Permian High School Dance Program

Permian High School Dance Program
Dance I Syllabus
Instructor: Kayla Kruse
Phone: 456-0039 or
Course Description:
In this course, students develop an awareness of the
body’s movement by doing the following; using sensory
information while dancing, applying body sciences
and fitness principles, developing knowledge and skills
of dance elements and choreographic processes in a
variety of styles, and demonstrating an
understanding of cultural, historical and artistic
diversity in dance. Students may full-fill the fine arts
elective requirement for graduation with successful
completion of this course.
Attire: (Each student must have dance attire by
Tuesday, September 3rd.
Dance is an activity class; students must dress in
appropriate clothing at all times and actively
participate. Correct attire does not restrict motion
and allows the teacher to quickly spot incorrect body
alignment, placement, and/or movement patterns.
Tops: Dance tops, spaghetti strap tops with sports bra
underneath, fitted tanks. All tops must be waist
length, provide full coverage of the chest and no baggy
tops are allowed.
Pants: Calf length or full length leggings in black or
gray, spandex shorts or fitted cotton shorts must be
worn over the leggings or may be worn with dance
tights (no panty hose).
Shoes: Students may wear only ballet shoes, jazz shoes,
turning shoes, or bare feet on the dance floor. Socks,
flip-flops, house slippers, or regular street shoes are
unacceptable for safety reasons.
Hair: Hair is to be completely pulled back from face
in a pony-tail or bun. Bangs must be out of your face.
**For the spring semester, students will be required to
purchase costumes for our Dance Explosion Recital!
We are asking that each student pay $150.00 each to
cover the costs. This amount should take care of their
complete jazz costume including a body tight and jazz
shoes, as well as several pieces of their hip-hop
costume. They may still be responsible for picking up
other hip-hop costume items on their own but we hope
this amount will cover most of it! Students will be
given access to fundraisers that will allow for them to
earn the money needed to pay for the above items! So
get started now with saving or fundraising for the
above money. Recital is a lot of fun and you don’t
want to miss out!!! Below is a payment schedule that
we have set up to help with paying your fees in a
timely matter. You may follow the schedule or pay in
full on the first payment date.
Monday, October 21st – First Payment of $75.00 due in
class or full payment of $150.00 due
Monday, November 18th – Second Payment of $50.00
due in class
Monday, December 16th – Third Payment of $25.00 due
in class
Materials (Students must bring all materials to class
each day starting Tuesday, September 3rd) :
1 spiral notebook with pocket folders and perforated
1 box of Kleenex (extra credit)
1 box of band aids (extra credit)
1 pack of 3x5 note cards
Writing Utensils and Highlighters
2 large glue-sticks
1 pair of scissors (blunt tip)
Grading Procedure:
Students are graded on their ability to dress out and
participate in class each day. They are also evaluated
through skills tests and projects. Their grade will be
determined as follows:
Daily Participation (weekly grades issued for dressing
out and participating each day) – 50%
Skills/Performance tests – 25%
Projects – 25%
Weekly Grades:
Students’ will receive a grade of 100 for each day they
dress out and actively participate. If a student has
forgotten their clothing, is wearing inappropriate
attire, or chooses not to participate they will receive a
grade of “O” for the day. Students will be given
opportunities to do extra credit assignments to makeup zero’s however they will not be the same as makeup work assignments.
Make-up Work – Magazine Assignments and You
Tube Assignments:
Each student is responsible for make-up work after
every absence regardless of the type of absence.
Magazine assignments and You Tube assignments are
available in the drawers by the coaches’ desk. For
every missed class, ONE make-up assignment is due
and should be returned within 2 school days after the
absence occurs! If a severe illness or injury prohibits a
student from participating in the dance activities, and
proper parent or physician documentation is
provided, a written magazine assignment will be
substituted for each day the student is unable to
Class participation:
Each student is required to dress out and actively
participate each day. Failure to do so will result in an
“O” for the day and a referral to the office. There are
no exceptions to laziness!! Only students with a
doctor’s note may sit out during class but they must
complete a magazine assignment to make up their
daily grade!
Dressing out:
You will dress out everyday unless otherwise directed
by the teacher. Do not ask, I will notify you if and
when you do not need to dress out. You will have five
minutes after the tardy bell rings to change clothes,
complete the assignment on the board and be seated in
your assigned spot. If you need to use the restroom,
you may do so in the locker room at this time. Do not
ask to use the restroom once class has started. You
will not be allowed to do so! After the five minutes,
you are considered tardy and will then be required to
condition for every minute you are tardy.
Conditioning will take place during the last five
minutes of class.
Class Rules:
1. Follow all instructions
2. Students must be inside the dance studio when the
tardy bell rings.
3. Show respect to other students and the teacher so
each student may learn (No talking when the
teacher is talking). Laughing at, making fun of or
bullying another student will not be tolerated!
4. Bring required dance attire daily and actively
5. Remain quiet during all announcements.
6. Comply with all school rules, regulations, and
7. No food or drink is allowed in the studio or
dressing area.
8. No shoes allowed in the dance studio! Please take
off your shoes to walk to the dressing area.
9. Gum is prohibited in the studio at all times!
Dance Explosion:
Dance Explosion will take place Wednesday, February
5th through Saturday, February 8th. Students are
required to perform in both evenings of Dance
Explosion as well as the two nights of dress rehearsal.
(Be aware that it could only be one night due to time
constraints. We will know more specifics as we get
closer to recital). This recital will showcase all of the
dance students at Permian High School. Students are
required to take off work and attend the scheduled
rehearsals and shows, NO EXCEPTIONS!!! If a student
does not participate in the recitals, he/she will fail
that six-week grading period. Students must also be
eligible to participate in recital. Students that fail the
six weeks prior to the show will not be allowed to
perform and must complete an alternate assignment
in order to make-up the grade.
Class Purpose / Expectations:
This course is designed to introduce students to dance
at a beginner/intermediate level. We will explore all
styles of dance throughout the year including ballet,
jazz, hip-hop, lyrical/contemporary, Broadway dance
and social dancing. During each of these units,
students will be educated on proper dance terminology
and technique as well as the origin and history of that
style of dance. They will also learn a combination
that reflects the style of each type of dance. I will
evaluate their knowledge of each unit through skills
tests and performance tests. During skills tests
students will be expected to perform technical skills
that they have learned in class. During performance
tests they will be expected to perform routines specific
to the style that we are working on at the time. Such
tests will be performed in groups of 2 or more in front
of the entire class. Students will also be required to
complete a project within each unit. Some projects
will be individual and others will be in a group.
Dance Notebook
Students will be building an inter-active dance
notebook throughout the year. This will be a very
important tool for them to use and will assist them in
being successful on their final exams. This will also
count as a project grade during one or more of the sixweeks grading periods. Every week students will be
given hand-outs in which they must cut and paste
them into their notebook on the specified pages.
Notebook checks will happen weekly to ensure this is
happening. We will also be taking notes and
journaling during class so it important that you have
it with you every day. Should a student lose their
hand-outs, they can go to my webpage (located on the
ECISD home page) to print off another hand-out.
Teacher Web-Page
I have updated my teacher web-page which is located
on the Permian High School Website. To find it, go to
the and select Permian HS.
Once on the Permian page, go to the tab labeled
teachers and click on my name (Kayla Kruse). This
will send you to the Dance Department web-page.
You will find all handouts as well as a calendar with
important dates! It also has all of my information for
contacting me should you need to do so during the
I hope everyone has a fun, exciting and positive
experience this year! I am looking forward to getting
to know each of you and sharing with you my love
and passion for dance! All I ask is that you come in
everyday with a positive attitude and the willingness
to try no matter what. Remember each person has
his/her own unique way of expressing themselves so
please be respectful of yourself and others! If you have
any questions please don’t hesitate to ask!!
“Life is a stage…the audience is waiting”. –Anonymous
Kayla Kruse
Permian High School
Dance Director / Panther Paws Assistant Coach