Côte d'Ivoire Rally Championship 2013 (FISA) 39TH RALLYE COTE D’IVOIRE - BANDAMA SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS CONTENT 01, 02 & 03 March 2013 1. 1.1.Regulation 1.2.Road 1.3.Total distance ES and total distance of the route SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS 2013 FIA AFRICAN RALLYCHAMPIONSHIP 1st ROUND 2. ORGANIZED BY FEDERATION IVOIRIENNE DE SPORT AUTOMOBILE ORGANIZATION………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4 2.1.nation titles for which this event is eligible 2.2.The ASN visa numbers 2.3.Organizer's name, address and contact information (permanent bureau) 2.4.Organizing Committee 2.5.Stewards 2.6.Observers FIA and delegates FISA 2.7.Key officials 2.8.Location of the PC of the rally and contact information (phone and fax) CHAMPIONSHIP TITLES 2013 COTE D’IVOIRE NATIONAL RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP FOR DRIVERS 2013 COTE D’IVOIRE NATIONAL RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP FOR CODRIVERS 2013 COTE D’IVOIRE 2 WHEEL DRIVE RALLY CUP INTRODUCTION………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4 3. PROGRAM………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6 - Issuing of the road book, map and Rally Guide -Publication of the List of Entries Accepted by the Organiser - Closing date for order of extra services in Service Park - Rally HQ opening/closing - Official Notice Board – location - Collection of material and documents - Administrative checks - Start of reconnaissance, schedule, and inscription - Opening of media centre and media accreditation - Collection of safety tracking system (if any) - Scrutineering – sealing & marking of components - Shakedown - Pilote Briefing - First Stewards’ meeting - Parc ferme - Pre Event Press Conference - Publication of start list for Leg 1A - Start Super Special Show - Publication of start list for Leg 1B - Ceremonial start - Rally start, place and time - Finish of Leg 1B , place and time - Publication of start lists for Leg 2 1 - Start of the of Leg 2 - Finish of Leg 2, place and time - Podium Ceremony/Prize-giving - Time of Publication of Provisional Final Classification - Post-event Press Conference - Final scrutineering - Time of Publication of Final Official Classification 4. 13. IDENTIFICATION OF OFFICIALS………………………………………………………………………....…………….16 14. PRIZE………………………………………………………………………………………...…………………………….………17 14.1. Prize ginving 14.2. List of prizes and cups ENTRIES…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 8 4.1. 4.2. 4.3. 4.4. 4.5. 4.6. Closing date of entries Entries procedure Number of accepted and classes entrants Rights of commitment / engagement packages Detailed information about the payment (including any applicable taxes) Refunds 15. FINAL CHECKS AND PROTEST……………………………………………………………………………………….…17 15.1. Final checks- who is to attend from teams, location 15.2. Protest fees 15.3. National appeal fees Appendix 1: TIMING – ITINERARY..............................................................................................................................19 Appendix 2: RECONNAISSANCE SCHEDULE………………………………….............……………………………….…..……20 5. INSURANCE………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…… 11 Appendix 3: COMPETITORS’RELATIONS OFFICER……………………………………………………...…………….……..21 6. ADVERTISING AND IDENTIFICATION……………………………………………………………………….…..… 11 7. TYRES…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……… 12 8. FUEL……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…..……12 9. RECONNAISSANCES……………………………………………………………………………………………….…….…. 13 9.1. Procedure of registration. 9.2. Special restrictionsand/or national – speed limit on the competitif stages 9.3. Reconaissanceschebule Appendix 4: DOOR PLATES, COMPETITION NUMBERS AND DRIVER’S NAMES– ADVERTISING……………………………...........................................................................................................……………….22 Appendix 5: SPEED LIMITS ON TRAFFICS ROADS IN COTE D’IVOIRE..............................................................23 Appendix 6: FINES AND PENALTIES……………………………………………........……………………………….……….…..24 Appendix 7: CONTROL SIGNS - TIME CONTROL CHECKPOINTS…………………………………………..……………25 10. ADMINISTRATIVE CHECKS…………….………………………………………………………………………...……. 13 10.1. Documentstobepresented etc. According to the organisers decision points 11. SCRUTINEERING, SEALING AND MARKING……………………………………....………………….………..….14 11.1. Place and opening hours of the technical audits 11.2. Driver safety equipment 11.3. Noise level 11.4. Installation of a system of follow-up security 11.5. use of Mud Flaps is compulsory 12. OTHER PROCEDURES……………………………………….……………………………………………………….…....14 12.1. Ceremonial start procedure and order 12.2. Super Special stage procedure and running order 12.3. Starting system of competitive stages 12.4. Permitted early check-in 12.5. Any special procedures/ activities including the organiser’s promotional activities 12.6. Other points 12.7. Super rally- restart of subsequent day after retirement 12.8. Official time used during the rally 12.9. Control point for the car after an accident 2 3 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. Regulation This rally will be played in accordance with the International Sporting Code of the FIA and its annexes to the regulation sports FIA Championships regional 2013 at the FISA national sporting regulationswhich conforms to the regulations of the FIA and these supplementary regulations of39THRALLY COTE D’IVOIRE BANDAMA. Changes, amendment sand/or changes to these supplementary regulations will be announced only by way of addenda dated and numbered (publishedby the organizer or stewards). The sporting regulations of regional championship2013 figure at the following address:www.FIA.com , http://www.africanrallychampionship.comandwww.F-I-S-A.org, The supplementary regulation will be posted on the address :www.F-I-S-A.org, 1.2. Road All competitive sectors of this rally event take place on the surface Gravel: 100 % Thesuper special show takes place on the surface Gravel: 90 %Asphalt10% The Shakedown takes place on the surface: Gravel: 100 % 1.3. Total Distance ES and Total distance of the road Total distance of the SS: 2.20 km Total distance of the SC: 242.70 km Total distance of the route: 438.80 km 2.4. Organizer's name, address and contact information (permanent bureau) Secretariat: FISA... Bd de Marseille, Bd 01 BP1994 01 Abidjan Tel: + 225 08 08 77 27 Fax: + 225 21 24 88 29 Email:alain.ambrosino@orange.frWebsite:www.F-I-S-A.org 2.5. Organizing Committee President: Vice President: Secretary: Treasurer: Members: Édouard KOUASSI cell:08 08 77 27 Nino ZAROUR cell: 02 00 88 00 Ginette CLARK Jean FERBER Bruno LABORDE 2.6. Stewardsof the meeting President Member Member Secretary the College of Stewards John Anagnostopoulos Bruno Laborde Dismas Kayibanda Sandy Solofonirina 2.7. Observer and delegated FISA ObserverFIA Delegate sport FIA Technical delegate FISA Tardent Jean Pierre Viren Goricha Patrick COPPETI 2.8. Senior Officials Event Chairman - Alain AMBROSINO 8differentcompetitive sectors 2. 2.1. ORGANIZATION Rally officials FIA TITLES FOR WICH THE RALLY COUNTS : Clerk of the Course Assistant Clerk of the Course Secretary of the Rally Secretary of the meeting Protocol Competitor’s Relations Officer (CRO) ‘‘0’’ car ‘‘00’’ car Chief Safety Offier Safety Officers Press Officer Time Checking & Results Officer Chief scrutineer Scrutineers 2013 FIA rally chamiponship – 1st round 2.2. National Titlesforwhichthis Event is eligible: 2012 National Côted’Ivoire Rally Championship for Drivers 2012 National Côted’Ivoire Rally Championship for Co-Drivers 2012 National Côted’Ivoire 2 Wheel Drive Rally Cup 2.3. FIA/ASN visa numbers FIA Visa nr : 1.000 28 213 dated 14/09/2012 FISA Visa No.: 001F/ISA13 dated as of: 15/01/2013 4 .Edouard KOUASSI Nino ZAROUR GinetteCLARK Edouard MASSIDA Serge ETHY Patrick NAME Patrick TAUZIAC Jean FERBER Phillippe ADJOUA/Joseph KOUAKOU Cherif DIALLO/ Sindou FOFANA RachN'Guessan/François YASSOI Hyacinthe EZOA Patrick COPPETI Mr Lambert KOUAME ,Tiemoko OULAI 5 Chief Medical Officer Chief Marshals & Relations Officer Times transmission Parc Fermé & Service Park Officer Internet & Website manager - Dr Etienne MOUSSO Roland BONY/Marcel LENOIR Olivier IRIE / Adama COULYBALI Simon SEU For Super Special Show, the recce will be done by food and is open on Friday 1st of march from 10 to 1 o’clock. - Opening of media centre and media accreditation Friday 01/03/2013 at 08h30 2.9. Location of the PC of the rally and contact information Hôtel PRESIDENT Principale Street CP: 01 City: YAMOUSSOUKRO BP 1024 Tel.: + (225) 30 64 61 40 / 30 64 61 41 Fax: + (225) 30 64 05 77 / 30 64 21 03 -Collection of safety tracking system ( if any) Details must follow on a bulletin - Scrutineering – sealing & marking of components Station TOTAL – YAMOUSSOUKRO Friday 01/03/2013 at 09h00 Email:reception@hotelpresident.ci, reservation@hotelpresident.ci Emergency number emergency Phone number of the event is the(225) …………………………………. - Shakedown Friday 01/03/2013 from 09h30 to 13h00 3. PROGRAM - Issuing of the road book, map and Rally Guide FISA secretaria – Blvrd DE Marseille Friday 22/02/2013 from 19h00 until 20h00 Tuesday 26/02/2013 from 07h00 until 12h00 and from 14h00 until 20h00 for the foreign crews The Road Book will be available at the Rally Info (FISA secretariat) on Friday 22/22/2013 at 19h00 (Collection of material and documents) for all crews regularly entered and having paid the entry fee. The Road Book contains a general map of the rally and detailed maps of the Competitive Sections -Publication of the List of Entries Accepted by the Organiser FISA secretaria – Blvrd DE Marseille Friday 22/02/2013 from 19h00 - Closing date for order of extra services in service park - Start of reconnaissance, schedule, and inscription at Hotel PRESIDENT Yamoussoukro, the same day Wedenesday 27/02/2013 from 06h00 until 18h00 for all Crews Thursday 28/02/2013 from 06h00 until 18h00 for all Crews - Pilote Briefing Hotel PRESIDENT - YAMOUSSOUKRO Friday 01/03/2013 at 14h00 - First Stewards’ meeting Hotel PRESIDENT - YAMOUSSOUKRO Friday 01/03/2013 at 15h00 - Parc ferme Hotel PRESIDENT - YAMOUSSOUKRO Friday 01/03/2013 at 15h30 - Pre Event Press Conference Hotel PRESIDENT - YAMOUSSOUKRO Friday 01/03/2013 at 16h30 Not applicable - Publication of start list for Leg 1A Hotel PRESIDENT - YAMOUSSOUKRO Friday 01/03/2013 at 16h30 - Rally HQ opening/closing From Friday 1st to Sunday 3rd of March 2013 - Official Notice Board – location Hotel PRESIDENT of YAMOUSOUKRO Friday 01/03/2013 until Sunday 03/03/2013 – at noon - Start Super Special Show Hotel PRESIDENT - YAMOUSSOUKRO Friday 01/03/2013 at 18h30 - Collection of material and documents FISA secretaria – Blvrd DE Marseille (+ Friday 22/02/2013 from 19h00 until 20h00 Tuesday 26/02/2013 from 07h00 until 12h00 and from 14h00 until 20h00 for the foreign - Publication of start list for Leg 1B Hotel PRESIDENT - YAMOUSSOUKRO Friday 01/03/2013 at 22h00 - Ceremonial start Any crew taking part in the rally must arrive at the ceremonial start: Friday01/03/2013 at 18h00 – Hotel PRESIDENT – YAMOUSSOUKRO - Administrative checks Hotel PRESIDENT - YAMOUSSOUKRO Friday 01/03/2013 at 08h30 6 7 - Start of leg 1B. (Start Park Out - Podium) on Saturday 02/03/2013 at 7h30, according to the " LEG 1B Starting List" posted at 22h00 on Friday 01/03/2013. - Finish of Leg 1B, place and time Hotel PRESIDENT - YAMOUSSOUKRO Saturday 02/03/2013 at 17h00 If this application is sent by fax or email, the original must reach the organizer no later than 2 days after the close of entries, before 29/02/2013 at 24h00. 4.3 Number of accepted and Classes Entrants Maximum number of: 30 cars. The Organizing Committee reserves the right to refuse registration of a pilot, a teammate or a competitor (s.74 of International Sporting Code of the FIA) - Publication of start lists for Leg 2 Hotel PRESIDENT – YAMOUSSOUKRO (Official Notice board) Saturday 02/03/2013 at 20h00 The partial unofficial results determine the starting order for the following day Stewards have the right to alter in terms of safety. Classes: 39ème Rally Côte d’Ivoire-Bandama - Start of the of Leg 2 Hotel PRESIDENT - YAMOUSSOUKRO Sunday 03/03/2013 at 06h30 Classes 2 - Finish of Leg 2, place and time Hotel PRESIDENT - YAMOUSSOUKRO Sunday 03/03/2013 at 10h00 3 4 - Podium Ceremony/Prize-giving PODIUM – Hotel PRESIDENT Yamoussoukro Arrival First Car - Sunday 03/03/2013 at 11h30 Each crew absent at this prize giving will have its prizes cancelled. - Time of Publication of Provisional Final Classification Official Notice Board Hotel PRESIDENT - YAMOUSSOUKRO Sunday 03/03/2013 at 12h30 Group S cars will only be taken in consideration in the national classification and not within the FIA result - Post-event Press Conference Hotel PRESIDENT - YAMOUSSOUKRO Sunday 03/03/2013 at 12h30 - Final scrutineering Sunday 03/03/13 at 12h00 Station TOTAL - Yamoussoukro 5 6 7 kit-car up to 1400cc 8 Group N car over 1600cc and up to 2000cc Group N car over 1400cc and up to 1600cc R1B (over 1400cc and up to 1600cc) Group N car up to 1400cc R1A (up to 1400cc) 9 - Time of Publication of Final Official Classification Hotel PRESIDENT - YAMOUSSOUKRO Sunday 03/03/2013 at 13h00 10 4. ENTRIES 4.1. Closing Date of entries 39ème Rally Côte d’Ivoire Bandama: 19/02/2013 at 24: 00 (opened 12/01/2013) 4.2 Entries Procedure Any person who wishes to participate in the39ème Rally Côte d’Ivoire-Bandama must send the attached application duly completed in block capitals, to the permanent secretariat 8 Groups S2000-Rally: 1.6 T engine with a 30mm restrictor S2000-Rally: 2.0 Atmospheric Group R4 Group R5 Group N car over 2000cc (current N4) RGT Cars Group A car over 1600cc and up to 2000cc Super 160 R2C (over 1600cc and up to 2000cc) R3C (over 1600cc and up to 2000cc) R3T (up to 1620cc / nominal) R3D (up to 2000cc / nominal) Group A car over 1400cc and up to 1600cc R2B (over 1400cc and up to 1600cc kit-car over 1400cc and up to 1600cc Group A car up to 1400cc -Cars homologated as car Kit, where the capacity is between 1400 and 1600 cc, may be accepted if they are also consistent with Article 255 - 6.2 "weight" of Appendix J. -The car two wheels equipped with a super charged diesel engine with a lessthan 2000 CC nominal cylinder capacity is accepted in groups A and N. For S1600 homologated cars, it will be possible to use errata expired without any penalty. -Including vehicles whose registration has expired a maximum of 4 years previously -Group car s with a corrected cylinder capacity lessthan 2000cc had their approval accepted by the FIA for the region -Only national group S cars will be accepted by the organizers 9 5. 4.4 Rights of commitment / engagement packages -With optional advertising proposed by the organisers: 250,000 Cfa / 381.15 euro -Without this advertising: 500,000 cfa / 762,25 euro -Entry with advertising is free for foreign crews. -Entry without advertising for foreign crews 500,000 cfa / 762,25 euro INSURANCE The organiser has contracted Insurance civil liability in accordance with the Ivorian law into force on mandatory insurance. This insurance covers the civil liability of the FISA, the Organizer event, the National Sports Commission, interested authorities and agents, services, employees or members (paid or volunteer) of the above as well as the civil liability of the owners, holders or drivers involved and their attendants. A crew will stand for scrutineering before the start if he is acquitted of all of its obligations (financial, administrative) to the Organizing Committeeand/or of the Organizer. RC organizationcovers : Tangible, material and immaterial damages consecutive confused: 50 000 000 cfaby sinister Franchise for property damage:350 000 cfa per claim The entry fees include: The civil liability of the organisers for the damage caused to third parties by accident that would be the consequence of a lack of organization on the occasion of the preparation, the conductand the physical liquidation of the event. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. . One scrutineering card . One set of Road Books . One Service Plate and one Auxiliary Plate . One Service Guide . All competing numbers and plates . A Set of Time cards RC movement covers: Injury: 2 000 000 000 cfa Property damage:50 000 000 cfa per claim Links courses are covered in the civil liability insurance contract of the Organizer. 4.5 Detailed information on payment (including any applicable taxes) The entry application will onlybe accepted if accompanied by the total Entry Fee or by a receiptissued by the Competitor National Sporting Authority. . The fee has to be paid latest by 21/02/2013 intoFISA Bank account mentioning the names of the crew or at least the name of the first driver and the words: « ".39th Rally COTE D’IVOIRE Bandama2013 » Detail bank account can be receive on demand directly to the FISA secretariat. 4.6 Refunds Entry Fees will be refunded in full: - To Candidates whose entry has not been accepted. - In the case of cancellation of the rally. The organizers may refund 50% of the Entry Fee to those Competitors who, for reasons of “Force Majeure” (duly certified in writing by their ASN before the Scrutineering), were unable to start the Rally on the 1st of March 2013 at 24h00. Refunds in the case of package: The written declaration of the package of the crew must be submitted before the closing of the entries either by fax or by mail. Acceptance of the package will be sent for confirmation, by the Organizer to one of the members of the crew. Full refund of the entry fees will be made by the Organizer within a period of maximum 90 day safter the end of the race. If the written declaration of the package of the crew came after the publication of the list. The reimbursement of 50% of the entry fees will be made by the Organizer within a period of maximum 90 day safter the end of the race. Only the declaration in writing the package of the crew will be accepted by the organizer and will be taken into consideration for the reimbursement of the entry fees 6 ADVERTISING AND IDENTIFICATION - Advertising -The advertising proposed by the organizers is described in appendix 4. THE ADVERTISING SPACE ON THE COMPETITION NUMBERS AND THE RALLY PLATES BELONGS TO THE ORGANIZER. THIS ADVERTISING IS OBLIGATORY AND DESCRIBED IN APPENDIX 4.(Art.12 FIA Regional Rally Championships Sporting Regulations). ANY CUTTING, DAMAGING, OR FOREIGN ADVERTISING ON COMPETITION NUMBERS OR RALLY PLATES WILL GIVE THE FOLLOWING PENALTY: START REFUSAL OR EXCLUSION Competitors who accept the Organizer’s optional advertising must reserve the spaces as described in Appendix 4. This optional advertising cannot be removed, or displaced; any infringement will be penalized by payment of the Entry Fee without advertising. - Competition Numbers & Rally Plates (Art.11 2012 FIA Regional Rally) Competition Numbers: the Organizer will provide each Crew with the following, which must be affixed to their car in the positions stated: 6.1.1 Two front door panels measuring 67 cm wide by 17 cm high including a 1 cm white surround. Each of these panels shall comprise a 15 cm x 15 cm competition number box which shall always be at the front of the panel. When the competition number is greater than 99, the box width may be increased. Numerals will be fluorescent yellow (PMS 803), 14 cm high and with a stroke width of 2 cm, on a matt black background. The remainder of the door panel is reserved for the use of the organiser. 6.1.2 Each panel shall be placed horizontally at the leading edge of each front door, with the number at the front. The top of the plate shall be between 7 cm and 10 cm below the lower limit of the window. 6.1.3 No signage, other than the colour scheme of the car, shall be placed within 10 cm of the panel. 10 11 6.1.4One rear window panel which shall measure a maximum of 30 cm wide and 10 cm high, reserved for the use of the organiser. This panel shall be positioned at the top of the rear window and centred left, or right, as indicated in the supplementary regulations. An adjacent area of 15 cm² shall contain the fluorescent orange (PMS 804) 14 cm high competition number on a clear background. This number may be reflective and must be visible from the rear at eye level. 6.1.5 Two numbers for each rear side window which shall be 25 cm high with a stroke width of at least 25 mm, coloured fluorescent orange (PMS 804), and may be reflective. These numbers shall be placed at the top of the rear side windows in conjunction with the driver’s/co-driver’s names. 6.1.6 One roof panel, 50 cm wide by 52 cm high, to be placed on the roof with the top towards the front of the car. A matt black competition number, 5 cm wide by 28 cm high, will be displayed on a matt white background 50 cm wide by 38 cm high. 6.1.7 For the front: one plate fitting into a rectangle 43 cm wide by 21.5 cm high which shall include The competition number. The rally plate must be in a visible position for the duration of the rally. It should in no case cover, even partially the car's licence plate. Such an infringement shall result in a cash penalty of euro200 6.1.8 The Driver’s surname, together with the national flag of his/her competition licence nationality, must appear on the rear side window on both sides of the car, below the competition number. The Driver’s surname alone must be: - In Helvetica: upper case for the first letter of the name and the remainder in lower case. - In white on a clear background. - 6 cm high and with a stroke width of 1.0 cm. In case of glass breakage, the cash penalty for not carrying the Driver’s name is not applied. Article 13 African Rally Championship - General Prescriptions state : In addition to the Drivers name, the Co-Drivers name must also be placed on the side window below the Driver’s one, in the same typeface and size together with the national flag of his/her competition licence nationality. The Competition Numbers supplied by the organisers must appear on the car as described in Appendix 4 during the whole rally. If it is ascertained at any time during the rally that: - A competition number or rally plate is missing: a cash penalty of Euro 100 will be imposed. - The competition numbers or rally plates are missing at the same time, exclusion will be pronounced. 7 TYRES The use of slick tyres is prohibited under pain of exclusion. The use of studded or spiked tyres is prohibited under pain of exclusion. All the Drivers must use moulded tyres, in accordance with the FIA-rules. In addition to complying with the 2013 Regional Rally Championships Sporting Regulations concerning the use of tyres, the allowed quantity of tyres confirmed for use is Unlimited. Three Refuelling Zones for all competitors (see Road Book). Only three(3) members of the team are allowed in refuel zone during refuel. 8.3. fuel autonomy All cars must have a minimum fuel autonomy enabling them to drive at least90 km of which in Competitive Sections. 9 RECONNAISSANCES 9.1.Procedure of registration. Before the start of reconnaissance, each crew must be register with the organiser and sign a document detailing the vehicle that will be used during the reconnaissance. A distinctive sign, given at registration, must be affixed to the vehicle at the level of windshield during the reconnaissance. (wind screen sticker) Used vehicles must conform to article 20.1 of the sporting regulations of the FIA 2012 9.2.Special restrictions and/or national – speed limit on the special stages During the Reconnaissance the number of passages on the special stages is limited to 2(TWO). The number of passages must be checked with a passage control card. -Speed Limit (see Appendix 5) All Reconnaissance of the Rally route has to be done at reasonable speed in accordance tothe traffic rules. All Reconnaissance operations for all the crews may only be carried out using series production cars complying with the specifications defined in the FIA RRCA, Art.20.1.3. Any infringement will result in a penalty as ruled by Art.153 of the International Sporting Code 1st infringement: convocation by the Clerk of the Course 2nd infringement: a cash penalty of euro 500 3rd infringement: a cash penalty of euro 1000 with a transfer of a file to the FISA (2 & 3 are cumulative) 4th infringement: decision by the Stewards of the Meeting - Infringement (during the whole Rally) Traffic Laws Any infringement to the traffic laws established by the qualified Police Authorities or Officials of the Event shall be subject to penalties. The infringements are communicated by Police report in writing to the Organizer. Throughout the entire Rally the Crews must strictly observe the traffic laws of the countries crossed. Any Crew which does not comply with these traffic laws shall be subject to the penalties set out below: - 1st infringement: a cash penalty of euro 500. - 2nd infringement: a 5 minute time penalty = 300 s - 3rd infringement: exclusion from the Rally. - The Cars must be driven with headlights switched on during the whole rally. 9.3. Reconaissance schebule 8 FUEL Wedenesday 27/02/2013 from 06h00 until 18h00 for all Crews Thursday 28/02/2013 from 06h00 until 18h00 for all Crews It is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN to recce at any other time.Survey will be done by the Authorities and the Organizer. The quality of the fuel issued by RCI is unleaded 92 octane (ron). Av-gas is allowed. 8.1. ordering procedure Notapplicable 8.2. distribution for priority and non-priority drivers Notapplicable 12 For Super Special Show, the recco will be done by food and is open on Friday 1 st of march 2013 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. 13 10. ADMINISTRATIVE CHECKS When the Car with its Crew on board has stopped in front of the Starting Control, the Marshall will enter the time scheduled for the start of the Car in question on the Competitive Stage Time Card. He will hand this document back to the Crew. The Start of the Stage will be given by a manual countdown. At the Finish, time is taken manually at second by a flag (Flying Finish). Administrative checks Hôtel President of Yamoussoukro 01/03/2013 At 08: 30. 10.1. Documentstobepresented Driving Licences / ASN Licences (Entrant and Driver) / Authorization National Sport Authority, Car's Homologation Form as well as any appendices to this form/ Legal Documents of the vehicle/ medical form. 11. SCUTINERING, SEALING AND MARKING 11.1 Place and opening hours of the technical audits Station TOTAL of Yamoussoukro 01/03/2013 At 9: 00 Time Schedule Any crew taking part in the rally, or their delegated representative of the competitor, duly designated in writing must arrive at the Scrutineering and present the car in accordance with the following timetable (draft): Friday 01/03/2013 09h00 - 10h00: N° 30 to 22 10h00 - 11h00: N° 14 to 7 11h00 - 12h00: N° 21 to 15 12h00 - 13h00: N° 6 to 1 A lateness penalty of euro 40 per half an hour or part of it on the given timetable for Scrutineering will be applied. The official timetable will posted on the Official Notice Board on Friday 01/03/2013. 11.2. Driver safety equipment All Drivers and Co-Drivers must wear flame-resistant clothing included under wears (FIA appendix ‘L’ Chapt. III art 2) 11.3. Noise level For all cars max. Noise level - 94 dBA to 103 dBA 11.4. Installation of a system of follow-up security (ifany) 11.5. Use of Mud Flaps is Compulsory Subject to FIA standards (Appendix JArt.252.7.7) and the National Ivorian technical regulations for road vehicles. 12. OTHER PROCEDURES 12.1CEREMONIAL START PROCEDURE AND ORDER All crews member must be present at the Ceremonial Start. Cars will start all Road Sections and Competitive Stages at (3) minutes interval 12.4 Permitted Early Check-In At the Time Controls at the end of a day and at the end of the Event, the Crews are authorised to check in early without incurring any penalty. However, the time entered on the time card will be the scheduled time of the rally, not the actual time. (Art. 27.2.11 2012 FIA Regional Rally Sport. Reg.) 12.5 Any Special Procedures / Activities including the Organiser’s Promotional Activities Presentation of crews, meeting of dedications, etc.: place, HOTEL PRESIDENT YAMOUSSOUKRO dates 2013-03-01 from 16 h 30-17 h 30 Obligatory for all crews 12.5.1 Safety Tracking System If any All crew will have to give their phones number they will carry in the car in order to be in contact during the all rally. 12.5.2 Using Procedure during Incident or Accident Each Road Book shall contain, as the rear cover in A4 size (folded), a red “SOS” sign and on the reverse a green “OK” sign. In the case of an accident where urgent medical attention is required, where possible the red “SOS” sign should be immediately displayed to the following Cars and to any helicopter attempting to assist. Any Crew which has the red “SOS” sign displayed to them or sees a car which has sustained a major accident where both Crew Members are seen inside the Car but is not displaying the red “SOS” sign shall immediately and without exception stop to give assistance. All following Cars shall also stop. The second Car at the scene shall proceed to inform the next radio point. Subsequent Cars shall leave a clear route for emergency vehicles. Any Crew which is able to but fails to comply with this rule will be reported to the Stewards who may impose penalties in accordance with the International Sporting Code. In the case of an accident where immediate medical intervention is not required, the “OK” sign must be clearly shown by a Crew Member to the following Vehicles and to any helicopter attempting to assist. If the Crew leaves the Vehicle area, the “OK” sign must be displayed so that it is clearly visible to other Competitors. 12.5.3 EACH COMPETING CAR MUST CARRY A RED REFLECTIVE TRIANGLE WHICH, IN THE EVENT OF THE CAR STOPPING OR BEING INVOLVED IN AN ACCIDENT IN A COMPETITIF STAGE, MUST BE PLACED AT THE SIDE OF THE ROAD IN A CONSPICIOUS POSITION BY A MEMBER OF THE CREW AT LEAST 50 METERS BEFORE THE CAR’S POSITION, IN ORDER TO WARN FOLLOWING DRIVERS. ANY CREWS FAILING TO COMPLY MAY BE SUBJECT TO A PENALTY AT THE DISCRETION OF THE STEWARDS. THIS TRIANGLE MUST BE PLACED EVEN IF THE STOPPED CAR IS OFF THE ROAD. THE EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBER OF THE EVENT IS + (C.O.C) or + 225. 07 17 09 19 (C.R.O) 12.1.1Time Card change during the rally at the Start of each Section 12.2 Super Speciale stage procedure and running order 12.2.1 The running order for the Super Special Stage shall be inverse order of start list of Leg 1B 12.3 Starting System of Competitive Stages Starts of Competitive Stages will be given as follows: The Road Book shall contain a page giving the accident procedure. Any Crew retiring from a Rally must report such retirement to the Organiser as soon as possible: tel. + All Competitors retiring from the Event have to hand in their Time card at the nearest Control Point. Be lacking a penalty of EURO 250 minimum will be applied. 12.6. Other points 14 15 12.6.1During a Competitive Section any assistance is forbidden. Any breach of this rule will result in the guilty Competitor being automatically excluded from the Rally by the panel of the Stewards of the Meeting. All assistance is forbidden outside the Service Park (see Road Book and itinerary appendix 1). 12.6.2"Judges of Fact" (ISC Art 149) will be in charge of checking all prescriptions in relation with Service Rules and Service Parks. Special attention will be paid to the observance of speed limit (30 km/h)within the Service Park and (5km/h) within Refueling Area, Art 41.3 of the General Prescriptions, which also applies to the Service Park and any infringement will result in a penalty, which may go asfar as exclusion. During all assistance the use of a floor cloth is obligatory and proximity of an operational 5 kg fire extinguisher are obligatory. 12.6.3Outside Assistance Parks, all repairs must be carried out exclusively by the Crew using only equipment carried aboard the Competing Car.(Art. 40.1.2 FIA Regional Rally Sporting Regulations) 12.6.4Two Service Vehicles are allowed per entered car. At Service Parks access for only one Service Van plus one auxiliary Service Van is allowed. 12.6.5Infringement to assistance rules are penalised by the Stewards in accordance with of art. 152/153 of the International Sporting Code. 12.7 Super Rally – Restart of subsequent Day after retirement No Super Rally in the 39th Rally Côte d’Ivoire-Bandama 2013 14. PRIZES 14.1 PRICE GINVING PODIUM – Hotel PRESIDENT Yamoussoukro Arrival First Car - Sunday 03/03/2013 at 11h30 Each crew absent at this prize giving will have its prizes cancelled 14.2 LIST OF PRIZES AND CUPS Awarding of Prizes and Cups - All Prizes and Cups can be cumulated. Overall Results Cups (Drivers & Co-Drivers) - 1st, 2nd and 3rd in the General Classification - 1st2WD Cup - 1st Women Other Awards: each Competitor having really taken the start will receive a commemorative plate or certificate. The Overall Results will be established following appendix II-8 of 2012 Regional Rally Championship Sporting Regulations. At the end of each Day, a partial Unofficial Result will be published. The location and time of posting: see Programme. The partial Unofficial Results determine the starting order for the following day. Stewards have the right to alter in terms of safety. 12.8Official time used during the rally The official time for the duration of the rally: GMT 0 - Clock Clock talking No. Tel: 129 (if any) 12.9 Control Point for the car after an accident Location: service parc at Hotel PRESIDENT - Yamoussoukro. 15. FINAL CHECKS AND PROTESTS 13. IDENTIFICATION of officials (tabars) All Officials will wear identification chasuble with the following identifying colors FONCTION SECURITY CHIEF OFFICER TEXTE Responsable sécurité SECURITY OFFICER TENU Orange with whites tripe orange CHIEF MARSHAL Blue with whites tripe Chef de poste MARSHAL blue TIME KEEPER Blue with red stripe Secteur compétitif COR red MEDICAL white Chargé des relations avec les concurrents Croix rouge RADIO yellow SCRUTINEERS black CLERCK OF THE COURSE Green Direction de Course JUDGE OF FACT Grey Juge de fait 15.1 FINAL CHECKS - WHO IS TO ATTEND FROM TEAMS, LOCATION For the Teams called, the Final Checks have to be attended by the mandated representative of the Competitor and two Mechanics with their necessary tools. They must be present at the Start of the Final Checks Location : station TOTAL Sunday 03/03/2013 at 12h30 Sécurité 15.1.1ALL THE CARS IN THE FINAL PARC FERME MAY BE SUBJECT TO A FINAL CHECK (HORN, WINDSHIELD, TURN SIGNAL, LIGHTS …). Sum of EURO 3 (CFA 2.000) is required for each anomaly 15.2 PROTEST FEES Amount of the deposit for protest fee set by FISA: 330,000 cfa ( Euro 500) If the Protest requires the dismantling and the reassembly of different parts of a Car, the Claimant must pay an additional deposit as defined here after For a Protest involving a clearly defined part of the Car (engine, transmission, steering braking System, electrical installation, bodywork, etc.) Amount of: (See FIA Regulations) 16 17 For a Protest involving the whole Car: 1,500euro in Group N and 2,500euro in Group A and other Group The expenses engendered by the dismantling and the transport of the Car shall be charged to the claimant if the Protest is unfounded, or to the defaulting Competitor if it is upheld. If the Protest is unfounded and if the expenses engendered by the Protest (Scrutineering, transport, etc.) are higher than the amount of the deposit, the difference shall be charged to the claimant. On the other hand if the expenses are less, the difference shall be returned to him. - APPENDIX 1 TIMING - ITINERARY TO BE PUBLISHED SEPARATLY 15.3 NATIONAL APPEAL FEES Amount of the appeal deposits Amount for a national appeal (ASN): Cfa 590.000 (Euro 900) Amount for an international appeal (FIA): 12,000euro 18 19 - APPENDIX 2 RECONNAISSANCE SCHEDULE - APPENDIX 3 COMPETITORS’RELATIONS OFFICER The Organiser received the authorisation from the Authorities under condition that reconnaissance should only be allowed on: - WEDNESDAY 27/02/2013 - THURSDAY 28/02/2012 from 06h00 until 18h00 from 06h00 until 18h00 - for all Crews - for all Crews For Super Special Show, the recco will be done by food and is open on Friday 1st of march 2013 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. During the Reconnaissance the number of passages on the special stages is limited To 2(TWO). The number of passages must be checked with a passage control card. It is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN to race at any other time. Survey will be done by the Authorities and the Organizer. NAME Patrick + 225 07 17 09 19/02 82 98 02 patrick.name@yahoo.fr ROLE AND FUNCTION - To inform Competitors and play a mediating role at all times. - Give accurate answers to Competitor questions. - Provide information and clarifications in connection with the Regulations and the running of the Rally. - To avoid forwarding questions to the Organizer, this may be satisfactorily solved by a clear explanation, with the exception of Protests. SCHEDULE LOCATION - Thursday 28 February 2013 Rally HQ - Hotel PRESIDENT - Yamoussoukro - Friday 1st of March 2013 Scrutineering-Turbo Sealing & Marking –LIEU station TOTAL Yamoussoukro Ceremonial Parc Fermé Hotel PRESIDENT Yamoussoukro Service Park – Hotel PRESIDENT Yamoussoukro Rally HQ end of Leg 1a - Hotel PRESIDENT Yamoussoukro - Saturday 2nd of march 2013 Start Parc Fermé- Hotel PRESIDENT Yamoussoukro Refuel zone -Tounzouebo, N. 07.04.259 WO.05.14.740 - Sunday 3rd of march 2013 Start Parc Fermé- Hotel PRESIDENT Yamoussoukro Service Park – Hotel PRESIDENT Yamoussoukro Refuel zone – Akakro ………………………………….. Finish Parc Fermé- Hotel PRESIDENT Yamoussoukro Rally HQ end of Leg 2 Podium - Hotel PRESIDENT Yamoussoukro 20 21 - APPENDIX 4 DOOR PLATES, COMPETITION NUMBERS AND DRIVER’S NAMES - ADVERTISING - APPENDIX 5 SPEED LIMITS ON TRAFFICS ROADS IN COTE D’IVOIRE By IVORIAN Law speed limits on traffic roads in COTE D’IVOIRE are: CITIES - VILLAGES - ANY LIVED CENTER: 50 km/h OPEN ROADS: 90 km/h There are many Policemen around on all COTE D’IVOIRE roads. Ivorian Traffic Policeman is strict and honest. Ivorian Police can use speed guns to control speed of circulating cars Don’t try to corrupt them, corruption is strongly fought and considered as a serious offence. 22 23 - APPENDIX 6 FINES AND PENALTIES Description of Infringement and Fines - Front headlight high / low malfunction - Tail light or number plate light malfunction - Rear stop light malfunction - Reverse lights malfunction - Indicator malfunction - Horn not working - Wipers not working - Exhaust broken - Rear mud flaps missing - Missing at scrutineering of - Rally plates - optional advertising - Late scrutineering - Reporting late at Start Area –ParcFermé - Speeding and traffic offence (1st offence) - Speeding in Service Area - Missing of floor cloth in Service Area Description of Infringement and Penalties - Missing safety triangles / first aid kit / Fire Extinguishers - Missing Insurance - Missing at the Rally Start of - competition numbers - Rally plates - optional advertising - Missing during the Rally Start of - competition numbers - Rally plates - competition numbers & Rally plates - Late Check In Parc Fermé Start Rally - Early check in - Rally or Leg start - Late check in - Rally or Leg start - Early check in - Road Section - Late check in - Road Section - Early check in - Competitive Section (In) - Late check in - Competitive Section (In) - Early check in - Service Park (In / Out) - Late check in - Service Park (In) - Late exit - Service Park (Out) 15 minutes) 15 minutes) - False Start - Competitive Sections : . 1st offence . 2nd offence . 3rd offence . Further offences - Departing before commencement of 30 second countdown. - Entering a Control from the wrong direction - Stopping between control signs or FF to Stop Control 5 000 CFA / each 5 000 CFA / each 5 000 CFA/ each 5 000 CFA/ each 5 000CFA / each 5 000 CFA 5 000 CFA 5 000 CFA 5 000CFA / each 10 000 CFA / each 10 000 CFA/ each 10 000 CFA / each 40 euro/ 30 minutes 1 000 CFA / min 5 000 CFA 10 000 CFA 10 000 CFA - Reversing into a Control - Not reporting to a TC / Stop TC / PC - Missing controllers sign on Time Card - Exceeding maximum lateness - Reporting more then 15 minutes late at start or restart - Alteration to Time Card - Loss of Time Card or Scrutineering Card - Speeding and traffic offence (2nd offence) Regulations - Article 9.2 - Leaving ParcFermé without permission before final results - Unsporting behavior by competitors Service Crew - Tampering with FIA seals - Not wearing crash helmets during Competitive Sections - Not wearing seat belts during Competitive and Road Sections - Not wearing racing suits during Competitive and Road Sections Exclusion Exclusion Exclusion Exclusion Exclusion Exclusion Exclusion See above Supplementary Exclusion Stewards Discretion from 5 Minutes to Exclusion Exclusion Exclusion Exclusion Exclusion Start Refused Start Refused Start Refused Start Refused Start Refused 100 euro 100 euro Exclusion 200 euro 1 minute / minute seconds / minute 1 minute / minute 10 seconds / minute 1 minute / minute 10 seconds / minute 1 minute / minute 10 seconds / minute 10 seconds / minute (for the 1st 1 minute / minute (for the next 30 Seconds 1 Minute 3 Minutes Stewards discretion Exclusion Exclusion Exclusion 24 25 - APPENDIX 7 CONTROL SIGNS - TIME CONTROL CHECKPOINTS 26 27