Northern Lighthouse Board TENDER FOR THE PROVISION OF: DRY DOCK SERVICES & UPGRADE FOR NLV POLE STAR REF: TPOL/DRYD/0681 OJEU REF: 2010/S 120-182001 INTRODUCTION This Tender has been created in MS Word 2007 and is designed to be completed electronically. If you have downloaded this Tender from our Buyer Profile can you please register your interest with Fiona Lynch, Commercial Manager by emailing You may wish to read NLB’s Procurement Guide and a copy can be found on our buyer profile under the Buyer Profile/Other Information headings. Page 1 of 131 Issue No: 1 Revision No: 1 Active Date: 22 June 2010 Northern Lighthouse Board Introduction Following our OJEU Open Procedure contract notice you have requested our invitation to tender (ITT) documents. Please ensure you understand all aspects of this ITT. All information contained within this ITT will be used by the Commissioner of Northern Lighthouses operating as the Northern Lighthouse Board (NLB) for the purposes of this project only. This ITT is nontransferable, if you decide you do not wish to tender please inform Fiona Lynch, Commercial Manager Email: as soon as possible and where possible explain why you have decided not to tender. Tenderers are advised to answer all questions. Text marked with an asterisk * indicates a response and/or information that must be returned. While a lack of response may not preclude your company from consideration, NLB will request no further information before the evaluation of tenders. Therefore it is in your interest to ensure that your submission is complete at the time of sending. You may provide additional information, if relevant, with your tender submission. This tender is subject to the EU Procurement Directive 2004/18/EC Open Procedure and our notice 2010/S 120-182001 was published by OJEU on 24 June 2010. No information contained in this ITT, or in any communication made between NLB and any Tenderer in connection with this ITT, shall be relied upon as constituting a contract, agreement or representation that any contract shall be offered in accordance with this ITT. NLB reserves the right, subject to the appropriate procurement regulations, to change without notice the basis of, or the procedures for, the competitive tendering process or to terminate the process at any time. Under no circumstances shall NLB incur any liability in respect of this ITT or any supporting documentation. Direct or indirect canvassing of any NLB Commissioners, NLB staff, public sector employee or agent by any potential bidder concerning this requirement, or any attempt to procure information from any NLB Commissioner, NLB Staff, public sector employee or agent concerning this ITT may result in the disqualification of the Tenderer from consideration for this requirement. NLB will not reimburse any costs incurred by Tenderers in connection with preparation and submission of their responses to this ITT. All information contained within this ITT will be used to inform NLB’s project board/team relating to this project alone. Tenderers are advised to answer all questions. While a lack of response may not preclude you from consideration, NLB will request no further information before the evaluation of responses and the issuing of the invitations to tender. Therefore it is in your interest to ensure that your submission is complete at the time of sending. You may provide additional information, if relevant, with your tender submission. Page 2 of 131 Issue No: 1 Revision No: 1 Active Date: 22 June 2010 Northern Lighthouse Board Background Information The Commissioners of Northern Lighthouses – operating as the Northern Lighthouse Board (NLB) and the Corporation of Trinity House (England, Wales, Channel Islands and Gibraltar) together with the Commissioners of Irish Lights (the whole of Ireland - are the General Lighthouse Authorities (GLAs) with responsibility, subject to certain provisions, for the superintendence and management of “all lighthouses, buoys and beacons” throughout their respective geographical areas including “the adjacent seas and islands....” within and beyond territorial waters. In all, the GLAs provide some 1,200 traditional aids complemented by a mix of radio navigation aids for the safety of all mariners engaged in general navigation irrespective of who pays for the service, the size or type of the vessel, her equipment fit, the competence of her crew, or her flag. Through an agreement with the Government of the Irish Republic the three GLAs provide an integrated network of Aids to Navigation around the British Isles. This discharges both the United Kingdom and Irish Governments’ obligation under the International Maritime Organization’s Safety of Life at Sea Convention. The costs of the GLA’s services are met from the General Lighthouse Fund (GLF). The income to the GLF comes mostly from light dues which are charged on commercial shipping at United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland ports. There is no provision for Exchequer funding except in the Republic of Ireland and in relation to guarantees under the GLAs’ borrowing powers. The Secretary of State for Transport has a duty to ensure the effective management of the GLF and enable the adequate provision of aids to navigation at the minimum cost. The Northern Lighthouse Board carries out the functions of the Commissioners of Northern Lighthouses who are constituted in terms of, and are given certain powers and duties by, Part VIII of and Schedules 8 and 9 to the Merchant Shipping Act 1995. The subject matter of that Act is a reserved matter under Section 30 of and Schedule 5 to the Scotland Act 1998 and in terms of Section 29 of the Scotland Act 1998. The Board's affairs will continue to be subject to legislation passed by the United Kingdom Parliament. Ministerial responsibility will remain with the Department for Transport. Under Section 193 of the Merchant Shipping Act 1995 NLB is the GLA for Scotland and adjacent seas and islands and the Isle of Man, and under Section 195 is vested with the responsibility for the superintendence and management of all lighthouses, buoys and beacons. Our Head Office is at 84 George Street, Edinburgh, EH2 3DA. We have a waterfront operating base in Oban on Scotland’s West Coast and it supports our ships and buoy maintenance work; and provides facilities for helicopters. We have smaller business premises in the Northern Isles. The efficiency of our Aids to Navigation are measured against international standards set by the International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities (IALA). IALA is a non profit, non governmental international technical association. IALA’s aim is to harmonize aids to navigation worldwide and to ensure that the movements of vessels are safe, expeditious, cost effective and harmless to the environment. Within its area of jurisdiction as a General Lighthouse Authority, NLB has various powers and responsibilities in connection with the provision, maintenance, alteration, inspection and control of lighthouses, buoys and beacons, under Section 197 of the 1995 Act as amended. NLB also has Wreck Removal powers under Section 253 of the Act. For further information please see our website: Page 3 of 131 Issue No: 1 Revision No: 1 Active Date: 22 June 2010 Northern Lighthouse Board Point of Contact All enquiries must be addressed, to Fiona Lynch as the single point of contact for this exercise, at the address shown below and must be submitted in writing or by email; these shall all be recorded and email is preferable. Tenderers should be aware that it will be the intention of NLB to circulate in writing, to all interested parties all queries and enquiries received together with our response. The source of the question will not be disclosed. To ensure that all Tenderers have the same information, we will respond to all queries and points of clarification raised by 16:00 hours on Tuesday 27th July 2010 (at least 1 week before deadline). The closing date for receipt of tender is Tuesday 3rd August 2010 at 14:00 hours. You should note that NLB may seek amplifying information from Tenderers, or from third parties in amplification of any part of the submission. Fiona Lynch Commercial Manager Northern Lighthouse Board 84 George Street Edinburgh EH2 3DA United Kingdom Email: Fax: 0044 131 473 2436 Completed Tenders should be forwarded using the label provided at Annex V to: Director of Finance Northern Lighthouse Board 84 George Street Edinburgh EH2 3DA United Kingdom NLB have a strict procedure for the control of information and the management of its tender processes. All tender submissions received prior to the tender return deadline with be placed by our Reception Staff within a double locked tender box. The Director of Finance and Commercial Manager each have one key to this box and they or their representatives must both be present to enable opening. This box is only opened after the tender return deadline and the tenders for each project are removed for opening and the box locked. Therefore it is essential that the outer envelope of your tender bears the tender label provided. Tenders are opened by the Director of Finance and the Commercial Manager (or their appointed representatives) and formally recorded; each page is endorsed and checked for alterations etc. Tenders are then given to the Commercial Section for evaluation. You must address all aspects of pricing within your tender submission including the method for charging the service, additional services required, recoverable expenses etc. Please ensure that you detail all costs involved with the service provision and any associated costs. NLB will not be liable for any unidentified costs. Please do not hasten the progress of your tender. All Tenderers will be advised at appropriate stages of the evaluation process and there is no advantage to be made by hastening progress. Page 4 of 131 Issue No: 1 Revision No: 1 Active Date: 22 June 2010 Northern Lighthouse Board Submitting a Tender* All Tenders are submitted entirely at the cost of the Tenderer. NLB will not be responsible for any costs associated with any tender submission or subsequent activities. Please note that all tenders must be submitted in 2 hard copies using the label provided, by the closing date. Tenders received after the closing date and those not providing the correct number of copies of all information may not be considered. Whilst Tenders must be returned in hardcopy using the label provided at Appendix VII, you can also email your Tender submission to if you wish to ensure delivery before the deadline. Please put “Tender Ref: TPOL/DDOC/0681” as the subject of the email. We have no limit on the size of email received however to ensure that there are no receipt problems please limit email size to no more than 10 Mb and there is no limit on the number of emails sent. Other types of file especially Zip files or encrypted files may cause problems and could hamper the delivery of your Tender. This email box is only opened following the deadline and the above procedure still applies. Tenders received after the closing date will not be considered. Please be aware that tenders issued are non-transferrable. Should you choose to not to tender please advice Fiona Lynch as soon as possible and do not pass the documentation to any other party. It is in your interest to ensure that all the information requested is provided in your tender submission; that you return the correct number of copies using the label provided; and that your submission reaches us by the closing date. Tenderers should include a single point of contact in their organisation for their response to the ITT. NLB will not be responsible for contacting the Tenderer through any route other than the nominated contact. The Tenderer must therefore undertake to notify any changes relating to the contact promptly. Please ensure you provide full contact details including an email address, landline and mobile telephone number. NLB may request to visit your premises, visit a reference site or undertake any appropriate action required as part of the tender evaluation and you may also be asked to attend an interview and make a formal presentation to NLB’s Project Team. Interviews will be held in NLB Board Room at 84 George Street, Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom and attendance is entirely at your own cost. The final detail of such requests will be identified at the tender evaluation stage, all requests will be made in writing and appropriate conditions for participation may be attached. Page 5 of 131 Issue No: 1 Revision No: 1 Active Date: 22 June 2010 Northern Lighthouse Board Mandatory Standstill Period (Alactel Judgement) NLB will incorporate a minimum 10 working day standstill period (electronic transmission) or 15 working days (by postal service) at the point information on the award of the contract is communicated to all Tenderers. This period allows unsuccessful Tenderers to seek further debriefing from NLB before the contract is entered into. Applicants have 2 working days from the notification of the award decision to request additional debriefing and that information/debriefing has to be provided a minimum of 3 working days before the expiry of the standstill period. If this does not happen the standstill period must be extended by 3 working days from the date of the last debrief. If an appeal regarding the award of a contract has not been successfully resolved the Public Contracts (Amendment) Regulations 2009 (SI 2009/2992) and The Public Contracts and Utilities Contracts (Scotland) Amendment Regulations (SI 2009 No. 428) provide for aggrieved parties who have been harmed or are at risk of harm by a breach of the rules to take action in the High Court (England, Wales and Northern Ireland) and the sheriff court, the Court of Session (Scotland). Any such action must be brought promptly. NLB is now automatically obliged to suspend the contract-making when a legal challenge to the contract award decision is launched. The Court may order the (prospective) ineffectiveness of a contract where certain serious rule breaches have occurred. This will be coupled with a fine on NLB. They can also provide for alternative penalties (contract shortening, fines, or both) instead of ineffectiveness, in certain situations where ineffectiveness is inappropriate. More information can be obtained from The Office of Government Commerce. UK_regulations.asp Agreement Nature* This contract is for dry docking facilities for NLV Pole Star which will allow statutory out of water surveys and maintenance to be carried out. Machinery, Hull & Safety Equipment Maintenance surveys will also be completed at this time. The Pole Star requires to dry dock by mid September 2010 in order to complete its Second Special Survey (10 year) when it’s Statutory and Class certification will be renewed. The opportunity will also be taken to carry out planned maintenance for the vessel. We also plan to carry out modest mid-life improvements to the vessel which are consistent with the recommendations of the last Fleet Review. These improvements are aimed at reducing noise in the crew quarters and improving the operational efficiency of the vessel. In addition to the above it is our intention to have alterations made to the Bow Thruster Compartment and cabins on the main and lower Focsle decks options will be exercised, dependent upon our budgetary constraints. Please refer to pages 115-120 for further information. Page 6 of 131 Issue No: 1 Revision No: 1 Active Date: 22 June 2010 Northern Lighthouse Board Information Required* Please provide the following information as an attachment to your tender submission and include any relevant additional information: Please use Appendix I as a Pricing Schedule and return a copy of this fully costed per item as part of your tender submission. You may wish to append an additional schedule that details all other costs involved with this contract. A detailed list of all sub-contractors (including their roles) to be employed on this contract. If you are sub-contracting any major elements of this contract your tender submission must show the sub-contractors willingness to undertake any such elements of the contract. Similarly if you are making a group bid the member of the group must be detailed and the group must be formed into a legal entity with whom NLB can contract. A contract programme detailing all the requirements and indicating the time elements for each. This programme should give an overall time indicator for this contract. This must show the estimate time in dry dock, time alongside etc. A statement on how you propose to manage this contract including the nomination of a Contract Manager for daily liaison, Health and Safety of our employees within your premises, access for NLB ‘Owners Orders’ Contractors and other NLB personnel etc. Full details of the specific dry dock to be used together with the office accommodation requirements for NLB’s Marine Superintendents. This contract can be terminated by NLB with 30 days written notice. Payments & Invoicing* The price of the services shall be as stated in the Contract and no increase will be accepted by the NLB unless agreed in writing before delivery of the services. Unless otherwise stated in the Contract, payment will be made within 30 days of completion of the contract following receipt and agreement of invoices which are to be submitted in arrears, for work completed to the satisfaction of NLB. Value Added Tax, where applicable, shall be shown separately on all invoices as a strictly net extra charge. Tender Submission Requirements* Your tender proposals must include: A covering letter Form of Tender Declaration of Non-Collusion Pricing Proposals covering the services and any additional services offered. Details of how the contract will be operated and managed. Full details of the responsible person(s)/account manager and team members allocated to the contract including CV`s Any other applicable information or alternative offers. Any further information you deem relevant, any qualification of tender or other supporting details. Clear notification of any of the areas of our requirements that cannot be provided. It is in your interest to ensure that all the information requested is provided within your tender submission. Incomplete tenders may be disqualified. Page 7 of 131 Issue No: 1 Revision No: 1 Active Date: 22 June 2010 Northern Lighthouse Board Termination of Contract Further to Clause 18 of our Conditions of Contract, failure to meet the required timescales and any changes to the contract costs may result in immediate termination of the contract by NLB. Contract Period The contract will commence in September 2010. Estimated timescales for the Dry Dock Services are three full weeks commencing 6 September 2010 ( there is a level of flexibility from 1 September to 15 September 2010 for a start date). Please confirm availability of facilities during this period. These dates are approximate and will depend on final contract negotiations etc. Contract Award Criteria The award criteria (and weighting) are detailed below: Agreeable contract terms and conditions (10%) Criteria Agreeable contract terms and conditions Declaration of Non Collusion Form of Tender Weighting 0.6 0.2 0.2 Financial/Cost (30%) Criteria Financial Viability based on Z-score and Dun & Bradstreet Risk of Business Failure Project Cost 0.5 Technical & Business Capability (50%) Criteria References Insurance Programme, Including Ships downtime Information on Dry Dock Facilities Information on sub contractors Weighting 0.5 Weighting 0.2 0.1 0.4 0.2 0.1 Good Standing 10% Criteria Statement of Good Standing Health & Safety Quality Assurance/ Quality plan details if not accredited Environmental Issues Disputes Equality Weighting 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 Timetable Set out below is the proposed procurement timetable. This is intended as a guide and, whilst the NLB does not intend to depart from the timetable, it reserves the right to do so at any time. Page 8 of 131 Issue No: 1 Revision No: 1 Active Date: 22 June 2010 Northern Lighthouse Board Issue of Invitation to Tender Tender return deadline Mandatory standstill period Tender award Contract commences Tuesday 22nd June 2010 Tuesday 3rd August 2010 There will be a 10 working day mandatory standstill period between the notification of our intent and effecting any agreement. August 2010 September 2010 Contract Pricing This contract will have fixed costs for each item. The price will remain fixed for a minimum period of 90 days from the return of tender. Assignment The Principle Contractor shall not without written agreement of NLB assign the benefit or burden of this agreement or any part thereof. Transportation of Contractors Equipment etc. All goods, materials or equipment belonging to the contractor are carried on NLB vessels entirely at the Contractor’s own risk and NLB shall have no liability for such items. Sub-Contractors As Principal Contractors you may wish to sub-contract parts of this contract. You are free to choose your sub-contractors but must advise NLB of all sub-contractors in writing and in advance of their sub-contract offer, NLB reserves the right to approve all sub-contractors in advance and sub-contractors cannot attend any NLB site without our prior approval. This will not relieve the Principal Contractor of any obligation or duty under the contract. Contractor’s Conduct Contractors including their staff, sub-contractors and others associated with the Contractor shall conduct themselves in an appropriate manner whilst on any NLB site. A good neighbour approach must to taken to ensure that there is minimum disruption to the locality, others working and neighbours of the site. NLB will investigate all complaints received and take appropriate action. Contract Progress Meetings Progress meetings during the duration of the contract shall be held at key stages of the contract and may be held at the Dry Dock Facilities; the Contractors premises or any other site deemed appropriate during Contract. Variations to the Contract* The Contractor shall not vary the Specification unless instructed by NLB in writing. The Contractor may propose Variations to the Contract for the consideration of NLB but shall not vary the Contract unless instructed in writing by NLB. Standard Office Hours Our headquarters standard hours are 8.45am to 5.10pm, Monday to Friday, excluding Public Holidays and we also operate a flexible working hours system for our staff between 07.30am and 6.30pm. Page 9 of 131 Issue No: 1 Revision No: 1 Active Date: 22 June 2010 Northern Lighthouse Board Hospitality Tenderers and Contractors shall not offer or give, or agree, to give, to any employee or representative of the Northern Lighthouse Board any gift or consideration of any kind as an inducement or reward for doing or regaining from doing or for having done or refrained from doing, any act in relation to the obtaining or execution of this or any other contract with the Northern Lighthouse Board or for showing or refraining from showing favour or disfavour to any person in relation to this or any such Contract. Your attention is drawn to the criminal offences created by the Public Bodies Corrupt Practices Act 1889 and the Prevention of Corruption Acts 1906 and 1916. NLB’s Intellectual Property NLB’s names and logos are protected by Community Trade Marks. Tenderers and Contractors must not infringement NLB’s Intellectual Property Rights by using these without NLB’s written approval and assignation. Publicity Publicity in relation to participation with this tender exercise is not permitted in any form. Similarly any publicity (irrespective of the form including TV, Radio, Press etc) by the successful Contractor(s) must be with NLB express written permission approving each and every instance in advance. NLB reserves the right to refuse publicity, edit or suggest alternatives to the Contractor’s proposals. Freedom of Information Act 2000 Statement The Northern Lighthouse Board is a public authority in terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and is under a duty to disclose information relating to all contracts it enters into with third parties with the exception of information of which the disclosure (a) would constitute an actionable breach of confidence owed to the party providing the information; or (b) would be likely to prejudice the commercial interests of the party providing the information. This also applies to information supplied to us during the pre-qualification process. Our scheme for disclosing information is available from our website at In respect of any information submitted by a Potential Provider that it considers being commercially sensitive the Potential Provider should: 1. clearly identify such information as commercially sensitive; 2. explain the potential implications of disclosure of such information; and 3. provide an estimate of the period of time during which the Potential Provider believes that such information will remain commercially sensitive. Please submit responses to 1, 2 or 3 as an Annex with the completed ITT Where a Potential Provider identifies information as commercially sensitive, NLB will endeavour to maintain confidentiality. Potential Providers should note, however, that, even where information is identified as commercially sensitive, NLB might be required to disclose such information in accordance with the FoIA. Accordingly, NLB cannot guarantee that any information marked ‘commercially sensitive’ will not be disclosed. Page 10 of 131 Issue No: 1 Revision No: 1 Active Date: 22 June 2010 Northern Lighthouse Board 1. Organisation Details 1.1. Full legal name, address and website of the Potential Provider in whose name the tender will be submitted (the Prime or Single contractor): 1. Company Name Address Town/City Postcode Country Website (if any) 1.2. Name, position, telephone number and e-mail address of main contact for this project. 2. Name Position Telephone Number Fax Number (if available) E-mail (if available) 1.3. Current legal status of the Potential Provider (e.g. partnership, private limited company, etc.) Please (tick box) one Sole Trader Partnership Public Limited Company Private Limited Company Other (please state) Page 11 of 131 Issue No: 1 Revision No: 1 Active Date: 22 June 2010 Northern Lighthouse Board 1.4. Date and place of formation of the Potential Provider and, if applicable, registration under the Companies Act 2006.1 Please provide copies of Certificates of Incorporation (where appropriate) and any changes of name, registered office and principal place of business. 3. Date of formation Place of formation Date of registration Company registration number Certificates enclosed YES / NO (please delete) Registered Office Principal business 1.5. place of Ownership structure a) Full legal name and address of Parent Company if applicable: 4. Company Name Address Town/City Postcode Country Company registration number 2 1 Potential Providers established outside the United Kingdom may provide equivalent information. For a list of acceptable equivalent information please refer to in Regulation 23(7) of the Public Contracts Regulations 2006. 2 Or, for parent companies established outside the United Kingdom, equivalent information as set out in Regulation 23(7) of the Public Contracts Regulations 2006. Page 12 of 131 Issue No: 1 Revision No: 1 Active Date: 22 June 2010 Northern Lighthouse Board b) Full legal name and address of (ultimate) Parent Company if applicable: 5. Company Name Address Town/City Postcode Country Company registration number3 c) If the Potential Provider is a division or subsidiary, what is its relationship with the Parent Company (ownership, directorship, authority, etc) Relationship d) Please provide a one-page chart illustrating the ownership structure of the Potential Provider including relations to any parent or other group or holding companies. Ownership structure enclosed (please tick √) 1.6. Please provide a brief history of the Potential Provider’s organisation. Brief history of the Potential Provider’s organisation, no more than 400 words, including details of any parent and associated companies and any corporate reorganisations or changes of ownership over the last 5 years including details of significant pending developments, changes in financial structure or ownership, prospective take-over bids, buyouts and closures, etc which are currently in the public domain. 3 Or, for parent companies established outside the United Kingdom, equivalent information as set out in Regulation 23(7) of the Public Contracts Regulations 2006. Page 13 of 131 Issue No: 1 Revision No: 1 Active Date: 22 June 2010 Northern Lighthouse Board 1.7. Registration with professional body Where applicable, is the Potential Provider registered with the appropriate trade or professional register(s) in the EU member state where it is established (as set out in Annex IX B of Directive 2004/18/EC) under the conditions laid down by that member state4). Evidence of registration with appropriate professional/trade body Either insert required details or state ‘None’ 1.8. Charities or Housing Association or other Registration number (if this applies). Please specify registering body. Registering body Registration number 1.9. VAT registration number VAT Registration number 1.10. Please provide a Company organisational structure diagram. Company Organisation Structure attached Yes /No 2. Subcontracting All Potential Providers should answer question 2.1. Where a Potential Provider at this stage of the process intends to sub-contract they should also answer questions 2.2 and 2.3 below. Where a Potential Provider becomes aware of the intention to subcontract at later stages in the procurement they are required to notify NLB of this and provide the information requested below at that time. Where a Potential Provider is a consortium they should indicate which members are proposing to deliver the services. 2.1. Please indicate which of the following applies a) Your organisation is bidding to provide the services required itself (if ‘Yes’, go to question 3) b) Your organisation is bidding in the role of Prime Contractor and intends to use third parties to provide some services c) the potential provider is a consortium 4 Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No In the UK this condition is satisfied by registration with Companies House or a declaration on oath that the candidate is carrying on business in the trade in question in the UK at a specific place of business and under a specific trading name. Page 14 of 131 Issue No: 1 Revision No: 1 Active Date: 22 June 2010 Northern Lighthouse Board 2.2. If your answer to 2.1 is (b) or (c) please indicate in the table below (by inserting the relevant company/organisation name) the composition of the supply chain, indicating which member of the supply chain (which may include the Potential Provider itself or solely be the Potential Provider) will be responsible for the elements of the requirement. Requirement 2.3. Company / Organisation How much of the requirement and what will they directly deliver (%) If your answer to 2.1 is (b) and you are unable to confirm all sub-contractors (complete supply chain) at this stage, you will need to demonstrate a satisfactory methodology and track record of delivering a supply chain. Please give a brief outline on policy regarding the use of sub-contractors and, if applicable, the extent to which it is envisaged they may be used in any contract. Methodology for procuring supply chain ([300] words or fewer) 3. Capability 3.1. Please provide details of the Potential Provider’s principal areas of business activity, main products and services Brief Description of the Potential Provider’s primary business and main products and services. 3.2. Please provide details of the Potential Provider’s staff numbers. Please provide details of the average annual numbers of staff and managerial staff over the previous 3 years. Year Staff numbers Managerial Staff Technical staff involved with the delivery and support of this type of contract Page 15 of 131 Issue No: 1 Revision No: 1 Active Date: 22 June 2010 Northern Lighthouse Board 3.3. If there are any areas where there may be or has the potential to be a conflict of interest (whether now or during the contract period) please declare these, giving full details. Conflict of Interest Details Does this have any potential to cause a Yes/No conflict of Interest? 3.4 Please provide information relating to the Potential Provider’s experience of contracts for similar services, demonstrating the similarities in provided products and services to this requirement: Potential Providers should provide details of three significant private or public sector contracts for the supply of services which it has performed. These should have been performed during the past three years. Information should not be given about contracts performed by any envisaged supply chain member or sub-contractor. The contracts should have been for products and services similar to those outlined in the Requirement for similar sized companies. Potential Providers should ensure that the companies listed would be willing to provide a reference for them and be willing to discuss the Potential Provider’s performance with NLB. NLB reserves the right to contact any or all of these companies for a reference and may wish to visit their premises. (Where the Potential Provider is a special purpose vehicle and not intending to be the main provider of the goods or services, the information requested should be provided in respect of the principal intended provider of the services.) Customer name and address Contact name, telephone number and email address Date contract awarded plus, start and finish dates Contract reference and brief description of requirements undertaken (and value of contract) 1. 2. 3. Page 16 of 131 Issue No: 1 Revision No: 1 Active Date: 22 June 2010 Certificate of Acceptance5 / Completion attached? (Y/N) Names of supply chain members (sub contractors) and/ or consortium members and their role Northern Lighthouse Board Potential Providers should provide full details of any contracts that have been terminated, cancelled or ended early by either the Customer or the Provider including the reason the termination/cancellation etc. Have any contracts been terminated during the last 5 years? If Yes please provide full details below. Yes / No 3.5 In relation to the requirement please provide details of the Potential Provider’s available technical facilities, bases, study and research facilities, tools, plant, technicians, technical equipment and services. Statement of available technical facilities, equipment, services and staff 3.6 In relation to the requirement please provide details of the Potential Provider’s approach to investment, research and development (including the ‘roadmap’) for the products available. Statement of approach to investment, research and development. 3.7 Please provide details of the Potential Provider’s technical ability to perform the contract, including details of skills, efficiency, experience, reliability, methodologies and approaches relevant to the contract. Details of the Potential Provider’s technical ability 5 The certificate of acceptance is a document which contains evidence of confirmation that the particular contract was completed. Page 17 of 131 Issue No: 1 Revision No: 1 Active Date: 22 June 2010 Northern Lighthouse Board 3.8 Please provide details of the Potential Provider’s measures for ensuring quality in relation to the services provided under the contract in particular for ensuring quality of software and your support services including details of your approach to contract and project management, service delivery and complaints. (Details of your quality attestation registrations (if any) for example under ISO9001 or equivalent are required in section 7 of this document) Details of the Potential Provider’s measures to ensure quality such as Quality Management systems Page 18 of 131 Issue No: 1 Revision No: 1 Active Date: 22 June 2010 Northern Lighthouse Board 4. Financial 4.1 Please provide the following financial information or an explanation as to why the Potential Provider cannot provide this information Information attached If No Yes or No Please explain why a) A copy of the most recent audited accounts for your organisation that cover the last two years of trading or for the period that is available if trading for less than two years. b) A statement of the organisation’s turnover, Profit & Loss and cash flow position for the most recent full year of trading (or part year if full year not applicable) and an end period balance sheet, where this information is not available in an audited form at (a). c) Where (b) cannot be provided, a statement of the organisation’s cash flow forecast for the current year and a bank letter outlining the current cash and credit facility position. d) If the organisation is a subsidiary of a group, (a) to (c) are required for both the subsidiary and the ultimate parent company. Where a consortium or association is proposed, the information is requested for each member company. e) A separate statement of the organisation’s turnover that relates directly to the supply of this service for the past two years, or for the period the organisation has been trading (if less than two years). Page 19 of 131 Issue No: 1 Revision No: 1 Active Date: 22 June 2010 Northern Lighthouse Board 4.2 Parent company and/or other guarantees of performance and financial standing may be required as well as confirmation of the organisation’s willingness to arrange for a guarantee or a performance bond. Where the potential provider is dependant financially on a parent company to support its application for this procurement, it must indicate in the box below whether a Parent Guarantee is available if requested. 6. Where required, Parent Guarantee Available? 7. Where required, Performance Bond Available? YES / NO (please delete) YES / NO (please delete) If No please state why 4.3 Name and address of principal banker. 8. Bank Name Address Town/City Postcode If requested, would you be willing to provide a Banker’s reference? Page 20 of 131 Issue No: 1 Revision No: 1 Active Date: 22 June 2010 YES/NO Northern Lighthouse Board 5 Insurance Please provide evidence of the Employers' liability insurance; public liability insurance; professional liability and/or indemnity insurance; and any other appropriate Insurance held by the Potential Provider. The evidence should include the name of the insurers, policy numbers, expiry dates and limits for any one incident and annual aggregate caps and the excesses under the policies. Please be aware that our Tender documents will require specific minimum levels of the insurance required for the successful contractor. 5.1 Insurance details Employers’ Liability Type of insurance 9. Name insurer Public Liability Professional Indemnity Other of Address Policy numbers Expiry date Limits of indemnity (per occurrence and aggregate) Excess (if any) 6. Disputes 6.1 Is there any material pending or threatened litigation or other legal proceedings connected with similar projects against the Potential Provider and/or any of its named supply chain members (sub-contractors) that may affect delivery of this project? a) Legal proceedings pending b) YES / NO (please delete) If you have answered ‘Yes’ to 6.1(a) please give an explanatory statement: Brief statement (300 words or fewer) Either insert required details or state ‘None’ Page 21 of 131 Issue No: 1 Revision No: 1 Active Date: 22 June 2010 Northern Lighthouse Board 6.2 Has there been any material litigation or other legal proceedings connected with similar projects against the Potential Provider and/or any of its named supply chain members (sub-contractors) that may affect delivery of this project in the last three years? a) Legal proceedings b) YES / NO (please delete) If you have answered ‘Yes’ to 7.3(a) please give an explanatory statement: Brief statement (300 words or fewer) Either insert required details or state ‘None’ 7. Additional Information 7.1 Quality Assurance Does your organisation hold a recognised Quality Management System certification from an independent body attesting conformity to quality assurance standards based on the relevant European standard or equivalent standard? For example BS/EN/ISO 9000 or equivalent? Yes/No If so, please provide a copy of the certificate If not, does your organisation have a quality management system? If so, please attach an outline of the system. If not, please explain why. Page 22 of 131 Issue No: 1 Revision No: 1 Active Date: 22 June 2010 Yes/No Northern Lighthouse Board 7.2 Health and Safety Is your organisation legally obliged to have a Health and Safety Policy? Yes/No Does your organisation make sure it complies with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974? Yes/No Does your organisation have a written Health and Safety Policy? Please provide a copy. Yes/No Does your organisation train its staff in Health and Safety? Yes/No If you answer No to any of these questions please explain why. Please provide details of: Your accident and incident record including RIDDOR records (Reporting of Injuries, Disease and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995) Any HSE, Local Authority Improvement, Prohibition Notice or other warning letter or notice issued to you within the past three years. If you have had any such Notices or warnings how have things been put right to prevent this happening again. 7.3 Environmental Issues Do you operate a documented environmental management system? Yes/No If you do not have such a system please explain why Is this system certified by an independent body attesting conformity to environmental management standards based on the Community EcoManagement and Audit Scheme or the relevant European or International standards or equivalent, and which NLB may apply to the contract? Please include a copy of applicable certificates If you do which of the following statements best describes it? (Please tick box) A) It has effective management processes and procedures to manage the significant environmental impacts of our business. B) It defines the significant environmental impacts of our business but only has plans for the introduction of effective management processes and procedures. C) It only identifies the environmental impacts of our business. D) None of the above. Page 23 of 131 Issue No: 1 Revision No: 1 Active Date: 22 June 2010 Yes/No Northern Lighthouse Board 7.4 Equality If you do not have such a policy or training please explain why. Is it your policy as an employer to comply with all Equality related legislation, and is it your policy not to treat any one group of people less favourably than others because of their age, disability, gender, race, religion/belief or sexual orientation? Yes/No In the last three years has any finding of unlawful discrimination been made against your organisation by any court or industrial or employment tribunal? Yes/No Does your organisation have a written Equality Policy? Yes/No Does your organisation train its staff in Equality and Diversity issues? Yes/No 7.5 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Does your organisation have a written CSR Policy? If you do not have such a policy please explain why. Page 24 of 131 Issue No: 1 Revision No: 1 Active Date: 22 June 2010 Yes/No Northern Lighthouse Board STATEMENT RELATING TO GOOD STANDING STATEMENT RELATING TO GOOD STANDING — GROUNDS FOR OBLIGATORY EXCLUSION (IN ELIGIBILITY) AND CRITERIA FOR REJECTION OF CANDIDATES in accordance with Regulation 23 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2006 (as amended) PROJECT TITLE: PROVISION OF DRY DOCK & UPGRADE SERVICES We confirm that, to the best of our knowledge, the Potential Provider is not in breach of the provisions of Regulation 23 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2006 (as amended) and in particular that: Grounds for mandatory rejection (ineligibility) The Potential Provider or its directors or any other person who has powers of representation, decision or control of the named organisation has not been convicted of any of the following offences: (a) conspiracy within the meaning of section 1 of the Criminal Law Act 1977 where that conspiracy relates to participation in a criminal organisation as defined in Article 2(1) of Council Joint Action 98/733/JHA (as amended); (b) corruption within the meaning of section 1 of the Public Bodies Corrupt Practices Act 1889 or section 1 of the Prevention of Corruption Act 1906 (as amended); (c) the offence of bribery; (d) fraud, where the offence relates to fraud affecting the financial interests of the European Communities as defined by Article 1 of the Convention relating to the protection of the financial interests of the European Union, within the meaning of: (i) the offence of cheating the Revenue; (ii) the offence of conspiracy to defraud; (iii) fraud or theft within the meaning of the Theft Act 1968 and the Theft Act 1978; (iv) fraudulent trading within the meaning of section 458 of the Companies Act 1985 or section 993 of the Companies Act 2006; (v) defrauding the Customs within the meaning of the Customs and Excise Management Act 1979 and the Value Added Tax Act 1994; (vi) an offence in connection with taxation in the European Community within the meaning of section 71 of the Criminal Justice Act 1993; or (vii) destroying, defacing or concealing of documents or procuring the extension of a valuable security within the meaning of section 20 of the Theft Act 1968; (e) money laundering within the meaning of the Money Laundering Regulations 2003 or Money Laundering Regulations 2007; or (f) any other offence within the meaning of Article 45(1) of Directive 2004/18/EC as defined by the national law of any relevant State. Organisation’s name Signed Position Date Page 25 of 131 Issue No: 1 Revision No: 1 Active Date: 22 June 2010 Northern Lighthouse Board Discretionary grounds for rejection The Potential Provider confirms that it: (a) being an individual is not bankrupt or has not had a receiving order or administration order or bankruptcy restrictions order made against him or has not made any composition or arrangement with or for the benefit of his creditors or has not made any conveyance or assignment for the benefit of his creditors or does not appear unable to pay or to have no reasonable prospect of being able to pay, a debt within the meaning of section 268 of the Insolvency Act 1986, or article 242 of the Insolvency (Northern Ireland) Order 1989, or in Scotland has not granted a trust deed for creditors or become otherwise apparently insolvent, or is not the subject of a petition presented for sequestration of his estate, or is not the subject of any similar procedure under the law of any other state; (b) being a partnership constituted under Scots law has not granted a trust deed or become otherwise apparently insolvent, or is not the subject of a petition presented for sequestration of its estate; (c) being a company or any other entity within the meaning of section 255 of the Enterprise Act 2002 has not passed a resolution or is not the subject of an order by the court for the company’s winding up otherwise than for the purpose of bona fide reconstruction or amalgamation, nor had a receiver, manager or administrator on behalf of a creditor appointed in respect of the company’s business or any part thereof or is not the subject of similar procedures under the law of any other state; (d) has not been convicted of a criminal offence relating to the conduct of his business or profession; (e) has not committed an act of grave misconduct in the course of his business or profession; (f) has fulfilled obligations relating to the payment of social security contributions under the law of any part of the United Kingdom or of the relevant State in which the organisation is established; (g) has fulfilled obligations relating to the payment of taxes under the law of any part of the United Kingdom or of the relevant State in which the economic operator is established; (h) is not guilty of serious misrepresentation in providing any information required of him under this regulation; (i) in relation to procedures for the award of a public services contract, is licensed in the relevant State in which he is established or is a member of an organisation in that relevant State when the law of that relevant State prohibits the provision of the services to be provided under the contract by a person who is not so licensed or who is not such a member. Organisation’s name Signed Position Date Page 26 of 131 Issue No: 1 Revision No: 1 Active Date: 22 June 2010 Northern Lighthouse Board Grounds for Disqualification Some of the grounds on which your tender may be disqualified are set out below. These include but are not limited to: Incomplete Tender submission – this includes not providing all the information requested, not returning the correct documents, insufficient information provided and failure to sign the documents within the ITT. Late submission of Tender – not received by tender deadline Incorrect, or changes to, information supplied in your tender Lack or breach of confidentiality Publicity of involvement with this exercise Undeclared collusion with other companies – the form on page 42/43 must be fully completed. If you wish to make any declaration of intent please ensure the fully completed form is provided with your submitted tender. Failure to follow instructions given in the ITT. Conflict of Interest – either declared or undeclared. Canvassing any employee, agent, Board Member or other official of NLB whether directly or indirectly. Collusive Tendering – as detailed within the Declaration of Non-Collusion Anti-competitive practice Page 27 of 131 Issue No: 1 Revision No: 1 Active Date: 22 June 2010 Northern Lighthouse Board Annex I CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT FOR THE PURCHASE OF SERVICES These conditions may be varied only by the written agreement of the Purchaser. No terms or conditions put forward at any time by the Supplier shall form any part of the Contract unless specifically agreed in writing by the Purchaser PLEASE NOTE: THE OFFICE OF GOVERNMENT COMMERCE MODEL ICT SERVICES AGREEMENT CLAUSES 28.11; 28.12; 40; 41; 42; 43; 48; 45.2 and Schedule 2.5 (HEREINAFTER REFERRED TO AS THE “MANDATORY OGC MODEL AGREEMENT CLAUSES”) WHICH ARE AVAILABLE ON THE PURCHASER’S BUYER PROFILE AT HEREBY FORM PART OF THIS CONTRACT AND HAVE THE SAME FORCE AND EFFECT AS IF EXPRESSLY SET OUT IN THEIR ENTIRETY IN THE OPERATIVE PART OF THIS CONTRACT. ANY REFERENCE IN THE MANDATORY OGC MODEL AGREEMENT CLAUSES TO THE “AUTHORITY” IS A REFERENCE TO THE PURCHASER AS DEFINED HEREIN. IN THE EVENT OF ANY INCONSISTENCY OR CONFLICT BETWEEN THE MANDATORY OGC MODEL AGREEMENT CLAUSES AND THE TERMS OF THIS CONTRACT, THE FORMER WILL PREVAIL. 1 DEFINITIONS In these conditions: ‘Purchaser’ means the Commissioners of Northern Lighthouses (known as the Northern Lighthouse Board), a body incorporated under the Merchant Shipping Act 1894 and reconstituted under the Merchant Shipping Act 1995 and having its headquarters at 84 George Street, Edinburgh; ‘Supplier’ means the person, firm or company to whom the Contract is issued; ‘Services’ means the services to be provided as specified by the Purchaser in the Purchase Order and shall, where the context so admits, include any materials, articles and goods to be supplied thereunder; ‘Premises’ means the location where the Services are to be performed, as specified in the Contract or Purchase Order; ‘Contract’ means the contract between the Purchaser and the Supplier consisting of the Purchase Order, quote or tender accepted by the Purchaser, these Conditions and any other documents (or parts thereof) specified in such Purchase Order, tender or quote and any Schedules annexed; ‘Conditions’ means the terms and conditions set out in this document as amended, novated, restated or supplemented from time to time by any written special terms and conditions of sale or supply set out in the Purchase Order; ‘Purchase Order’ means the document setting out the Purchaser’s requirements for the Contract. Page 28 of 131 Issue No: 1 Revision No: 1 Active Date: 22 June 2010 Northern Lighthouse Board 2 THE SERVICES 2.1 The Supplier shall perform and the Purchaser shall accept the Services in accordance with any written quotation of the Supplier which is accepted by the Purchaser, or any written order of the Purchaser which is accepted by the Supplier, subject in either case to these Conditions, which shall govern the Contract to the exclusion of any other terms and conditions. 2.2 The Supplier shall perform the Services with reasonable skill, care and diligence and to the reasonable satisfaction of the Purchaser and shall conform in all respects with any particulars specified in the Contract and in any variations thereto. 2.3 The Services shall conform in all respects with the requirements of any Statutes, orders, regulations or bye-laws from time to time in force. 2.4 In all circumstances the Purchaser relies on the skill and judgement of the Supplier in the performance of the Services and the execution of the Contract. 3 DELIVERY 3.1 The Services shall be provided at the Premises or such other location as specified by the Purchaser. Any access to the Premises and any labour and equipment that may be provided by the Purchaser in connection with performance of the Services shall be provided without acceptance by the Purchaser of any liability whatsoever and the Supplier shall indemnify the Purchaser in respect of any actions, suits, claims, demands, losses, charges, costs and expenses which the Purchaser may suffer or incur as a result of or in connection with any damage or injury (whether fatal or otherwise) occurring in the course of performance of the Services to the extent that any such damage or injury is attributable to any act or omission of the Supplier or any of his employees, servants, agents or sub-contractors. 3.2 Where any access to the Premises is necessary in connection with performance of the Services the Supplier and any employees, servants, agents or sub-contractors shall at all times comply with the reasonable requirements of the Purchaser’s security and fire arrangements and shall conduct themselves in an appropriate manner to minimise disruption to the locality, others working and neighbours of such Premises. 3.3 Time of performance of the Services shall be of the essence and failure within the time promised or specified shall enable the Purchaser (at his sole option) to release himself from any obligation to accept and pay for the Services and/or cancel all or part of the Contract therefore, in either case without prejudice to his other rights and remedies. 4 CHANGE TO CONTRACT REQUIREMENTS 4.1 The Purchaser may order any variation to any part of the Services that for any other reason shall in its opinion be desirable. Any such variation may include (but shall not be restricted to) additions, omissions, alterations, substitutions to the Services and changes in quality, form, character, kind, timing, method or sequence of the Services. 4.2 Save as otherwise provided herein, no variation of the Services as provided for in Condition 4.1 hereof shall be valid unless given or confirmed in the form of an order given by the Purchaser. All such orders shall be given in writing provided that if for any reason the Purchaser shall find it necessary to give any such order orally in the first instance the Supplier shall comply with such oral order which must be confirmed in writing by the Purchaser within 2 working days of the giving of such oral order by the Purchaser, failing which the variation made by such oral order shall cease to have effect on the expiry of the said 2 working day period. 4.3 Where any such variation of the Services made in accordance with Condition 4.1 and 4.2 has affected or may affect the costs incurred by the Supplier in providing the Services, the Page 29 of 131 Issue No: 1 Revision No: 1 Active Date: 22 June 2010 Northern Lighthouse Board Supplier will notify the Purchaser in writing of the effect which it has had or may have on the said costs and such notification shall be considered by the Purchaser, who shall take all of the facts into account (including such information as may be provided by the Supplier in respect of the effect which such variation has had or may have on the costs incurred by the Supplier in providing the service) and may authorise such alteration to the sums to be paid to the Supplier in accordance with the provisions of the Contract as are in his opinion, appropriate and reasonable in the circumstances. 5 INSPECTION OF PREMISES AND NATURE OF SERVICES 5.1 The Supplier is deemed to have inspected the Premises before tendering so as to have understood the nature and extent of the Services to be carried out and satisfied himself in relation to all matters connected with the Services and Premises. 5.2 The Purchaser shall, at the request of the Supplier, grant such access as may be reasonable for this purpose. 6 SUPPLIERS STATUS In carrying out the Services the Supplier shall be acting as principal and not as the agent of the Purchaser. Accordingly: (a) the Supplier shall not (and shall procure that his agents and servants do not) say or do anything that might lead any other person to believe that the Supplier is acting as the agent of the Purchaser and (b) nothing in this Contract shall impose any liability on the Purchaser in respect of any liability incurred by the Supplier to any other person but this shall not be taken to exclude or limit any liability of the Purchaser to the Supplier that may arise by virtue of either a breach of this Contract or any negligence on the part of the Purchaser, his staff or agents. 7 SUPPLIER’S PERSONNEL 7.1 The Supplier shall take the steps reasonably required by the Purchaser to prevent unauthorised persons being admitted to the Premises. If the Purchaser gives the Supplier notice that any person is not to be admitted to or is to be removed from the Premises or is not to become involved in or is to be removed from involvement in the performance of the Contract, the Supplier shall take all reasonable steps to comply with such notice and if required by the Purchaser the Supplier shall replace any person removed under this Condition with another suitably qualified person and procure that any pass issued to the person removed is surrendered. 7.2 If and when instructed by the Purchaser, the Supplier shall give to the Purchaser a list of names and addresses of all persons who are or may be at any time concerned with the Services or any part of them, specifying the capacities in which they are so concerned, and giving such other particulars and evidence of identity and other supporting evidence as the Purchaser may reasonably require. 7.3 The decision of the Purchaser as to whether any person is to be admitted to or is to be removed from the Premises or is not to become involved in or is to be removed from involvement in the performance of the Contract and as to whether the Supplier has furnished the information or taken the steps required of him by this Condition shall be final and conclusive. 7.4 The Supplier shall bear the cost of any notice, instruction or decision of the Purchaser under this Condition. Page 30 of 131 Issue No: 1 Revision No: 1 Active Date: 22 June 2010 Northern Lighthouse Board 8 MANNER OF CARRYING OUT THE SERVICES 8.1 The Supplier shall make no delivery of materials, plant or other things nor commence any work on the Premises without obtaining the Purchaser’s prior consent. 8.2 Access to the Premises shall not be exclusive to the Supplier but only such as shall enable him to carry out the Services concurrently with the execution of work by others. The Supplier shall co-operate with such others as the Purchaser may reasonably require. 8.3 The Purchaser shall have the power at any time during the progress of the Services to order in writing: (a) The removal from the Premises of any materials which in the opinion of the Purchaser are either hazardous, noxious or not in accordance with the Contract, and/or (b) the substitution of proper and suitable materials, and/or (c) the removal and proper re-execution notwithstanding any previous test thereof or interim payment thereof of any work which, in respect of material or workmanship is not in the opinion of the Purchaser in accordance with the Contract. 8.4 On completion of the Services the Supplier shall remove his plant, equipment and unused materials and shall clear away from the Premises all rubbish arising out of the Services and leave the Premises in a neat and tidy condition. 9 TIME OF PERFORMANCE The Supplier shall begin performing the Services on the date stated in the Purchase Order as the start date and shall complete them by the date stated in the Purchase Order as the end date or continue to perform them for the period stated in the Purchase Order (whichever is applicable). Time is of the essence of the Contract. The Purchaser may by written notice require the Supplier to execute the Services in such order as the Purchaser may decide. In the absence of such notice the Supplier shall submit such detailed programmes of work and progress reports as the Purchaser may from time to time require. 10 PAYMENT 10.1 The price of the Goods shall be as stated in the Contract and no increase will be accepted by the Purchaser unless agreed in writing before delivery of the Goods. 10.2 Unless otherwise stated in the Contract, payment will be made within 30 days of receipt and agreement of invoices which are to be submitted monthly in arrears, for work completed to the satisfaction of the Purchaser. 10.3 Value Added Tax, where applicable, shall be shown separately on all invoices as a strictly net extra charge. 11 FREE-ISSUE MATERIALS Where the Purchaser for the purpose of the Contract issues materials they shall at all times remain the property of the Purchaser. The Supplier shall maintain all such materials in good order and condition and shall use such materials solely in connection with the Contract. The Supplier shall notify the Purchaser of any surplus materials remaining after completion of the Services and shall dispose of them as the Purchaser may direct, complying where applicable, at their own cost with any waste legislation, order, directive or regulations or policy including those referred to in clause 19.2. Waste of such materials arising from bad workmanship or negligence of the Supplier or any of his servants, agents or sub-contractors shall be made good at the Supplier’s expense. Without prejudice to any other of the rights of the Purchaser, the Supplier shall deliver up such materials whether processed or not to the Purchaser on demand. Page 31 of 131 Issue No: 1 Revision No: 1 Active Date: 22 June 2010 Northern Lighthouse Board 12 AUDIT The Supplier shall keep and maintain until 2 years after the Contract has been completed records to the satisfaction of the Purchaser of all expenditures which are reimbursable by the Purchaser and of the hours worked and costs incurred in connection with any employees of the Supplier paid for by the Purchaser on a time charge basis. The Supplier shall on request afford the Purchaser or his representatives such access to those records as may be required by the Purchaser in connection with the Contract. 13 CORRUPT GIFTS OR PAYMENTS The Supplier shall not offer to give, or agree to give, to any employee or representative of the Purchaser any gift or consideration of any kind as inducement or reward for doing or refraining from doing or for having done or refrained from doing, any act in relation to the obtaining or execution for this or any other contract with the Purchaser or for showing or refraining from showing favour or disfavour to any person in relation to this or any such contract. The attention of the Supplier is drawn to the criminal offences created by the Public Bodies Corrupt Practices Act 1889 and the Prevention of Corruption Acts 1906 and 1916 as amended from time to time. 14 PATENTS, INFORMATION AND COPYRIGHT 14.1 It shall be a condition of the Contract that, except to the extent the Services incorporate designs furnished by the Purchaser, that nothing done by the Supplier in the performance of the Services shall infringe any patent, trade mark, registered design, copyright or other right in the nature of industrial or intellectual property of any third party, and the Supplier shall indemnify the Purchaser against all actions, claims, demands, costs and expenses which the Purchaser may suffer or incur as a result of or in connection with any breach of this Condition. 14.2 All rights (including ownership and copyright) in any reports, documents, specifications, instruction, plans, drawings, patents, models or designs, whether in writing or on magnetic or other media: (a) furnished to or made available to the Supplier by the Purchaser shall remain vested in the Purchaser. (b) prepared by or for the Supplier for use, or intended use, in relation to the performance of this Contract are hereby assigned to and shall vest in the Purchaser and (without prejudice to Condition 17.2) the Supplier shall not and shall procure that his employees, servants, subcontractors and agents shall not (except to the extent necessary for the implementation of this Contract) without the prior written consent of the Purchaser use or disclose any such reports, documents, specifications, instructions, plans, drawings, patents, models, designs or other material as aforesaid or any other information (whether or not relevant to this Contract) which the Supplier may obtain pursuant to or by reason of this Contract, except information which is in the public domain otherwise than by reason of a breach of this provision, and in particular (but without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing) the Supplier shall not refer to the Purchaser of the contract in any advertisement without the Purchaser’s prior written consent. 14.3 The provisions of this Condition 14 shall apply during the continuance of this Contract and after its termination howsoever arising. 14.4 The Purchaser will hold and use the information the Supplier provides for the administration of the Supplier’s account. The Purchaser undertakes not to divulge this information to any other party unless required to do so by law or to protect the Purchaser’s own business interests. Occasionally the Purchaser may contact the Supplier about general matters that relate to the Purchaser’s business. If the Supplier does not wish to be contacted about these matters or if the Supplier wished further information on the Purchaser’s Data Protection Policy, the Supplier should write to the Data Protection Officer, Northern Lighthouse Board, 84 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 3DA. Page 32 of 131 Issue No: 1 Revision No: 1 Active Date: 22 June 2010 Northern Lighthouse Board 15 INDEMNITY AND INSURANCE 15.1 Without prejudice to any right or remedies of the Purchaser the Supplier shall indemnify the Purchaser against all actions, liabilities, suits, claims, damages, demands, losses, charges, costs and expenses which the Purchaser may suffer or incur as a result of or in connection with any damage to property or in respect of any injury (whether fatal or otherwise) to any person which may result directly or indirectly from any breach of the Contract by the Supplier, negligent or wilful act or omission of the Supplier, or any defect in the Services. 15.2 Except in the case of loss, damage or personal injury (including death) suffered by an employee of the Supplier (in respect of which the indemnity in Condition 15.1 shall apply whether or not the loss, damage or personal injury was caused by the negligent or wilful act or omission of the Purchaser), the indemnity contained in Condition 15.1 shall not apply to the extent that the loss, damage or injury is caused by the negligent or wilful act or omission of the Purchaser. 15.3 The Supplier shall have in force and shall require any sub-contractor to have in force at all times whilst engaged in the delivery of the Services on the Premises: (a) employer’s liability insurance in accordance with any legal requirements for the time being, and (b) public liability insurance for not less that £5 million for any one incident and unlimited in total, unless otherwise agreed by the Purchaser in writing, and in such sum and range of cover as the Supplier deems to be appropriate from time to time, but covering at least all matters which are the subject of indemnities or compensation obligations under these Conditions. 15.4 The policy or policies of insurance referred to in Condition 15.3 shall be exhibited to the Purchaser whenever requested, together with satisfactory evidence of payment of premiums. 16 DISCRIMINATION 16.1 In relation to the Contract, the Supplier shall not unlawfully discriminate within the meaning and scope of the provisions of the Race Relations Act 1976, the Sex Discrimination Act 1975, the Disability Discrimination Act 1995, the Equality Act 2006, the Employment Equality (Religion or Belief) Regulations 2003, Employment Equality (Sexual Orientation) Regulations 2003 and the Employment Equality (Age) Regulations 2006 or any statutory modification or re-enactment thereof relating to discrimination in employment. The Supplier shall take all reasonable steps to secure the observance of these provisions by all servants, employees or agents of the Supplier and all sub-Contractors employed in the execution of the Contract. 16.2 The Supplier acknowledges that it shall be responsible for obtaining a copy of the Purchaser’s (i) Code of Respect; and (ii) Dignity at Work Policy and the Supplier shall be responsible for ensuring that it and all servants, employees and agents of the Supplier and all sub-contractors employed in the performance of the Supplier’s obligations under the Contract shall comply with the provisions and the spirit of such documents and the Purchaser shall use its reasonable endeavours to provide the Supplier with copies of such documents. 17 CONFIDENTIALITY AND ACCESS TO GOVERNMENT INFORMATION 17.1 The Supplier undertakes to abide and procure that his employees abide by the provisions of the Official Secrets Acts 1911 to 1989. 17.2 The Supplier shall keep secret and not disclose and shall procure that his employees keep secret and do not disclose, any information of a confidential nature obtained by Page 33 of 131 Issue No: 1 Revision No: 1 Active Date: 22 June 2010 Northern Lighthouse Board him by reason of this Contract except information which is in the public domain otherwise than by reason of a breach of this provision. 17.3 All information related to the Contract which is held by the Supplier on behalf of the Purchaser shall be regarded as being held by the Purchaser and is subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 2000. 17.4 The Purchaser may disclose such information related to the Contract as may be required under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the Purchaser shall not be liable for any such disclosure, including without limitation, (i) the disclosure of any information which would constitute an actionable breach of confidence in terms of Section 41 of the aforementioned Act; and (ii) the disclosure of any information which would or would be likely to prejudice the commercial interests of the Supplier in terms of Section 43 of the aforementioned Act. 17.5 Disclosure may be made by the Purchaser of such information relating to the outcome of the procurement process as may be required to be published in the Official Journal of the European Communities or elsewhere in accordance with any EC or UK legislation, statute, order, directive, regulation or Government policy on the disclosure of information regarding government contracts. This disclosure may include the number of tenders received, the identity of the successful tenderer, the winning contract price, the specification of goods or services to be supplied, terms and conditions of contract, quality and performance standards, and subsequent performance against those quality and performance standards. 17.6 The Purchaser may seek and obtain references about the Suppler from banks, existing or past clients, or other referees proposed by the Supplier. 17.7 The Supplier acknowledges that it is aware that the Purchaser is obliged to comply with the ISO27001 Information Security standards and the Supplier hereby agrees that it shall immediately do all things which are reasonably requested by the Purchaser in order that the Purchaser complies with such standards or any other standards which apply to the Purchaser in relation to the use of its information technology by the Supplier or any of its servants, employees, agents or sub-contractors (including without limitation immediately providing the Purchaser with details of the Purchaser’s policies, procedures, systems and measures pertaining to the protection of its own information technology when so requested). 17.8 The provisions of this Condition 17 shall apply during the continuance of this Contract and after its termination howsoever arising. 18 TERMINATION 18.1 The Supplier shall notify the Purchaser in writing immediately upon the occurrence of any of the following events: (a) where the Supplier is an individual and if a petition is presented for the Supplier’s bankruptcy or the sequestration of his estate or a criminal bankruptcy order is made against the Supplier, or he is apparently insolvent, or he makes any composition or arrangement with or for the benefit of creditors, or makes any conveyance or assignation for the benefit of creditors, or if an administrator or trustee is appointed to manage his affairs; or (b) where the Supplier is not an individual but is a firm, or a number of persons acting together in any capacity, if any event in (a) or (c) of this Condition occurs in respect of the firm or any partner in the firm or any of those persons or a petition is presented for the Supplier to be wound up as an unregistered company; or Page 34 of 131 Issue No: 1 Revision No: 1 Active Date: 22 June 2010 Northern Lighthouse Board (c) where the Supplier is a company, if the company passes a resolution for winding-up or dissolution or enters liquidation (otherwise than for the purposes of and followed by a bona fide scheme of solvent amalgamation or reconstruction) or the court makes an administration order or a winding-up order, or the company makes a composition or arrangement with its creditors, or an administrator, administrative receiver, receiver or manager is appointed by a creditor or by the court, or possession is taken of any of its property under the terms of a fixed or floating charge. (d) the Supplier ceases or threatens to cease to carry out the Services. (e) the Supplier makes default in or commits any breach of its obligations to the Purchaser hereunder; (f) the Purchaser reasonably apprehend that any of the events contained in this Condition 18.1 is about to occur in relation to the Contract and notifies the Supplier accordingly. 18.2 On the occurrence of any of the events described in Condition 18.1 or, if the Supplier shall have committed a material breach of this Contract and (if such breach is capable of remedy) shall have failed to remedy such breach within 30 days of being required by the Purchaser in writing to do so or, where the Supplier is an individual and he has died or been adjudged incapable of managing his affairs within the meaning of Part VII of the Mental Health Act 1983 or of Part V of the Mental Health (Scotland) Act 1984 and/or the Adults with Incapacity (Scotland) Act 2000, the Purchaser shall be entitled to terminate this Contract by notice to the Supplier with immediate effect. Thereafter and without prejudice to any other of his rights, the Purchaser may himself complete the Services or have them completed by a third party, using for the purpose (making a fair and proper allowance therefor in any payment subsequently made to the Supplier) all materials, plant and equipment on the Premises belonging to the Supplier, and the Purchaser shall not be liable to make any further payment to the Supplier until the Services have completed in accordance with the requirements of the Contract, and shall be entitled to deduct from any amount due to the Supplier the costs thereof incurred by the Purchaser (including the Purchaser’s own costs). If the total cost to the Purchaser exceeds the amount (if any) due to the Supplier, the difference shall be recoverable by the Purchaser from the Supplier. 18.3 In addition to his rights of termination under Condition 18.1 and 18.2, the Purchaser shall be entitled at all times to terminate this Contract by giving to the Supplier not less than 30 days notice to that effect. 18.4 Termination under paragraphs 18.1, 18.2 or 18.3 shall not prejudice or affect any right of action or remedy which shall have accrued or shall thereupon accrue to the Purchaser and shall not affect the continued operation of Conditions 14 and 17. 19 HEALTH & SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT 19.1 The Supplier shall perform the Services in such a manner as to be safe and without risk to the health or safety of persons in the vicinity of the place where the Services are being performed (whether such persons are in the vicinity of the said place at the time when the Services are being performed or otherwise) and in such a manner as to comply with any relevant health and safety or other legislation (including Statutory Instrument, Orders, or Regulations made under the said legislation and including without limitation The Water Environment (Controlled Activities) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2007) UK Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 and The Marine (Scotland) Act 2010 and any requirements imposed by a local or other regulatory authority in connection with the performance of services of the type supplied to the Purchaser, whether specifically or generally. The Supplier shall indemnify the Purchaser against all liability, actions, suits, claims, damages, demands, losses, charges, costs and expenses which the Purchaser may suffer or incur as a result of or in connection with any breach of this paragraph. Page 35 of 131 Issue No: 1 Revision No: 1 Active Date: 22 June 2010 Northern Lighthouse Board 19.2 The Supplier shall be responsible for ensuring that it performs its obligations under the Contract so as to ensure that all aspects of the Project comply with the provisions of Directive 2002/96/EC on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment as implemented by the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Regulations 2006 and amended by the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (Amendment) Regulations 2007; The Waste Management Licensing Amendment (Scotland) Regulations 2006 (SI 2006 No. 541); the Waste Management Licensing Amendment (Waste and Electronic Equipment) (Scotland) Regulations 2007 (SI 2007 No.172) and Directive 2002/95/EC on the Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances in Electronic and Electrical Equipment implemented by the Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment Regulations 2008 and The Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (Amendment) Regulations 2009 and shall provide the Purchaser with such evidence that the Purchaser requires (acting reasonably) of such compliance. 20 RECOVERY OF SUMS DUE Wherever under this Contract any sum of money is recoverable from or payable by the Supplier, that sum may be deducted from any sum then due, or which at any later time may become due, by the Purchaser to the Supplier under this Contract or under any other agreement or contract between the Purchaser and the Supplier. 21 ASSIGNATION AND SUB- CONTRACTING 21.1 The Supplier shall not assign nor sub-contract the whole or any portion of the Contract without the prior written consent of the Purchaser. Sub-contracting any part of the Contract, shall not relieve the Supplier of any obligation or duty attributable to him under the Contract or these Conditions. 21.2 Where the Purchaser has consented to the placing of sub-contracts, copies of each sub-contract shall be sent by the Supplier to the Purchaser immediately it is issued. 22 NOTICES Any notice given under the pursuant to the Contract may be sent by hand or by post or by registered post or by the recorded delivery service or transmitted by facsimile transmission or other means of telecommunication resulting in the receipt of a written communication in permanent form and if so sent or transmitted to the address of the party shown on the Purchase Order, or to such other address as the party may by notice to the other substituted thereof, and shall be deemed to have been delivered on the day it was sent if a business day, or if not a business day, then on the next occurring business day thereafter. 23 ARBITRATION All disputes, differences or questions between the parties to the Contract with respect to any matter or thing arising out of or relating to the Contract, other than a matter of thing as to which the decision of the Purchaser is under the Contract to be final and conclusive, and except to the extent to which special provision for arbitration is made elsewhere in the Contract, shall be referred to a single arbiter to be mutually chosen by the parties or failing agreement, nominated by the President of the Law Society of Scotland for the time being on the application of either party. Any such reference to arbitration shall be deemed to be an agreement to refer to arbitration within the meaning of the Arbitration (Scotland) Act 1894. The arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the Scottish Arbitration Code 2007 Edition prepared by The Scottish Council for International Arbitration, The Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (Scottish Branch) and The Scottish Building Contract Committee ("the Scottish Code"). Provided that if any amendments to the said 2007 Edition of the Scottish Code have been issued by the SBCC after the aforesaid date the parties may by joint notice in writing to the Arbitrator, state that they wish the arbitration to be conducted in accordance with the Scottish Code as so amended. Page 36 of 131 Issue No: 1 Revision No: 1 Active Date: 22 June 2010 Northern Lighthouse Board 24 HEADINGS & MISCELLANEOUS 24.1 The headings to these Conditions shall not affect their interpretation. 24.2 Each clause of these Conditions and every part hereof shall be separate and severable to the extent that if one clause of part thereof shall be unenforceable the other clauses and other parts of the clause respectively shall be effective. 24.3 No waiver of any of these Conditions by the Purchaser shall be construed as a waiver of any subsequent breach of the same or any other provision. 24.4 Any reference in these Conditions to any provision of a statute shall be construed as a reference to that provision as amended, re-enacted or extended at the relevant time. 25 GOVERNING LAW These Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Scots law and the Supplier hereby irrevocably submits to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Scottish courts. The submission to such jurisdiction shall not (and shall not be construed so as to) limit the right of the Purchaser to take proceedings against the Supplier in any other court of competent jurisdiction, nor shall the taking of proceedings in any one or more jurisdictions preclude the taking of proceedings in any other jurisdiction, whether concurrently or not. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTICE PROMPT PAYMENT The Northern Lighthouse Board is committed to making payment promptly in line with British Standard BS 7890. Any comments on our performance in this area should be directed to Mr R Lanni, Finance Manager, NLB 84 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 3DA. This notice does not form part of the contract. Version 6 1 April 2010 Page 37 of 131 Issue No: 1 Revision No: 1 Active Date: 22 June 2010 Northern Lighthouse Board Annex II INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS Confidentiality of Tenders 1.1. Please note the following requirements, any breach of which will invalidate your Tender:1.2. You must not tell anyone else, even approximately, what your tender price is or will be, before the date of contract award. The only exception is if you need an insurance quotation to calculate your tender price: you may give your insurance company or brokers any essential information they ask for, so long as you do so in strict confidence. 1.3. You must not try to obtain any information about anyone else’s tender or proposed tender before the date of contract award. If you do obtain any information about someone else’s tender, you must inform us in writing of the nature and circumstances surrounding this within 5 working days of you obtaining the information. 1.4. You must not make any arrangements with anyone else about whether or not they should tender; or about their or your tender price or any other aspect of either tender except where Tenderers are considering joint or team bids, which will be accepted providing all participants to the discussions surrounding the bid are clearly stated in the tender response. 1.5. Tender documents or information in them or in respect of them may not be transferred or made available to anyone other than the party named in the invitation to tender without the prior specific approval of the Authority. 1.6. The Declaration of Non Collusion must be completed and returned with your tender. If your tender is successful this declaration will form part of the contract. 1.7. You must ensure that all of your employees, officers agents and representatives are aware of the nature of this confidentiality undertaking and that they agree to adhere to is as if they were a party to it. 1.8. By submitting a tender in response to the Invitation to Tender, you will be deemed to have accepted each of the foregoing as separate undertakings which are fully binding on you. The undertakings will survive for a period of 5 years from the date of submission of your tender. 2. Trading Names/Invoicing Where invoices will be rendered by or payments are required to be made to an entity whose title differs in any respect from the title in which the tender is submitted, full details must be provided in a letter accompanying the tender. Successful tenderers who fail will provide this information at tender stage may experience delays in settlement of their account. 3. Specification of Standards Where reference is made to a British or other approved standard, an alternative, but similar, product meeting the national standard of another Member State of the European Community or an international standard recognised in another Member State will also be acceptable provided either standard offers an equivalent guarantee of safety, suitability and fitness for purpose. Page 38 of 131 Issue No: 1 Revision No: 1 Active Date: 22 June 2010 Northern Lighthouse Board 4. Framework/Call-off Contracts If the specification and contract conditions specify that any contract awarded shall be in the form of a framework or call-off contract, all orders under the contract will be placed by means of NLB’s official order forms, examples of which will be supplied to selected tenderers. No other ordering procedures will be valid. 5. Form of Tender The Form of Tender and Price Schedules must be completed, signed and submitted in accordance with these Instructions. All documents connected with the tender must be completed in English, fully priced and totalled. The documents should either be typed or completed in ink. There should be no UNAUTHORISED alterations or additions to any component of the tender documents. Prices etc may be altered by striking through the incorrect figures and inserting the correct figures above them. All alterations must be initialled. In completing the above reference should be made to the Additional Information requirements at paragraph 17. 6. Group Bidders In the event of a group of service providers, suppliers or contractors submitting an acceptable offer, the group will be required to nominate a lead partner with whom NLB can contract. Alternatively the group will need to form themselves into a single legal entry before the contract is awarded. An undertaking that the group will so form themselves, if required by the NLB, must be provided when the tender is submitted. 7. Qualifications Tenders must be submitted in accordance with the tender documents. NLB may not consider any tender which is qualified by any terms or conditions or contract or general reservations however expressed. 8. Incomplete Tenders NLB may not consider tenders which do not contain all information and particulars requested. 9. Delivery Date Where the tenderer wishes to offer delivery earlier than the date specified in the Conditions of Contract, and / or at an increased rate of delivery, such earlier date and / or increased rate shall be entered by the tender in the Schedule instead of the date and rate specified in the Conditions of Contract. 10. Alternative Tender(s) Alternative tender(s) may be offered involving modifications to the specified requirements, but will only be considered if accompanied by a tender based strictly on the tender documents. Alternative tenders must be free of qualifications as stated above at paragraph 7 and be fully priced to show clearly how and where costs differ from the primary tender. Technical queries should be referred to the officer nominated in the Invitation to Tender letter in order to ascertain what special criteria and requirements may apply in respect of the alternatives or modifications being contemplated. Any such approval will be treated in confidence. Any alternative tender involving modifications to the specified requirements will be assessed on its merits and, if considered valid, may be accepted without resource to retendering. Page 39 of 131 Issue No: 1 Revision No: 1 Active Date: 22 June 2010 Northern Lighthouse Board 11. Price All unit rates and prices quoted must be quoted in Sterling pounds and decimal fractions of a Sterling pound. There is no restriction on the number of decimal places, but the product of multiplying the rate by the quantity must be expressed in Sterling pounds and whole pence. Unless the Conditions of Contract allow otherwise, the prices quoted shall be Firm throughout the period of the contract. 12. Value Added Tax (VAT) Tendered prices must exclude VAT. Where indicated VAT should be shown separately. Invoices must show VAT separately. 13. Submission of Tenders Tenders should be placed in a plain envelope using the enclosed label to arrive at the address shown on the label no later than the Tender Deadline. NLB reserves the right to reject any tender received after the Tender Deadline for whatever reason. It is recommended that tenders be sent by registered post; recorded delivery or courier service; Datapost or delivered by hand. The envelope, including the franking, and any associated paperwork delivered with the tender envelope must not identify the sender. two (2) original copy of your tender must be submitted. 14.Tender Validity Tender(s) should remain open for acceptance for a minimum period of 90 days from the Tender Deadline or for such a period as may be specified by NLB. 15. Right to Accept Portion of Tender; Lowest or Any Tender Unless stipulated by the Tenderer NLB reserves the right to accept any part of the tender. NLB is not bound to accept the lowest or any tender or part thereof. 16. Terms of Payment NLB normally makes payment within 30 days of receipt and agreement of invoices unless otherwise stated in the documents. 17. Additional Information to be Included in Tender Proposals The proposals should cover where appropriate:Sub-contract work intended to be placed with other bodies, which would not be signatories to the main contract. Details of a quality assurance (QA) system complying with the requirements of ISO 9000 and to what part or parts of the organisation this applies. If ISO 9000 is quoted then details of which part or parts are held should be quoted. Brief details of the company, including the number of staff employed in the UK and overseas. The place of manufacture should be recorded either as “UNITED KINGDOM”, “EC” OR “OTHER OVERSEAS” as indicated on the Form Of Tender (paragraph 5). EC or OTHER OVERSEAS is correct where the CIF value of the supply item at the port of entry is greater than 50 per cent of the offer price in the tender. Where this is the case a supply item should be classified as EC if 50 per cent or more of the CIF (Carriage, Insurance and Freight) value of the overseas manufacture is known or estimated to have been incurred in other EC countries. In all other cases “OTHER OVERSEAS” is correct. VAT and customs duties should be excluded from the calculation. The calculation should take into Page 40 of 131 Issue No: 1 Revision No: 1 Active Date: 22 June 2010 Northern Lighthouse Board account the place of manufacture of components; each assessed on the same basis, to the extent that this is practicable. If the CIF value at the port of entry is not known, reasonable steps should be taken to estimate it. Page 41 of 131 Issue No: 1 Revision No: 1 Active Date: 22 June 2010 Northern Lighthouse Board Annex III DECLARATION OF NON-COLLUSION* 1. 2. The Tenderer certifies to the Northern Lighthouse Board that this is a bona fide offer of services, intended to be competitive, and that this offer of services has not been affected by any arrangement or agreement with any other person(s), firm(s) or company/(ies). The Tenderer certifies that it has not (nor has any employee, agent, officer or representative of the Supplier), at any time prior to the time and date set for return of this tender: 1.1. communicated to any third party/(ies) (nor will it or any employee, agent, officer or representative of the Supplier) communicate to any third party between the time of the Tenderer’s submission of its tender and the date of the award of any contract pursuant to the Invitation to Tender the nature or detail of the Tenderer’s offer of services in respect of the Invitation to Tender (including without limitation proposed tender responses, service and service delivery elements, personnel, data, know how, trade secrets, prices and/or pricing structure, except where such disclosure was necessary to obtain insurance cover or sureties to support the offer; 1.2. entered into any agreement, formal or informal, with any third party, whereby the Tenderer has agreed or arranged to refrain from offering services pursuant to the Invitation to Tender, or to collude as to the nature of the offer to be submitted; 1.3. offered or made any inducement to any third party with a view to affecting the propriety of the tendering process in any way; nor will it make or offer any such inducements. The Tenderer declares that the services offered are/are not* affected by any prospect of a subsidy or other assistance from government or other public authority. 2.1. Details of subsidy or other assistance from government or other public authority are as follows+; * delete as appropriate + provide details of scheme, source of funds and amount 2.2. The Tenderer certifies that any such subsidy or any other assistance from government or other public authority is fully compliant with all relevant national and European competition law. 3. The Tenderer confirms that it has not acted in any way, which is, or could reasonably be regarded as, in restraint of free competitive bidding in respect of the Tenderer’s response to the Invitation to Tender. 4. The Tenderer shall ensure that its employees, agents, officers and representatives are made aware of the nature of this declaration and the Tenderer shall ensure that such persons adhere to this declaration as if they had individually granted it. 5. The Officer signing this declaration on behalf of the Tenderer confirms that it has done so after making due, careful and diligent enquiry in respect of the responses contained herein. 6. This declaration shall be governed in all respects and construed in accordance with Scots Law. Page 42 of 131 Issue No: 1 Revision No: 1 Active Date: 22 June 2010 Northern Lighthouse Board Organisation’s name Signed Position Date Page 43 of 131 Issue No: 1 Revision No: 1 Active Date: 22 June 2010 Northern Lighthouse Board Annex IV FORM OF TENDER 1. I have read the documents listed below and, subject to and upon the terms and conditions contained in the said documents, I offer to supply the Service specified, at the prices quoted by me in the Specification Document. Total Contract Price £ (Excluding VAT, using indicative quantities) Price Fixed until: 2. TERMS AND CONDITIONS. I agree that this tender and any contract which may result from it shall be based upon the documents listed below (and any other supplementary information provided by you since) and bearing the reference shown at the top of this tender and that the Authority is the Northern Lighthouse Board. Invitation to Tender letter Invitation to Tender package including: Specification and Pricing – NLV Pole Star Dry Dock & Upgrade 2010 (Appendix A) Terms and Conditions For The Purchase of Services Instructions to Tenderers Declaration of Non Collusion Form of Tender Tender Address Label I agree that any other terms or conditions of contract or any general reservations which may be printed on any correspondence emanating from me in connection with this tender or with any contract resulting from this tender, shall not be applicable to the Contract. Page 44 of 131 Issue No: 1 Revision No: 1 Active Date: 22 June 2010 Northern Lighthouse Board 3. GOVERNING LAW. I agree that any contract that may result from this tender shall be 4. 5. 6. subject to the law of Scotland and the jurisdiction of the Scottish courts. I have abided by the Confidentiality of Tenders requirement set out in the Instructions to Tenderers. The prices quoted in this tender are valid for a minimum of 90 days from the tender deadline. I understand that any goods, materials or equipment belonging to the company are carried on any NLB vessel entirely at our own risk and NLB shall have no liability for these items. Signed………………………………………………… In the capacity of ………………………………………………………... tender duly for and on behalf of (IN BLOCK CAPITALS) …………………………………………………………… Address …………………………………………….. …………………………………………….. …………………………………………….. Postcode …………………………………………….. Tel No. …………………………………………….. Fax No. …………………………………………….. Email …………………………………………….. Website …………………………………………….. Date …………………………………………….. * delete as appropriate Page 45 of 131 Issue No: 1 Revision No: 1 Active Date: 22 June 2010 authorised to sign Northern Lighthouse Board Annex V Tender No: ____ TPOL/DDOC/0681 To arrive no later than 14:00 hours On Tuesday 3rd August 2010 Notes: 1. The envelope to which this is attached must not bear any indication of the tenderer’s name. Director of Finance Northern Lighthouse Board 84 George Street EDINBURGH EH2 3DA Postage must be paid 2. It is the tenderer’s responsibility to ensure that the tender is delivered by the due deadline: should a tender arrive late, a date stamp produced by a franking machine is not acceptable as proof of the date of posting, when considering admissibility. TENDER Issue No: 1 Revision No: 1 Active Date: 27 May 2010 Page 46 of 131 Northern Lighthouse Board AIDS TO NAVIGATION TENDER “NLV POLE STAR” DRY DOCK & UPGRADE 2010 Issue No: 1 Revision No: 1 Active Date: 27 May 2010 Page 47 of 131 Appendix I Northern Lighthouse Board CONTENTS GENERAL PARTICULARS 3 SURVEY STATUS 4 LIST OF DRAWINGS 6 7 SECTION 1 - DOCKING & SERVICES SECTION 2 - HULL MAINTENANCE, REPAIRS & ALTERATIONS 12 SECTION 3 - SAFETY EQUIPMENT, LIFTING GEAR & OTHER ANNUAL INSPECTIONS 33 SECTION 4 - BRIDGE MAINTENANCE, REPAIRS & ALTERATIONS 39 SECTION 5 - ENGINEERING MAINTENANCE, REPAIRS & ALTERATIONS 42 SECTION 6 - ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE, REPAIRS & ALTERATIONS 58 SECTION 7 - ACCOMMODATION MAINTENANCE, REPAIRS & ALTERATIONS 63 SECTION 8 - 66 UPGRADE FOR NOISE REDUCTION Issue No: 1 Revision No: 1 Active Date: 27 May 2010 Page 48 of 131 Northern Lighthouse Board GENERAL PARTICULARS PORT OF REGISTRY LEITH OFFICIAL NUMBER 903683 IMO NUMBER 9211987 CLASSIFICATION SOCIETY LLOYD’S REGISTER OF SHIPPING CLASS (BUILT) LLOYD’S + 100A1, LA + LMC, UMS SIGNAL LETTERS ZQQC5 LENGTH OVERALL 51.52 METRES LENGTH BETWEEN PERPENDICULARS 44.00 METRES BREADTH MOULDED 12.00 METRES DEPTH MOULDED TO MAIN DECK 5.15 METRES SUMMER LOAD DRAUGHT MOULDED 3.466 METRES GROSS TONNAGE 1174 NET TONNAGE 352 DEADWEIGHT 437 MAIN MACHINERY/PROPULSION (DIESEL ELECTRIC) GENERATOR ENGINES CUMMINS-WARTSILA CW8L170 - 3 x 876 kW AC HARBOUR GENSET CUMMINS NTA855D2(M) - 1 x 256 kW AC PROPULSION MOTORS HMA - 2 x 1000 kW AC PROPULSION SYSTEM 2 X KAMEWA AQUAMASTERS PROPELLERS 2 x FOUR BLADED FIXED PITCH BOW THRUSTERS BRUNVOLL, TUNNEL - 2 x 210 kW AC SERVICE SPEED 12 KNOTS DATE DELIVERED MANAGERS 15 SEPTEMBER 2000 COMMISSIONERS OF NORTHERN LIGHTHOUSES 84 GEORGE STREET, EDINBURGH,EH2 3DA Issue No: 1 Revision No: 1 Active Date: 27 May 2010 Page 49 of 131 Northern Lighthouse Board SURVEY STATUS RANGE DATES CLASS SURVEYS ASSIGNED DATE DUE DATE 15 / 09 / 05 14 / 09 / 10 14 / 10 / 07 14 / 09 / 10 16 / 10 / 09 14 / 09 / 10 HULL SS SPECIAL SURVEY (II) DS DOCKING SURVEY AS ANNUAL SURVEY ITSS INTERMEDIATE 09 / 10 / 07 CONTINUOUS MACHINERY. 10 / 09 10 / 14 DIRP1 DIRECTIONAL PROPELLER – PORT ( 5 ) 10 / 07 10 / 12 DIRP2 DIRECTIONAL PROPELLER – STBD ( 5 ) 10 / 07 10 / 12 ANNUAL CERTIFICATION 16 / 10 / 09 16 / 10 / 10 QUADRENNIAL CERTIFICATION 12 / 10 / 05 12 / 10 / 10 LOAD LINE ANNUAL HARMONISED 15/06/10 – 14/09/10 MACHINERY CSM LIFTING APPLIANCES STATUTORY SURVEYS LLA SCAH SAFCON ANNUAL / INTERMEDIATE HARMONISED. 16 / 10 / 09 16 / 10 / 09 MOAH MARPOL OIL ANNUAL HARMONISED 16 / 10 / 09 MAAH MARPOL AIR ANNUAL HARMONISED 16 / 10 / 09 SCIH SAFCON INTERMEDIATE HARMONISED. MOIH MARPOL OIL INTERMEDIATE HARMONISED MAIH MARPOL AIR INTERMEDIATE HARMONISED PLRH PERIODICAL LL RENEWAL HARMONISED 11/10/10 Issue No: 1 Revision No: 1 Active Date: 27 May 2010 Page 50 of 131 09/10/07 09/10/07 14/09/10 Northern Lighthouse Board MACHINERY DETAILS DUE DATES ITEMS TO BE CONSIDERED FOR SURVEY NO. SEE SECTIONS Issue No: 1 Revision No: 1 Active Date: 27 May 2010 Page 51 of 131 LLOYDS QUARTERLY LISTING PLANNED MAINTENANCE DONE / /NOT DONE Northern Lighthouse Board DRAWINGS DISTRIBUTION DRAWING NUMBER DRY DOCK COMPANY DRAWING TITLE GENERAL ARRANGEMENT (As Fitted) AF 1 √ DOCKING PLAN AF 03 √ LINES PLAN AF 12 √ Issue No: 1 Revision No: 1 Active Date: 27 May 2010 Page 52 of 131 NORTHERN LIGHTHOUSE BOARD SECTION 1 DOCKING & SERVICES VERSION 1 16/03/16 53 of 131 NORTHERN LIGHTHOUSE BOARD REF. DOCKING / SERVICE DS01 DRYDOCKING 9 DS02 DOCK RENT 9 DS03 SHORE POWER 9 DS04 TEMPORARY LIGHTING 9 DS05 POTABLE WATER 10 DS06 FIRE MAIN 10 DS07 SANITARY ARRANGEMENTS 10 DS08 GANGWAY 10 DS09 GARBAGE SKIP 10 DS10 NIGHT WATCHMAN 11 DS11 FIRE WATCH 11 DS12 CLEANING 11 PAGE VERSION 1 16/03/16 54 of 131 NORTHERN LIGHTHOUSE BOARD DS01 YARD TO QUOTE DRY DOCKING Dock and undock vessel, including dock rent for day of entry. All normal shorings and removal of keel blocks to be included. Refer to docking plan to ensure that no keel blocks are placed in way of the Speed Log, Echo Sounder Transducers, Docking Plugs, etc. A distance of 500mm below the keel is required to withdraw the Aquamaster units from the vessel in dry dock. Allow for docking and undocking during normal working hours. DS02 DOCK RENT YARD TO QUOTE Daily rate and total to cover quoted time in dry dock. DS03 YARD TO QUOTE SHORE POWER Connect, disconnect and supply electrical power to the vessel at all times during the overhaul period. Power requirements are :415 Volts, 3 Phase, 50 Hz and up to 200 Amps (125 Kw approx). Allow for supplying shore power to the vessel in dry dock and at a lay by berth if required to complete repairs after undocking. Electric meter to be read with Chief Engineer or NLB representative in attendance with yard representative at connection and disconnection. Correct phase rotation must be checked prior to switching on to shore power. Cost to include the supply of the ship to shore cabling. Please quote a separate price to supply a mobile genset, cabling and fuel tank for use by the ship after undocking. NLB will supply the fuel. DS04 TEMPORARY LIGHTING YARD TO QUOTE Temporary lighting to be provided where required for specified repairs. VERSION 1 16/03/16 55 of 131 NORTHERN LIGHTHOUSE BOARD DS05 POTABLE WATER A supply of fresh water is to be available in the galley at all times. by means of a hose fitted with a tap. YARD TO QUOTE This may be Quote to allow for supply of hose and daily service charge if applicable. DS06 YARD TO QUOTE FIRE MAIN Connect to vessel on entering dry-dock, and maintain pressure to ship’s fire main. Unless otherwise agreed with the Master, this line will be kept charged at all times. If any fire hydrants are being serviced, an ample supply of hoses and connections will be made available on the dock-side along with any keys required to operate them. Disconnect when leaving dry dock and reinstate vessels own fire main system to operational status. DS07 SANITARY ARRANGEMENTS YARD TO QUOTE Suitable sanitary arrangements to be provided for the use of Officers and Crew in close proximity to the vessel while in dry-dock. DS08 YARD TO QUOTE GANGWAY Gangway with safety net to be provided during overhaul period. If a second gangway is required for Yard convenience or safety requirements, this cost to be included. YARD TO QUOTE DS09 GARBAGE SKIP Skip to be provided and placed on dockside for ship staff use only. Skip to be emptied when requested and Chief Officer to be notified for record keeping purposes. N.B. Crew will be living ashore while the vessel is in dry dock so garbage should be minimal. Please quote for skip hire, including disposal of contents VERSION 1 16/03/16 56 of 131 NORTHERN LIGHTHOUSE BOARD YARD TO QUOTE DS10 NIGHT WATCHMAN Provide a night watchman if instructed by NLB representative. Quote for a 12 hour nightshift. YARD TO QUOTE DS11 FIREWATCH Should fire-watch patrols be required by local regulations, this to be allowed for in DS01 and DS02. Where required in specific items, this to be allowed for in each item. DS12 CLEANING YARD TO QUOTE Local cleaning in way of repairs, removal and disposal of all repair arisings to be allowed for in specified items. This to include slops/residues from tanks, cleaning materials etc. On completion of work Yard to return the areas of work and access routes to the same state of cleanliness as was prior to commencement of work and this is to be allowed for in the specified items. VERSION 1 16/03/16 57 of 131 NORTHERN LIGHTHOUSE BOARD SECTION 2 HULL MAINTENANCE, REPAIRS & ALTERATIONS VERSION 1 16/03/16 58 of 131 NORTHERN LIGHTHOUSE BOARD REF. HULL MAINTENANCE, REPAIRS & ALTERATIONS PAGE HR01 PROTECTION OF PAINT WORK, DECK & FITTINGS 15 HR02 DOCKING PLUGS 15 HR03 SCUPPERS 15 HR04 PORT HOLES 15 HR05 PAINTS AND COATINGS 15 HR06 HULL PREPARATION (UNDERWATER AND TOPSIDES TO BULWARK CAPPING) 16 HR07 PAINTING (UNDERWATER HULL) 16 HR08 PAINTING (TOPSIDES) 17 HR09 PAINTING (WHITE RIBBON, DRAFT MARKS ETC.) 17 HR10 PAINTING (SHIP’S NAME AND PORT OF REGISTARY) 17 HR11 PAINTING (BOW CREST) 18 HR12 SEA CHESTS 18 HR13 SEA BAY 18 HR14 FORWARD BOW TUNNEL THRUSTERS 19 HR15 AFT BOW TUNNEL THRUSTER 20 HR16 SACRIFICIAL ANODES 20 HR17 IMPRESSED CURRENT ANODES 21 HR18 ANCHORS AND CABLES, PORT AND STARBOARD 22 HR19 CHAIN LOCKERS, PORT AND STARBOARD 22 HR20 BALLAST TANKS 22 HR21 FRESH WATER TANKS 23 HR22 FUEL OIL TANKS 24 HR23 HAWSE PIPES 25 HR24 PORT AQUAMASTER THRUSTERS 25 HR25 STBD AQUAMASTER THRUSTER 25 HR26 SEA INJECTIONS AND DISCHARGE VALVES 26 HR27 SEA BAY VALVES 27 VERSION 1 16/03/16 59 of 131 NORTHERN LIGHTHOUSE BOARD HR28 STORM VALVES 27 HR29 NORLIFT CRANE 28 HR30 NORLIFT CRANE 5-YEARLY LOAD TEST 28 HR31 EFFER CRANE 29 HR32 EFFER CRANE 5-YEARLY LOAD TEST 29 HR33 WINDLASS 29 HR34 AFT MOORING CAPSTAN 30 HR35 HYDRAULIC CHAIN STOPPERS 30 HR36 HATCH COVER 30 HR37 CHAIN WINCH 31 HR38 PORT MOTORISED BOLLARD 32 HR39 STBD MOTORISED BOLLARD 32 VERSION 1 16/03/16 60 of 131 NORTHERN LIGHTHOUSE BOARD YARD TO QUOTE HR01 PROTECTION OF PAINT WORK, DECK AND FITTINGS The contractor will be responsible for the paint work, gear and fittings, portholes, windows, echo sounder transducers, navigation lights etc. These to be protected during cleaning and painting operations. Before commencing work, carpets and vinyl deck coverings in the accommodation to be protected with heavy plastic or hardboard sheeting where access routes to work areas are necessary. Similar protection for all stairways within the accommodation is to be laid as required. YARD TO QUOTE HR02 DOCKING PLUGS All Docking Plugs which are removed during the overhaul to be fitted with new grommets before being replaced. Prior to re-floating, a simple legend to be painted in white adjacent to each plug to identify its associated tank. YARD TO QUOTE HR03 SCUPPERS All scuppers and overside discharges to be plugged during painting with yard supplied wooden plugs. YARD TO QUOTE HR04 PORT HOLES All Port Holes to be tested for water-tight integrity, before hull painting commences, to ascertain which may require repair to meet Load Line requirements. Allow for testing 36 Port holes and repairing / rejointing six in number. HR05 PAINTS AND COATINGS YARD TO QUOTE (a) Any hull defects to be made good to the satisfaction of the Master, NLB Representative and Lloyd’s Register Surveyor before painting commences. (b) All coatings shall be provided by NLB and applied as directed by the Jotun Paints representative. (c) Unless otherwise agreed by both, all coatings shall be applied using airless spray and no thinners will be added. (d) The topside primer is chlorinated rubber, the underwater primer and topside blue are single pack acrylic, while the antifouling is tin and tar free. VERSION 1 16/03/16 61 of 131 NORTHERN LIGHTHOUSE BOARD (e) Staging, craneage, baskets, bosun’s chairs etc. to be allowed for in the quotations for cleaning and painting where necessary. (f) If charges are to be made in respect of waste disposal associated with cleaning and painting, these to be allowed for in the quotation. This to include containers of paint and thinners. HR06 HULL PREPARATION (UNDER WATER AND TOPSIDES BULWARK CAPPING) The entire hull from the keel to the top edge of the bulwark rail in way of main deck aft and the top edge of the white apron forward to be cleaned using high pressure fresh water cannon and hard scraping / disking as required. Allow for hand scraping 10% of the bottom area and disking 15% of the total area. YARD TO QUOTE Finished surfaces to be clean, sound and free of loose coatings. On completion, hull to be inspected by the Master, NLB representative and the paint manufacturer’s representative for approval prior to painting. (Topside blue area = 564 square metres. Topside white area = 30 square metres. Underwater area = 871 square metres. Total area = 1,465 square metres). YARD TO QUOTE HR07 PAINTING (UNDERWATER HULL) Bare areas to be touched up with three coats of single pack acrylic anticorrosive primer, Vinyguard SG.88 Aluminium, and two full coats of tin free, self polishing Seaguardian antifouling. Allow for : 1 x 15 % x 80 DFT touch up coat of aluminium primer. 1 x 15 % x 80 DFT touch up coat of aluminium red tone primer. 1 x 15 % x 80 DFT touch up coat of aluminium primer. 1 x full coat x 75 DFT of light red antifouling. 1 x full coat x 75 DFT of dark red antifouling. (Total underwater area = 871 square metres). VERSION 1 16/03/16 62 of 131 NORTHERN LIGHTHOUSE BOARD HR08 PAINTING (TOPSIDES) YARD TO QUOTE Topsides between the upper edge of the white ribbon on waterline to the top edge of the bulwark rail in way of main deck aft and the lower edge of the white apron forward to be touched up with two coats of Pioner anticorrosive chlorinated rubber primer. Topsides to be finished with one touch up coat and one full coat of Pioner TC single pack acrylic blue. Apron to be touched up with two coats of Pioner anticorrosive chlorinated rubber primer and finished with one touch up coat plus one full coat of Pioner TC single pack acrylic white. Allow for :(a) 1 x 10 % x 75 DFT touch up coat of red primer. (b) 1 x 10 % x 75 DFT touch up coat of grey primer. (c) 1 x 10 % x 50 DFT touch up coat of blue gloss to topsides. (d) 1 x 10 % x 50 DFT touch up coat of white gloss to apron. (e) 1 x full coat x 50 DFT blue gloss to topsides. (f) 1 x full coat x 50 DFT white gloss to apron. (Total topside area = 594 square metres comprising :564 square metres black and 30 square metres white) HR09 PAINTING (WHITE RIBBON, DRAUGHT MARKS, ETC.) YARD TO QUOTE Forward and aft draught marks, load line, white ribbon along waterline and two bow thrust symbols on port and starboard sides to be painted with two coats of Pioner TC white. Allow for :2 x full coats x 50 DFT white gloss. (Length of white ribbon = 110 metres approx) YARD TO QUOTE HR10 PAINTING (SHIP’S NAME AND PORT OF REGISTRY) Ship’s name on bow and stern and port of registry to be painted with gold paint or similar of NLB supply and edged around with red gloss paint. HR11 YARD TO QUOTE PAINTING (BOW CREST) Bow Crest to be covered prior to painting hull and uncovered on completion. Bow crest to be cleaned of all loose or dead paint, painted and edged with gold paint of NLB supply. VERSION 1 16/03/16 63 of 131 NORTHERN LIGHTHOUSE BOARD HR12 SEA CHESTS YARD TO QUOTE Three in number plastic sea chest grids to be removed for examination of sea chests / access to anodes, and refitted. (a) Forward sea chest to Emergency Fire Pump - 240mm dia. approx. secured with three in number fastenings. (b) Port Low to main Sea Bay - 870 x 420mm approx., secured with eight in number fastenings. (c) Starboard High to main Sea Bay - 870 x 420mm approx., secured with eight in number fastenings. Grids and sea chests to be cleared of all marine growth and cleaned for inspection by the NLB Representatives. Sea chests to be touched up with three coats of anti-corrosive primer to bare areas and coated with two full coats of antifouling. The single sacrificial and two Cathelco anodes in each sea chest to be protected from paint. Sea Chests to be inspected by Chief or Second Engineer before refitting the grids. Grids to be refitted with new nuts. Fastenings to be locked on completion. Allow for:(a) 3 x 15% x 80 DFT touch up anti-corrosive primer applied with HR06. (b) 2 x full coats x 75 DFT antifouling. Staging for access and craneage if necessary. HR13 SEA BAY YARD TO QUOTE Sea bay to be opened up for removal of all sea growth, by removing three in number manhole doors on tank top for access. The sea bay is similar to a cofferdam and runs athwartships between the port low and starboard high sea chests, the top and bottom are the tank top and bottom shell plating respectively and the forward and aft bulkheads are on frames 29 and 30. The sea bay is therefore about 9,500mm P&S x 600mm F&A x 1,000mm in height. Sea bay to be drained and cleaned for inspection by the Chief Engineer. . Sea bay to be touched up with three coats of anti-corrosive primer to bare areas and coated with two full coats of antifouling. VERSION 1 16/03/16 64 of 131 NORTHERN LIGHTHOUSE BOARD Allow for:(a) 2 x 15% x 80 DFT touch up anti-corrosive primer. (b) 2 x full coats x 75 DFT antifouling. Also, allow for scraping, cleaning, removal and disposal of sea growth, mud and waste materials from sea bay, temporary lighting, gas freeing, ventilation, dryers and issuing a gas free certificate. Removal of keel block for access to docking plug if necessary is allowed for in DS01. HR14 FORWARD BOW TUNNEL THRUSTER – BRUNVOLL (Type: FU-37-LTC-1000 Serial No.: 5510) YARD TO QUOTE Tunnel thruster and associated equipment/systems to be removed from ship, checked and serviced by specialist of Owner’s order. Please quote hourly rates for the following: a) Fitters assistance for Owner’s specialist b) Machine Shop assistance c) Craneage d) Electrician Two in number intake grids to be removed (one from each side) to provide access for cleaning, examination and painting. Tunnel surfaces and intake grids to be cleared of all sea growth and cleaned for inspection by the NLB and Representative. Propeller tip clearances to take and record. Allow for: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 3 x 15% x 80 DFT touch up anti-corrosive primer. 2 x full coats x 75 DFT antifouling. 1 x full coat x 100 DFT antifouling. Staging for access and craneage if necessary. Removal/Disposal of marine growth Removal of keel blocks already allowed for in DS01. Grid fastenings to be renewed and securely wired when refitted. VERSION 1 16/03/16 65 of 131 NORTHERN LIGHTHOUSE BOARD HR15 AFT BOW TUNNEL THRUSTER – BRUNVOLL (Type: FU-37-LTC-1000 Serial No.: 5511) YARD TO QUOTE Tunnel thruster and associated equipment/systems to be removed from ship, checked and serviced by specialist of Owner’s order. Please quote hourly rates for the following: e) Fitters assistance for Owner’s specialist f) Machine Shop assistance g) Craneage h) Electrician Two in number intake grids to be removed (one from each side) to provide access for cleaning, examination and painting. Tunnel surfaces and intake grids to be cleared of all sea growth and cleaned for inspection by the NLB and Representative. Propeller tip clearances to take and record. Allow for: (b) (b) (c) (d) (e) 3 x 15% x 80 DFT touch up anti-corrosive primer. 2 x full coats x 75 DFT antifouling. 1 x full coat x 100 DFT antifouling. Staging for access and craneage if necessary. Removal/Disposal of marine growth Removal of keel blocks already allowed for in DS01. Grid fastenings to be renewed and securely wired when refitted. HR16 SACRIFICIAL ANODES YARD TO QUOTE NLB supply anodes to be fitted ( each bolted to 2 off M16 studs ) to bilge keels and hull and sea bay, wasted anodes with brackets to be removed as directed. Allow for forty four in number 9 kg anodes. Allow for coating steel behind anode prior to fitting. Allow for staging. VERSION 1 16/03/16 66 of 131 NORTHERN LIGHTHOUSE BOARD HR17 IMPRESSED CURRENT ANODES YARD TO QUOTE Five in number Cathelco sacrificial anodes to be renewed. Two in number in each Seabay sea chest and one in Emergency fire pump sea chest. This will entail: For each anode disconnect 6 double insulated cable on the engine room side and remove gland from the top of the sleeve assembly which is welded into the sea chest.. On the same side one full and one half brass nuts to be removed (M27 for Seabay sea chests’ and 3/4” for Emergency fire pump sea chest) to permit withdrawal of the anode from the sleeve via the sea chest. Replacement anodes to be offered up to the sleeve from the sea chest and secured with the two brass nuts tightened to a torque of 70 LBS/FT (10 Kg/M). Two seabay sea chests are to be fitted with one MG anode (copper) and one FE anode (cast iron), both 120 mm dia. X 305 mm long while the Emergency fire pump sea chest to be fitted with one MG anode (copper), 82.5 mm dia x 229 mm long. Allow for removal of floor plates and guardrails in way for access. Staging if required is allowed for in HR09 Sea Chests. HR18 YARD TO QUOTE ANCHORS AND CABLES, PORT AND STARBOARD Port and starboard anchors to be lowered and eight lengths of cable from each side to be ranged on dock bottom for inspection by Master and NLB representative. (a) Port and Stbd cables to be end-for-ended as directed. (b) Both anchor and selected cable shackles to be dismantled for inspection and closed up on completion. (c) Shots to be remarked with white paint and seizing wire. (d) Cables to be re-stowed and anchors painted black and re-housed on completion. (e) Cable calibrations to be taken and recorded if instructed by NLB representative. Please quote (e) separate from the main work. When stowing cables, it may be necessary to flake down the first three lengths of both sides into their respective lockers. Thereafter, the cables will self stow. Allow for craneage. VERSION 1 16/03/16 67 of 131 NORTHERN LIGHTHOUSE BOARD HR19 CHAIN LOCKERS, PORT AND STARBOARD YARD TO QUOTE Port and starboard chain lockers to be thoroughly cleaned for inspection by Master and NLB representative. False floors to be lifted and all debris removed from vessel including mud, scale, loose paint and rust. Steelwork to be touched up with one T/U coat of Primastic Universal Aluminium primer and one full coat of Primastic Grey 38 to 100 DFT. Floors to be refitted on completion. Semi-rotary hand pump to prove. This to cover pump overhaul, clearing of suction pipe and strum box, and function test. Allow for staging, craneage, temporary lighting and disposal of all debris. HR20 BALLAST TANKS YARD TO QUOTE In order to prevent external condensation for painting purposes, all tanks to be drained at commencement of dry dock and then, on completion, refilled with fresh water to the same soundings as when entering dry-dock. Ship to arrive with tanks either full or empty (excluding the heeling tanks), stability and trim permitting. Allow for removal / refitting of docking plugs as required to drain the following tanks and refilling to the pre-docking status:Tank Fore Peak WB Tank No.1 DB WB Tank No.2 DB WB Port No.2 DB WB Centre No.2 DB WB Starboard No.3 DB WB Port No.3 DB WB Starboard No.4 DB/Wing WB Port No.4 DB/Wing WB Stbd Heeling WB Port Heeling WB Starboard Capacity M3 EXPECTED STATUS 31.8 48.9 17.2 47.9 17.2 15.4 15.4 31.6 31.6 23.5 23.5 M/T M/T M/T M/T M/T M/T M/T FULL FULL HALF FULL HALF FULL VERSION 1 16/03/16 68 of 131 NORTHERN LIGHTHOUSE BOARD Remove manhole doors of all (10) water ballast tanks, ventilate, gas free and issue gas free certificates. Clean the internals and tank coatings for inspection by NLB representative and Lloyds Surveyor. Allow for cleaning, disposal of mud, waste and cleaning materials from No 3 P&S, No4 P&S and P&S Heeling tanks, gas freeing, ventilation, issuing gas free certificates, staging, temporary lighting and the cost of fresh water for testing/refilling. Removal of keel blocks for access to docking plugs if is allowed for in DS01. Please quote individually for each size of tank HR21 FRESH WATER TANKS (INCLUDING CARELA CLEAN) YARD TO QUOTE Remove manhole doors of two in number fresh water tanks, drain and clean for inspection of internals and tank coatings by Chief Officer when dry. On completion of work, tanks to be chemically treated, tested and refilled to the same sounding when entering dry dock. Capacity M3 Tank No.2 FW Tank Port No.2 FW Tank Starboard 22.5 22.5 Allow for removal and disposal of slops, residues and cleaning materials, issuing gas free certificates for tanks before entry and throughout the work period if necessary, temporary lighting, staging, ventilation, driers, cost of fresh water and chemical treatment. Allow also for bacteriological and hydrocarbon tests of the water contents upon completion. YARD TO QUOTE HR22 OIL FUEL TANKS To allow inspection by Lloyds surveyor the following Oil Fuel Tanks are to be opened up and cleaned. This will include. 1. 2. 3. 4. Removing manhole covers, 2 in No fitted to D.B,s and 1in No fitted to Daily Service and clean drain tank. Carrying out all relevant safety precautions for entry into an enclosed space. Tanks to be certified gas free. Tanks to be cleaned and on completion, inspected by a representative of NLB and Lloyds VERSION 1 16/03/16 69 of 131 NORTHERN LIGHTHOUSE BOARD 5. Manhole covers to be refitted with new gaskets. Allow for the removal and disposal of slops, residues and cleaning materials, issuing gas free certificates for the tanks before entry and throughout the work period as necessary, temporary lighting, staging, ventilation dryers, engine room aluminium floor plate removal and re-fitting. TANKS a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) Centre Double Bottom No.1 DB Wing Tank Port No.1 DB Wing Tank Stbd No.2 DB Wing Tank Port No.2 DB Wing Tank Stbd Daily Service Port Daily Service Stbd Clean drain tank. FO Overflow tank Sludge tank Bilge retention tank CAPACITY (M3) 76.5 28.4 29.8 46.3 46.3 6.9 6.9 2.2 4.3 4.1 2.4 Please quote for each tank individually. In addition to the foregoing, please quote a separate cost to transfer fuel ashore, storage and transferring back to vessel on completion of the work. The ship will endeavour to arrive at the yard with minimal fuel on board Fuel used on board is Marine Gas Oil HR23 HAWSE PIPES (2 OFF ) YARD TO QUOTE If required, upper and lower throats to be built up by welding after anchor cables are lowered to dock bottom. Allow for staging and craneage. HR24 PORT AQUAMASTER AZIMUTH THRUSTER Aquamaster Type: - US 1401 / 2700 Ser No: - 61050 YARD TO QUOTE Port Azimuth thruster to be examined and serviced as required by Maker’s Service Engineer and surveyed by LR surveyor . VERSION 1 16/03/16 70 of 131 NORTHERN LIGHTHOUSE BOARD The Service Engineer’s work will be to: a) Check that the adjustment of the hydraulic components corresponds to the given values. b) Check the fastenings of the pumps, motors, etc. c) Check the installation of the flexible couplings. d) Replace the filling plugs breathers Please quote for the following. e) Staging for external examination and survey f) An hourly rate for the assistance of fitters g) An hourly rate for machine shop assistance h) An hourly rate for craneage HR25 STBD AQUAMASTER THRUSTER Aquamaster Type: - US 1401 / 2700 Ser No: - 61051 YARD TO QUOTE Stbd Azimuth thruster to be examined and serviced as required by Maker’s Service Engineer and surveyed by LR surveyor . The Service Engineer’s work will be to: i) Check that the adjustment of the hydraulic components corresponds to the given values. j) Check the fastenings of the pumps, motors, etc. k) Check the installation of the flexible couplings. l) Replace the filling plugs breathers Please quote for the following. m) Staging for external examination and survey n) An hourly rate for the assistance of fitters o) An hourly rate for machine shop assistance p) An hourly rate for craneage HR26 SEA INJECTIONS AND DISCHARGE VALVES LR 1922 LLOYDS SURVEYOR Nominated sea injection and discharge valves to be opened up for cleaning and inspection by Chief Engineer and NLB representative. YARD TO QUOTE Overhaul to include grinding the lids, re-packing the glands and re-jointing the covers. Quote to also allow for coating the chests and covers with one coat of primer and one coat VERSION 1 16/03/16 71 of 131 NORTHERN LIGHTHOUSE BOARD of SPC antifouling of NLB supply. All valves to be inspected by Chief or Second Engineer prior to re-assembly. Allow for removal of floor plates and guard rails in way for access and staging. Allow for opening up the following valves but these to be confirmed by NLB Representative at commencement of repairs. PORT INJECTIONS a) Port Sea Suction b) Port Sea Suction Weed Clearing BORE (mm) 250 15 STBD INJECTIONS a) Stbd Sea Suction b) Stbd Sea Suction Weed Clearing c) Emergency Fire Pump Suction d) Emergency Fire Pp Sea Chest Weed Clearing 250 15 80 15 PORT DISCHARGES a) Sea Water Cooling System Overboard b) Fire/G.S./Ball. Overboard c) Bilge/ballast Overbaord 200 100 80 STBD DISCHARGES a) Oily Water Separator Overboard HR27 50 YARD TO QUOTE SEA BAY VALVES Nominated sea bay valves to be opened up for overhaul and inspection by Chief Engineer and NLB representative. Overhaul to include grinding the lids, re-packing the glands and re-jointing the covers. Quote to also allow for coating the chests and covers with one coat of primer and one coat of SPC antifouling of NLB supply. All valves to be inspected by Chief or Second Engineer prior to re-assembly. Allow for removal of floor plates and guardrails in way for access and staging. Allow for opening up the following valves but these to be confirmed by NLB Representative at commencement of repairs. VERSION 1 16/03/16 72 of 131 NORTHERN LIGHTHOUSE BOARD DESIGNATION a) Port Sea Bay Inlet b) Port Sea Bay Vent c) No 1 Fire / General Service Pp Suction d) Harbour Sea Water Pp Suction e) No 2 Fire / Bilge / Ballast Pp Suction f) Bilge / Ballast / General Service Pp Suction g) No 1 Sea Water Pp Suction h) No 2 Sea Water Pp Suction i) Stbd Sea Bay Inlet j) Stbd Sea Bay Vent HR28 BORE (mm) 250 50 100 65 100 100 150 150 250 50 STORM VALVES YARD TO QUOTE Following storm valves to be opened up and overhauled. Valves to be reassembled with new gaskets and leathers. After inspection all valves to be re-assembled in good working order. Valves to be inspected before reassembly by NLB Representative DESIGNATION 1. Galley Waste Disposal unit discharges overboard via a vertical Back Balanced storm valve and a right angle geared storm valve. Both 65 NB 2. Grey Water emergency overboard, Back Balanced vertical storm valve 80 NB 3. Sewage Plant overboard, Geared Back Balanced vertical storm valve 50 NB. Galley Waste disposal over board and Grey Water overboard are situated in the Port and Stbd engine room coffer dams respectively Allow for removing Port and Stbd Coffer dam manhole doors, venting and gas freeing Port and Stbd coffer dams and replacing Port and Stbd manhole doors with new gaskets on completion. HR29 NORLIFT CRANE SERVICE Model GPTO 500 – 1220 Ser No: - 1867 OWNERS ORDER Crane to be checked and serviced as required by specialist of Owners order. 303-3: - 4 Monthly Take Oil Sample for analysis. Change oil If required. 303-4: - 6 Monthly Check wire rope for wear VERSION 1 16/03/16 73 of 131 NORTHERN LIGHTHOUSE BOARD Check tightness of wire rope clamps on winch Check for wear on wire rope sheaves Check electric cables/plug sockets Check motor starter/ lamps Clean oil cooler radiator 303-5: - Yearly Annual inspection carried out by Service Engineer Check for cylinder hinge wear Check jib hinge wear Check for slewing ring wear Check for slewing gear pinion wear. Adjust if necessary Renew or top up hydraulic oil Check freedom of movement of all operating levers HR30 NORLIFT CRANE 5-YEARLY LOAD TEST YARD TO QUOTE Conduct 5 yearly load test of Main Deck crane in presence of Lloyds surveyor. SWL of crane is 18 tonnes at minimum outreach, requires 22.5 tonnes to test (1.25 x SWL) OWNER’S ORDER HR31 EFFER CRANE Model 12000 2S Ser No: - 102714 Stores crane to be checked and serviced as required by specialist of Owners Order. 302-2 : - 4 Monthly Take Oil Sample for Analysis. Change oil if required. 302-3 : - 6 Monthly: - Page 15 Section 3B Check the integrity of the external cylinder seals Carry out a lifting test of the cranes max lifting power, to verify the crane lifting power Verify the control valve bank integrity. Move all cylinders in and out to ensure that no faults or noise occurs. Visually check all welds for any defects 302-4 : - Yearly Annual Inspection carried out by Service Agent. VERSION 1 16/03/16 74 of 131 NORTHERN LIGHTHOUSE BOARD HR32 EFFER CRANE 5-YEARLY LOAD TEST YARD TO QUOTE Conduct 5 yearly load test of Effer Deck crane in presence of Lloyds surveyor. SWL of crane is 1080 at maximum outreach, requires 1180 to test (1.1 x SWL) HR33 WINDLASS Gemmil & Prout Type: - BSE 34 OWNER’S ORDER Gear No: - GM109 Windlass to be checked and serviced as required by specialist of Owners Order. 301-3 : - Yearly Carry out maintenance on Windlass control cabinet as detailed on page 5 of Brook Crompton section of the Windlass manual under Detailed Check of Components. 301-4 : - Yearly Carry out oil change on Gearbox as detailed on page 35 of brevini riduttori section of Windlass manual. HR34 AFT MOORING CAPSTAN Gemmil & Prout Type: - DE 5000 Gear No: - GM110 Aft Mooring Capstan to checked and serviced by specialist of Owners Order. PM 308-1 refers OWNER’S ORDER HR35 HYDRAULIC CHAIN STOPPERS Gemmil & Prout Gear No GM 111/2 OWNER’S ORDER Port and Stbd Hydraulic Chain Stoppers to checked and serviced by specialist of Owners Order. PM 304-2 / 305-2 refers. HR36 HATCH COVER SHIP STAFF 306-1: - Monthly Hydraulic Equipment: - Check if cylinder rod seals are leaking Polish the cylinder piston on its entire length with kerosene and spread a thin layer of oil on it Check pipelines for leakage. Check condition of hydraulic hoses. VERSION 1 16/03/16 75 of 131 NORTHERN LIGHTHOUSE BOARD Carry out Greasing Schedule (Deck Handyman) 306-2: - 3 Monthly Axles & pins: -Check condition of all locking plates, split pins, etc Guide Wheels: - check that wheels are free to rotate at all times Securing hooks and cleats: - Check that hooks are operating smoothly and That the hook and engagement bars are not excessively worn Check that quick acting cleats are operating smoothly and are not excessively worn Eyeplate: - Check that the emergency operation eyeplate rotates freely in it’s housing Rubber Packing: - Examine rubber seal condition, ensuring that no snags or tears exist, and that it is firmly fixed into its holder. When permanent set reaches half the design compression, Replace the seal. 306-3: - 1 Yearly Repeat 306-1&2 as above, plus Steel Structure: -Check entire Steel Structure for cracks. Hinges: - Check condition of the main hinges and joint hinge assemblies Grease Nipples: - Nipples should be screwed off and cleaned and checked for correct operation. Hand Pump: - Check correct operation of the Hand Pump. 306-4: - 2 Yearly Change oil and oil filter. 306- 2268 : - Survey at Special Survey VERSION 1 16/03/16 76 of 131 NORTHERN LIGHTHOUSE BOARD OWNER’S ORDER HR37 CHAIN WINCH 307-2: - Yearly Inspection carried out by Service Agent, this to include: - Mechanical Parts Open Gearbox maintenance cover and check visually condition of bearings and gears. Note! Release motor brake in order to be able to turn gears by hand. Multi disc slipping clutch, check and record adjustment distance “A”. Readjust if necessary. Visually check general condition of winch mechanical parts. Dismantle and clean electric motor’s magnetic brake. Inspect parts for signs of excessive wear. Assemble brake and check & adjust air gap if needed. Note! Air Gap Min = 0.4mm, Max = 1.8mm Change Gearbox lubrication oil Lubricate all bearings and moving parts. Hydraulic Unit Ships Staff to take oil sample for analysis. Replace oil and oil filter if necessary. Check and test oil level and high temp alarms. Generally check hydraulic unit and piping for leaks. Electric Check watertightness of cable glands and connection box covers etc. Check tightness of wire terminals and cable connectors. Measure and record insulation resistance of motor. Verify working of space heaters in motor, control column and starter cabinets. Note! High voltage will destroy motor’s thermisters if applied. Check condition of main contactors contact. Replace if excessive wear evident. Replace PLC back-up battery. Perform functional test. VERSION 1 16/03/16 77 of 131 NORTHERN LIGHTHOUSE BOARD Test emergency stop function from all control places. Replace nonworking signal lamps etc. generally verify working of meters etc. Connect portable controller and verify functions Check calibration of load measuring system. Note! Recommended to perform at least every second year. HR38 PORT MOTORISED BOLLARD SHIP STAFF 313-2: - Yearly Winch gear oil to be changed in accordance with manufacturers instructions. Drum bearings and shaft spline to be re-lubricated in accordance with manufacturers instructions. HR39 STBD MOTORISED BOLLARD SHIP STAFF 314-2: - Yearly Winch gear oil to be changed in accordance with manufacturers instructions. Drum bearings and shaft spline to be re-lubricated in accordance with manufacturers instructions. VERSION 1 16/03/16 78 of 131 NORTHERN LIGHTHOUSE BOARD SECTION 3 SAFETY EQUIPMENT, LIFTING GEAR & OTHER ANNUAL INSPECTIONS VERSION 1 16/03/16 79 of 131 NORTHERN LIGHTHOUSE BOARD REF. SAFETY EQUIPMENT, LIFTING GEAR & OTHER ANNUAL INSPECTIONS. PAGE SE01 LSA EQUIPMENT 35 SE02 FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENT (PORTABLE EXTINGUISHERS) 35 SE03 FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENT (DETECTION SYSTEM) 35 SE04 FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENT (S.C.A.B.A.) 36 SE05 FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENT (FIXED CO2 SYSTEM) 36 SE06 FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENT (MINI CO2 SYSTEM) 36 SE07 B.A. COMPRESSOR 36 SE08 RADIO EQUIPMENT SURVEY 36 SE09 MEDICIAL LOCKER 37 SE10 37 LIFTING GEAR – ANNUAL INSPECTION SE11 RESCUE BOAT DAVIT 37 SE12 RESCUE BOAT DAVIT 5-YEARLY LOAD TEST 37 SE13 RESCUE BOAT ENGINE 38 SE14 LLOYDS SURVEYOR 38 SE15 MCA SURVEYOR 38 SE16 CALIBRATED EQUIPMENT 38 VERSION 1 16/03/16 80 of 131 NORTHERN LIGHTHOUSE BOARD SE01 LSA EQUIPMENT OWNERS ORDER LSA Equipment to be examined, serviced and re-certified by specialist of Owner’s order. (a) 4 in number RFD 10 man liferafts. Serial Nos.2048800400303/20/22/24. (b) 1 in number RFD 8 man liferaft. Serial No.2042500400330 (c) 1 in number RFD 6 man liferaft. Serial No. 4581700100064 (d) 1 in number ML Lifeguard IR455 rescue boat, Serial No.4903, (e) 17 in number Crewsaver 275N lifejackets for the work boat. (f) 19 in number Nautic immersion suits (3 yearly test). (g) 6 in number C&C Crewsaver immerson suits Please quote to crane ashore the liferafts and rescue boat and return on board upon completion. YARD TO QUOTE SE02 OWNERS ORDER FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENT (PORTABLE EXTINGUISHERS) Portable fire extinguishers to be serviced by specialist of Owner’s order. Should it be necessary to remove the extinguishers from the vessel, specialist to arrange replacement fire cover. 43 extinguishers comprise: 9 x 5Kg CO2 7 x 9Ltr Water 12 x 9Ltr AFFF 1 x 45Ltr AFFF 9 x 4Kg Dry Powder 3 x 2Kg Dry Powder 1 x 2Kg CO2 Spare Pilot Cylinder For 45Ltr AFFF YARD TO QUOTE Please quote craneage rate to lift ashore and return on board if required. SE03 FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENT (DETECTION SYSTEM) OWNERS ORDER Minerva Marine fire detection system with Thorn Security Controller Model T891 to be inspected and tested by specialist of Owner’s order. VERSION 1 16/03/16 81 of 131 NORTHERN LIGHTHOUSE BOARD SE04 FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENT (S.C.A.B.A.) OWNERS ORDER Four in number Sabre Sigma open circuit Self Contained Air Breathing Apparatus sets and associated equipment to be inspected by specialist of Owner’s order. This to include:(a) 4 in number S.C.A.B.A. sets, Serial Nos. A016246, A016254, A016366 and A016433 (b) 12 in number BA cylinders, Serial Nos. E18200, E18225, E18226, E18227, E18237, E18254, E18267, E18270, E62026, E62043, E62153 and E62166. (c) 4 in number Breathing Apparatus Harnesses made by Seco Safety Harness, Serial Nos. 65877,65878, 65879 and 65880. (d) 4 in number Fire Suits, Ser. Nos. 000190, 000197, 000198 and 000200 (e) 5 in number Drager CF10 EEBDs SE05 FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENT (FIXED CO2 SYSTEM) OWNERS ORDER Wormald CO2 system for Thruster Compartment, Azimuth Compartment, Engine Room and Emergency Generator Room comprising nine in number 45Kg cylinders to be inspected and serviced by specialist of Owner’s order. Please quote craneage rate to lift cylinders ashore and return on board if required. YARD TO QUOTE SE06 FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENT (MINI CO2 SYSTEM) OWNERS ORDER Wormald CO2 system installed in the Galley for the exhaust ducting and comprising one in number 5Kg cylinder to be inspected and serviced by specialist of Owner’s order. SE07 B.A. COMPRESSOR OWNERS ORDER B.A. compressor to be inspected and serviced by specialist of Owner’s order. Make - Hamworthy : Model – V5H – AL Serial No. 84472 SE08 RADIO EQUIPMENT SURVEY OWNERS ORDER Annual Safety Radio Survey and Record of Equipment to be carried out by SELEX on behalf of Lloyds VERSION 1 16/03/16 82 of 131 NORTHERN LIGHTHOUSE BOARD SE09 MEDICIAL LOCKER OWNERS ORDER Ship’s medical locker and first aid kits to be checked and restocked to MCA requirements by Pharmacist of Owner’s order. Medicines and associated stock to have at least a one year duration on expiry dates. OWNERS ORDER SE10 LIFTING GEAR – ANNUAL INSPECTION Chain blocks, shackles, strops, slings, cargo lashing equipment, nets, securing eyes, pad eyes to be inspected and re-certified by Specialist of Owner’s order and defective equipment to be replaced as required. Items to be colour coded in accordance with NLB QHSE regulations. Gangway to be load tested in accordance with SOLAS Reg II-1/3-9.. This to include all equipment from deck and engine-room on board vessel. YARD TO QUOTE Please quote craneage rate to lift ashore and return on board if required. SE11 RESCUE BOAT DAVIT OWNERS ORDER 309-1: - 3 Monthly All thread ends, required for adjustment must always be kept greased. Change winch oil. The rescue boat release hook must be checked for function and greased at regular intervals. 309-2: - Yearly Check brake gear and control mechanism as per section 9. The safety break linings should be checked for wear. Procedure is described in section 8. SE12 RESCUE BOAT DAVIT 5-YEARLY LOAD TEST SHIP STAFF Conduct 5 yearly load test of Rescue Boat Davit in presence of MCA surveyor. VERSION 1 16/03/16 83 of 131 NORTHERN LIGHTHOUSE BOARD SE13 RESCUE BOAT ENGINE OWNERS ORDER 310-2: - Yearly Annual Service carried out by Service Engineer Engine to be removed from Rescue Boat and serviced by Specialist of Owners Order. SE14 LLOYDS SURVEYOR OWNERS ORDER SE15 MCA SURVEYOR OWNERS ORDER SE16 CALIBRATED EQUIPMENT OWNERS ORDER 251-1: - Yearly Re-calibrate all equipment listed in ISM Form POL 6.15 that is due for calibration VERSION 1 16/03/16 84 of 131 NORTHERN LIGHTHOUSE BOARD SECTION 4 BRIDGE MAINTENANCE, REPAIRS & ALTERATIONS VERSION 1 16/03/16 85 of 131 NORTHERN LIGHTHOUSE BOARD REF. BRIDGE MAINTENANCE, REPAIRS & ALTERATIONS PAGE BR01 BRIDGE EQUIPMENT 41 BR02 MAGNETIC COMPASS 41 VERSION 1 16/03/16 86 of 131 NORTHERN LIGHTHOUSE BOARD BR01 BRIDGE EQUIPMENT OWNER’S ORDER Bridge Equipment to be serviced by specialist of Owners Order. BR02 MAGNETIC COMPASS YARD TO QUOTE Compass to be swung and adjusted as necessary on completion of repairs. VERSION 1 16/03/16 87 of 131 NORTHERN LIGHTHOUSE BOARD SECTION 5 ENGINEERING MAINTENANCE, REPAIRS & ALTERATIONS VERSION 1 16/03/16 88 of 131 NORTHERN LIGHTHOUSE BOARD REF. ENGINEERING MAINTENANCE, REPAIRS & ALTERATIONS PAGE ER01 PORT MAIN ENGINE 45 ER02 PORT MAIN ENGINE TURBOCHARGER 47 ER03 CENTRE MAIN ENGINE 47 ER04 CENTRE MAIN ENGINE SUMP 47 ER05 STARBOARD MAIN ENGINE 48 ER06 STARBOARD MAIN ENGINE TURBOCHARGER 49 ER07 PORT AZIMUTHING THRUSTER 49 ER08 STARBOARD AZIMUTHING THRUSTER 49 ER09 PORT DRIVE MOTOR FLEXIBLE COUPLING 50 ER10 FORWARD BOW THRUST & CPP SYSTEM 50 ER11 AFT BOW THRUST & CPP SYSTEM 52 ER12 HARBOUR GENERATOR 52 ER13 FORWARD STARTING AIR COMPRESSOR 52 ER14 AFT STARTING AIR COMPRESSOR 54 ER15 GENERAL SERVICE AIR COMPRESSOR 54 ER16 AUX. ENGINE FW COOLER STBD 54 ER17 BILGE BALLAST / GS PUMP 54 4 ER18 BALLAST PUMP ER19 54 AUX ENGINE FW CIRCULATING OUTER PUMP 54 ER20 OILY WATER SEPARATOR 54 ER21 DOMESTIC WATER MODULE 55 ER22 SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT 55 ER23 SEWAGE TREATMENT VACUUM PUMP 56 ER24 AIR CONDITIONING COMPRESSOR 56 ER25 AIR HANDLING UNIT 56 ER26 EMERGENCY GENERATOR 56 ER27 STARTING AIR PIPES 57 ER28 PUMPING ARRANGEMENTS (IN ENTIRETY) 57 VERSION 1 16/03/16 89 of 131 NORTHERN LIGHTHOUSE BOARD ER01 PORT MAIN ENGINE (CUMMINS – WARTSILA CW8L 170 ) OWNERS ORDER Eng No. 66300257 To be serviced by specialist of Owners Order : 101 –3: - 2000Hrs / Annually Replace injector seals Replace turbocharger filter screen according to type (see parts list) Check Turbocharger end float (axial) and radial clearances Inspect all flexible hoses for deterioration and clamps for security Remove injectors, clean and check opening pressures in accordance with workshop manual Confirm all emergency shut downs and alarms work correctly Check tappets Visually inspect engine/alternator flexible drive coupling. Visually check engine/ alternator mounting bolts and flexible mounts for security and condition. Clean crankcase breather and check condition of breather hoses. Clean fuel pre filter Replace HT & LT thermostatic valves Conduct borescope inspection of all cylinders Inspect fuel rack linkages Check intercooler Inspect exhaust system OWNERS ORDER ER02 PORT MAIN ENGINE TURBOCHARGER Remove Turbocharger and transport to ABB for overhaul ER03 CENTRE MAIN ENGINE (CUMMINS – WARTSILA CW8L 170 ) OWNERS ORDER Eng No. 66300255 To be serviced by specialist of Owners Order : 102 –3: - 2000Hrs / Annually Replace injector seals Replace turbocharger filter screen according to type (see parts list) VERSION 1 16/03/16 90 of 131 NORTHERN LIGHTHOUSE BOARD Check Turbocharger end float (axial) and radial clearances Inspect all flexible hoses for deterioration and clamps for security Remove injectors, clean and check opening pressures in accordance with workshop manual Confirm all emergency shut downs and alarms work correctly Check tappets Visually inspect engine/alternator flexible drive coupling. Visually check engine/ alternator mounting bolts and flexible mounts for security and condition. Clean crankcase breather and check condition of breather hoses. Clean fuel pre filter Replace HT & LT thermostatic valves Conduct borescope inspection of all cylinders Inspect exhaust system ER04 CENTRE MAIN ENGINE SUMP Raise engine to remove sump and either repair or replace. VERSION 1 16/03/16 91 of 131 NORTHERN LIGHTHOUSE BOARD ER05 STARBOARD MAIN ENGINE (CUMMINS – WARTSILA CW8L 170 ) OWNERS ORDER Eng No. 66300256 To be serviced by specialist of Owners Order : 103 –3: - 2000Hrs / Annually Replace injector seals Replace turbocharger filter screen according to type (see parts list) Check Turbocharger end float (axial) and radial clearances Inspect all flexible hoses for deterioration and clamps for security Remove injectors, clean and check opening pressures in accordance with workshop manual Confirm all emergency shut downs and alarms work correctly Check tappets Visually inspect engine/alternator flexible drive coupling. Visually check engine/ alternator mounting bolts and flexible mounts for security and condition. Clean crankcase breather and check condition of breather hoses. Clean fuel pre filter Check engine mounts Inspect exhaust system OWNERS ORDER ER06 STBD MAIN ENGINE TURBOCHARGER Remove Turbocharger and transport to ABB for overhaul ER07 PORT AZIMUTHING THRUSTER OWNERS ORDER To be serviced by specialist of Owners Order : 104-1: - 3 Monthly Take gearbox lub oil sample for analysis. Change oil if necessary. Oil filters are changed when changing oil. Yearly (September) – Take hydraulic oil sample for analysis 104-2: - 2 Yearly Check that the adjustments of the hydraulic components corresponds to the given values Check the fastenings of the pumps, motors, etc. Check the installation of the flexible couplings VERSION 1 16/03/16 92 of 131 NORTHERN LIGHTHOUSE BOARD Replace the filling plugs/ breathers. 104 -3: - 4 Yearly(Dry Dock) Check the seals of the propeller shaft, the seals of the steering tube and those of the input shaft Check the condition of the gears through the inspection hatches Paint the underwater parts according to the treatment instructions Replace the zinc anodes VERSION 1 16/03/16 93 of 131 NORTHERN LIGHTHOUSE BOARD OWNERS ORDER ER08 STBD AZIMUTHING THRUSTER To be serviced by specialist of Owners Order : 105-1: - 3 Monthly Take gearbox lub oil sample for analysis. Change oil if necessary. Oil filters are changed when changing oil. Yearly (September) – Take hydraulic oil sample for analysis 105-2: - 2 Yearly Check that the adjustments of the hydraulic components corresponds to the given values Check the fastenings of the pumps, motors, etc. Check the installation of the flexible couplings Replace the filling plugs/ breathers. 105 -3: - 4 Yearly(Dry Dock) Check the seals of the propeller shaft, the seals of the steering tube and those of the input shaft Check the condition of the gears through the inspection hatches Paint the underwater parts according to the treatment instructions Replace the zinc anodes SURVEYOR & SHIP STAFF ER09 PORT DRIVE MOTOR FLEXIBLE COUPLING Survey by Lloyds. Replace if necessary. LR 0908 LLOYDS SURVEYOR ER10 FWD BOW THRUST & CPP SYSTEM Brunvoll FU-37-LTC-1000 thruster to be removed from ship and overhauled by specialist of Owners Order : New seals, etc to be fitted OWNERS ORDER 108- 1915 - Survey Examination of CP Propeller and associated mechanisms VERSION 1 16/03/16 94 of 131 NORTHERN LIGHTHOUSE BOARD OWNERS ORDER ER11 AFT BOW THRUST & CPP SYSTEM Brunvoll FU-37-LTC-1000 thruster to be removed from ship and overhauled by specialist of Owners Order : New seals, etc to be fitted 109- 1915 - Survey Examination of CP Propeller and associated mechanisms LR 1739 LLOYDS SURVEYOR ER12 HARBOUR GENERATOR To be overhauled by specialist of Owners Order : 201-1: - 250 Hours Change Lub Oil Change Oil filter Check Coolant Lubricate Starter motor oil pot Check/change air filter Take lub oil sample prior to change Change Governor Oil (Seamax Superplus) OWNERS ORDER 201-2: - 1000 Hours Change fuel oil filter Carry out 250 Hour service 201-3: - 1500 Hours Adjust Tappets Grease water LT pump bearings (sparingly) Carry out 250 Hour service 201-4: - 6000/Yearly Calibrate fuel pump and injectors Inspect: Vibration Damper Fan Hub Idler Pulley Assembly VERSION 1 16/03/16 95 of 131 NORTHERN LIGHTHOUSE BOARD Provide and fit service exchange: Turbo charger Water Pump Clean and flush cooling system and change water filter Check crankshaft end clearance 5 Yearly for survey VERSION 1 16/03/16 96 of 131 NORTHERN LIGHTHOUSE BOARD SHIP STAFF ER13 FWD STARTING AIR COMPRESSOR 208(09) - 1: - Annual Change Lubricating Oil Remove the Valves from both cylinders, dismantle and clean for full inspection or replacement as necessary Inspect the flexible coupling between motor and compressor Check bed bolts. Also check vibration dampers and flexible hoses. Function test the safety valve Check all pipe connections Check that all automatic equipment is functioning Clean air filter Check all nuts and bolts for tightness Clean cooling fins and dismantle cooler tubes and clean internally as described on page 13 book 8. SHIP STAFF ER14 AFT STARTING AIR COMPRESSOR 208(09) - 1: - Annual Change Lubricating Oil Remove the Valves from both cylinders, dismantle and clean for full inspection or replacement as necessary Inspect the flexible coupling between motor and compressor Check bed bolts. Also check vibration dampers and flexible hoses. Function test the safety valve Check all pipe connections Check that all automatic equipment is functioning Clean air filter Check all nuts and bolts for tightness Clean cooling fins and dismantle cooler tubes and clean internally as described on page 13 book 8. OWNERS ORDER ER15 GENERAL SERVICE AIR COMPRESSOR 210-1539 -5 Yearly for Survey To be overhauled by specialist of Owners Order : 210 -1: - 6 Monthly (Minor Service) Check operation of blowdown system VERSION 1 16/03/16 97 of 131 NORTHERN LIGHTHOUSE BOARD Check connections and condition of electrical wiring Check operation of scavenge solenoid valve and timer Check connections and condition of starter contactors Check oil cooler and aftercooler externally Check condition of drive belts Renew oil filter Renew air filter Clean/replace unloader solenoid valve gauze filter 210–2: - Annual (Interim Service) Carry out Minor Service Change lubricating oil Renew separator element VERSION 1 16/03/16 98 of 131 NORTHERN LIGHTHOUSE BOARD LR 1591 LLOYDS SURVEYOR ER16 AUX. ENGINE FW COOLER STBD 5 Yearly for Survey LR 1634 LLOYDS SURVEYOR ER17 BILGE BALLAST / GS PUMP 5 Yearly for Survey LR 1641 LLOYDS SURVEYOR ER18 BALLAST PUMP 5 Yearly for Survey LR 1708 LLOYDS SURVEYOR ER19 AUX. ENGINE F.W. CIRCULATING OUTER PUMP 5 Yearly for Survey YARD TO QUOTE ER20 OILY WATER SEPARATOR Make: Facet Type: CPS 5BV MOD1 227-1: - 3 Monthly Unit should be drained to remove solids built up. 227-2: - 2 Yearly at Dry Dock Separator tank and plates to be cleaned. Allow for cleaning and removal of contents and cleaning materials. ER21 YARD TO QUOTE DOMESTIC WATER MODULE Make: Coldharbour Marine Type :M32C5229H Serial No. 98052 Domestic Water Module Calorifier to be opened up and cleaned. This will involve: (a) Draining calorifier (b) Removing side handhole door (c) Cleaning inside of calorifier (d) Replacing handhole door with new gasket Allow for removing and disposing of all cleaning materials. VERSION 1 16/03/16 99 of 131 NORTHERN LIGHTHOUSE BOARD OWNERS ORDER ER22 SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT To be overhauled by specialist of Owners Order : 401-1: - Monthly Remove and clean Air Ejector check valve Backflush lifter pipes Remove and clean Chlorinating tank Wash out final stage while chlorinating tank is removed 401-2: -6 Monthly Examine inlet and outlet filter cartridges fitted to the aeration compressor and replace if dirty. Check the function of the non-return valve fitted in the air line. 401-3: - Annually Annual Inspection carried out by Service Engineer Drain and clean all compartments of the unit and inspect and repair any damaged coating. Inspect the discharge pumps and air blowers for wear. Replace aerator air diffuser elements. Discharge pump valves to be checked clear and operable and discharge pump valve stub pipes to be re-welded in place. Fit incoming isolating valve to sewage vacuum tank to enable isolation for easier start up so we do not have to shut down the three systems and open gradually. OWNERS ORDER ER23 SEWAGE TREATMENT VACUUM PUMP 402-1: - Yearly Annual inspection during Service Engineers Visit OWNERS ORDER ER24 AIR CONDITIONING COMPRESSOR 412-1: - Monthly Run Compressor for 1 hour if not used in previous month. Check refrigerant system for leaks Check operating pressures on refrigeration machines VERSION 1 16/03/16 100 of 131 NORTHERN LIGHTHOUSE BOARD 412-2: - Yearly Inspect tubes in condensers and clean as necessary Check starting equipment Thoroughly check over all the refrigeration equipment Under highly corrosive conditions clean and re-paint any rusted parts with rust preventative paint for protection Check effective operation of all control switches OWNERS ORDER ER25 AIR HANDLING UNIT 413-1: - 3 Monthly Clean or replace intake filters as required 413-2: - 6 Monthly Check V-belt tension and replace when belts show signs of wear 413-3: - Yearly Clean and lubricate dampers Check and clean coils, as necessary Check and clean impeller as necessary. ER26 EMERGENCY GENERATOR SHIP STAFF ANNUAL CHECKS Carry out the following: 1. Check coolant heaters 2. Check drive belt tension 3. Check turbocharger clearance 4. Check tappets 5. Take lub oil sample for analysis 6. Change lub oil and filter if oil sample analysis recommends change 7. Change Fuel filter ER27 STARTING AIR PIPES LR 1577 LLOYDS SURVEYOR 5 Yearly for survey VERSION 1 16/03/16 101 of 131 NORTHERN LIGHTHOUSE BOARD LR 1458 LLOYDS SURVEYOR ER28 PUMPING ARRANGEMENTS (IN ENTIRETY) 5 Yearly for Survey VERSION 1 16/03/16 102 of 131 NORTHERN LIGHTHOUSE BOARD SECTION 6 ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE, REPAIRS & ALTERATIONS VERSION 1 16/03/16 103 of 131 NORTHERN LIGHTHOUSE BOARD REF. ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE, REPAIRS & ALTERATIONS EL01 PORT PROPULSION GENERATOR, GOVERNORS & ANCILLARY EQUIPMENT. EL02 STBD PROPULSION GENERATOR, GOVERNORS & ANCILLARY EQUIPMENT. EL03 PORT PROPULSION MOTOR & ANCILLARY EQUIPMENT. EL04 PROPULSION SWITCHBOARD, PROTECTIVE DEVISES AND FITTINGS. EL05 PORT MOTOR BEARINGS EL06 STBD MOTOR BEARINGS EL07 PORT PROPULSION MOTOR CONTROL GEAR EL08 STBD PROPULSION MOTOR CONTROL GEAR EL09 PORT CONVERTERS EL10 STBD CONVERTERS EL11 TRANSFORMERS EL12 INSULATING FLUID TESTS EL13 CABLES EL14 INSULATION RESISTANCE EL15 OVERSPEED GOVERNORS EL16 MOTOR AIR COOLERS EL17 HOLDING DOWN BOLTS & CHOCKS EL18 PROPULSION SYSTEM TRIAL PAGE LR 1227 LLOYDS SURVEYOR LR 1241 LLOYDS SURVEYOR LR 1258 LLOYDS SURVEYOR LR 1272 LLOYDS SURVEYOR LR 1289 LLOYDS SURVEYOR LR1296 LLOYDS SURVEYOR LR 1308 LLOYDS SURVEYOR LR 1315 LLOYDS SURVEYOR LR 1322 LLOYDS SURVEYOR LR 1339 LLOYDS SURVEYOR LR 1346 LLOYDS SURVEYOR LR 1353 LLOYDS SURVEYOR LR 1360 LLOYDS SURVEYOR LR 1377 LLOYDS SURVEYOR LR 1384 LLOYDS SURVEYOR LR 1391 LLOYDS SURVEYOR LR 1403 LLOYDS SURVEYOR LR 1410 LLOYDS SURVEYOR VERSION 1 16/03/16 104 of 131 NORTHERN LIGHTHOUSE BOARD EL19 HARBOUR AUXILIARY GENERAROR GOVERNOR & ANCILIARY EQUIPMENT EL20 MOTORS EL21 ESSENTIAL SERVICES SECTION BOARDS PROTECTIVE DEVICES & FITTINGS EL22 MAIN LIGHTING SECTION BOARDS< PROTECTIVE DEVICES & FITTINGS EL23 SECTION & DISTRIBUTION BOARDS EL24 POWER DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMERS EL25 LIGHTING DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMERS EL26 CABLES EL27 INSULATION RESISTANCE EL28 EQUIPMENT WHERE FLAMMABLE GASES OR DUST OCCURS EL29 NAVIGATION LIGHTS INDICATORS & SYSTEMS EL30 CONTROL ENGINEERING SYSTEMS (IN ENTIRETY) LR 1760 LLOYDS SURVEYOR LR 1777 LLOYDS SURVEYOR LR 1791 LLOYDS SURVEYOR LR 1803 LLOYDS SURVEYOR LR 1810 LLOYDS SURVEYOR LR 1827 LLOYDS SURVEYOR LR 1834 LLOYDS SURVEYOR LR 1865 LLOYDS SURVEYOR LR 1872 LLOYDS SURVEYOR LR 1889 LLOYDS SURVEYOR LR 1896 LR 1977 LLOYDS SURVEYOR VERSION 1 16/03/16 105 of 131 NORTHERN LIGHTHOUSE BOARD SECTION 7 ACCOMMODATION MAINTENANCE, REPAIRS & ALTERATIONS VERSION 1 16/03/16 106 of 131 NORTHERN LIGHTHOUSE BOARD REF. AC01 ACCOMMODATION MAINTENANCE, REPAIRS & ALTERATIONS. PAGE 68 GALLEY EQUIPMENT CHECKS VERSION 1 16/03/16 107 of 131 NORTHERN LIGHTHOUSE BOARD AC01 GALLEY EQUIPMENT CHECKS OWNERS ORDER To be checked by specialist of Owners order : Vegetable Peeler 405-1: - Yearly Carry out maintenance as detailed on page 6 of Vegetable Peeler section of book 36 Annual electrical Inspection by Catering Equipment service engineer Galley Range 406-1: - Yearly Annual electrical inspection by Catering Equipment service engineer Galley Hot Press 407-1: - Yearly Annual electrical inspection by Catering Equipment service engineer Investigate reason for continual failure of hot press elements. Galley Microwave 408-1: - Yearly Annual electrical inspection by Catering Equipment service engineer Galley Dishwasher 409-1: - Yearly Annual electrical inspection by Catering Equipment service engineer Deep Fat Fryers 410-1 : - Yearly Carry out routine maintenance as detailed on page 18 in Deep Fat Fryer manual in Book 18. Annual electrical inspection by Catering Equipment Service Engineer Galley Waste Disposal Unit 411-1: - Yearly Annual electrical inspection by Catering Equipment service engineer VERSION 1 16/03/16 108 of 131 NORTHERN LIGHTHOUSE BOARD SECTION 8 UPGRADE FOR NOISE REDUCTION VERSION 1 16/03/16 109 of 131 NORTHERN LIGHTHOUSE BOARD REF. UPGRADE FOR NOISE REDUCTION PAGE UP01 BOW THRUST COMPARTMENT 68 UP02 MAIN AND LOWER FOCSLE DECK ALTERATIONS 68 UP03 STABILITY TEST 69 UP04 SURVEY FEES 69 VERSION 1 16/03/16 110 of 131 NORTHERN LIGHTHOUSE BOARD The following alterations and improvements are aimed at reducing noise in the crew quarters and improving the operational efficiency of the vessel. The outline work specifications and drawings have been produced by Naval Architects, Macduff Ship Design who will also be arranging plan approval. It would be beneficial to the NLB that these alterations take place at the same time as this year’s Dry Dock, hence the requirement to tender for the work at this time. It is fully understood that the interested dock yards will need to carry out a ship visit prior to full evaluation. UP01 BOW THRUST COMPARTMENT YARD TO QUOTE Carry out steelwork alterations in the bow thruster compartment as specified in drawings and documentation supplied by Macduff Ship Design. Briefly, the work-scope involves; Removing most of the internal sides of the Port and Starboard No.1 FW Wing Tanks, capping off the lower metre high section and filling this enclosure with dry sand. Approximate size of each aperture is 4000mm long x 2500mm high. (These tanks are never used) Fixing an acoustic deadening material to the newly exposed internal surfaces of the above tanks. Introduce a dividing watertight bulkead athwartships in the No. 1 DB Water Ballast tank (This DB is never used) UP02 MAIN & LOWER FOCSLE DECK ALTERATIONS YARD TO QUOTE Carry out accommodation alterations as specified in drawings and documentation supplied by Macduff Ship Design. Briefly, the work-scope involves; Convert 2 off supernumerary cabins into 3 off single seaman cabins on the Lower Focsle Deck. Convert ship’s office and medical locker into 1 off single seaman’s cabin on the Lower Focsle Deck. Convert 4 off single seamen’s cabins on the Main Deck into 1off 2 berth supernumery cabin, 1 off 4 berth supernumery cabin, 1 off ship’s office and medical locker and 1 off gymnasium. VERSION 1 16/03/16 111 of 131 NORTHERN LIGHTHOUSE BOARD UP03 STABILITY TEST YARD TO QUOTE Vessel to be inclined and Stability Test carried out. The Contractor is to arrange with a Specialist if required, to prepare and conduct a stability test. The Contractor is to provide assistance in preparation for and during the Stability Test and this will include the following as a minimum. a) b) c) d) e) f) Provision of suitable berth. Provision of 8 tonnes test weights (4 x 2 tonnes). Provision and setting up of pendulum weights. Labour to prepare the vessel for test. Labour to assist during Stability Test. Cranage. YARD TO QUOTE UP04 SURVEY FEES All necessary survey fees for on-site surveillance and certification of structural modifications, accommodation upgrades and stability test for MCA and Lloyd's Register are to be included in the quotation. VERSION 1 16/03/16 112 of 131 NORTHERN LIGHTHOUSE BOARD No.1 FW Wing Tank Starboard. No.1 FW Wing Tank Port. Bow Thrust Control Cabinets on Port Side. Current single berth seaman’s cabin, all cabins are en suite with toilet, shower and wash basin. VERSION 1 16/03/16 113 of 131 NORTHERN LIGHTHOUSE BOARD Current 2 berth (one is a Pullman) supernumerary cabin and toilet. VERSION 1 16/03/16 114 of 131 NORTHERN LIGHTHOUSE BOARD NLV “POLE STAR” Outline Specification of Works for Phase 2 Limited Upgrade Ref: 2615-0210 May 2010 VERSION 1 16/03/16 115 of 131 NORTHERN LIGHTHOUSE BOARD 1 2 3 4 5 Background Bow Thruster Room Main Deck Accommodation Lower Fo’c’s’le Deck Accommodation General VERSION 1 16/03/16 116 of 131 NORTHERN LIGHTHOUSE BOARD 1 Background Following Stage 1 Feasibility Study on the potential upgrade of NLV “Pole Star” produced in June 2008 , the GLA Fleet Review supported a modest upgrade to the vessel This will involve remedial work to reduce noise levels in the accommodation associated with the operation of the Bow Thrusters, including structural modifications and revised accommodation NLB outline scope for the investigation were as follows:· Replace forward internal raked ladder between the Main and Lower Fo’c’s’le Decks with a vertical escape ladder. · Replace Crew Cabins on Main Deck with an Exercise Room, Laundry and Officer’s Lounge · Re-arrange the accommodation in the forward area of the Lower Fo’c’s’le Deck to include additional Crew Cabins, smaller Supernumerary Cabins and removal of the laundry · Arrange a Supernumerary Cabin on Upper Fo’c’s’le Deck · Consider forward Fresh Water wing tanks which are unused being filled with sound deadening material. Following discussions between NLB and Macduff Ship Design, a revised Accommodation Plan on Main and Lower Fo’c’s’le Decks was agreed which addressed the points above but with less overall disruption to the overall arrangement with the Officer’s Lounge, Electrical Room and Laundry being left unaltered and the forward stairwell between Main and Lower Fo’c’s’le Decks being retained with an additional door at Main Deck level to the new Gymnasium See attached drawings detailing the modifications:Drg. No. 1 Drg. No. 2 Drg. No. 3A General Arrangement Revised Accommodation Plan (2 sheets) Structural Modifications IWO Bow Thrusters Guidance sketches giving Deck Covering Details in the areas of modification Also attached are part copies of the original Accommodation Plan with the basic areas where modifications to the accommodation highlighted VERSION 1 16/03/16 117 of 131 NORTHERN LIGHTHOUSE BOARD 2 Bow Thruster Room The modifications basically revolve around the disconnection of structure attached to the bow thrusters from the Main Deck and the elimination of void spaces surrounding the bow thrusters in order to limit structure borne noise being transmitted to the accommodation spaces above. The spaces affected are the No1 Fresh Water wing tank P&S and the No1 DB Water Ballast tank which are all unused at present due to trim considerations Fresh Water Wing Tanks These tanks currently run from Frs 57-69 with the section Frs 62-69 directly bounding the Bow Thruster compartment with a cranked longitudinal bulkhead to which the thruster tubes are directly connected The majority of this cranked bulkhead is to be cut out as shown on Drg. No. 3A, Structural Modifications IWO Bow Thrusters The top is to be cut 600mm below the Main Dk and fitted with a 220 x 10.0 FB face plate to form a girder which will continue to support adjacent deck beams. The bulkhead stiffeners are to be cut and welded directly to the new face plate The bottom is to be cut approx 1000mm above the inboard tank top, just above the top of the lower wing tank brackets. The space outboard is to be fitted with a closing plate forming a lower compartment enclosing the ends of the thruster tubes. This space is to be completely filled with dry sand and sealed The forward end of the cranked bulkhead is to be trimmed 200mm clear of the collision bulkhead Fr 69 forming a bulkhead stiffener The side shell in way of the revised wing arrangement is to be fitted with noise damping between frames. This consists of 2mm of damping paste overlaid with 2mm perforated steel plates (max. 10% perforation). The damping paste is to cover the entire shell between frames from Fr 62-69 and from Main Dk down to the top of the new closing plate. The overlaid perforated plates should cover 80% of the area without touching any of the surrounding structure. Suggested damping paste is ANR PU-D30 or Swedac DGU6 DB Water Ballast tank This tank currently runs from Frs 57-69 with the section between Frs 62-69 directly bounding the Bow Thruster compartment as the tank top The tank is to be divided at Fr 62 with the forward part remaining as Water Ballast and the aft part being void The double bottom floor at Fr 62 is to be made tight with lightening holes being plated in and suitable WT collars being fitted to all notches and mouseholes Suitable manhole access is to be provided to the after part of the new WB tank, either through the tank top between Fr 62 and the aft thruster tube or through the modified DB floor Fr 62 via the void space WB piping and tank ventilation arrangements are to be modified to suit the new arrangements VERSION 1 16/03/16 118 of 131 NORTHERN LIGHTHOUSE BOARD 3 Main Deck Accommodation The changes on this deck are restricted to the starboard side with the three single Crew cabins forward being revised to include a Ship’s Office, Dispensary and 4 Man Supernumerary Cabin. The Cooks Cabin aft is to be converted to a double cabin for Supernumeraries Cooks Cabin (Aft) The basic cabin is to remain as is except for the addition of a Pullman type berth over the existing settee on the aft bulkhead and a second wardrobe, recessed into the revised cabin arrangement immediately forward 2 x 1 Man Cabins (Middle) These two cabins are to be completely revised to form a 4 Man Supernumerary cabin and Ship’s Office and Dispensary The two lockers opening onto the centreline passage and the aft cabin toilet space are to be removed with the space being incorporated into the Ships Office and Dispensary. The forward cabin toilet is to be retained for the new Supernumerary cabin The Ship’s Office is generally to be fitted out with the equipment removed from the previous location on the Lower Fo’c’s’le Dk where possible including computer and PA racks, desk, filing cabinet and cupboard The Dispensary is to be arranged with a medical locker to suit and is to be equipped with fittings from the previous location on the Lower Fo’c’s’le Dk The cabin is to be fitted out with 2 standard bunks with drawers under, 2 pullman type berths, 4 wardrobes, settee, coffee table and chairs and a locker 1 Man Cabin (For’d) This cabin is to be completely stripped out, reduced in size and is to become the Gymnasium A new access door is to be arranged from the forward landing of the existing stairwell and the VERSION 1 16/03/16 119 of 131 NORTHERN LIGHTHOUSE BOARD 4 Lower Fo’c’s’le Deck Accommodation The changes on this deck are in two areas - forward port and aft starboard The forward area involves the complete revision of the 2 x 4 Man Supernumerary Cabins into 3 x 1 Man Crew Cabins with private facilities The aft area involves the conversion of the Ships Office and Dispensary into a 1 Man Crew Cabin with private facilities 4 Man Supernumerary Cabins These two cabins are to be completely revised into 3 x 1 Man Crew Cabins with private facilities All three cabins are to be of equal size and each is to be fitted out with a single berth with drawer and locker under, built-in settee with storage space under, wardrobe, writing desk and chair Associated toilet spaces is to be arranged with WC, shower tray and closure and wash hand basin The middle cabin is to be fitted with a window removed from the old Ship’s Office Ship’s Office and Dispensary This space is to be revised into a 1 Man Crew Cabin with private facilities It is to be fitted out with a single berth with drawer and locker under, built-in settee with storage space under, wardrobe, writing desk and chair The toilet space is to be arranged with WC, shower tray and closure and wash hand basin The forward side window is to be removed and re-fitted in the middle of the three new Crew Cabins forward 5 General Where possible, all existing items from the previous cabin arrangement are to be re-used including lighting, heating, toilet and ventilation equipment and fittings The Contractor is to provide and install any new materials, fittings and equipment required to complete the works All floor coverings are to be made good to the same standard as existing. See attached guidance sketches New furniture, fittings and fixtures are where possible to be of matching standard and appearance VERSION 1 16/03/16 120 of 131 NORTHERN LIGHTHOUSE BOARD VERSION 1 16/03/16 121 of 131 NORTHERN LIGHTHOUSE BOARD VERSION 1 16/03/16 122 of 131 NORTHERN LIGHTHOUSE BOARD VERSION 1 16/03/16 123 of 131 NORTHERN LIGHTHOUSE BOARD VERSION 1 16/03/16 124 of 131 NORTHERN LIGHTHOUSE BOARD VERSION 1 16/03/16 125 of 131 NORTHERN LIGHTHOUSE BOARD VERSION 1 16/03/16 126 of 131 NORTHERN LIGHTHOUSE BOARD VERSION 1 16/03/16 127 of 131 NORTHERN LIGHTHOUSE BOARD VERSION 1 16/03/16 128 of 131 NORTHERN LIGHTHOUSE BOARD VERSION 1 16/03/16 129 of 131 NORTHERN LIGHTHOUSE BOARD VERSION 1 16/03/16 130 of 131 NORTHERN LIGHTHOUSE BOARD VERSION 1 16/03/16 131 of 131