The Open Shelf Sea. 1. The primary source of buoyancy is surface heat flux. Longwave radiation Qs(1-A) Solar heat input Qb conduction Qc evaporation Qe h Qv (advection) Heat stored = cp = specific heat capacity of seawater (= 3900 J kg-1 K-1) T mean water temperature (in degrees Kelvin) c p hT J m-2 Distribution of heat input: Radiation decays exponentially through the water column, i.e.: I ( z ) I0e kz %I0 0 20 40 60 80 100 k is an attenuation coefficient, dependent on wavelength of radiation (e.g. see Kirk, Light & photosynthesis in aquatic ecosystems.) 0 -10 depth / m k=0.1 m-1 -20 In clear water: 55% heat is input into top 1 m -30 70% is input within 3 m -40 -50 In typical shelf waters: >90% input within 5 m Heat output occurs from the “skin” of the surface. The tidal currents mix the thermal structure up from the seabed: Temperature 0 0 -30 The wind mixes the thermal structure down from the sea surface: -10 depth / m -20 0 0 Add tidal -40 stress -50 -10 -50 Stronger tidal currents -20 -30 Add wind-10 stress depth / m -40 Temperature Temperature -30 depth / m depth / m -10 -20 Temperature -20 -30 -40 -40 -50 -50 Stronger wind mixing The rate of change of the Potential Energy of a shelf sea water column, driven by surface heat flux, can be derived as: 1 P .E . g Q h t heating 2c p The rate of increase of the Potential Energy of a shelf sea water column, driven by tidal mixing, can be derived as: 4k b u 1 P .E . h t tide mixing 3h Heating > tide-mixing water column stratifies in summer Heating < tide-mixing water column remains vertically mixed = 1.6 x 10-4 °C-1 volume expansion coefficient of seawater Q = rate of heat flux through surface (W m-2) cp = specific heat capacity of seawater (3900 J kg-1 °C-1) kb = bottom drag coefficient (~0.003) = efficiency of tidal mixing (~0.003) uo = tidal current amplitude (m s-1) h = depth (m) What happens if the two rates are equal? 3 0 mixed front stratified Shelf Sea (or Tidal Mixing) Fronts. These are the transition regions between the permanently mixed and seasonally stratified shelf waters. By running the phys1d program with a range of values for h and/or u you can investigate the effects of tidal mixing on a shelf sea water column. High u and/or low h will result in a water column that remains mixed. Low u and/or high h will result in a water column that stratifies during spring and summer warm cool cold Low h/u3 High h/u3 h/u3critical We can predict this Enhanced Primary Production at Tidal Mixing Fronts As the existence of shelf sea fronts became recognised, parallel observations of the biology and chemistry of the fronts showed: 1. Fronts separate the low nutrient, stratified surface water from higher nutrient mixed water (Morin et al., 1985. J. Mar. Biol. Assoc., 65, 677695) 2. Fronts are often observed to be regions of high chlorophyll biomass (Pingree et al., 1975. Nature, 258, 672-677) 3. Fronts are regions of enhanced primary production (Horne et al., 1989. Scientia Marina, 53, 145-158). Useful reading: Mann & Lazier, Dynamics of Marine Ecosystems, 2nd ed. (Blackwell Science) pages 187-196 Sea surface temperature (AVHRR) Sea surface chlorophyll concentration (SeaWIFS) 10th July 1999 (Images courtesy of Remote Sensing Group (Plymouth Marine Laboratory))