AET 515 - Samantha Ronsick portfolio

Instructional Plan
Samantha Ronsick
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 1
Needs Assessment
What is the learning problem or opportunity?
Due to the recent expansion of the local Patton-Fuller Community Hospital, there is an educational opportunity in the Kelsey
community in the area of nursing and health care administration.
What is currently available?
Northwest Community College currently offers associate’s degree programs in the areas of arts, sciences, applied science, and
general studies. They also offer six certificate programs in the areas of administration of justice, beginning management,
computer programming, justice studies, management, and web design.
What should be available?
Northwest Community College could benefit greatly by offering nursing and health care courses to attract potential students
seeking employment at the hospital.
Explain the gap analysis between what is available and what should be available.
Northwest Community College does not currently offer any programs or courses in the field of nursing or health care
administration. Due to the growth of the Patton-Fuller Community Hospital in the Kelsey community, there is currently a demand
to hire more educated employees to work at the hospital. Therefore, there is an opportunity for Northwest Community College to
offer a program or courses in the field of health care administration.
What is your recommended solution for filling the gap?
My recommended solution is for Northwest Community College to develop a cooperative education partnership with Patton-Fuller
Community Hospital to develop and implement an Associate of Arts in Health Care Administration degree program, with individual
courses covering general education requirements as well as core courses used as an introduction to the health care industry.
However, before spending the time and resources to offer this program, I recommend that the college pilot an introductory
course (HCA 101-Introduction to Health Care Administration) to determine student interest and make adjustments to course
curriculum as needed before investing in an entire program roll-out.
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Instructional Goal
HCA 101 – Introduction to Health Care Administration
This course provides students with foundational knowledge of the
health care industry and a comprehensive overview of the health care
system in the United States. Students will be able to describe basic
health care terminology, management concepts, communication skills
for health care professionals, and analyze workforce opportunities
within the health care industry.
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Performance-Based Objectives
Students will be able to describe basic health care terminology
through comprehensive discussions and activities. Students
will complete a series of three class presentations identifying
medical language associated with the different body systems
used in a medical context.
Students will be able to analyze workforce opportunities within
the health care industry by completing two 1,000-word essays
describing 1) a leading health care and service provider, and
2) an in-demand career specialty within the health care
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Summative Assessment and Learning
In order to evaluate learning outcomes for HCA 101, a summative
assessment in the form of an identical multiple-choice test will be given
to students both at the beginning of the course and at the completion
of the course to determine their achievement of educational objectives.
As this is an introductory course, it is often difficult to measure the
knowledge and prior experience of incoming students. Results will be
analyzed by comparing the number of correct answers from the end-ofcourse test with the beginning-of-course test. Any areas of concern or
trends that are identified through lack of improvement from the
beginning to the end of the course will mandate course revisions and
future improvements.
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Learner Characteristics
The common characteristics of students attending the HCA 101:
Introduction to Health Care Administration include the following:
In an average class size of 10 students, there would be 7 women and 3 men (National Center for
Education Statistics, 2014). Based on this demographic, the instructional plan will include a focus on indemand workforce opportunities for women in the health care industry.
Prerequisite skills include those learned from the completion of a high school diploma or GED. The
average student aptitude may vary for this course based on work experiences or knowledge gained
after high school. As such, the instructional content for this course will be catered to an entry-level
student to cover a basic understanding of the course topics to provide a foundation for future learning.
A majority of students pursuing nursing and health care programs prefer visual or kinesthetic learning
styles (Frankel, 2009). As such, the emphasis for instructional content will be more focused on workbased learning rather than classroom-based teaching methods to give students a more hands-on
experience to a career in the health care industry. Instruction will also be catered to student learning
styles through a cooperative work experience with class demonstrations and observations held at the
Patton-Fuller Community Hospital.
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Learning Context
Instructional Setting:
The instructional setting for HCA 101 will be 70% classroom-based and 30% within a workplace setting,
based out of the Patton-Fuller Community Hospital. In-classroom instruction will include instructor-led
lectures, classroom discussions and activities, and student presentations. The average classroom size
accommodates up to 15 students and classroom space is equipped with electrical outlets to accommodate
laptops. Computers and projectors are also available within the classroom setting for instructor and student
presentations. Instruction that is based out of the hospital will be more focused on hands-on application
through class demonstrations and clinical observations. Students will also be paired with nurses, medical
secretaries, and other hospital staff through a mentorship program, so that they can gain clinical knowledge
from experienced professionals.
Application Setting:
The intended application setting for students who complete this course (and ultimately the Associate of Arts
in Health Care Administration degree program) is to help meet the demand for educated and skilled
professionals at Patton-Fuller Community Hospital. The collaborative partnership between the college and
hospital allows students to have hands-on clinical experience and develop relationships with hospital staff.
In return, as part of the college’s educational partnership with the hospital, students have an advantage to
be hired by the hospital for positions such as nursing assistants, medical secretaries, and medical
administrative assistants. Other application opportunities for students could be working in a healthcare
facility or private medical practice as a customer service representative, receptionist, medical
transcriptionist, or medical records technician, among others (Top Colleges Online, 2014).
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Learning Context, Cont.
Developing the Instructional Plan:
The learning context for HCA 101 will help to guide the
development of the instructional plan. The emphasis of
instructional content will be focused on work-based learning
techniques, as students in this course will utilize two
instructional settings (classroom and hospital). The
instructional plan will complement the instructional setting,
with 70% of instruction catered to the classroom setting and
30% of instruction catered to hands-on application in the
hospital setting.
The intended application setting also has a direct impact on the
instructional plan, as 30% of instruction will take place within
the Patton-Fuller Community Hospital. The instructional plan
will include learning activities for students to apply what they
have learned in the classroom directly into the workplace
environment, such as clinical shadowing and observation,
mentor-mentee relationships, and hands-on demonstrations.
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Delivery Modality
• The most used method of delivery for HCA 101, given the learning context and
instructional setting, will be as an instructor-led course. Given the complexity of the
information shared within the classroom and the hospital setting, instructor-led
delivery will be able to incorporate a combination of lecture, demonstrations, practice,
and interactivity to promote student learning.
Asynchronous Learning
• To enhance the work-based learning component and encourage communication
between students and their instructors and hospital mentors, this course will also
incorporate asynchronous learning facilitated through the college’s website. Upon
login, students will have access to an e-mail account, with contact information for
their instructor, hospital mentors, and classmates. This will help to encourage
students to ask questions and present any problems or concerns to their instructor
that they would prefer not to ask during class. It will also serve as a way for students
to communicate with one another and work on team activities within a controlled
environment outside of class.
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Instructional Strategies
The instructional strategy for HCA 101 will complement the instructional setting, with 70% of
instruction catered to the classroom setting and 30% of instruction catered to the hospital setting.
Within the classroom setting (70%)
50% will be lecture-based instruction following the Introduction to the Health Care Industry textbook.
10% will be based on classroom discussions and learning activities concerning topics within the textbook and other
student learning goals
10% will be student presentations, for small teams of students to present orally on what they have learned
Within the hospital setting (30%)
20% will be reserved for observation and field study, in which students will go to Patton-Fuller Community Hospital
and shadow nurses, medical assistants, and other hospital staff in real life situations.
10% will be reserved for student demonstrations on entry-level tasks observed by their mentors
Upon completion, students will have a basic understanding of the following:
Foundational knowledge of the health care industry within the U.S.
Health care terminology
Health care management concepts
Communication skills for health care professionals
Workforce opportunities within the health care industry
Duties of health care professionals within the hospital setting
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Plan for Implementation
HCA 101 will be a prerequisite course to entering the Associate of Arts in Health Care Administration degree program.
This course will be offered starting in the Fall semester 2014, with classes taking place three days per week.
Timeline of Events:
Instructional Plan: 3/10/14 – 6/1/14
Course delivery dates: 8/25/14 – 12/19/14 (No classes will be held on observed University holidays)
Local classroom sessions: Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
Hospital visit sessions: Mondays and Fridays, 12:30 – 2:30
Individuals Involved:
Hospital Mentors & Clinical Staff
End Users: Students
Preparation of Classroom Resources & Materials:
Classroom facility including computers and projectors for instructor-led lectures and classroom presentations
Meeting room in the hospital to use for classroom demonstrations and discussions following clinical observations
Introduction to the Healthcare Industry textbook
Student handouts to accompany instructor-led lectures for student note-taking
Student learning activity instructions and assignment hand-outs
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Plan for Implementation
All facilitators will receive materials to use for instruction including the following:
Electronic version of the course syllabus
Copies of instructional goal and performance-based objectives
Electronic version of all required learning activities and lecture hand-outs
Instructor version of the Textbook, including sample tests
PowerPoint templates to use for classroom lectures and activities
All students will be prepared to begin this course by the following:
Orientation and enrollment deadline for all students is August 21, 2014
Student registration will take place from August 21-25, 2014, at which time students will be required to
purchase the Introduction to the Healthcare Industry textbook
Students will receive a copy of the syllabus on the first day of class, and an electronic version will be
available on their student website.
Students will be assigned to their hospital mentor within the first week of class and receive copies of all
contact information on their student website.
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Plan for Implementation
Communication Strategy:
The instructional plan for HCA 101 will be communicated to instructors and hospital mentors through a course
introductory training workshop. Regular updates on the implementation and progress of the course will also be
delivered to Northwest Community College leadership to garner their continued support.
The course description for this class will be listed on the Northwest Community College website. Interest and
commitment for this new course will be generated through marketing strategies including posting flyers and e-mail
announcements to staff at Patton-Fuller Community Hospital, local radio advertisements, and advertisements in the
local community newspaper.
Participant Selection:
Targeted student participants include voluntary individuals who have completed pre-requisite enrollment
requirements (high school diploma or GED) who are interested in pursuing a career in health care administration.
Class enrollment will be limited to 15 students per class.
Facilitators will be chosen based on having met University teaching qualifications and completing course
introductory training successfully.
Hospital Mentors will be chosen from a list of volunteers who currently work in nursing, medical assistant, or other
service positions at the hospital who have completed course introductory training successfully.
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Instructional Resources
Materials and Resources Needed in the Classroom Include:
Internet access for student laptops
Computers (Microsoft PowerPoint software and internet access for lectures and presentations)
Projectors and projector screens for classroom presentations and lectures
Whiteboard, markers, and erasers for lecture notes and instructions
Introduction to the Healthcare Industry textbook (instructor and student copies)
Student handouts to accompany instructor-led PowerPoint lectures for student note-taking
Printed copies of course syllabus and all learning activity instructions and assignment handouts
Materials and Resources Needed at Patton-Fuller Community Hospital Include:
Hospital meeting room for classroom demonstrations following clinical observations
Student handouts to accompany clinical observations and demonstrations
Printed charts of student schedules and meeting times with their respective mentors
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Formative Assessment
Some of the formative assessment strategies that may be incorporated during the
implementation of HCA 101 include the following:
Student Summaries: Written student responses to questions posed at the end of class
discussion, learning activity, or assignment to summarize their learning experience.
Quizzes: Multiple choice or short-answer quizzes to assess student learning on presented
information, concepts, and skills demonstrated.
3-2-1 Exit Slip: Written student responses at the end of class on 3 things learned, 2 things
they found interesting, and 1 question.
Learning Groups: Assign small groups of students to work together on a learning activity or
presentation, supervise their discussion, assess their group presentation, and provide feedback
Self-Assessment: Upon completion of a small group presentation or individual assignment,
task students will evaluating their performance using the same grading rubric as the instructor;
discuss their self-evaluation.
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Evaluation Strategies
As the HCA 101 course is implemented, the following evaluation strategies will be used to measure
student learning and student satisfaction to inform strengths and areas for quality improvements:
Pre-test: At the beginning of the course, the current knowledge of students on the course content
will be evaluated through a multiple choice exam.
Observation: During the course, the instructor will track student learning by observing how
students participate in class activities and demonstrations. Observation will also be used to track
the change in student attitudes to evaluate the effectiveness of course implementation.
Post-test: At the end of the course, the change in student understanding of course objectives and
knowledge gained will be evaluated through the completion of the same multiple choice exam
that was presented at the beginning of the course.
Exit Survey: All students will receive a survey at the end of the course to rate their satisfaction
with the course, the instructor, and what they learned. A similar exit survey will be given to
faculty to rate the effectiveness of the course in meeting student learning objectives, in addition
to a request for comments to collect feedback on recommended course improvements.
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Outcome Review
The achievement of design goals, performance-based objectives, and student learning outcomes will
be assessed using a common rubric scoring tool. Each row of the rubric will display the required
criteria and a ranges of competency by column, in addition to a comment section for instructor
feedback. In this way, instructors will be able to use the rubric for grading student performance and
for course assessment.
Some of the examples for how the scoring rubrics may be used include the following:
Grading rubrics for assignments will be given to students in advance to help with their
understanding of expectations and what they will be graded on.
Grading rubrics will be used by instructors for student essays, exams, and group presentations
and returned to students with their comments and feedback.
Rubrics will be used to assess student learning outcomes. Instructors will gather all graded
rubrics and record the component scores to measure the total number of students scoring below
an acceptable level on each component. This will help instructors to identify areas of concern or
concepts that need more instructional time for student understanding.
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Outcome Review
The following rubric is an example of the common design template that will be used:
Description reflects
beginning or
unacceptable level
of performance
Description reflects
toward meeting
performance criteria
Description reflects
achievement of
performance criteria
Description reflects
highest level of
Readability &
Key: 1 = Criteria Not Met; 2 = Some Criteria Met; 3 = Most Criteria Met; 4 = All Criteria Met
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 18
In order to assess the successful integration of HCA 101, Northwest Community College will need to review the
outcome review and results from the following evaluation strategies from the first implementation of this course:
Comparison of student pre-tests and post-tests
Student and faculty survey responses
Faculty analysis of grading rubrics and achievement of learning goals, performance-based objectives, and student
learning outcomes
As this course is in its infancy stage, we recommend continuous quality review for future course implementations to
identify areas of improvement to best meet the needs of students. The instructional design team will work with a
group of faculty subject matter experts (SMEs) to determine the validity of student and faculty responses to surveys
and implement course revisions and improvements based on data and observations.
If the results of the course implementation are favorable and in alignment will fulfilling the college’s educational goals
and mission statement, it is our recommendation that Northwest Community College continue to use this instructional
design plan for future iterations of this course. Continued success and student demand will determine the need for the
development and implementation of an Associate of Arts in Health Care Administration full degree program roll-out.
Through successful evaluation and a commitment to continuous quality improvement, we predict that HCA 101 will be
a valuable addition to the list of course offerings at Northwest Community College.
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 19
Allen, M. (2003). Student Learning Outcomes and Assessment. Retrieved from
American Association of Colleges of Nursing. (2014). Using Strategic Partnerships to Expand Nursing Education Programs. Retrieved
Carnegie Mellon University. (n.d.). Grading and Performance Rubrics. Retrieved from
Frankel, A. (2009, January). Nurses’ learning styles: promoting better integration of theory into practice. Nursing Times, 105(2), 24-27.
National Center for Education Statistics. (2014). College & Career Tables Library. Retrieved from
Top Colleges Online. (2014). Health Care Administration Degrees. Retrieved from
West Virginia Department of Education. (n.d.). Examples of Formative Assessment. Retrieved from
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