The Sensory System

The Sensory System
Examining the sensory system provides
information regarding the integrity of the
Spinothalamic Tract, posterior columns of
the spinal cord and parietal lobes of the
Client preparation
Examination gown
Sit comfortably on bed or exam table
Explain re position changes
Reassure and provide with clear directions
Cotton ball
Objects to feel, quarter or key etc.
Test tubes with hot/cold H2O
Tuning fork, low pitched
Screening Test
Only necessary to evaluate the following
Lateral aspect of upper thighs
Inner aspect of upper arms
Dorsal or palmer surface of hands
Bottom or dorsal surface of feet
Neural Pathways
Sensory impulses travel to the brain via
2 ascending neural pathways
Spinothalamic tract
Posterior columns
Impulses originate in the afferent fibers of the
peripheral nerves, are carried through the
posterior dorsal root into the spinal cord.
Lateral Spinothalamic Tract
Crude & Light Touch
Posterior Columns
Fine touch
Scatter stimuli over the distal and proximal
parts of all extremities and trunk to cover
most of the dermatomes.
Abnormal symptoms may indicate need to
test the entire body surface
Compare sensations on symmetric parts of
the body
If decrease in sensation
Systematic testing
From point of decreased sensation toward
sensitive area
Note where sensation changes
Map borders of deficient area, Diagram
Note if the pattern of sensory loss is “distal”
Glove & stocking ( hands & feet)
C3- front of neck
T4 - nipples
T10 – umbilicus
C6 – thumb
L1 inguinal
L4 – Knee
 L5 – Anterior ankle & foot
Dermatone = bandof skin innervated by the
sensory root of a single spinal nerve.
Light Touch Sensation
Use wisp of cotton
Ask clients to close both eyes and tell you
what they feel and where
 Normal Findings
Correctly identifies light touch
In some older clients light touch and pain
sensations may be decreased
Abnormal findings
Disorders that can alter perception of
Peripheral neuropathies due to:
Folic acid deficiencies
Lesions of the ascending spinal cord, brain stem,
cranial nerves, and cerebral cortex
Abnormal findings to Touch
Anesthesia = absent
Hypoesthesia = decreased
Hyperesthesia = increased
Pain Sensation
Pin prick
 Tongue blade, dull & sharp
 Ask to distinguish
2 sec. b/t each stimulus to avoid summation
(frequent consecutive stimuli percieved as
one strong stimulus)
Abnormalities to pain
Analgesia = absence of pain sensation
 Hypalgesia = decreased
 Hyperalgesia = increased
Apply lightest pressure to obtain response
Only tested when pain sensation is
Temp. & pain travel in the lateral spinothalamic
Test tubes, hot & cold H2O
Low pitched tuning fork (128Hz)
 Distal interphalangeal joint (finger & big
Ask what the patient feels. Ask to tell when
the vibration stops and then touch the fork
to stop it. If impaired- proceed to more
proximal joints or bony prominances.
Posterior Column Tract
Vibration – often first sense to be lost in
peripheral neuropathy.
Loss = posterior column disease, lesion of
peripheral nerve or root
Position ( Kinesthesia)
Passive movement of extremity
 Finger or big toe up and down
 Hold by sides b/t thumb and index finger
 If position sense is impaired, move
proximally to next joint
If position sense intact distally , then it is
OK proximally.
Tactile Discrimination
Sensory cortex
Eyes closed during testing
Stereognosis= identification of an object by
Astereognosis, inability to recognize objects
Number identification= Graphesthesia
Used when stereognosis prevented due to motor
impairment for ex. In arthritis
Use blunt end of pen/pencil to draw number
Two-point discrimination
Alternate double with single stimulus
Minimal distance1 from 2 points= less than 5mm
on finger pads
Point Localization
Touch pt’s skin
Open eyes and point to where touched
Useful trunk & legs
Simultaneously stimulate same area both sides
of body
Ask how many points felt and where
If normal
Identifies light touch, dull and sharp sensations
to trunk and extremities.
Vibratory sensation, stereognosis,
graphesthesia, two-point discrimination intact.
Abnormal results in these tests indicate
lesions of the sensory cortex.
These tests not done on children 6 yrs and
65yrs &older
loss of sensation of vibration at the ankle
Position sense in big toe may be lost
Tactile sensation impaired
Infants and toddlers
Little sensory testing
Responds to pain by crying
General reflex withdrawal of all limbs
7 – 9mos.can localize stimulus