show notes - Victors' Sanctum

On this weeks episode of the Victors’ Sanctum Podcast
General: News
World of WarCraft: News
Hearthstone: News
Deck of the Week – Tempo Mage
Heroes of the Storm: News
Overwatch: News
Talent Choices: Reinhardt (Overwatch)
Hard Swap: Thorn & Thyst Interview and Questions
Champion’s Call: We answer your questions!
Official show notes for Sunday FEBRUARY 21st, 2016
WarCraft, is an Origin story:
courtesy of and
IGN has done some interviews since the beginning of the year. Then newest is an interview with Ben
Chenetzer, the actor whom plays Khadgar in the WarCraft Movie. You can also find others as well, which
were previously released. One with Travis Femmel who partakes the role of Lothar, Clancy Brown who
plays Blackhand, Robert Kazinsky who plays Orgrim Doomhammer, Paula Patton who plays Garona.
WarCraft Chronicle- Volume 1:
courtesy of
Finally we get a sneak peak of what to expect from Chris Metzen’s video addressing the WarCraft
Chronicle: Volume 1 book, due to be available for purchase on March 15th. You can pre-order it on
Hot fixes and Patch Notes:
No recent changes.
Raising the Bar:
This week, Blizzard let it be known what the new Minimum Requirements and Recommended
Specifications are, to run World of WarCraft: Legion.
Intel CPU: Intel Core2 Duo E6600 increased to Intel Core2 Duo E8500
AMD CPU: AMD Phenom X3 8750 increased to AMD Phenom II X3 720
Drive Space: 35 GB increased to 45 GB.
Nvidia GPU: 8800 GT increased to GT 440
AMD GPU: Radeon HD 4850 increased to Radeon HD 5670
Intel GPU: HD Graphics 3000 increased to HD Graphics 5000
Operating System: Windows 7, 8, or 10 increased to Windows 10.
Intel CPU: Intel Core i5-2400 increased to Intel Core i5-3330
AMD CPU: AMD FX-4100 increased to AMD FX-6300
Nvidia GPU: GTX 470 increased to GTX 750 Ti
AMD GPU: Radeon HD 5870 increased to R7 260X
New specializations Released in Legion- Alpha:
courtesy of
New Specializations Unlocked – A whopping 6 new specializations are ready for testing! We’d
love any and all feedback about their gameplay, artifact quest lines, abilities, etc.
 Holy Priest
 Holy Paladin
 Protection Paladin
 Beast Mastery Hunter
 Demonology Warlock
 Arcane Mage
Class Status – We’re continuing to iterate on our class abilities and talents, based on testing
and feedback. This build has many revisions scattered around the classes, but here are some
 Retribution Paladins – Several talents have been revised.
 Enhancement Shamans – Many talents have been revised. We also revised some of their
baseline abilities, and passives.
 Elemental Shamans – Many talents have been revised. We also revised some of their baseline
abilities, and passives.
 Guardian Druids – Their core offensive combat abilities have received significant changes.
Hopefully this should create more engaging gameplay.
 Blood Death Knights – Many talents have been revised. We also revised some of their baseline
 Subtlety Rogues – We’ve significantly revised their core combat abilities. We’ve also tweaked
what abilities each spec has.
 Marksmanship Hunters – Several talents have been revised.
 Survival Hunters – Several talents have been revised.
 Discipline Priest – We revised some baseline abilities.
Patch 6.2.4 testing, inc changes:
courtesy of
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker)
Greetings everyone,
I wanted to provide some insight into the 6.2.4 patch and hopefully, answer outstanding questions
you may have regarding features and areas to test.
In 6.2.4 World of Warcraft will transition to a new infrastructure. While this infrastructure
change contains a multitude of backend improvements for communication between WoW and, there are also a number of changes that will directly affect you. It is our goal to make sure
these changes don’t negatively impact existing systems, and functionality remains as it was prior to
this migration.
To help us with this task, we’d like PTR testers to focus on the following areas:
Social features, including whispers between characters, different Blizzard games, the
app and other in-game characters.
Realm List functionality.
Authentication, logging in, and security features.
Parental controls.
3rd party add-on functionality.
In-game shop functionality.
Character Boosts.
Faction, Race, and Name changes.
Development for patch 6.2.4 is ongoing so there may be issues during testing regarding things like
logging in and selecting realms. Random disconnects from may also occur. It is important
that things of this nature are reported in the forums to help ensure a resolution before 6.2.4 goes live.
I hope this provides a little more insight into what PTR testers should be on the lookout for in this
patch. Thank you all for helping to make World of Warcraft an epic experience time and time again!
Blizzard moves to rationing to prevent welfare:
courtesy of
Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
Legendary Item Cap
At the start of the expansion, only one legendary at a time can be equipped so that while
extraordinarily lucky people will have more choices about which to use when, they won't be
significantly more powerful than somebody that isn't quite as lucky. As the expansion progresses, the
number of legendaries that can be equipped at once will go up, although still limited to a relatively
small number of slots.
They can come from anywhere, with more difficult content having a higher likelihood of dropping them
(for equivalent time spent). (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
Granted, being that Legendaries scale with you while you level.. you’ll still want to get every one of them
that you can, when you can eventually equip more than 1. I feel this is a good move on blizzards part, to
not reward the players who sit and camp spawns all day for an item. All in all, a smart move.
Tons up talent/ability changes:
courtesy of
If you head on over to, you can find what seems like a never ending list of
Class/Spec and Ability changes for each of those listed classes. Due to it being alpha, this really isn’t
much to cover as it’s not in/on the PTR or in any immediate upcoming live patch to effect anything live.
FinalBossTV is back with more:
courtesy of
His look this week at the Demonology Warlock and what to expect, as well as Beast Master Hunters.
Updated Alpha Build Calculators:
courtesy of
This week we got some great news from feedback the wow dev team has been getting. We now have
some changes to Talents and artifact traits!
Artifact Calculator
Talent Calculator
PvP Talent Calculator
Hot fixes and Patch Notes:
Most recent Patch
Unpredictability, is the new Predictability:
Polygon recapped their trip to Blizzard a few months ago to discuss the Standard format alongside other
community members. We've recapped the important parts below!
Quote from Blizzard
No longer will set releases alternate between adventure and expansion.
We will see two expansions per year (start and end) and one adventure (middle). At least for now.
Ancient of Lore and Keeper of the Grove "maybe those aren't the right choices" - Mike Donais
Leper Gnome and Knife Juggler are two neutral minions being looked at.
The move to Standard may be a bit early, but they don't want to get to the point where it feels
impossible to catch up.
Wild was originally going to be known as Legacy but Brian Kibler urged them to make it more
Adventures could potentially come back out of "the vault" much like Disney's movies do. (Idea is
not mature)
Sunday February 21st, 2016
Matt here with a on Target for this week.
When this deck is ahead, and working, it feels like cheating. And that is the way the deck is
designed. Just about every core card is about cheating mana, cheating draws, cheating
removal to give you an advantage. With all the cheating there are drawbacks. And with Tempo
mage, if the RNG is working against you, then the deck feels broken, in the not good way.
The core of the deck are these 24 cards
Tempo Mage
The core of the deck are these 24 cards.
2x Mana Wyrm
2x Arcane Missiles
2x Sorcerer’s Apprentice
2x Mad Scientist
2x Frostbolt
1x Flame Cannon
1x Unstable Portal
2 or 3 secrets (Usually Mirror Entity and Counterspell, but can be anything other than Ice
2x Arcane Intellect
2x Flamewaker
2x Fireballs
2x 4 Drop of Choice
1x Loatheb
1x Dr. Boom
First off, you are asking me, “Matt you crazy fool, where's Arch Mage Antonidas? What's a
Tempo Mage list without him?” Let me tell you, he’s a great card, and works well. But he's too
slow for Tempo Mage in this meta.
Your game plan is to play smart first, and aggressive second. To cheat out tempo where and
when you can. You want to play those one mana spells for free as much as possible, with
either a Mana Wyrm or Flamewaker on board. Using the Frostbolts as partial removal, and
allowing Flamewaker to finish the job, or using a ping the next turn if you can. The cleaner the
board, the easier Flamewaker survives and continues to ping damage to the opponent face.
Each card in the early game is broken in a way, and that's what makes the deck so unfair.
Mana Wyrm can grow out of control with enough spells, Mad Scientist plays a 3 mana card
when it dies. Sorcerer’s Apprentice can allow things to get out of hand, and Flamewaker is just
broken with the amount of cheap spells you have access to. Unstable Portal can win you
games. The 2 mana spell that gives you a 3 mana discount is just crazy.
There is usually room for one or two early spells that you can choose from. Arcane blast is an
amazing spot removal early, that can grow to cheap crazy removal with an Azure Drake or an
other spell power minion. If you're up against Warriors a lot you can put in mirror Entity to waste
the War Axe or other weapon charges. Arcane Explosion is ok, and only really good against
small token decks.
For the secret package, its a good idea to switch them up from time to time. For now the Meta
favors Mirror entity and Counterspell. I’ve seen some lists run Effigy and Duplicate as well. The
idea is basically to run secrets away from what you are seeing on Ladder. If you face Mirror
Entity and Counterspell in mirror matchups, then other classes will be seeing them as well, and
playing around them. You will have some success playing other secrets, making the opponent
play sub-optomally and allowing you to take advantage.
In the 4 Drop spot there's a group of minions that you can consider. The most popular choice is
Piloted Shredder. The RNG on the 2 drop it creates can swing a game like crazy. There's also
the staple of Water Elemental which can reign havoc on Weapon classes. For Spell synergy,
and a better match against Paladin I really like Violet Teacher. Generating 1/1 tokens that can
match up with the silver hand recruits is invaluable. I personally run a Water Elemental and
Violet teacher, I don't like the Shredder RNG.
Thee 5 drop spot was completely dominated by Azure Drake before LOE, but the spot has a
challenger with Ethereal Arcanist. The Discovery of a Mage spell can be huge, and allow you to
tech in choices you wouldn't put in the deck, or pull spells that you need right there, but you can
whiff and get nothing great. Either way the 6/3 body is something to be dealt with.
Lastly, the finisher, its your call. Ragnaros fits the theme of Tempo as he does something
immediately. Arch Mage is okay, but he needs setup. You can run Rhonin, but he tends to be
slow. Nefarian is a decent choice that can pull some interesting results. But personally I like
Pyroblast, it takes up a full turn, but the Direct damage is hard to ignore.
The problem is that you will run out of cards, and out of steam. Once you're topdecking, you
are in a bad spot. When things go well, you won’t notice, but there are matchups, especially
(Control Priest)that you know you are in a bad spot.
With cards like Flamecannon, Mad Scientist, Boom, Loatheb and Shreddder dropping out in
Standard, its hard to see where this deck will go. I have a feeling unless there some secret love
in the new expansion, Kirin Tor Mage might make its way back in. Shredder is replaceable,
Boom will make way for other high tempo cards. Loatheb is a card that I will miss in every deck
he is in. He’s a great card.
I’ve had a lot of success with this deck, and I think that it’ll do well in the new meta.
Until Next week, Good RNG!
Hot fixes and Patch Notes:
Most recent Patch 2-17-2016
Most recent changes to Heroes Matchmaking:
courtesy of
Blizzard published a blog about the results of previous changes to the matchmaker, which seem to
have been very effective, and a few new rules coming to it in the near future. Like not pairing too
many heroes with little lane presence - like Abathur and Cho'Gall. Read more below.
Quote from Blizzard
Over the past few months, we’ve been hard at work on a game system that has been the subject of
much feedback and discussion within the Heroes of the Storm community: matchmaking. In that
time, we’ve completely rebuilt the matchmaker and rolled out a number of improvements for our new
version of the system. While we’re still hard at work on further improvements for matchmaking, we’re
already seeing very encouraging results from our efforts.
Today, we’d like to take a look at some of the adjustments we’ve made since BlizzCon 2015, as well
as the impact those changes have had on matchmaking in Heroes of the Storm. Before we dig in, it’s
important to note that many of the restrictions and rules that we’ve put into place can be relaxed
under certain conditions, such as very long queue times. This means that there will almost always be
a few exceptions to each rule, as you’ll see below.
Improvements So Far
Priority #1: Fair Matches
Last December, we rolled out phase one of our improvements for matchmaking, which featured an
entirely new matchmaker built specifically to suit Heroes of the Storm. This new system primarily
focuses on providing players with close games, in which each team has a 45% – 55% chance to win.
Since the new matchmaker was implemented, we’ve seen great improvements in overall match
quality and fairness. Take a look at stats from before the new matchmaker went live, and after:
As you can see in the charts above, the likelihood that you will receive a match within our target
range of 45% – 55% win probability has been dramatically increased, from 66% of games before the
new system went live, to 97% of games after.
New Players vs. Veterans
Along with the rebuilt matchmaker, we also decreased the likelihood that inexperienced players will
be matched up against those with a lot of games, and game knowledge, under their belts. Prior to
phase one, about 500 games out of every 10,000 pit new players against veterans. After phase one,
this has dropped to roughly 5 games in 10,000 —which we feel is a significant reduction.
Team Composition Rules
Our December 15 patch brought a new rule to Quick Match that prevents teams with one or more
Warriors in their compositions from matching against teams without one. While we’re still working to
bring further improvements to team compositions in Quick Match, this “Warrior” rule, along with a
similar rule for Supports, has dropped the number of matches featuring a Warrior or Support on one
team, but not the other, to roughly 3 in 10,000 games.
We’d like to mention once again that, while we want all games to be as fair as possible, Quick Match
was designed as a game mode where almost anything can happen. If you’re hoping for a specific
hero lineup in your games, then you might prefer to step into Hero League, or even queue for Quick
Match with a party, which both offer players the ability to tailor team compositions to their liking.
Party Size Restrictions
Full parties were playing against solo players a little too often prior to our first phase of matchmaking
improvements. After rolling out phase one of matchmaking changes, we heard feedback that playing
against parties as a group of solos was still a source of frustration for some players and, after
investigation, implemented a new rule that greatly reduced the chance that this could occur.
Now that this rule has been live for a few weeks, we’re happy to share that the number of games in
which five-player parties are matched against teams of solo players has dropped to just 29 of every
10,000 matches.
Ranked Match Consistency
Our most recent release brought a new rule for Hero League matchmaking, which greatly reduces
the likelihood that Rank 1 players will be matched with or against others below Rank 4. This change
also resolved an edge-case scenario, in which players with extremely high skill ratings could
occasionally be matched with or against one or more low-ranked players.
We’re still actively collecting and reviewing data after making this change, so it’s a little too early to
share statistics at this point. In the meantime, we’d like to encourage those of you at the top of the
ranking system to jump back into Hero League and let us know how your games feel. Going forward,
we’ll continue to keep an eye on Hero League data, as well as player feedback, and will make
further adjustments as needed.
Reviewing Further Feedback
Distinctive Heroes in Quick Match
Our rules for Supports and Warriors in Quick Match have helped level the playing field in terms of
team composition, but we’ve also seen feedback from the community indicating that receiving
several heroes who have limited lane presence, or fill unique roles, on one Quick Match team can
make for a challenging experience.
We’d like to limit cases like these, and we’re currently planning to implement a new rule for Quick
Match that will prevent more than one of the heroes listed below from being placed on the same
Lt. Morales
The Lost Vikings
As with all of the team composition restrictions we’ve implemented so far, parties can still bend this
rule. This means that you may still see heroes like Abathur and Cho’gall on the same team if those
players entered the queue as a party.
Additionally, we’re working to resolve a rare bug that can occasionally cause players to receive a
different hero than the one they selected after entering a match.
Queue Times
We’ve seen players mention that queue times feel longer now that the rebuilt matchmaking system
has been implemented. We knew that this was a strong possibility, due to the system’s prioritization
of match fairness over quick game creation, but also because the more rules we add to
matchmaking, the higher wait times will rise. Between November 2015 and today, we’ve seen Quick
Match wait times increase from about 80 to 130 seconds on average. While we wouldn’t prefer to
see queues get any longer, we’re okay with this time gain if it means we’re creating high-quality
Looking Ahead
We’ve mentioned this time and again, but we’d like to emphasize once more that we aren’t finished
making improvements for matchmaking in Heroes of the Storm. While we aren’t ready to share
details about what those changes are just yet, we would like to thank everyone who continues to
provide us with their thoughts on the current state of matchmaking. We’re still investigating your
reports and reviewing internal data as we work toward further improvements, and your feedback is a
great sounding board as we make changes over time.
Stay tuned to the official Heroes website to catch all the latest news as it is announced. Until next
time, we’ll see you in the Nexus!
Nerfs and Buffs!:
courtesy of
Quote from Blizzard
We’ve just released a new patch for Heroes of the Storm that applies a few Hero and Talent balance
changes. Check out the patch notes below.
Astral Presence (Talent)
o Mana Regeneration bonus now only triggers while below 25% Mana, rather than 50%
Diamond Skin (Talent)
o Shield amount decreased from 25% to 20% of maximum Health
Tal Rasha’s Elements (Talent)
o Ability Power bonus decreased from 20% to 10%
Magic Missiles (Q)
o Damage reduced from 147 (+3.5% per level) to 147 (+3% per level)
Arcane Orb (W)
o Ess of Johan (Talent) removed
o Triumvirate (Talent)
 Distance traveled requirement reduced from 80% to 65% of maximum distance
Developer Comments: Li-Ming is a little too strong right now. Her ability to deal incredible damage is
awesome, it was just happening too often, too easily. We’ve nerfed Astral Presence and Diamond Skin to
preserve a couple of her core weaknesses: Mana tension and fragility. We’ve also removed Ess of Johan,
because we found that it made landing Magic Missiles too easy. While we know that a lot of players really
enjoy Ess of Johan, we think that it will be better for the Li-Ming in the long run to preserve her high skill
Basic Attack damage reduced from 89 (+4% per level) to 60 (+4% per level)
Frostbolt (Q)
o Damage increased from 160 (+4% per level) to 190 (+4% per level)
Cone of Cold (E)
o Damage increased from 189 (+4% per level) to 200 (+4% per level)
Developer Comments: We’re starting to pull Basic Attack damage out of characters who don’t rely upon
it, namely Jaina and Kael’thas. For Jaina, this will make less of her damage guaranteed and allow for
more advanced plays. Jaina’s win rate is also a little on the low end, so we want to offset the Basic
Attack nerf and add to her overall power by buffing Frostbolt and Cone of Cold.
Basic Attack damage reduced from 87 (+4% per level) to 65 (+4% per level)
Arcane Barrier (Talent)
o Shield amount decreased from 200% to 150%
o Duration reduced from 6 to 4 seconds
Gravity Lapse (E)
o Stun duration reduced from 1.5 to 1.0 seconds
Phoenix (R)
o Cooldown increased from 40 to 60 seconds
Pyroblast (R)
o Damage increased from 730 (+4% per level) to 810 (+5% per level)
o Cooldown increased from 50 to 100 seconds
Developer Comments: Kael’thas is a powerful hero with too few downsides. We’re nerfing several
aspects of his kit, and are still planning a Talent overhaul coming soon™. The stun duration of Gravity
Lapse is too long and guarantees kills more often than we would like. Reducing the stun duration makes
it less frustrating to play against and adds a bit more counterplay for the enemy team. Phoenix is the
drastically favored Heroic Ability right now, and it’s up far too often. By nerfing its cooldown, while also
pushing Pyroblast to create more impactful moments, we expect there will be more situations where
Pyroblast is the optimal pick.
Hammerang (Q)
o BOOMerang (Talent)
 Damage increased from 121 (+4% per level) to 150 (+4% per level)
Hinterland Blast (R)
o Base damage increased from 411 (+4.75% per level) to 475 (+4.75% per level)
Developer Comments: We’re primarily seeing players run Basic Attack builds as Falstad, and would like to
make ‘mage’ Falstad a bit more powerful. We also felt that Hinterland Blast isn’t doing enough damage
with its higher cooldown, so we’re further increasing that damage.
Lightning Shield (W)
o Rising Storm (Talent)
 Damage bonus reduced from 20% to 10% per stack
 Maximum stacks increased from 10 to 20
Ghost Wolf (Trait) (D)
o Basic Attack damage bonus reduced from 100% to 75%
Lightning Shield (W)
o Damage reduced from 36 (+4% per level) to 30 (+4% per level)
Developer Comments: Rehgar is still doing too much damage with his Lightning Shield. We like the high
potential for damage output in this Talent, as chasing the dream is fun! However, we found
that Rehgar players were reaching high damage values too fast, and reaching maximum stacks early
became the rule rather than the exception.
Hardened Carapace (W)
o Shield amount increased from 242 (+4% per level) to 260 (+4% per level)
Developer Comments: Anub’arak’s survivability is a little low right now, though not by much. We think that
increasing it by buffing his low cooldown Shield helps him feel unique, and will give him a slight nudge
toward becoming another enticing Warrior option at all levels of play.
Devour (E)
o Last Bite (Talent)
 Cooldown reduction on kill decreased from 15 to 12 seconds
Developer Comments: We started to notice a few situations where Stitches, after selecting Last Bite,
would feel nigh unkillable when fighting near Minion waves or around Battleground Events that featured
lots of small Monsters, like Infernal Shrines. We think this smaller nerf will embrace those situations
without allowing them get out of control.
This week in the store, on sale: February 16th – 23rd Weekly Sale: February 16 — 23,
Zeratul — $4.99 USD
Ronin Zeratul Skin — $4.99 USD
Glam Metal E.T.C. Skin — $3.74 USD
Hot fixes and Patch Notes:
Most recent patch – Patch Notes 3.1.0
Hot fixes and Patch Notes:
Nothing new at this time.
Baby Winston Figure Pre-Order Bonus:
Gamestop has quite an awesome pre-order bonus for those in the US. You can pre-order the Origins
Edition or Collector's Edition to receive it. So cute!
Play of the Game to be Revisited:
They know there is bias against supports and have some ideas to improve upon them.
Quote from Jeff Kaplan
“It's still our intention to revisit Play of the Game tuning in the future. We have some ideas to improve
POTG's and add more diversity to the moment.”
Datamined Changes - New Stats:
courtesy of
There are new stats relating to Medals and Melee Final Blows.
Total Medals Earned
Gold Medals Earned
Melee Final Blows
Melee Percentage of Final Blows
Overwatch Patch 27174:
courtesy of
A new patch has been deployed to the Overwatch servers. In addition to the official notes below:
Torbjorn's Autocannon now appears to require time to lock-on to targets. (Very short)
Bastion's setup times and reload times in Sentry are reduced slightly.
Quote from Blizzard
A new beta patch is now live. Read below to learn about the latest changes.
To share your feedback, please post in the Beta Feedback forum.
For a list of known issues, visit our Beta Bug Report forum.
Please note that some changes may not be documented or described in full detail.
Completed a tuning pass for end-of-match commendations
Increased the cooldown on using Voice Lines
Configuration: Recon
o Maximum weapon spread decreased by 25%
Configuration: Sentry
o No longer gains any armor bonus
o All changes to bullet damage made in our February 9 beta patch have been reverted
Developer comments: We’ve given Configuration: Recon a bit of a boost to allow Bastion to “run-and-gun”
more efficiently when needed. We’ve also made a significant change to Bastion’s survivability when in
Configuration: Sentry; by removing the 300 additional armor, Bastion is now more vulnerable to attack,
but loses none of its offensive power. We’re very eager to see how both of these updates play out in the
D.Va’s mech is no longer move- or aim-locked after being called down
o Ultimate charge now generates passively even when D.Va is dead or her mech is
Call Mech
o Ultimate cost decreased by 20%
Developer comments: The changes we made to how heroes gain Ultimate charge in the February 9 beta
patch had some unintended side effects for D.Va, making it much harder for her to generate Ultimate than
before. These changes should help correct this pain point, as well as provide a nice quality-of-life change
to the process of summoning her mech.
Endothermic Blaster
o Alternate Fire
 Ammo cost decreased from 50 to 40
Developer comments: The goal of this small change is make it so that using Mei’s alternate fire doesn’t
feel like it’s compromising her primary fire.
Guardian Angel
o Can no longer target the souls of dead allies
Developer comments: The change we made to Guardian Angel in the February 9 beta patch (allowing the
ability to target the souls of dead allies) was intended to help Mercy get to where her Resurrect may be
the most needed. In practice, this change caused problems. We saw a lot of feedback from players noting
that they’d accidentally target a dead ally when they meant to target a living ally, or that they’d target a
dead ally thinking it was a living ally initially. As a result, we’ve reverted the original change.
Turret bullet damage decreased from 16 to 14
Turret repair amount decreased from 100 to 50 health per swing
Rivet Gun
o Maximum ammo decreased from 20 to 18
Alternate Fire
o Cost decreased from 5 to 3
Developer comments: Torbjörn’s turrets currently feel a little too powerful, so (to start) we’re taking away
some of their power as well as removing Torbjörn’s ability to out-repair reasonable incoming damage.
Torbjörn’s Rivet gun is also getting a small boost to allow for more liberal use of his Alternate Fire when
Fixed several in-game locations in which it was possible to use Tracer’s Blink ability to exit
intended play space
Fixed an issue when blue-colored effects would sometimes get “stuck” on screen
Fixed a crash that could happen when opening Loot Boxes
Fixed several client- and sever-side crashes
Fixed an issue that caused Zenyatta to receive more credit than intended for kill assists when
determining Play of the Game
Projectiles will now appear to line up more correctly with targets when viewing a player in
Spectator Mode
Pre-Order Overwatch now!:
available for xBox / Playstation / PC
Overwatch - $39.99
PC Version ONLY
 Pre-Purchase Bonus: Noire Skin for Widowmaker
 21 Heroes to choose from
Overwatch: Origins Edition - $59.99
available for xBox / Playstation / PC
Pre-Purchase Bonus: Noire Skin for Widowmaker
21 Heroes to choose from
5 Origin Skins
In-Game Goodies for other Blizzard Games!
 Heroes of the Storm: Tracer Hero
 World of Warcraft: Baby Winston Pet
 Hearthstone: Overwatch Card Back
 Diablo 3: Mercy's Wings
 StarCraft 2: Player Portraits
 Tracer
 Reaper
 Phara
 Winston
 Bastion
 Soldier 76
Overwatch: Collectors Edition - $129.99
available for xBox / Playstation / PC
Pre-Purchase Bonus: Noire Skin for Widowmaker
21 Heroes to choose from
5 Origin Skins
Soldier: 76 Statue
Visual Sourcebook
In-Game Goodies for other Blizzard Games!
 Heroes of the Storm: Tracer Hero
 World of Warcraft: Baby Winston Pet
 Hearthstone: Overwatch Card Back
 Diablo 3: Mercy's Wings
 StarCraft 2: Player Portraits
 Tracer
 Reaper
 Phara
 Winston
 Bastion
 Soldier 76
English (US), Español (AL), Português (AL),English (EU), Deutsch, Español
(EU), Français,Italiano, Polski, Русский, 한국어, 繁體中文, English (SEA)
This week we are going to hard swap to Thorn and Thyst!
- What does PvP mean to you?
What is your favorite PvP memory?
You’re dueling for your life 1v1, what WarCraft class / spec do you pick? Why?
-What is your favorite game to PvP in?
If you could choose 1 game and were allowed to change 2 things PvP related to make it better..
what Game/Changes would you make?
-What made you two want to start your amazing community podcast?
Is it everything you thought it would be, or are you still working to get there?
Do you feel rewarded by connecting with your community?
What’s your favorite part of the Lagging Balls Podcast?
-Who is the one guest/guest host you would sell your body to have on your show?
-You enter the arena… It’s “Yours” V.s. “Thiers”, what song (Artist/Title) plays? Why?
Have a Shout out you’d like to be read on the show?
Tweet #VictorsShout to @VictorsSanctum
To hear responses and opinions to questions, listen to our Podcast!
writes in, and asks...
Q: Do you think that overwatch is ready for release ?
writes in, and asks...
Q: Do you think the ability to change characters mid game will affect OW’s competitive scene?
writes in, and asks...
Q: Since the release of Overwatch Beta again, Ryan & Chris… what's your favourite character and
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Scott writes in, and asks...
Q: What's your opinion on kt’s nerfs?was it justified and where does this leave him in the scene?
writes in, and asks...
Q: Illidan and aba surfaced at a competitive tournament is this because of the current meta of the
buffs to aba?
Jeffrey T.
writes in, and asks...
Q: Do you think that nerfing ess of johan on li ming will drop her popularity?
writes in, and asks...
Q: With the releases of the new classes in Beta on Wow, which of these do you think people have
been most waiting for?
writes in, and asks...
Q: I have Legion Alpha access…. When the hell am I going to get my Brewmaster class!?
Alex M.
writes in, and asks...
Q: Thanks for referring me to the FinalBossTV Alpha videos, I found them informative and useful.
Are there any YouTube channels that have more information, spoilers included on Legion Alpha’s
Lore? Thanks, Love the show you two, keep it coming!
If you would like to be a part of our Live Stream, you can join us every Sunday Night at 10pm EST at
I would like to thank..
Thorn & Thyst for joining us tonight on our show,
‘Mudsliide’ for Co-Hosting with me,
Matt Myers for his ON Target segment,
and Michael Johnson for his help and technical support for the Victors’ Sanctum website & podcast.
You can find Thorn, Thyst and Lagging Balls on…
Twitter: @Laggingballs
Thyst- @Thyst03
Thorn- @Thornbrow
You can find us on…
Our website:
Twitter: @VictorsSanctum
Have a question or want to contact us?
Our e-mail:
Our Phone Number: (513) 258-2915
Please remember to leave your Name and question,
we'll answer it on the show!
Host: Ryan Petrey
Twitter: @Rycp1209
Co-host: Chris 'Mudsliide' Slaughter
Twitter: @GFE_Mudsliide
Guest: Matt Myers
Twitter: @Mattatarm
Guest: Adrian Ellis
Twitter: @SarkansVS