january - Queen Anne's County Public Schools

Motto: Where Eagles S.O.A.R.
O-Outstanding Behavior
A-Academic Excellence
A Title 1 School & Judy Center Partner
Our Mission: The mission of Sudlersville Elementary School is to educate and enlighten each of our students
through an engaging curriculum and high expectations (for behavior and achievement) by dedicated teachers and
staff with support of parents and the extended community.
Our Vision: A graduate of Queen Anne's County Public Schools will be well-educated, globally competitive and
prepared to become a caring, productive citizen of the 21st Century
Upcoming Events
Schools re-open
PTA/Movie Night
BOE Meeting
Reading Mid-Year Assessment
1/13 SIT @ 2:45 PM
Parent Advisory Council Meeting
follows SIT Meeting.
1/15 Early Dismissal @ 12:00
1/16 Parent Math Homework
Help Session
9-10am in the Media Center
1/20 thru 22 Schools Closed for
Professional Development
1/27 Math Benchmark Assessment
1/31 Magic Math @ 1:30
1/31 Americanism Essay Contest Ends
1/31 4th grade field trip
2/5 BOE Meeting
2/7 Kindergarten Field Trip
2/12 Early Dismissal/Professional
2/17 Schools Closed
Math Problem of the Month
SES students who participate in the Math
Problem of the Month are eligible to win a
small prize if they answer the word
problem correctly. November winners are
Fathia Al-Atiyyat, Jordanna Al-Atiyyat, and
Willie Brown. Congratulations SES
A Title 1 School & Judy Center Partner
* Savannah Fritzsche *MacKenzie Rodriquez *Patrick Born
SES Welcomes New Title I Tutors
Please join me in welcoming new staff members to Sudlersville Elementary School. They will work
with classroom teachers and help with instructional practices.
Jennifer Tucker
(left to right) Sue Ann Gott, Diana Stevens, Robin Van Meter,
Robin Workinger, and Ali Bednarik
SGA in the Christmas Parade
Mrs. Thren's class participates in a
landform science lesson presented
by Mrs. Mitchell
SES students show their spirit for
the holiday. On Wednesday,
December 18, students wore
silver and/or gold.
Tracey Beres, Kindergarten
teacher and Bricenia Ramirez,
Kindergarten student.
A Title 1 School & Judy Center Partner
Pre-K News
Kindergarten News
We hope everyone has a
lovely holiday. To start off
2014, we will continue to
focus on the four seasons
and how they are different.
We will talk about different
types of weather and why
seasons change. In addition,
we will continue sorting
objects into categories,
recognizing written
numerals, making and
comparing sets of objects,
exploring addition and
subtraction with objects,
and identifying letters of the
alphabet. This a great time
of year to do some sensory
learning at home. For
example, take a cookie sheet
and cover it with shaving
cream. Have your child
practice writing their first
and last name, numbers 010, shapes, and letters of
the alphabet on the cookie
sheet. This is a great activity
to help reinforce your child's
knowledge of letters,
numbers, shapes, and their
name. If you have any
questions please feel free
to contract us.
-The Pre-K Team
Kindergarten is making great progress with
learning to express thoughts and ideas by
using letter sounds and the high frequency
words. The high frequency words are the
words that are inside the cover of your
child's red folder. As we prepare your
child for first grade, there are things to
remember about your child's writing. Letter
formation is important! Always have your
child start at the top to make a letter. In
January, your child will be bringing home a
chart that shows the proper way to make
letters. Spaces between words are
important! Learning to leave a space
between words will help your child be a
more organized writer. Proper spelling is
not so important in
kindergarten. We want your child to use
his/her letter sounds and write the sounds
he/she hears, at this time. Encourage your
child to write at home! You can provide
different kinds of paper and/or markers and
pencils to help make it fun.
Payment for the Chesapeake College trip is
due by or before January 6th. If you need
another permission slip, and related
information, please contact your child's
teacher. Our trip is on Friday, February
7th. If there is a school delay or school is
cancelled, we will have to reschedule for
another time.
The Kindergarten Team
Grade 1 News
Merry Christmas!! We know everyone is
looking forward to a well-deserved break.
We have just finished up our science unit
on Life Cycles and will begin learning
about Food Chains in January. In math we
are counting on a hundreds chart and
looking for patterns, as well as skipcounting by 2's, 5's, and 10's. In social
studies we will be looking at maps and
land features. Please continue to read
with your children each night to complete
their reading logs. Also, please work with
your child on the vocabulary words that
are found in their eagle folders. Happy
New Year!!! - First Grade Team
Grade 2 News
January is just about here. Happy
New Year to all our families!! We
hope you have a wonderful
Are you making sure your child is
reading every night? We can’t
stress enough the importance of
this nightly task. It’s good for you
to read to them too. Make it fun.
Not reading? It will show. Our
consistent readers tend to make
more progress in school!
Unit themes we will cover this
next marking period are
Economics, Physics (Heat and
Light), adding and subtracting
with double digit numbers and
writing opinions.
All of the students are working
hard and making progress. The
second half of the year will be
more challenging as we prepare
the children for third grade.
Respect, responsibility and the
Golden Rule are important
characteristics to teach the
children. Treating others the way
you want to be treated is the key
to a well functioning society.
Talking to your children and
modeling good behavior will go a
long way towards making them
really good citizens.
Your second grade team is
always here for you. If you have
any questions or concerns,
please contact us.
A Title 1 School & Judy Center Partner
Grade 3 News
We hope you have a great winter
break! Thanks to all the parents who
chaperoned for the Science Center
field trip. In addition, we would like
to thank all the parents who made
the holiday breakfast a huge
success~ the students loved the
yummy food! This month is very
busy! The third grade students will
take the Common Core Assessment
in Math on Monday, January 6th,
2014. This test consists of
multiplication which was taught in
Topics 5 and 6. Each student is
expected to master their
multiplication facts so please keep
practicing at home. The
multiplication facts are essential
because they are a stepping stone to
our next Topic which is division.
Please make sure that your child is
reading and writing for their weekly
reading log. The assignment for the
reading log will change this monthstudents will be writing summary
paragraphs to correlate with their
reading. Every student will also be
tested on fluency and
comprehension through reading
running records. This will show their
mid- year reading progress. The
month will wind down with schools
being closed on January 20th, 2013
for Martin Luther King Jr’s birthday.
Also, January 21st and 22nd will be
professional development for staff.
As always thanks for your support
and stay warm on these snowy
January days!
- The Third Grade team
Grade 4 News
January 31st 4th
grade will be going to
the DuPont Theater to
watch Freedom Train
for a Title-I funded field
trip. More information
will come home after
the new year.
Please make sure to
send your children in
weather appropriate
clothing. We can not
send children outside
for recess wearing
shorts and short
sleeves shirts. We also
request that children
wear jackets to school
until Spring. We
require all of our
students to wear their
jackets at recess and
dismissal times.
Upcoming content:
Math- We are moving
into division starting in
early January. Review
basic facts with your
child please.
Social Studies- We will
be studying the
Revolutionary War.
Writing- Our focus will
be opinion writing.
Congratulations students
for completing your first
projects with line, shape,
and color. Students have
completed abstract line
studies, sombreros,
mountain landscapes,
turkeys, and creative
monsters just to name a
few of our exciting
projects. Now students
are moving on to studying
the artist Georgia
O'Keeffe, texture, collage,
and color mixing. The first
projects have been
colorful and well done.
Please stop in the art
room to see all that is
going on, as it has been a
wonderful start to the
year. Enjoy the holidays!
Thank you,
Cassie Hosler
A Title 1 School & Judy Center Partner
Health Room
Since the cold and flu season is
upon us here are some tips that
will help keep respiratory
infections from spreading.
Practicing good “respiratory
manners” such as covering your
nose and mouth with a Kleenex or
your inner elbow every time you
sneeze or cough, placing used
Kleenex in the trash , and washing
your hands frequently will help
prevent the spread of these
illnesses from person to person.
Simple tips to follow to help
prevent illnesses are as follows:
1. Keep your hands away from
your eyes, nose, and mouth.
2. Do not share food, utensils,
beverage containers, straws, pens,
or make-up.
3. Avoid close contact with people
who are ill if possible.
If you or your child becomes ill:
1. Get plenty of rest.
2. Drink plenty of fluids such as
water, juice, Gatorade, and
3. Eat some chicken soup or warm
4. Saline nose drops might help.
Get advice from your physician
regarding any over the counter
Call your physician if you or your
child should develop a fever, rash,
thick secretions, or a bad cough.
When the colds come sometimes
the cough soon follows. The Board
of Education has a strict
medication policy which limits the
use of cough drops in school ( due
to the active ingredients they
contain they are considered a
drug). Ludens is the only brand
of cough drops which can be
given at school with a parent
permission note only. All others
require a written order from your
health care provider in addition
to a parent permission note.
Here are some guidelines to
follow regarding student
Students must be “fever free for
24 hours without the aid of fever
reducing medication”, in order to
return to school. If your child
receives an antibiotic for strep
throat, pink eye, or another
contagious illness, they must take
the medication for 24 hours
before returning to school. Also,
your child should not return to
school for 24 hours after having
diarrhea and or vomiting. These
guidelines are in place to protect
all students and staff.
I’m sure we all agree that
students need to be in school to
achieve optimal learning.
However, in order for our children
to perform well and do their best
at school they need to be feeling
well and be healthy.
Stay healthy.
New from the School Counselor
New Years bring new
resolutions! This is a great time
of year to talk to your children
about setting goals. Ideas from
Parents magazine:
start small, let them choose,
show them how, applaud their
effort. Even our youngest
students can make goals
(learning to tie shoes, learning
Happy New Year!
Thank you to the Sudlersville
Ruritans for their contribution
to the bus
behavior incentive. Its so nice
to have the support or our
community partners!
News From SGA: In December,
our students made personal
care bags for 44 or our
neighbors at the Foxxtown
Senior Apartments. This is
another example of the caring
school community we want to
have at SES!
A Title 1 School & Judy Center Partner
Parent Involvement
Computer Lab availability for parents –
Parents took advantage of the open lab
the evening of November 20th. There
will be other opportunities throughout
the school year. Please let me know if
you are interested in coming in to use
the computer lab.
The Parent Resource Room “Morning,
Munch and Mingle” open house was well
attended. Parents came to enjoy
refreshments, meet other parents, and
borrow and take resources to help their
students. Stop by the Parent Resource
Room at any time sees what is available
to you
There will be a PAC (Parent Advisory
Committee) meeting on January 13th at
3:30 p.m. immediately following the SIT
meeting. We will be planning for future
family events and activities and welcome
your input. Any parent interested
participating is invited to attend. A
notification will be sent home. Please
Looking ahead – we are having the very
popular Family Math Event at the
Millington Food Lion again on March
27th. More information will be sent
Ms. Eber’s students were treated to an
ice cream party for having the largest
percentage returned Parent Surveys.
Elaine Butler, Parent Coordinator x234
Math Matters
Happy New Year! As the
New Year begins, it is a
good time to take stock of
what your child knows and
is able to do and set goals
for the New Year ahead.
Children in grades 1 and 2
should be mastering their
addition and subtraction
facts. Children in grades 3
and 4 should be working
on the mastery of their
multiplication facts. Spend
a little time each day
working to develop these
facts so students have
them “at their fingertips”
and practice seeing the
facts in things you do at
home. For example- we
can see addition when we
count how many cans of
soup in the cabinet and
then combine the number
of cans of vegetables to
get a total number of cans.
We can compare the
number of soup cans to
the vegetable cans and
subtract to find how many
more vegetables there are
than soup cans. We can
make arrays of cans to
make multiplication
problems, or separate cans
in to equal groups to
practice dividing sets.
JA in a Day
SES is getting ready to host
our second Junior
Achievement Day on March
25. During the JA in a Day,
students spend the whole
day learning about good
financial choices and how
money is made and saved
and spent. If you are
interested in helping with
this great opportunity,
contact Mrs. Gloyd, Mrs.
Butler or Mrs. Altamirano by
January 19. There will be a
volunteer training on
February 19 from 9:30-10:30
at SES.
With football season in the
“playoff mode”, this
month’s problem will test
your knowledge of scoring
opportunities in the game.
Bring your solutions to Mrs.
Gloyd by January 27 to be
eligible for a prize!
A Title 1 School & Judy Center Partner
The Judy Center Partnership (the Judy Center)
Mobile Literacy Fun Bus is back on the road to
conduct Vocabulary Improvement and Oral
Language Enrichment through Stories
(VIOLETS) outreach in the community to bring
language and literacy to our rural friends not
attending an early childhood program. The
piloted program has been well received by
parents of young children residing in our
community. To increase awareness about the
program, the Judy Center Fun Bus will be in
the Centreville Christmas Parade on
December 13th, 2013!
The Judy Center participated in the recent
“SES/PTA Breakfast with Santa” event held on
Saturday December 7th, 2013. The Judy
Center was responsible for a craft activity for
participants at this event. We had a great
time working with parents and children as
they created a beautiful Christmas ornament
for their tree. A fun time was had by all!!!
Moms and their children on the Judy Center Fun Bus.
Decorating ornaments at the recent “SES/PTA
Breakfast with Santa” event.
Important dates to remember:
Remaining December adult
education classes will be held
on 12/16/13 and 12/18/13.
Judy Center Playgroup will be
held on 12/19/13 at SES
The Judy Center sponsored
story-time will be held at
Sudlersville Memorial Library on
Read and Rise will also be held
on 12/19/13.
A Title 1 School & Judy Center Partner
Students of the Month
Congratulations to the Students of the Month for the month of December!
A big cheer for these outstanding students who were recognized
for their outstanding behavior!!!
Natalie Stinchcomb
Christopher Mast
Jamahl Thompson
Scott Price
Nathan Navarro
AM Pre-K
Mrs. Dean
PM Pre-K
Mrs. Dean
Mrs. Beres
Mrs. Chance
Ms. Landgraf
Katie Galan Perez
Mrs. Munson
Enrick Mendoza
Andre Young
Mrs. Bennett
Mrs. Darling
Briley Williams
Mrs. Davis
Meygan Hastings
Ms. Eber
Darby Skinner
Ms. Kane
John Rochester
Mrs. Troyer
Bairon Vasquez
Mrs. Bildstein
Sophia Mohen
Mrs. Leventhal
Lacy Ervin
Mrs. Thren
Parker Dalrymple
Mrs. Embert
Nathan Leager
Mrs. Rosendale
Jessica Brown
Mrs. Settelmaier