events • Consider use of accessible vocabulary across activities and environments 11 First Steps: Think again about… Why Do We Communicate? • Reject what we don’t want • Ask for what we do want • Comment on what we see • Tell stories • Complain • Ask questions • Answer questions • More… 12 So--What is Core Vocabulary? • Small number of words • Planned set of high frequency, re-usable, and generative vocabulary • Applicable to all environments and all topics • Include a variety of parts of speech 13 What is Core Vocabulary? • Research shows that 80% of what we say is communicated with only the 200 most basic words in our language • Tends to be pronouns, verbs, and demonstratives because they represent words that don’t change • Core words are widely used in writing textbooks and training manuals in order to be readable by a broader audience 14 So--What is Fringe Vocabulary? In contrast to Core Vocabulary, Fringe vocabulary is: o Very large number of words o Low frequency of use o Applicable to limited environments and topics o Includes mostly proper names and other nouns 15 The most frequently occurring words (core words) = 80% of the actual words spoken. 16 Example: Core vs. Fringe 1st person: “What would you like to do?” 2nd person: “I don’t know.” 1st person: “Why don’t you come over and we can watch a movie.” Total number of words = 22 Total number of core words = 21 Total number of fringe words = 1(movie) 17 Core Vocabulary is the Same Across Environments “Everyday speech is made up of core vocabulary and grammatical morphemes yet these are not the focus of vocabulary development in augmentative communication. Instead we focus on the "power words" in each environment. We think of fringe vocabulary as powerful words because simply by mentioning one, it is possible for a conversational partner to fill in the blanks. However, when we allow the conversational partner to fill in the blanks, what we are doing is allow him or her to guide the conversation, direct its contents, and many other things typically developed speakers would never allow.” ~ Bruce Baker 18 Next with Core: Vocabulary Selection • Use a combination of core and fringe • Keep in mind that core vocabulary contains all parts of speech which serves as a great medium for teaching language • Don’t overload on the fringe words because the lack of the core words limits the user’s creation of spontaneous utterances which leads the communication partner to “fill in the blanks” and guide the conversation 19 Next with Core: Vocabulary Selection • Vocabulary lists are a “starting point” based on AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication)vocabulary research and clinical practice • There are many lists that provide an array of words across development • Choosing words that span many environments and meet many functions of language include the use of core words 20 Core Vocabulary Lists • Clinical Application of Core Vocabulary http://www.vantatenhove.com/files/NLDAAC.pdf • Toddlers’ Vocabulary - Arranged by Frequency http://www.vantatenhove.com/files/BanajeeToddler.pdf • Natural Language Board-300+ Words http://www.vantatenhove.com/files/ColorWordBoard.pdf 21 Natural Language Board-300+ Words 22 Core Vocabulary Lists • Comparison of Core Vocabulary Hybrid List to Dolch List • Core Word Comparison for Language Building with AAC http://assistivetechaiu.wikispaces.com 23 Communication & Language: Vocabulary Selection • AAC users and/or students in need of communication supports hear core words daily • Teachers use the core words and may not realize it as they know them as: o Dolch words o Sight words o Word wall words • Make learning these words fun as well as functional by helping to build the user’s power and control to become an independent communicator 24 Communication & Language: Vocabulary Selection • Use typical language development as a guide in building phrases and sentences with core words to create novel, spontaneous utterances • In order for all students – AAC users, students in need of communication supports, and typically developing – to reach their potential with language proficiency, provide the same language learning opportunities 25 Select Vocabulary Based on… Normal Language Development Frequency of Use “Descriptive Talking: Needs” 26 Normal Language Development • Words used to express a full range of these pragmatic functions or “reasons to talk” • “Early” words that children use: “My vs. Mine” • Word endings or morphological markers: “+ing”, “+s” 27 Core Vocabulary & Language Development • Normal language development is the foundation of building generative language with students who are AAC users and/or are in need of communication supports for: o o o o o Pragmatics - The reasons for communicating Discourse - Conversations Semantics - Meanings of words Morphology - Building words Syntax - Building sentences 28 Frequency of Use • Better investment in “real estate” on AAC system o Keep the words in a centralized location and order o This makes modeling the language more natural when you use words repeatedly • Generic and understandable based on context of situation “Let me do it” vs. “Let me stir the brownie mix” • “Binder” words that hold together the substantive words “some of that”, “do for me”, “go with you” 29 Frequency of Use • Children use words that they hear repeatedly • Opportunities to play with language allows children to learn how words go together to make novel messages • “By learning which words can precipitate action, children begin to understand and group like words together.” (Shah, 2008) 30 “Descriptive Talking” Needs • Descriptive talking uses core vocabulary to stand for the referents or objects used in the activity, e.g. Activity: flower, vase, stem Core: this, that, it • Core Vocabulary emphasizes multiple language forms and provides a means to generative vocabulary • Usually means there are more adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, generic nouns and verbs 31 Organizing Core Vocabulary 32 Organizing Core: Layout • A robust core vocabulary will NEVER fit on a single overlay or display on a device •Core vocabulary is always organized into grammatical and/or semantic groups (verbs, adjectives, nouns –food –fruits) •Users need to be given the BIG PICTURE for how words are organized in their systems 33 Organizing Core: Layout • Keeping the organization of vocabulary static helps to make the modeling of language more natural as you use the words repeatedly • AAC users learn to retrieve words via motor planning along with understanding the architecture of an AAC system (or communication support) 34 Organizing Core: Color Coding Fitzgerald Key: • • • • • • • People-Yellow Verbs-Green Descriptions-Blue Nouns-Orange Social-Pink Misc.-White Places-Purple Goossens’, Crain, Elder • • • • • Verbs-Pink Descriptors-Blue Prepositions-Green Nouns-Yellow Misc.-Orange 35 Why use color coding? • Color-coding black and white line drawings (e.g., Mayer Johnson picture communication symbols) allows the user and facilitator to locate symbols more easily. • If color-coding is organized according to grammatical categories, the user has an added feature to assist in learning how to sequence symbols, and in turn, to support the development of sentence-building or syntax skills. • Because shape is a salient clue, color-code the background, not the figure, so that the shape of the symbol will be more visible to the student. (AAC Intervention, 2004) 36 …and what about the symbol system? Consider the following: • Visual abilities of the user* • Number and range of symbols within the system • Access to grammatical elements and abstract words • Symbols/system already known by the user 37 Choosing a Symbol System Consider if the user is able to: • Determine the function of objects • Match objects to their pictures • Understand and utilize more iconic symbol representations—language and words Therefore, need to consider: • Literacy status • Degree of communicative or interactive behavior • Understanding of symbol/concept relationship 38 Choosing a Symbol System Consider: • Will the initial symbol system change as the student demonstrates more complex symbolic abilities? • Will the symbol system effectively promote the student’s skills and abilities to combine symbols for unique messages? • What is the most appropriate size for the symbols? • How many symbols can be displayed at once? • How many symbols will be introduced at first? • Can the student access multiple categories of symbols? 39 Implementing Core Vocabulary Strategies 40 Implementing Core Vocabulary • Interest is the most powerful tool when fostering meaningful communication. Students need context for communication to spark interest and message selection process Having something to say- interest Having words to talk about it – core vocabulary 41 Implementing Core Vocabulary: The Baker* Equation • “If the motivation to communicate a message is greater than the physical effort, cognitive effort, and time required to produce it, then communication will occur. If not, no message will be generated.”~Bruce Baker o Motivation: How much the individual wants to communicate messages with available words to do so o Physical: Amount of effort required to produce the message o Cognitive effort: remembering where a message is located or how it is coded o Time: How long it takes to produce the message 42 Implementation Strategies • Make communication opportunities throughout the day and across activities • Model communication strategies—”Aided Language Stimulation” • Scaffold and Prompt • Incorporate “Wait time” during interactions 43 Implementation Strategies • Use Visual Supports • Develop IEP Goals for which core vocabulary can assist achievement • Utilize core words within daily lessons to support language development 44 Implementation Strategies: Aided Language Stimulation • Aided language stimulation (ALS) is a communication strategy, where a communication partner teaches symbol meaning and models language by combining his or her own verbal input with selection of vocabulary on the communication system • This is done by simultaneously selecting vocabulary on the AAC system and speaking. 45 Aided Language Stimulation • Assumes that all children learn language the same way through natural interaction in a language immersion environment • Assumes that communication systems will have enough generative language to be able to say what you want to say, when you want to say it o Language is modeled in natural contexts—ALL THE TIME o Language is NOT an activity o Language is NOT just performing a script 46 Aided Language Stimulation • Model pointing to symbols according to the individual’s pace. Provide enough time for the user to understand the word, word order and sentence structure Modeling: o is more than “this symbol means this” o shows how symbols can be used to say real things in real situations o provides ideas of what to say o uses a variety of parts of speech 47 Implementation Strategies: Communication Prompt Hierarchy • STATE: Make a very general statement about the situation o “I have a big bag of stuff. You don’t know WHAT it is” (model WHAT on communication system) Keep eye contact & wait up to 10 secs • SUGGEST: Be a little more direct, but still general o “You can ask me WHAT I have (again model WHAT) Watch & wait • SAY: Tell the person specifically what to say o “Say the word WHAT to find out WHAT I brought” (again model WHAT) Watch & wait • ASSIST: Physically assist the person o “Let me help you say WHAT so you can see WHAT is in the bag” 48 Implementation Strategies • Understand the communication requirements of everyday activities • Examine various social contexts in which interaction might occur: o Structure of social interactions o How interactions are initiated, maintained, terminated; and what vocabulary is needed to do this o What communication functions are used within interactions and what vocabulary is needed to meet those functions (beyond requesting) 49 Implementation Strategies • Use static, core displays to stop “endless” programming • Target the first 50 words with the thought that the AAC system should grow keeping with normal language development principles • Begin with similar displays within a classroom and shift to personal, customized core displays • Bring core vocabulary into activity-based instruction by teaching the student by “doing” the activity, not through direct instruction on a specific skill 50 Implementation Strategies • Use strategies that promote “multi-word” talking • Encourage active participation of the student for each step of an activity • Engineer environments with core vocabulary to expose students to more words beyond those on the core word displays (ECT) • Provide opportunities through daily routines with “scripts” for repeated use of core vocabulary (ECT) 51 Implementation Strategies: ECT • Environmental Communication Teaching (ECT) approach assists classroom teams to deliver communication intervention within the context of existing natural environments—educational, vocational, community • Elements include engineering the environment and “scripting” of communication interactions 52 Implementation Strategies: ECT • Basics of Environmental Communication Teaching: o o o o Arranging the environment Selecting communication targets Responding to the student’s initiations Reinforcing the student’s communicative attempts • Utilizes 3 major intervention components or tools: o Use of structural analysis and modification o Use of facilitative cues, prompts, feedback o Use of AAC techniques and approaches 53 ECT and Core Vocabulary • Arrange the environments and create opportunities to communicate for students with complex communication needs • Use a structure/teaching script for implementation of activity objectives • Take advantage of modeling and coaching 54 ECT and Core Vocabulary • Provide vocabulary to move messages beyond “wants and needs” • Use prompting and “wait time” strategies and learn to fade • Implement aspects of AAC and communication interactions—vocabulary, symbol, message selection, layout, access, etc. 55 Summary: Implementation Strategies Regardless of “no, low or high” tech system: Model expected communication behaviors Presume competence Follow prompt hierarchy Teach language functions—directing, commenting, requesting assistance, etc. • Wait (10-20 seconds) before re-prompting • Provide core words—nouns and actions, descriptors • • • • 56 Summary: Implementation Strategies Regardless of “no, low or high” tech system: • • • • • • Color code parts of speech Keep icon placement constant Allow user time to explore and learn system Make AAC available at all times Provide Aided Language input Ask open-ended questions 57 58 Implementing Core Vocabulary Activities 59 “…design an integrated, flexible, and responsive continuum of communication supports for language learning and academic success.” ~Barbara Cannon & Grace Edmond Spotsylvania County Schools 60 Advice: Core Vocabulary in Activities • Think through/Plan the Activity o What’s the activity? o How are you going to organize what you do to provide • Opportunities to use core? o How are you going to manage the materials of the activity? o What core words will you target? o Have “flexible structure” – don’t be too rigid • Practice in using core becomes an automatic part of your teaching routine • Plan for transition to new classes/schools 61 Format of Activities 1. Small group: Scripting and Role Playing 2. Small group: Applying the Model to Meet State Standards with Core Vocabulary 3. Lesson Planning 62 Common Classroom Activities o Requesting/choice making o Visual Schedules/Supports o Information Transfer o Social Closeness o Lessons/curriculum o Emerging Literacy 63 Classroom Activities: Requesting/Choice Making • Use objects that are of high interest to the student to increase meaningful communication • Identify your target language by including core words o I, you, that, this, it, give, get, go, have, do, not, more, again o How may different ways can you ask for something using core words besides, “I want”? • Create a situation to engage in a communicative exchange: o Sabotage by leaving out something that is necessary o Temptation situations • http://praacticalaac.org/praactical/how-to-makecommunication-temptations-really-work/ 64 Requesting/Choice Making • Game play – o Go Fish: I, you, it, that, give, have, not o UNO – What core words can you use? o See Playing Around: Using Games to Facilitate Language Development of People Who Use AAC http://www.csun.edu/cod/conf/1998/proceedings/csun98_076.ht m • Cooking o Pour = Put it in o Mix = go around o Beat = What core words can you use? • Doing Errands o Delivering mail = Here, I give o Picking up laundry = What core words can you use? • Completing classroom chores o Line leader= Go there/here, You go here o Calendar helper = What words can you use? 65 Classroom Activities: Visual Schedules… • Aid with understanding the structure and the parameters of the day • Assist with directions to an activity • Support teaching multiple concepts o Process – beginning, middle, end o Visual spatial – top, middle, bottom; left, center, right o Time – first, next, last; first, then; now, finished 66 Visual Schedules • Lay out orientation o o o o Vertical – Lists, schedules Horizontal - Directions Circular – An alternate way to show a schedule Ring – Shows one activity at a time 67 Visual Schedules • Review the items as you go using time order words or phrases to indicate the activity has ceased: o “First math, next spelling, last break time.” o “Math is finished, now spelling, next break time.” o “Math is finished, spelling is finished, now break time.” 68 Visual Schedules • Cessation o Pull off & put into a pocket, envelope, or on the back o If returning to a book, keep it in the same location each time by making a base page with the symbols so you can match same to same o Check list (paper or erasable marker) o Include a “finished” symbol on the back of the symbol card 69 Visual Schedules • Cessation (con’t) o Differentiate between completing a step within the activity, “All done,” and ceasing the activity entirely, “Finished.” • Symbols may be the same to represent both concepts. Choose an alternate symbol for one of the concepts. • American Sign Language signs for both concepts are the same. Emphasize “finish” more than “all done.” 70 Visual Supports • Smart Charts o A visual map that shows the AAC user how to navigate to new or targeted word • Word Walls or Communication Word Walls o A collection of words/symbols that are displayed in the environment to help learn new words • Adapted books with symbols • Mini environmental script o Symbols are used to provide directions on how to do or use something 71 Classroom Activities: Information Transfer • Early communicators often talk about people, objects and events as a way to transfer information • Events: o o o o o Consist of human interactions Can be talked about using a variety of words Allow the AAC user to reflect internally Help distinguish the learner from other people Increase interaction and language when the events are meaningful and related to the person 72 Information Transfer • Core words aid the communication exchange by allowing them to be used to describe events with a communication partner thus producing novel, generative language o Begin at the user’s level of understand o Include multi- core word utterances (word combinations, pivot schemas) o Provide opportunities to talk about and describe activities using core words 73 Information Transfer • Create a Remnant Book, Bits Books, Experience Book, Me Book o Make a book from a three ring binder and plastic sheet protectors or use a small photo album o Gather bits from the event such as a movie ticket stub or a napkin with the name of the restaurant o Place them in a book o Use this information to engage the student into a conversation about the item using core words: • • • • • “What’s that?” “Where did {do} you go?” “What did {do} you do?” “What did {do} you have?” “That’s good.” (commenting) 74 Information Transfer • Create a Home News and a School News page on the AAC device to share information to and from home and school. o If the AAC system allows it, save the message from the message window to a button o Ask, “What do you tell ___ about school today?” o Save the message to the button to be used to relay the information to a care giver, peer or adult o Print the message to be used as a journal entry o Class journal topics can be used as information to be shared from school to home o Allow time for the AAC user to compose the message • You can write down some things that occurred during the day and use a topic list 75 “Communication allows me to express my humanity.” ~Rick Creech 76 Classroom Activities: Social Closeness • A reason to communicate so that we establish, maintain, and develop relationships • Interact with another person to aid in developing a sense of belonging with others • Use partner focused questions o Questions that can aid with initiation, maintenance, commenting, and cessation of the communicative exchange o Carrier phrases using core words: “What are you doing today?” 77 Social Closeness • Consider the following factors: o Age o Background o Type of exchange (formal or informal) are factors to consider o For example, I talk to my friends differently than I talk with my mother. • Comments that can be used to add to the conversation as well as ones that indicate what is trying to be said is on available • Interactions need to be taught o Obligatory – obligated to partake o Non-obligatory – invited to partake 78 Classroom Activities: Lessons/Curriculum • Authentic activities that provide the acquisition and learning of the skill using core words and grade level content that is aligned to the PA Academic Standards Activities. • Lessons should have: o A clear beginning, middle, and end o Relevance to the user’s life evidenced by interest and motivation as well as being aligned to the PA Academic Standards o Target words or multi-word combinations that can be practiced several times through out the day in multiple environments: • Go, give, make, not, like, let’s, sing, play 79 Lessons/Curriculum Vocabulary demands for students with complex communication needs: • Access to adequate vocabulary to express new knowledge and increasingly complex ideas. • The ability to express a variety of communicative functions. • Adjust to the communication demands of different contexts. • Use of the alphabet for reading and spelling. • Vocabulary that allows expansion of the semantic and syntactic complexity of expressive language. 80 Lessons/Curriculum Instructional Language - Search grade by grade to determine: • What specific vocabulary is clearly called out? o Question words, shapes, personal and possessive pronouns o Combine core words with vocabulary word • Agree = think same • Disagree = not think same • Conflict = not think or do same • What word classes are clearly called out? o Pronouns, nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs 81 Lessons/Curriculum Instructional language: Use core words to answer by describing to solidify the concepts and communication: • Character, Who o e.g., man in book; big, mad woman; sick animal • Setting, Where o e.g., hot dry there ; down by water; at home • Subtraction, What you do o e.g., take from • Addition, What you do o e.g., put together 82 Classroom Activities: Emerging Literacy • Combine core words with Dolch List words to create a word wall that can be used for communication as well as literacy. o Core words and Dolch List words overlap • Identify words: o Choose words from the text and core words to target for communication • Predictable books • Repetitive line books (see resource in notes) o Review daily routines and lessons where the words can be presented and communicated Zangari & Paiva, 2012 83 Emerging Literacy • Shared Reading o o o o Explicitly model reading with the student Model using the AAC Choral responding to practice finding words on AAC Reading conventions • Vocabulary selection – choose words that can be used in both reading and communicating o Core words – you, it, can, do, what o Specific vocabulary – Mr. Brown • Example of using core words - Mr. Brown Can Moo, Can You? By Dr. Seuss; • • There is a repetitive line, “Mr. Brown can do it.” Note the focus is on the core words used for communication and can be modeled during a shared reading. 85 Emerging Literacy • Identify characters, setting, plot, conclusion o Use of core words to ask and/or identify • Practice reading along with the targeted core words on the AAC helps with motor planning and how we put words together o Extends beyond reading • Discuss the book • Use visual supports to accompany the book Emerging Literacy • Model using the words all day, every day, by everyone • Use the words in a variety of ways: o o o o o Commenting Reading Writing Circle time Center time • See Jane Farrell’s Blog: 101 Ideas for…Literacy & AAC http://talksense.weebly.com/literacy-and-aac.html 87 Emerging Literacy • Use of AAC to participate in the writing process o Pre-write– brain storm o Draft – get your thoughts down without worrying about grammar and mechanics o Revise – move your thoughts around o Edit – attend to grammar, spelling, mechanics o Publish • • • • • • Remnant books Photos Graphic organizers Predictable books with rhyme and rhythm Edit existing books Publish your own book Remember… “Not being able to speak is not the same as not having anything to say.” ~Rosemary Crossley 89 References • • • • • • • • • • A Core Issue: A Core Vocabulary for the Common Core, ASHA 2012, Penelope Hatch, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, Karen Erickson, Ph.D., Allison Dennis, M.Ed., Center for Literacy & Disability Studies, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Marlene Cummings, M.S., CCC-SLP, Oakland Schools Adapted from creation of Lauren Enders, and content of Enders, Pat Mervine, Melissa Skocypec, & Cathie VanAlstine, February 2013 The ASHA Leader, April 14, 2009. A Few Good Words http://www.asha.org/Publications/leader/2009/090414/f090414c.htm Baker, B. How Minspeak® Allows for Independent Communication by Giving Anyone Access to Core Vocabulary. Retrieved on 6/25/13 from http://www.minspeak.com/CoreVocabulary.php#.UcnGgTteaSo Baker, B. and Hill, K. Core Vocabulary is the Same Across Environments. Retrieved on 6/25/13 from http://www.csun.edu/cod/conf/2000/proceedings/0259Baker.htm Baker, B. May 2013. Semantic Compaction Language Seminar. Banajee, M., DiCarlo, C., & Buras-Stricklin, S. (2003). Core Vocabulary Determination for Toddlers, Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 19, 63-73. Brown, R. 1973. A First Language: The Early Stages. London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd. COLOR-Coding Communication Displays. 2004. AAC Intervention. http://aacintervention.com/home/180009852/180009852/tips/2005/01jan2005/colorcoding.pdf Computer and Language Disabilities presented at Byte Computer Show, (Boston, MA, May; Dallas, TX, September; New York, New York, September; San Francisco, CA, September), 1985 90 References • • • • • • • • Core Vocabulary AAC Language Lab – PRC Supplemental Materials http://www.aaclanguagelab.com/other/core-vocabulary Crossley, R. DEAL Communication Centre in Melbourne, Australia. Retrieved from http://childabuse.tc.columbia.edu/stick-1-1.jsp on August 28, 2013. Dell, A., Newton, D., & Petroff, J. (2012). Part 3: Augmentative Communication. Chapter 10: Selecting and Designing a Student’s Augmentative Communication System. Assistive Technology in the Classroom: Enhancing the School Experiences of Students with Disabilities. Boston: Pearson. Gill, S. 2013. “Students with Complex Communication Needs.” Presented at the Project MAX Summer Institute 2013 at Penn State. Gill, S., Holzapfel, D. Dellegrotto, J. November, 2011. Communication for Participation: Meaningful AAC Vocabulary. Presented at the AT Expo in PA. Focus on Using Symbols for Communication . ISAAC (UK). Published in 2008 by Communication Matters. Retrieved on August 20, 2013 from www.communicationmatters.org.uk. Let’s Get to the Core! Using Core Vocabulary to Communicate. Source unknown. Light, Janice. Beyond Requesting. Retrieved on July 11, 2013 from http://www.slideshare.net/slpwendy/beyond-requesting-presentation 91 References • • • • • • • • Lunger, J. et. al. “Hands-On Tools & Strategies for Enhancing Collaborative AAC Support Teams: Resources for Organized Therapeutic Service Delivery”. Presented at CSUN 2013. Retrieved on 8/14/13 from https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/39860871/CSUN2013.ResourcesAACTeams.pdf Parker, R. April 14, 2012. How to Make Communication Temptations Really Work. PrAACtical AAC. Retrieved on 6/25/13 from: http://praacticalaac.org/praactical/howto-make-communication-temptations-really-work/ Shah. M. 2008. Talk-About AAC; An AAC Application for Emerging Language Learners. Retrieved on April 22, 2013 from http://www.silverkite.com/documents/talkaboutcurriculum.pdf Van Tatenhove, G., et. al. ATIA, January 2013. Implementing Core Vocabulary in Special Needs Classrooms. Van Tatenhove, B. 2005. Natural Language Board. http://www.vantatenhove.com/files/ColorWordBoard.pdf Van Tatenhove, G. 2005, Revised October 2007. Normal Language Development, Generative Language & AAC. Van Tatenhove, G. & Madeya, A. 2008. ISAAC, Montreal, Canada. The Core Vocabulary Classroom: More Power, Less Work Van Tatenhove, G. 2009. The Pixon Language and Learning Activity Notebook. 92 References • • • • • • • Van Tatenhove, 2013. The Student Using AAC: No Longer the Quiet Child in Your Classroom. Presented at the 2013 PDE Conference, Hershey, PA. Van Tatenhove, G. Activity Based Instruction Using Core Vocabulary with Students with Severe Intellectual Disabilities. PaTTAN ATC Retreat. April 3-4, 2013. Harrisburg, PA. Van Tatenhove, G. Activity-Based Instruction with Students with Severe Intellectual Disabilities; Core Vocabulary with Emergent and Context-Dependent Communicators in Special Education Classrooms. Retrieved on August 23, 2013 from www.schools.utah.gov/sars/DOCS/calendar/13sscd/gvt_keynote.aspx Zangari, C. March 10, 2012. Visual Schedules 411. PrAACtical AAC. Retrieved on 6/25/13 from: http://praacticalaac.org/strategy/visual-schedules-411/ Zangari, C. and Paiva, T. “Look Who’s Talking: A Curricular Approach to Core Language Instruction for Prekindergarten Children with AAC Needs”. Presented at the ISAAC Conference, July 28, 2012 in Pittsburgh, PA. http://www.slideshare.net/PrAACticalAAC/isaac-2012-zangari-paiva-preconferenceworkshop-handout Zangari, C. April 29, 2013. Core Samples. PrAACtical AAC. Retrieved on 6/25/13 from: http://praacticalaac.org/praactical/core-samples/ Zangari, C. July 9, 2013. Visual Schedule Roundup. PrAACtical AAC. Retrieved on / 6/25/13 from http://praacticalaac.org/praactical/visual-schedule-round-up 93