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<img src="asb/images/weeds.jpg" alt="Weeds"
style="display:block;height:211px;margin-bottom: -35px;" />
<p> </p>
<h1> Rural Vegetation Control</h1>
<p style="display:block; width: 355px; margin: 5px 0 15px 0;"><img
src="asb/images/weeds.gif" alt="" style="margin-right: 13px;"/>
<a href="asb/pdf/weed_control_brochure.pdf" target="_blank">Click to Download
Vegetation Control Brochure</a></p>
<h2> Vegetation Management</h2>
<p>The Smoky Lake County Agricultural Services Board (ASB) will be
following our complete <a
target="_blank"><strong>Vegetation Management Plan</strong></a> (VMP) for this
growing season. The VMP will work in conjunction with the Weed Inspection and Notice
program as well as coincide with Public Works Brushing and Construction
<p>A “Reverse Fence line” Spray Program will be offered. Applicants can
apply to have their field margins sprayed from their property line outwards into the
County Right of Way to control invasive species on fence lines and field margins.
Please contact the ASB for more information. </p>
<p>All aspects of the VMP will fall under <a
target="_blank"><strong>Policy Statement # 62-15</strong></a> “Vegetation Management
Plan.” The tentative start date for Roadside Spraying is June 1st.</p>
<p>Landowners who do not want spraying to occur on the right of way
adjacent to their property can come to the County office and fill out a “Right of Way
Vegetation Control” (chemical spray exemption) application. All aspects of the “NO
SPRAY” request fall under <a
target="_blank"><strong>Policy Statement # 62-11</strong></a> Weed Control “NO SPRAY”
Request. Land owners are responsible for posting “DO NOT SPRAY” signs far enough in
advance to give the sprayer operator enough notice to turn off sprayer.</p>
<h2> Surveillance and Management</h2>
<p>Canola crops throughout the county saw multiple pests have effect on
yield during the year. Early south winds bring in <strong>leaf hoppers</strong> which
in turn infected crops with Aster Yellows. <strong>Sclerotinia</strong> is prevalent
and could be a concern again, along with Blackleg. Bertha Armyworms are above
thresholds in some areas of the County however, are not a concern in others. They too
could be an issue this year. Cereals saw leaf disease pressure throughout the year
due to hot humid conditions. There have been some reports of
<strong>Fusarium</strong> and the ASB will be monitoring this situation closely. The
Smoky Lake County ASB would like to advise all producers to vigilantly scout their
crops throughout the season. ASB staff will be monitoring for diseases and insects
throughout the season as well.</p>
<p> This year saw no reported cases of <strong>clubroot</strong> in the
County. However; the Smoky Lake County Agricultural Services Board has a policy to
address any concerns in the future. <a
target="_blank"><strong>Policy Statement # 62-12</strong></a> recognizes that
clubroot is a serious problem, and that Smoky Lake County supports the principal to
control the spread of <strong>clubroot</strong>, which is a pest, under the <strong>
<a href="" target="_blank">Alberta
Agricultural Pests Act</strong></a></p>
<p>The Agricultural Service Board will continue to survey locations
within the County to detect any signs of clubroot. It is highly recommended that
farmers take a pro-active approach to check their own fields for clubroot and if
found to report it to the Agricultural Field man. It would be a benefit, if the
producer knows, so he can prevent further spread of the disease to other fields and
manage his existing field. <a
target="_blank"><strong> Policy Statement # 62-13</strong></a></p>
<p>Clubroot can spread via contaminated soil carried from field to field
by equipment, wind and water. It is recommended to blow or wash off dirt from
equipment before moving to a new field.</p>
<p>New varieties of canola are being developed that are clubroot
resistant, but it does not reduce the infestation of clubroot in a field. Crop
rotations are a major tool in helping reduce the infestation of clubroot. Remember,
once you have clubroot, your rotations will be monitored and canola crops could be
destroyed if the producer does not comply with the rules and regulations</p>
<h2>Canada Thistle</h2>
<p>Canada Thistle is a common and widespread invasive species with high
densities throughout Smoky Lake County causing major losses in pasture utilization as
well as crop yield in cultivated land. Although a prolific seed producer much of its
reproduction is from its large creeping root system, which enables it to tolerate a
large amount of disturbance throughout the growing season. To eradicate Canada
Thistle, its roots must be the target of any management program. In crop applications
of herbicide as well as mowing will help suppress the plant growth, but a fall
application of a systemic herbicide (pre or post harvest) provides the greatest
opportunity for eradication. In pasture Canada Thistle infestations are most often a
result of overgrazing and unsound pasture management. A multi tool approach including
correct stocking rates, sustainable grazing practices, mowing, fertilizing and
herbicide application is needed to bring infestations under control and
<h2> Fusarium Head Blight</h2>
<p> Fusarium head blight (FHB) caused by Fusarium graminearum, and is a
serious fungal disease of wheat, barley, oats and other small cereal grains and corn.
<p>Fusarium graminearum has been present at very low levels in Alberta
since 1989. It has been increasing in incidence and severity in southern Alberta,
where in 2009 it resulted in grade reductions due to the presence of FDK’s especially
in highly susceptible wheat varieties grown under irrigation, but the pathogen
remains relatively rare in the rest of the province at this time. </p>
<p>Although we have not had any major outbreaks in this area it is still
important to know what to look for. Click on the link below to view some very
important (FHB) information or contact the Smoky Lake County Agricultural Services
Board @ (780) 656-3730 for more information.
For details, please contact Agricultural Field person Tori Dey at the Smoky Lake
County Office at 780-656-3730 or by e-mail. <a href="mailto: "> Agricultural Fieldman </a></p>