Mobility Support for IP-Based Network Jie Li, University of Tsukuba Hsiao-Hwa Chen, National Sun Yat-Sen University IEEE Communications Magazine • October 2005 Professor : Sheau-Ru Tong Reporter : M9456001 李思儀 M9456002 林濟斌 1 Outline Abstract MOBILE IP MOBILE IPv6 Hierarchy of MAPs SECURITY REQUIREMENTS IP MOBILITY SUPPORT WITH WIRELESS LANS CONCLUSION 2 Abstract IP-based wireless networks will become the core of next-generation mobile networks. Mobility support for IP-based networks. This article aims to provide an overview of various major technical issues of mobility support for different IP-based networks including mobile IP 3 MOBILE IP Mobile IP was designed to provide a way to support host mobility. Mobile IP entities: Mobile node (MN) Home agent (HA) Foreign agent (FA) Care-of address (CoA) Collocated CoA Correspondent node (CN) Home address Tunnel 4 MOBILE IP (cont.) Mobile IP uses two IP addresses Fixed home address CoA for the mobility of an MN Three major processes Agent Discovery Registration Tunneling 5 ROUTING IN MOBILE IP Internet CN 7.Packet from CN to HA Foreign Network 6.Packet Tunneling 5.Binding ACK Base Station Home Agent 4.Binding Update Foreign Agent Base Station Home Network 2.Handoff Mobile node (MN) 3.Got CoA Mobile node (MN) 1.Got home address 6 MOBILE IPv6 In IPv6, 128-bit addressing is used instead of the 32-bit addressing in IPv4. IPv6 is considered as the core protocol for next-generation IP networks. Mobile IPv6 has almost the same terminologies as Mobile IPv4 except for the absence of the FA. 7 Mobile IPv6 routing IPv6 Network CN Foreign Network 5.Packet Tunneling 4.Binding ACK Home Agent 3.Binding Update AP AP Home Network 2.Got CoA Mobile node (MN) 8 Hierarchical Mobile IPv6 Router Internet Router CN Router Home Agent Home Network Mobile anchor point (MAP) AP AP Mobile node (MN) 1.Handoff Mobile node (MN) AP 8.Get new LCoA Mobile node (MN) 9 Hierarchy of MAPs 1 Mobile node (MN) 產生LCoA 2 3 4 5 6 Mobile node (MN) 產生 new LCoA 10 SECURITY REQUIREMENTS In Mobile IP and Mobile IPv6, registration of the CoA naturally requires authentication. An algorithm used for the authentication is known as keyed Message Digest 5(MD5). 11 IP MOBILITY SUPPORT WITH WIRELESS LANS WI-FI is a technology currently dominating all wireless LANs. 802.11a、802.11b、802.11g,and so on. Address IP mobility support for wireless LANs, including Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. 12 DHCP-Based Mobility in Wireless LANs Mobility support is implemented through use of dynamic IP address allocation provided by DHCP 13 DHCP-Based Mobility in Wireless LANs cont. Wireless LAN access points provide support for roaming at the data link layer As MNs roam across subnets, though, there must be a mechanism at the IP/network layer handoff 14 The Solutions with Mobile IP 15 WiMAX WiMAX( Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access, 全球互通的微波存取) 16 The difference between Wi-Fi and WiMAX Wi-Fi WiMAX Range Small. Suitable for WLAN Wide. Suitable for WMAN Contention resolution By CSMA/CA and RTS/CTS Binary exponential backoff Medium Access Method CSMA/CA TDMA 17 IP Mobility Support For Cellular and Heterogeneous Mobile Networks 2G3G The aim of the process is to have an all-IP network architecture to provide high-bit-rate multimedia services including voice, video, and data The IP core network architecture includes the packet core network for wide area mobility and bearer services. Ex: Voice over IP ,Video over IP and Multimedia Messaging 18 IP Mobility Support For Cellular and Heterogeneous Mobile Networks cont. UMTS CDMA2000 Both networks use tunnels to support user mobility . However, the 3G networks including CDMA2000 and UMTS currently solve their mobility problems at the link layer (layer 2) only, not in the IP layer (layer 3). 19 IP Mobility support for next generation heterogeneous mobile networks 20 CONCLUSION According to this paper, we know some issues about “Mobility Support for IP-Based Networks” In the future, we wish it will better for “IP mobility support for next generation heterogeneous mobile networks”. 21