Prof. Marcia C. Belcher 3/16/2016 Page 1 of 3 Strength of Materials 2990:241 Course Credit: Prerequisite: 3 hours Statics Instructor: Marcia C. Belcher, P.E. Office: Shrank Hall South 221-C Office Phone: 330-972-2055 Cell: 330-421-4091 e-mail: (office) or (home) Website: Mailbox: Department of Engineering and Science Technology, Shrank Hall South 221 Prerequistes: You must have successfully completed (C or better) Statics Homework Policy: Assignments will be given in class and due date will be announced. Homework is collected at the beginning of class. Late homework is not accepted. NO EXCEPTIONS. Grading Policy: Course grades will be calculated as follows: Exam Policy: Student Conduct Grade Scale Exam 1 Exam 2 Exam 3 Assignments & Quizes 25% 25% 25% 25% ____ 100% 94-100 A 90-93.9 A88-89.9 B+ 84-87.9 B 80-83.9 B78-79.9 C+ 70-77.9 C 68-69.9 C64-67.9 D 63.9 F Exams will count toward the final grade as outlined above. In-class exams will be given during regularly scheduled class time. Students are expected to be on time. Make-up exams will only be given at my discretion. Do not assume that make-up exams will be offered. PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT IS REQUIRED. YOU MUST BRING YOUR CALCULATOR, PAPER, PENCIL, BOOK AND NOTES TO EVERY CLASS. I EXPECT EVERYONE TO WORK ALONG WITH ME WHEN SOLVING PROBLEMS!! Prof. Marcia C. Belcher 3/16/2016 Page 2 of 3 Class Work Module #1 Module #2 Module #3 Module #4 Module #5 Module #6 Module #7 Module #8 Module #9 Module #10 Module #11 Module #12 Module #13 Introduction, Brief Statics Review, Moment of Inertia Radius of Gyration Stress: Compressive, Tensile, Shear, Hooke’s Law (stress vs. strain) Properties of Materials: Mechanical Properties, Metal, Non-Metal, Allowable Stress vs. Actual Stress, Factor of Safety, Elastic Behavior in Design (Yielding vs. Plastic Hinge) Other Stress Conditions: Poisson’s Ratio, Thermal Effects, Stress Concentrations Torsion: Shear Stress, Angle of Twist, Transmission of Power Beams: Types, Loads on Beams, Reactions, Shear Force & Bending Moment in a Beam Shear & Bending Moment Diagrams, Location of Maximum Moment Beam Stresses: Bending and Shear Beam Deflection Simple Beam Design: Steel and Wood Combined Stresses in Beams Simple Column Design: Steel and Wood Bolted Connections (if time permits) Pertinent Reading Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 THE ORDER OF MATERIALS LISTED ABOVE IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE TO ACCOMMODATE INCLUSION OF NEW MATERIALS OR FOR OTHER REASONS DEEMED NECESSARY BY THE INSTRUCTOR. Prof. Marcia C. Belcher 3/16/2016 Page 3 of 3 Homework Format And Grading Policy Homework will be collected at the beginning of class on the date due. Late work is not accepted. FORMAT: Use engineering graph paper. It is available at the bookstore. All work must be in pencil. Use a straightedge to create sketches and lines. Work on notebook paper will not be accepted for a grade. Work using pen will not be accepted for a grade. Given: Problem statement Find: What are you looking for? Known: List known constants and equations you will use to do work. Sketch: Create a sketch if required. Use a straightedge and pencil. Solution: Calculations Answer: Put your final answer in a box or double underline.