Adult MSK Service Referral Proforma Please complete BOTH sides of this form in FULL and fax to Adult MSK Service. Fax: 020 8319 8560 Patient Details Surname: DOB: Tel: 020 8331 3250 First name: NHS No: Daytime Telephone Gender: Ethnicity: M F Patient aware of the referral? Y Interpreter required? First Language Y N E-Mail Address Home Telephone /Mobile No Address NB: Please note we have a text message appointment reminder service. Unless opted out, patients will automatically receive text reminders. Opt Out Post Code Patient referred to this service before? Transport required? Y Y Referring Details Referring GP Practice Address N N N Date of Referral Telephone Fax Post Code Please note: We do NOT accept referrals for LOWER BACK PAIN (acute only <6/52) – Please refer to Low Back Pain Physiotherapy at Queen Elizabeth. PAEDIATRICS (under 16 years of age) – Please refer to Children’s Physiotherapy department at Goldie Leigh. Referral details History of current problem: Duration of problem: Objective examination findings/ tests: Diagnosis: Version 3 - Feb 2016 Adult MSK Service | ACHS Name: NHS No: Social History Employed? Y N Occupation: Living alone? Y N Housebound? Y N Main carer for dependents? Y N Currently off work? Duration off work: Visually Impaired? Hearing impaired? Other? Is problem affecting sleep? Is problem affecting recreation? Y N Previously seen (for this problem) by: Consultant? Y N Physiotherapist? Y N Other? Y Y N Y Y N N Y N N If yes to any of the above, please provide details: Previous relevant treatment for this condition: Investigations relevant to this referral (eg X-ray/ MRI/ Blood): ESR: Past medical history: CRP: History of depression? Y N Alk Phos: Treatment: Current medication: Please tick if any of the following apply: ‘Red Flags’ Major trauma Age >50 or <20 History of carcinoma History of prolonged steroid use Signs suggestive of myelopathy Two or more reflexes lost History of prolonged steroid use Recent bacterial infection I V Drug use Tendency to low mood Fear avoidance behaviour Is there any litigation concerning this presentation? Version 3 - Feb 2016 Minor trauma in elderly or osteoporotic Patient unwell, fever, chills or weight loss Severe or progressive sensory alteration or weakness Signs suggestive of vascular insufficiency (Neck) Abnormal blood tests Immunosuppressed Pain worsening at night ‘Yellow Flags’ Health anxieties (belief that pain is harmful) Expecting passive treatment Y N Adult MSK Service | ACHS