RECEPTIONIST TEAM LEADER PHASED TRAINING PROGRAM A Note to the New Receptionist Team Leader: We want to extend you a warm welcome to our hospital as a valued member of our Health Care Team. As the Receptionist Team Leader, you will help to ensure that our hospital runs smoothly, our clients’ needs are met, your department is adequately staffed and trained and, most importantly, that our patients receive the very best medical care we can offer. Our health care team members are the direct representatives of our hospital to clients and the public and managing these individuals will comprise 40% to 60% of your major duties. We have developed this training program to ensure that you receive the knowledge and training you need to make a successful transition into your new position. Throughout this training program, we have identified key skill areas that will be critical to your success as a team leader and team member. These skill areas for the Team Leader are described and are as follows: Team building skills Veterinary knowledge Meeting management Attitude/teamwork Team training Organization/time management Client communication How well you perform in the key skill areas shown above will be reviewed later when we conduct your threemonth and annual performance evaluations. Therefore, it is important that you understand what is expected of you in these areas and that you are an active participant in your own training. If there is something you do not understand or if you feel you are not being adequately trained in an area, discuss this with your trainer or with management. Again, welcome to our hospital. We look forward to working with you in the months and years to come. Practice Owner Phased Training – Receptionist Team Leader Q1 – 2013 / VMC, Inc. Page 1 of 15 Practice Name RECEPTIONIST TEAM LEADER PHASED TRAINING PROGRAM Employee (Trainee) Name Hire Date Purpose: The purpose of this program is to introduce the Receptionist Team Leader to the practice and bring them into the hospital’s philosophy of care and service. Through this program, the new Receptionist Team Leader will become familiar with the day-to-day operations, management, and standards of care within our hospital Although a probable duration is stated for each phase of training, these are meant only as a guide and neither the trainer nor the trainee should sign off on a phase until they feel that they fully understand and are comfortable performing all the job tasks listed. Phase I - Welcome to Our Practice! Phase I Duration: Two Days Skill/ Knowledge Parking Personal Storage Hospital Orientation and Tour Trainer Date Training Completed Description Trainer’s Initials Show employee parking area. Provide employee with personal storage space. Discuss protection of personal property at work Orientation - Provide a detailed hospital tour which points out emergency exits, eye wash station, employee restrooms and employee break room. Identify the exam rooms, kennel, surgery/treatment area, pharmacy, radiology, etc. and what each area is used for. Introductions Required Forms Introduce employee to doctors and other healthcare team members. Identify trainee’s immediate supervisor. Complete Required Forms W-2 form I-9 form Verify Social Security card & driver’s license as required by I-9 Complete all required new-hire forms Other ____________________________________ (Note: All forms are to be kept in confidential personnel file, under lock and key. All current I-9 forms should be kept in a separate file under lock and key). Notebook Organizational Management Give employee an empty notebook for training notes Meeting with Practice Manager to outline expectations and goals for next 30, 60 and 90 days Phased Training – Receptionist Team Leader Q1 – 2013 / VMC, Inc. Page 2 of 15 Practice Name Skill/ Knowledge Time clock and Employee Schedules Personal Conduct Trainer Description Trainer’s Initials Demonstrate operation of time clock. Explain procedure for clocking in/out. Discuss timeliness and attendance expectations Lunch and breaks Show employee the proper protocol for submitting a request for days off form and how work schedules are presented and posted Verbally review the hospital’s policies concerning: Attendance Calling in, personal calls, cell phone policy Smoking Assure that team leader understands the philosophy of the owner and management in regard to these issues. Job Description Date Training Completed Present employee with Receptionist Team Leader job description. Review general expectations for the position, as well as protocol for annual review. Present employee with a blank performance evaluation form Review the hospital’s management structure (i.e. hierarchy of authority) Review the Receptionist Team Leader duties Present employee with hospital procedures manual. Hospital Procedures Manual Benefits Phased Training Program Make sure the At-Will Employment acknowledgement and acknowledgement that manual has been reviewed and read forms are signed by the employee and placed in their personnel file. Review benefits and effective dates. Present employee with a copy of the phased training program. Explain protocol (trainee to sign off on each phase, if trainee has questions--ask, etc.). Conduct OSHA training. Explain OSHA standards, MSDS sheets, etc. Give employee handout regarding safety Complete OSHA test OSHA Training Uniforms Computer Inform team member what they are to do if an OSHA officer shows up and ask for a tour of the practice. Make sure they know the practice OSHA safety officer’s/coordinator’s name Present team member with a uniform. Review hospital dress standards. Review computer and review key functions of veterinary database Phased Training – Receptionist Team Leader Q1 – 2013 / VMC, Inc. Page 3 of 15 Practice Name Skill/ Knowledge Trainer Records & Filing Observation Date Training Completed Description Trainer’s Initials Our Filing/Computer System Learn about filing system. Show how to look up client number from card file and computer system. Electronic file find Records are filed by ________ Location of active/inactive files, Organization of file contents, and Multiple pets in single client file. [if applicable] Sit at the front desk and observe an experienced receptionist at work (at least three hours). Make a list of standard procedures Observation Shadow exam room technicians, surgery technicians and doctors for a total of 8 hours. Summary Review what has been learned during this phase of the training program. Does the trainee have any questions about what he/she has learned? Does he/she feel that further training is needed on these areas? Trainee to sign off on Phase I. Phase I of Training Complete My signature below signifies that I have completed Phase I of the Receptionist Team Leader Phased Training Program. I believe that I fully understand the concepts covered and I am comfortable in my knowledge and ability to perform the procedures introduced in Phase I. Employee (Trainee) Phased Training – Receptionist Team Leader Q1 – 2013 / VMC, Inc. Date Page 4 of 15 Practice Name Phase II: Receiving Appointments, Scheduling, Maintenance, Basic Telephone and Computer Skills Phase II Duration: One - Two Weeks Skill/ Knowledge Veterinary Knowledge Trainer Date Training Trainer’s Completed Initials Description Reference Materials Present Trainee with the Common Medical Terminology Abbreviation handout. Receptionist handbook Hospital policy manual Other reference materials Other client education materials Review: Review Materials Telephone Skills Veterinary Software Above presented materials with trainee Other ___________ Equipment Show how to use the multi-line phone system to: 1) pick up incoming calls, 2) make calls, 3) place a call on hold, 4) transfer calls, 5) page someone in the practice and 6) make new messages for when the practice has special closings (eg, team meetings, holiday closings, etc) Complete veterinary software training module(s) Basic Schedule Management Basic Scheduling Learn what types of appointments are scheduled surgery, office visits, boarding, drop-offs, follow-up visits, and new client/pet visits and how appointments are to be scheduled for each type. Refer to list of 10, 20, and 30 minute appointment types. Learn about keeping E slots open for emergencies and catch-up times. Computerized Appointment Schedule Management Computerized Appointment System Demonstrate the computerized appointment scheduling system. Show how to: 1) view appointments, 2) enter/edit appointments, and 3) print off a list of the day’s appointments. Phased Training – Receptionist Team Leader Q1 – 2013 / VMC, Inc. Page 5 of 15 Practice Name Skill/ Knowledge Patient Admitting Hospitality Trainer Date Training Trainer’s Completed Initials Description Prepare for Admitting Show how to prepare to appointments. Pull client files for appointments and put in order of appointment Review patient records to see if the patient has reminders and is current on preventative procedures Complete and attach pre-exam checklist to the file, indicating any procedures due Prepare and attach a travel sheet For surgical appointments, prepare and attach a preanesthetic surgical consent form For drop-offs, prepare and attach a drop-off form Attach a blank report card Greeting Clients Demonstrate how to greet clients as they arrive: Review list of day’s appointments to see who will be coming in, Greet clients and pets as soon as they walk in, Personalize what you say - use clients’ and pets’ names, Show clients courtesy and hospitality (ask them to be seated, let them know that magazines and coffee are available, etc), Show clients that we respect and value their time, as well, by keeping them informed as to the anticipated wait time, etc. Plan on attending VMC’s It’s What’s Up Front and More seminar within 12 months of starting new position. Patient Admitting - Receiving Clients and Patients Receiving Clients and Patients Show how to receive appointments. Have new clients fill out new client form. Make sure the client fills in completely. o Make sure that you get vaccination history and how the client was referred. o Make a new client file and enter in the computer. o Be sure to enter the source of referral. Inform the client of any preventative procedures due and hand them pre-exam checklist to review. A tech or doctor will discuss with them further. Review with the client the reason for the appointment. o On the travel sheet, circle any procedures to be rendered, including preventative procedures due. o Also note any other information the doctors and techs should know such as symptoms, client concerns, etc. Page an assistant or tech to show the client and patient into the exam room. Phased Training – Receptionist Team Leader Q1 – 2013 / VMC, Inc. Page 6 of 15 Practice Name Patient Admitting - Receiving Surgical/Drop-off Appointments Receiving Surgical/Drop-off Appointments Instruct the trainee on admitting surgical and drop-off patients. All pets must be current on their vaccinations at the time of admittance. Verify phone numbers where the client may be reached. Verify the patient is coming in on an empty stomach. On patients under the age of ___, we recommend a preanesthetic laboratory workup. On patients over the age of ___, pre-anesthetic lab work is required. Clients must sign the drop-off form or surgical consent form before leaving their pet for treatment. Page a tech or assistant to come up front. Call the client to give status report and schedule discharge when the pet is in recovery. When appropriate, inform the client of our visiting hours. Computer Knowledge Computer - Basic Knowledge Show how to log on and off the system using a password. Show how to pull up client and patient records. Show how to enter new client/patient information into the computer Computer Knowledge Entering New Client/Patient Records Show how to enter new client/patient information into the computer. Client Communication Contacting Surgical/Drop-off Clients Learn how to contact clients to set up a 5-minute discharge appointment to pick up their pet. Client Communication No Show Appointments Contact clients who were “no shows” to schedule a new appointment. Client Communication Confirm Appointments Show how to call clients to confirm the next day’s appointments. On surgical appointments, remind client of pre-surgical instructions. Phased Training – Receptionist Team Leader Q1 – 2013 / VMC, Inc. Page 7 of 15 Practice Name Skill/ Knowledge Trainer End of Life Appointments Physical Plant Maintenance Date Training Trainer’s Completed Initials Description Explain how end of life appointments are scheduled and how greeter should anticipate and prepare for these types of appointments. Keeping Our Practice Neat and Clean Go over cleaning protocol for front desk, reception area, children’s area, and hallway, maintaining the client refreshment area with fresh coffee and supplies, etc. Contact kennel manager for “accidents.” Explain procedure for controlling odors. Discuss danger in using Controlling Odors Noise Pollution bleach and that bleach should NEVER be mixed with ammonia. Explain procedure for minimizing noise pollution. (e.g. barking dogs are escorted to a private area or an exam room) Explain proper use of ear plugs. Conclusion of Phase II Review of Phase II of training program. Trainee is asked if he or she has any questions or needs further training on any part of Phase II. Trainee signs off on Phase II. Trainee Comments - Phase II Use this area for any comments you have concerning this phase of your training. This will help us to improve our training systems and ensure that adequate training is provided to you. Your comments will be read by the management of the practice and kept in your confidential employee file. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Phase II of Training Complete My signature below signifies that I have completed Phase II of the Receptionist Team Leader Phased Training Program. I believe that I fully understand the concepts covered and I am comfortable in my knowledge and ability to perform the procedures introduced in Phase II. Employee (Trainee) Phased Training – Receptionist Team Leader Q1 – 2013 / VMC, Inc. Date Page 8 of 15 Practice Name Phase III: Client Receipting, Discharging Patients, Cash Handling, Answering the Phone, Marketing of Products and Services Phase III Duration: One - Two Weeks Skill/ Knowledge Trainer Date Training Completed Description Telephone Skills Basic Telephone Etiquette Ensure that New Practice Manager knows the proper procedures for handling: Incoming calls: Placing callers on hold Transferring calls Taking messages Client Communication Handling Client Calls Learn our protocol for handling different types of client calls using the Receptionist Answer Box as a reference tool. Trainer should review with the Trainee the protocol for handling the following types of calls: Trainer’s Initials General Queries and Telephone Shoppers Scheduling Appointments Routine Medical Questions (preventative care, etc) Other Medical Questions Emergency Phone Calls Requests for Prescription Refills Practice Taking Telephone Calls Trainer to monitor as the employee takes phone calls. Marketing Products and Services Learn about the products and services we offer and how to educate clients about them. Discuss capturing phone shoppers Client educational materials Feed and products sold through the retail area/point of purchase display New patient care kits for puppies, kittens, adult and senior dogs and cats Explain passive marketing Cash Handling Processing Payments Show the proper procedure for receiving cash and processing check and credit card payments. Cash Handling Accounts Receivable Learn the hospital’s credit and collection policies and how to handle credit transactions. Recognizing clients’ credit status and when credit is permitted. Processing accounts receivable charges. Processing accounts receivable payments. Phased Training – Receptionist Team Leader Q1 – 2013 / VMC, Inc. Page 9 of 15 Practice Name Skill/ Knowledge Trainer Date Training Completed Description Discharging Patients Invoicing Out-patient Visits Show how to receipt out a client for an out-patient visit. Review the travel sheet. All services rendered should be highlighted. Make sure that any dispensed medications have been given to the client. If a recheck appointment is needed, schedule it at this time. Make sure there are future reminders set up for the patient in the computer. If not, obtain preventative history from medical record or from client and enter into the computer. Check for previous balances. Go to the invoicing screen. Enter all information and service codes highlighted on the travel sheet. o When finished, count the number of service codes entered to make sure it matches the number written in the corner of the travel sheet. Verbally review with the client the services that were rendered. Ask the client if there will be anything else today. Print the invoice. o This itemization should be done referring to the computer screen, before handing the client the bill. Present the invoice to the client and accept payment. If any problems or disputes arise, refer to supervisor or practice manager. Discharging Patients Releasing Surgical and Hospitalized Patients Show how to discharge and invoice out surgical and hospitalized patients. After invoice the client, page an assistant to show the client to an exam room for a discharge consultation. The veterinarian or technician will review all necessary information, instructions and medications in the exam room. Conclusion of Phase III Trainer’s Initials Review of Phase III of training program. Trainee is asked if he or she has any questions or needs further training on any part of Phase III. Trainee signs off on Phase III. Phased Training – Receptionist Team Leader Q1 – 2013 / VMC, Inc. Page 10 of 15 Practice Name Trainee Comments - Phase III Use this area for any comments you have concerning this phase of your training. This will help us to improve our training systems and ensure that adequate training is provided to you. Your comments will be read by the management of the practice and kept in your confidential employee file. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Phase III of Training Complete My signature below signifies that I have completed Phase III of the Receptionist Team Leader Phased Training Program. I believe that I fully understand the concepts covered and I am comfortable in my knowledge and ability to perform the procedures introduced in Phase III. Employee (Trainee) Phased Training – Receptionist Team Leader Q1 – 2013 / VMC, Inc. Date Page 11 of 15 Practice Name Phase IV: Opening and Closing, End-of-Day Cash Procedures, Computer Back-ups, Client Reminders and Letters, Team scheduling Phase IV Duration: One - Two Weeks Skill/ Knowledge Trainer Date Training Completed Description Open the Practice Demonstrate the procedure for opening the hospital Close the Practice Demonstrate the procedure for closing the hospital DEA Educate team member on DEA guidelines for controlled substances Office Supplies Review office supply budget Review list of vendors, costs, Review supplies and form, costs Learn reorder system Cash Handling End-of-Day Reconciliation Show how to reconcile cash drawer and end-of-day cash procedure. At end of day, count the cash drawer (cash, checks, and credit card receipts) back to its base amount of $___. Compare the total to the total shown on the endof-day computer printout. Prepare a bank deposit slip. Reconcile and document discrepancies based on hospital cash handling policies Give the bank deposit and end-of-day reports to the practice manager or owner-doctor. Team Scheduling Computer Backup Trainer’s Initials Demonstrate how to create a team schedule Align schedule with doctor, team, surgery and outpatient needs Monitor overtime and payroll costs Backing Up the Computer System Show how to back up the computer system. Follow instruction sheet. Tapes and disks are located in the __________. Back-ups should be done daily between ___ and ___ p.m. An additional, separate back-up will be done once a month. Make sure that all terminals are backed out to the log-in screen before beginning backup. Back-up tapes are stored off site for security at ________. Phased Training – Receptionist Team Leader Q1 – 2013 / VMC, Inc. Page 12 of 15 Practice Name Skill/ Knowledge Trainer Date Training Completed Description Computer Reminders Printing Reminders Show how to print and send out reminder cards and letters from the computer. Reminders are sent to clients on the ___ & ___ of each month. Computer New Client/ Referral Thank You Printing Out New Client/Referral Thank You Letters Show how to print and send thank you letters from the computer. Printed letters should be given to the ownerdoctor or practice manager for signature. Post and send out when returned. Client Questionnaire Records & Filing Conclusion of Phase IV Trainer’s Initials Client Questionnaires Prepare and send out client questionnaires. Review and summarize responses to questionnaires received. File Maintenance Show procedure for purging inactive client files. Review of Phase IV of training program. Trainee is asked if he or she has any questions or needs further training on any part of Phase IV. Trainee signs off on Phase IV. Trainee Comments - Phase IV Use this area for any comments you have concerning this phase of your training. This will help us to improve our training systems and ensure that adequate training is provided to you. Your comments will be read by the management of the practice and kept in your confidential employee file. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Phase IV of Training Complete My signature below signifies that I have completed Phase IV of the Receptionist Team Leader Phased Training Program. I believe that I fully understand the concepts covered and I am comfortable in my knowledge and ability to perform the procedures introduced in Phase IV. Employee (Trainee) Phased Training – Receptionist Team Leader Q1 – 2013 / VMC, Inc. Date Page 13 of 15 Practice Name Phase V: Human Resources and Personnel Management Phase V Duration: One – Two Weeks Skill/ Knowledge Team Meetings Disciplinary Action Training and Evaluation of Team Members Additional Responsibilities Trainer Date Training Completed Description Conduct a Team Meeting Review guidelines and expectations when conducting departmental meetings Show how to prepare a meeting agenda. Show process for reviewing agenda with Practice Manager (must be done prior to all meetings) Determine day in which monthly meetings will be scheduled (e.g. 1st Thursday of each month) Show how to prepare memo or notice announcing meeting at least 30 days in advance Show how to conduct team meetings Provide guidelines to for posting notices on the door for clients, transferring calls or assigning who will answer calls during the meeting Show how to prepare meeting minutes. Show how to distribute meeting minutes Documenting Disciplinary Actions Show how to fill out, distribute, and file disciplinary action forms Discuss progressive discipline process Team Member Training and Evaluation Process Review training process for direct reports Obtain and review position evaluation forms for team members who are direct reports Show understanding of evaluation process Review additional responsibilities Goals and Objectives Establish Goals and Objectives for next 30-60 days Schedule meeting with Practice Manager to review goals and objects Identify opportunities for improvement Continuing Education It is recommended that all team leaders read the 1st twelve chapters of Mark Opperman’s book, The Art of Veterinary Practice Management. Conclusion of Phase V Trainer’s Initials Review of Phase V of training program. Trainee is asked if he or she has any questions or needs further training on any part of Phase IV. Trainee signs off on Phase V. Phased Training – Receptionist Team Leader Q1 – 2013 / VMC, Inc. Page 14 of 15 Practice Name Trainee Comments - Phase V Use this area for any comments you have concerning this phase of your training. This will help us to improve our training systems and ensure that adequate training is provided to you. Your comments will be read by the management of the practice and kept in your confidential employee file. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Phase V of Training Complete My signature below signifies that I have completed Phase V of the Receptionist Team Leader Phased Training Program. I believe that I fully understand the concepts covered and I am comfortable in my knowledge and ability to perform the procedures introduced in Phase V. Employee (Trainee) Phased Training – Receptionist Team Leader Q1 – 2013 / VMC, Inc. Date Page 15 of 15 Practice Name