Types of government Powers Ideas Agency Legal term 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 -What government owns and controls all aspects of life for its citizens Row 1---100 Question -Communist Row 1---100 Answer -what type of government is usually controlled by one person who allows very little freedom or opposition is allowed Row 1---200 Question -Dictatorship Row 1---200 Answer -Type of government that is ruled by religious leaders Row 1---300 Question -Theocracy Row 1---300 Answer -Type of government where individuals and government share ownership in major businesses and government takes on a greater role in citizen lives Row 1---400 Question -Socialist Row 1---400 Answer -What is the first government in the Jamestown, Virginia Row 1---500 Question -House of Burgesses Row 1---500 Answer -What powers are given only to the national government with powers to declare war, raise an army, or make treaties Row 2---100 Question -Enumerated Powers Row 2---100 Answer -What powers are shared by all levels of government with the powers to tax, pass laws, and enforce laws Row 2---200 Question -Concurrent Powers Row 2---200 Answer -What powers are only given to the states such as education, marriage laws, zoning regulations Row 2---300 Question -Reserved Powers Row 2---300 Answer -What powers are not specifically written in the constitution but are interpreted to exist Row 2---400 Question -Implied Powers Row 2---400 Answer -What power if government takes land from citizens when needed for public benefit Row 2---500 Question -Eminent Domain Row 2---500 Answer -An idea that the government is not allowed to do certain things Row 3---100 Question -Limited Government Row 3---100 Answer -An idea that all three branches of government are designed so that they have the ability to stop other branches from becoming abusive Row 3---200 Question -Checks and Balances Row 3---200 Answer -An idea that the powers of government should be divided so that the government will be less likely to abuse the rights of citizens Row 3---300 Question -Separation of Powers Row 3---300 Answer -An idea that people have the right to rule themselves through the democratic process of voting Row 3---400 Question -Popular Sovereignty Row 3---400 Answer -An idea that the constitution’s meaning should be determined by what the Founding Fathers had written it to mean in their time Row 3---500 Question -Original Intent Row 3---500 Answer -What agency is responsible for enforcing the nation’s laws Row 4---100 Question -FBI Row 4---100 Answer -What agency insures the safety of workes Row 4---200 Question -OSHA Row 4---200 Answer -What agency researches diseases and treatments Row 4---300 Question -CDC Row 4---300 Answer What agency makes sure that the foods and medicines that are available to the public are safe for consumption • Row 4---400 Answer -FDA Row 4---400 Answer -What agency investigates aviation accidents and regulates air traffic Row 4---500 Question -FAA Row 4---500 Answer -Legal term for the false and damaging printing of a statement about a person Row 5---100 Question -Libel Row 5---100 Answer -Legal term for being free from prosecution Row 5---200 Question -Immunity Row 5---200 Answer -Legal term for someone being forgiven for a crime that was committed Row 5---300 Question -Pardons Row 5---300 Answer -Legal term for delaying the punishment given to someone Row 5---400 Question -Reprieves Row 5---400 Answer -Legal term for giving a pardon to a large group of people Row 5---500 Question -Amnesty Row 5---500 Answer