Launching a Chapter - Fort Hays State University

Presented by:
Debra Prideaux, Executive Alumni Director
Charlene Nichols, Assistant Alumni Director
November 20, 2010
To facilitate alumni involvement with the University through
communication, activities and support. The Association promotes Fort
Hays State University, its students and its graduates and serves that
community with integrity and pride.
FHSU……The Association
1916 – $5 dues funded alumni directory
7 Alumni Directors
Nita Landrum –1928-61
Harold Stones –1961-67
Milford Messer –1967-69
Ron Pflughoft –1970-74
Sally Ward –1974-86
Jan Johansen –1987-88
Ron Pflughoft –1988-97
Debra Prideaux - 1997-Present
Friend-Raiser/Record Management
History Preserver and Conveyor
Governed by Board of Directors
Robbins Center 2007
The Board of Directors is a 24 member, governing board that sets the policy and direction of the Association
in developing life-long relationships between the university and its alumni and friends.
2010-11 Executive Council
Brian DeWitt ’89
Past President
Chuck Sexson ‘72
Awards & Recognition
Kevin Moeder ‘82
Finance & Operations
Brenda Herrman ‘00
Josh Biera ‘92
At-Large Member
Dennis Spratt ‘71
At-Large Member
Cassie Augustine Jones ‘96
Membership & Marketing
Interesting FHSU Alumni Facts (FY2009-10)
FHSU – Living Alumnus
Ellis County………………………4,073
United States.......................50 states
Foreign.……………………………73 countries
Database Services
Total Files………………………. 86,500
Addressable Files…………….43,684
Email Addresses………………26,000+
# of Impressions…………….633,506
Benefits & Services
FHSU Magazine/FHSU-TigerTalk
Student Recognition Programs
Homecoming Weekend
State of Kansas Tiger License Tag
Graduation/Faculty Brunch
Awards & Recognition Program
Lewis Field Pioneers, Half-Century Club
# events annually……………….... 45-55
# participants served……………..3,054
# students ……………………………….933
# of Tiger tags…………………………. 459
2010 Alumni Chapter System
•Establish effective chapter system in Kansas and beyond
•Unite persons interested in future of Fort Hays State
•Offer alumni opportunity to participate in chapters
•Develop supporting body of alumni leaders
•Welcome new Tiger alumni to your community
•Serve as ambassadors of Fort Hays State
--------•Assist in recruitment of qualified students
•Serve as career mentors to current FHSU students
•Promote fellowship amongst chapter members
•Support University activities and events
•Serve as University legislative advocates
•Recognition of outstanding alumni efforts
Launching a Chapter
1. Identify leaders and key founding members
2. Select officers
a. Chapter council president
b. County president
c. Vice president
d. Secretary
e. Communications coordinator (or rep)
f. Treasurer
g. Young alumni activities coordinator
h. Alumni admissions representative
i. Community service coordinator (or rep)
j. Legislative advocate
Launching a Chapter (cont.)
3. Develop bylaws
4. Coordinate and maintain communication strategy
5. Focus on short-term and long-term goals
6. Determine calendar and events schedule
7. Reach out to all audiences - inclusion vs exclusion
8. Establish traditions and continuity of goals
9. Provide recognition of chapter volunteers
10. Communicate with Alumni Office often
Make it fun! Make it meaningful! Make a difference!
What we can do for you!
Database support
Membership acquisition & fulfillment services
Accounting & financial services
Funding support through dues revenues
Event participation & support
Assistance with mailings & communications
Source of ideas/expertise
Annual chapter leadership training
Getting the word out about your chapter’s activities
Communications channels are rapidly
We’ve got the tools to help you!
The Basics
Printed Invitations
Need 18 weeks notice
When possible, will be sent bulk mail
RSVPs handled by the Alumni Office
The Basics
E-mail Invitations
Sent through the Alumni e-mail provider
Sent at least 2 weeks prior and then again within
week of RSVP date
RSVPs handled by the Alumni Office
The Basics
• FHSU Magazine
 3 issues per year to paid members
(Jan/Feb, May/June, Aug/Sep)
 1 issue per year to all addressable
alumni and members
 Each issue to feature Chapter news
The Basics
• FHSU-TigerTalk
 Monthly e-newsletter
 Sent to 26,000+ alumni and friends
 Deadline for submission – 15th of month prior to
Beyond The Basics
• Chapter Web Page
 Communications Coordinator or other designated
officer will be given administrator rights
 Alumni staff will train chapter designee
 Lots of possibilities: slide shows/photo albums,
downloadable forms, event updates, and more!
Beyond The Basics
• Social Media
 Alumni staff will create a chapter Facebook page.
 Chapter officers will be given administrator privileges
 Other possibilities: LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube
 The sky’s the limit with social media!
The Bottom Line
No Matter What Media Strategy you
choose, we’re always here to help!
Debra Prideaux
Alumni Director &
Govtl Relations
Charlene Nichols
Asst Alumni Director
Lisa Lang
Finance &
Jeani Billinger
Office Mgr
You are the future of Fort Hays State
Get involved - the ways are endless!