
Operating Systems:
Internals and Design Principles, 6/E
William Stallings
Chapter 4
Threads, SMP, and
Patricia Roy
Manatee Community College, Venice, FL
©2008, Prentice Hall
Processes and Threads
• Resource ownership - process includes a
virtual address space to hold the process
• Scheduling/execution- follows an
execution path that may be interleaved
with other processes
• These two characteristics are treated
independently by the operating system
Processes and Threads
• Dispatching is referred to as a thread or
lightweight process
• Resource of ownership is referred to as a
process or task
• OS supports multiple, concurrent paths of
execution within a single process
• MS-DOS supports a single user process
and thread
• UNIX supports multiple user processes but
only supports one thread per process
• Java run-time environment is a single
process with multiple threads
Threads and Processes
• A virtual address space which holds the
process image
• Protected access to processors, other
processes, files, and I/O resources
One or More Threads in
• An execution state (running, ready, etc.)
• Saved thread context when not running
• An execution stack
One or More Threads in
• Some per-thread static storage for local
• Access to the memory and resources of its
– all threads of a process share this
Benefits of Threads
• Takes less time to create a new thread
than a process
• Less time to terminate a thread than a
• Less time to switch between two threads
within the same process
Benefits of Threads
• Since threads within the same process
share memory and files, they can
communicate with each other without
invoking the kernel
Uses of Threads in a SingleUser Multiprocessing System
Foreground and background work
Asynchronous processing
Speed of execution
Modular program structure
• Suspending a process involves
suspending all threads of the process
since all threads share the same address
• Termination of a process, terminates all
threads within the process
Thread States
• States associated with a change in thread
– Spawn
• Spawn another thread
– Block
– Unblock
– Finish
• Deallocate register context and stacks
Remote Procedure Call Using
Single Thread
RPC Using One Thread per
Adobe PageMaker
User-Level Threads
• All thread management is done by the
• The kernel is not aware of the existence of
User-Level Threads
Kernel-Level Threads
• Windows is an example of this approach
• Kernel maintains context information for
the process and the threads
• Scheduling is done on a thread basis
Kernel-Level Threads
Combined Approaches
• Example is Solaris
• Thread creation done in the user space
• Bulk of scheduling and synchronization of
threads within application
Combined Approaches
Relationship Between Thread
and Processes
Categories of Computer
• Single Instruction Single Data (SISD)
– Single processor executes a single instruction
stream to operate on data stored in a single
• Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD)
– Each instruction is executed on a different set
of data by the different processors
Categories of Computer
• Multiple Instruction Single Data (MISD)
– A sequence of data is transmitted to a set of
processors, each of which executes a
different instruction sequence. Never
• Multiple Instruction Multiple Data (MIMD)
– A set of processors simultaneously execute
different instruction sequences on different
data sets
Parallel Processor Architectures
Symmetric Multiprocessing
• Kernel can execute on any processor
• Typically each processor does selfscheduling form the pool of available
process or threads
Symmetric Multiprocessor
Multiprocessor Operating
Systems Design Considerations
• Simultaneous concurrent processes or
– Kernel must be reentrant
– Data structures need multiple update locking
• Scheduling
– Multiple schedulers in operation, no conflicts!
• Synchronization
– Shared data space, need locking
Multiprocessor Operating
Systems Design Considerations
• Memory management
– Paging issues
– Sharing of hardware
• Reliability and fault tolerance
– Tolerate single processor failure
– graceful degradation
Microkernels - Motivation
Monolithic systems unsustainable
First OS/360 had 1 million LOC
Multics had 20 million!
Layering helps, but not full solution
Swap vertical layers for horizontal
• Small operating system core
• Contains only essential core operating
systems functions
• Message passing through microkernel
Kernel Architecture
Benefits of a Microkernel
• Uniform interfaces
– Don’t distinguish between kernel-level and
user-level services
– All services are provided by means of
message passing
• Extensibility
• Flexibility
– New features added
– Existing features can be subtracted
Benefits of a Microkernel
• Portability
– Changes needed to port the system to a new
processor are only in the microkernel
• Reliability
– Small microkernel can be rigorously tested
Benefits of a Microkernel
• Distributed system support
– Message are sent without knowing what the
target machine is
• Object-oriented operating systems
– Components are objects with clearly defined
interfaces that can be interconnected to form
Microkernel Performance
• Message passing more expensive than
• Other factors offset this
• Smaller can be better
– Example: 12KB and 7 SVCs!
– Perform as well as or better than layered
Microkernel Examples
• Mach (CMU 1985 - basis of Apple OS X)
• Chorus (INRIA 1980)
Microkernel Design
• Low-level memory management
– Mapping each virtual page to a physical page
Microkernel Design
• Interprocess communication
– Heavy use of shared memory
• I/O and interrupt management
– Translate interrupts into message passing
– Device specific processing done outside
Windows Processes
• Implemented as objects
• An executable process may contain one or
more threads
• Both processes and thread objects have
built-in synchronization capabilities
Windows Processes
Windows Process Object
Windows Thread Object
Thread States
• Process includes the user’s address
space, stack, and process control block
• User-level threads
• Lightweight processes (LWP)
• Kernel threads
Processes and Threads in
LWP Data Structure
Signal mask
Saved values of user-level registers
LWP Data Structure
Kernel stack
Resource usage and profiling data
Pointer to the corresponding kernel thread
Pointer to the process structure
Process Structure
Solaris Thread States
Linux Tasks
Scheduling information
Interprocess communication
Linux Tasks
Times and timers
File system
Address space
Processor-specific context
Linux Process/Thread Model