Announcements Lecture Outline • • • • • Organization of the nervous system Central Nervous system Major areas of the brain Peripheral Nervous system Nervous system disorders The Nervous System • The nervous system consists of the central and peripheral nervous systems • Bones, membranes, and cerebrospinal fluid protect the central nervous system • The brain is the central command center • The spinal cord transmits messages to and from the brain, and is a reflex center The Nervous System • The nervous system is divided into the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system Arrangement of the Nervous System Figure 8.1 (2 of 2) The Nervous System • The central nervous system is the brain and spinal cord • It is concerned with integrating incoming information and coordinating all voluntary and involuntary responses The Nervous System • Large clusters of nerve cells, called ganglia, are located outside the central nervous system The Nervous System • The peripheral nervous system consists of the nerves branching from the central nervous system and the ganglia – It can be further subdivided on the basis of function The Nervous System • The somatic nervous system – Receives sensory information and directs voluntary movements • The autonomic nervous system – Regulates involuntary reactions The Central Nervous System • The brain and spinal cord are protected by – The bones of the vertebral column and skull – Three connective tissue membranes that form the meninges • Dura mater • Arachnoid mater • Pia mater – Cerebrospinal fluid The bones of the skull and vertebral column are hard cases that protect the brain and spinal cord. The meninges are three membranes that protect the brain and spinal cord. Ventricles of the brain Cerebrospinal fluid cushions the brain and spinal cord. Figure 8.2 Cerebrospinal Fluid • The cerebrospinal fluid has several important functions – Shock absorption – Support – Nourishment and waste removal The Central Nervous System • The blood-brain barrier also protects the central nervous system by permitting certain substances to enter the brain, while inhibiting others from entering • It inhibits many potentially life-saving, infection-fighting, or tumor-suppressing drugs that are not lipid soluble from reaching brain tissue The Brain Is the Central Command Center • The cerebrum is the thinking, conscious part of the brain • It is the largest and most prominent part of the brain • It accounts for 83 % of the total brain weight Brainstem The Brain Is the Central Command Center Midbrain • Relays information between the cerebellum or spinal cord and the cerebrum • Integrates sensory input Pons • A bridge between higher and lower brain centers Medulla oblongata • Contains autonomic centers for heart rate and digestive activities • Relays sensory information to thalamus Cerebellum • Coordinates sensory–motor voluntary movement • Stores memory of learned motor patterns Figure 8.3 (1 of 2) The Brain Is the Central Command Center Thalamus • Processes all sensory information (except olfaction) • Relays information to appropriate higher brain centers Hypothalamus • Controls heart rate, blood pressure, breathing rate, body temperature, food intake • Is a center for emotions • Serves as “master biological clock” Cerebrum • Contains sensory areas for skin senses, vision, hearing, olfaction • Motor areas for voluntary control of movement • Association areas for interpreting sensations, language, thinking, decision making, self-awareness, creativity, and storage of memories Corpus callosum • Allows left and right cerebral hemispheres to communicate with one another Figure 8.3 (2 of 2) The Brain • The cerebrum consists of two hemispheres, which receive sensory information from, and direct the movements of, the opposite side of the body • The many ridges and grooves make it appear wrinkled • The longitudinal fissure separates the cerebrum into two hemispheres The human brain has 3 major regions Higher thought is compartmentalized to the cerebrum Regions of the cerebral cortex are themselves compartmentalized The Brain Figure 8.4 The Brain • The cerebrum consists of – The outer layer of gray matter • Called the cerebral cortex – The underlying white matter • Made of myelinated nerve tracts • Allows for communication between various areas of the brain The Brain • The corpus callosum connects the two cerebral hemispheres • Grooves on the surface of the brain mark the boundaries of four lobes on each hemisphere: the frontal, parietal, temporal and occipital lobes The Brain The corpus callosum is a band of white matter that allows communication between the cerebral hemisperes. Gray matter consists of interneurons, cell bodies, and unmyelinated axons that integrate information. White matter consists of myelinated axons that allow communication over long distances. Figure 8.5 The Brain • The sensory, motor, and association areas are in the cerebral cortex • The primary somatosensory area receives sensory information from the body while the primary motor area controls the skeletal muscles • Just in front of the motor cortex is the premotor cortex which coordinates learned motor skills The Brain Figure 8.7 A homonculus shows the area of the brain devoted to regions of the body The Nervous System • The nervous system consists of the central and peripheral nervous systems • Bones, membranes, and cerebrospinal fluid protect the central nervous system • The brain is the central command center • The spinal cord transmits messages to and from the brain, and is a reflex center The Brain Wrist Hip Knee Neck Trunk Arm Elbow Fingers Thumb Brow Eye Face Leg Foot Toes Lips Jaw Tongue Swallowing Primary motor area Parietal lobe Frontal lobe Figure 8.7 (1 of 2) Knee Leg The Brain Hip Trunk Neck Arm Elbow Forearm Fingers Foot Toes Genitals Thumb Eye Nose Primary somatosensory area Lips Teeth and gums Tongue Pharynx Figure 8.7 (2 of 2) The Brain Figure 8.6a Different Brain regions are activated by different processes Figure 8.6b The Brain • The thalamus – Serves as the relay station of the brain for all sensory information except smell – Also directs motor activity, cortical arousal, and memory The Brain • The hypothalamus – Maintains homeostasis by regulating blood pressure, heart rate, breathing rate, digestion and body temperature The Brain • The hypothalamus coordinates the nervous and endocrine systems through its connection to the pituitary gland – It is a center for emotions and serves as the master biological clock The Brain • The cerebellum – Integrates information from the motor cortex and sensory pathways to produce smooth, well-timed voluntary movements – Controls equilibrium and posture – Stores memories of learned motor skills Brain Stem • The brain stem consists of – Medulla oblongata – Pons – Midbrain The Brain • The medulla oblongata – Contains reflex centers to regulate the rhythm of breathing, force and rate of the heartbeat, and blood pressure – Serves as the pathway for all sensory messages to the higher brain centers and motor messages leaving the brain The Midbrain • Processes information about sights and sounds and controls simple reflex responses to these stimuli The Pons • Means “bridge” • Connects the spinal cord and cerebellum with the cerebrum, thalamus, and hypothalamus • Has a region that assists the medulla in regulating respiration Brainstem The Brain Midbrain • Relays information between the cerebellum or spinal cord and the cerebrum • Integrates sensory input Pons • A bridge between higher and lower brain centers Medulla oblongata • Contains autonomic centers for heart rate and digestive activities • Relays sensory information to thalamus Cerebellum • Coordinates sensory–motor voluntary movement • Stores memory of learned motor patterns Figure 8.3 (1 of 2) The Brain • The limbic system, which includes several brain structures, is largely responsible for emotions • It is defined on the basis of function rather than anatomy • It includes parts of several brain regions and the neural pathways that connect them Memory • The limbic system plays a role in forming memory. The storage and retrieval of information takes place in two stages: – Short-term memory, which holds a small amount of information for a few seconds or minutes – Long-term memory, which stores limitless amounts of information for hours, days or years Memory Cerebrum Thalamus Hypothalamus Hippocampus Amygdala Olfactory bulb Figure 8.8 The Brain • The reticular activating system (RAS) – An extensive network of neurons that runs through the medulla and projects to the cerebral cortex – Filters sensory input and keeps the cerebral cortex in an alert state The Spinal Cord Transmits Messages • The spinal cord – Conducts messages between the brain and the body – Serves as a reflex center The Spinal Cord • Spinal nerves arise from the cord and exit through the openings between the stacked vertebrae of the vertebral column The Spinal Cord Figure 8.9ab The Spinal Cord Figure 8.9c The Spinal Cord Connective tissue surrounding one nerve Blood supply Axons within a connective tissue sheath One axon (d) The anatomy of a nerve Figure 8.9d The Spinal Cord • A reflex action is an automatic response to a stimulus in a pre-wired circuit called a reflex arc • Spinal reflexes are essentially decisions made by the spinal cord that are beneficial when a speedy reaction is important to a person’s safety The reflex arc Step 1: A stimulus initiates a pain sensation. Step 2: Sensory messages are carried to the spinal cord by a sensory neuron. Step 3: Interneurons in the spinal cord integrate information from sensory neurons and stimulate the appropriate motor neurons. Step 4: Motor neurons stimulate the appropriate muscles. Step 5: Leg muscles contract, causing them to lift the foot off the glass. Figure 8.10 The Peripheral Nervous System • The peripheral nervous system consists of spinal nerves and cranial nerves • The body has 31 pairs of spinal nerves, each of which originates in the spinal cord and services a specific region of the body • All spinal nerves carry both sensory and motor fibers The Peripheral Nervous System White matter Gray matter Dorsal root Dorsal-root ganglion Ventral root (a) View from front of body Pair of spinal nerves Figure 8.11a The Peripheral Nervous System • The body has 12 pairs of cranial nerves, which arise from the brain and service the structures of the head and certain body parts, including the heart and diaphragm • Some cranial nerves carry only sensory fibers, others carry only motor fibers, and others carry both types of fibers. The Peripheral Nervous System I From olfactory receptors II From retina of eyes III To eye muscles IV To eye muscles V From mouth and to jaw muscles VI To eye muscles VII From taste buds and to facial muscles and glands VIII From inner ear IX From pharynx and to pharyngeal muscles X From and to internal organs XII To tongue muscles XI To neck and back muscles (b) View of underside of brain Figure 8.11b The Peripheral Nervous System • The peripheral nervous system includes – The sensory receptors – The peripheral nerves and ganglia – Specialized motor endings that stimulate the effectors The Peripheral Nervous System • The peripheral nervous system is divided – The somatic nervous system governs conscious sensations and voluntary movements – The autonomic nervous system is concerned with our unconscious, involuntary internal activities The Peripheral Nervous System Consists of sympathetic and parasymtathetic networks Parasympathetic Nervous System (Cranial and sacral regions of spinal cord) Constricts pupil Increases salivation Decreases breathing rate Slows heart rate Widens blood vessels Increases digestive activity Increases digestive activity Synapse between neurons Contracts bladder muscles Stimulates defecation Sympathetic Nervous System (Thoracic and lumbar regions of spinal cord) The sympathetic Nervous System activates and speeds up; the parasympathetic nervous system calms Dilates pupil Decreases salivation Increases breathing rate Increases heart rate Narrows blood vessels Slows digestive activity Slows digestive activity Ganglion Stimulates secretion of epinephrine and norepinephrine Causes salt and water retention Relaxes bladder muscles Inhibits defecation The Peripheral Nervous System • The autonomic nervous system can be divided into the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, two branches with antagonistic actions The Peripheral Nervous System • The sympathetic nervous system – Gears up the body for stressful or emergency situations • The parasympathetic nervous system – Adjusts body functioning so that energy is conserved during nonstressful times Disorders of the Nervous System Vary in Health Significance • Headaches are usually caused by tension in the neck or by dilation of the blood vessels of the head • Migraine headaches are caused by an imbalance in the brain’s chemistry Disorders of the Nervous System • A stroke results when the brain is deprived of blood and nerve cells die • The extent and location of the damage caused by a stroke depends on the affected region of the brain Disorders of the Nervous System • A spinal cord injury results in loss of function below the site of injury • Depending on which nerve tracts are damaged, injury may result in paralysis, loss of sensation, or both • If the cord is completely severed there is complete loss of sensation and voluntary movement below the level of the cut