TRA/TAA - Connecticut Department of Labor

Trade Adjustment Assistance
The Trade Act of 1974, as amended
Includes provisions of the Trade and Globalization
Adjustment Assistance Act of 2009
– for petition numbers greater than 70,000
Connecticut Department of Labor
What Is TAA
How Will It Help Me?
Connecticut Department of Labor
What Is TAA?
TAA provides reemployment benefits and income support to
workers certified by the U.S. Department of Labor because
they have been hurt by foreign trade.
You may apply for TAA if you are part of a worker group
certified and, during the certification period, you
• experience a total or partial layoff or
• become individually threatened with total or partial layoff
Connecticut Department of Labor
Help from TAA:
Benefits and Reemployment
Income Support-Trade Readjustment Allowances (TRA)
Health Coverage Tax Credit (HCTC)
Job Search Allowance
Relocation Allowance
Reemployment Trade Adjustment Assistance (RTAA)
Each benefit has specific eligibility requirements. Pay attention to
important deadlines and apply in a timely way to make the most of
your benefits.
Connecticut Department of Labor
What Is the Goal of TAA?
To help you return to
suitable employment
as quickly as possible.
Connecticut Department of Labor
Trade Readjustment Allowances
Weekly income support while you are totally or partially
–TRA is in addition to your unemployment insurance
(UI) but not payable for the same weeks of
–You may not be able to qualify for TRA if you were
employed less than 26 weeks during the 52-week
period ending with your separation.
Connecticut Department of Labor
TRA Benefit Limits
• BASIC TRA - 26 weeks
• ADDITIONAL TRA - Up to 78 weeks while
participating in training
• REMEDIAL TRA - Up to 26 weeks while
participating in training, if remedial or
prerequisite training is part of your re-training
Including your 26 weeks of unemployment insurance, TAA helps
provide you with up to 156 weeks of income support.
Connecticut Department of Labor
TRA Has a Training
Enrollment Deadline
• If otherwise eligible for TRA, you have a training
enrollment deadline. The deadline is specified in
the TRA determination you received.
• You may not receive TRA for weeks of
unemployment after your training enrollment
deadline unless, prior to the deadline, you enroll in
TAA-approved training or receive a waiver of the
training requirement.
• Additional details, including limited exceptions to
this deadline, are provided at the conclusion of this
Connecticut Department of Labor
Training Enrollment/
Training Waiver
“Enrolled in training” means you have been
accepted into a training program that has been
approved by the TAA program and begins within
30 days.
A training waiver may be issued, after an
assessment of your employment and training
needs, if training is not suitable and appropriate.
Training may still be possible at a later date even
if a waiver is issued.
Connecticut Department of Labor
Basic TRA may be payable
• While you attend TAA-approved training
• After you complete TAA-approved training
• While you are covered under a training waiver
and comply with waiver follow-up requirements.
Additional TRA, including extra weeks of TRA
based on any necessary remedial education or
prerequisite courses, may only be paid while you
participate in training.
Connecticut Department of Labor
Weekly Claims for TRA
• Claims for TRA payments are filed by mail, not by
telephone or Internet, so payment delivery may take
longer than regular unemployment insurance.
• Each weekly TRA claim must be accompanied by an
additional document:
– A training attendance form or…
– If you have a waiver of training or have completed
training, details about your job-seeking efforts.
Connecticut Department of Labor
TRA Job Search Requirements Are
More Strict than UI
• Generally, a minimum of three employer contacts per
week, with efforts made on at least two days of each
• Unless your job prospects are good, you are required
to accept any offer of work which is within your
capabilities. You must consider other types of work,
including work below your highest skill level and work
which pays lower wages.
Connecticut Department of Labor
Work You May Refuse
• Work that pays less than the State minimum
wage or less than your TRA gross weekly
benefit amount.
• Work that pays substantially less than
average for the occupation.
• A job offer not made in writing or listed with
the Labor Department.
Connecticut Department of Labor
Your Record of Job-Seeking Efforts
Must Include:
• Date of the employer
• Company name and
• Method of contact
• Type of work sought
• Person contacted
(name or title if
• Result (not hired, not
qualified, pending, etc.)
Connecticut Department of Labor
Health Coverage
Tax Credit (HCTC)
A federal tax credit that pays 72.5% of your monthly
health plan premium if you are an eligible individual
enrolled in a qualified health plan. The remaining
27.5% of the premium is paid by you.
Family members may also qualify if claimed as
dependents on your federal tax return.
Connecticut Department of Labor
Qualified Health Plans
• Federal/State COBRA Continuation Coverage if you are paying more than 50% of the cost of
coverage. Contact your current health plan or
former employer for information
• Health Reinsurance Association of Connecticut contact phone number: (800) 842-0004
• Spousal Coverage - if your spouse pays more than
50% of the cost with after-tax dollars
• Individual Policy - if the policy began at least 30
days prior to separation from the employer.
Connecticut Department of Labor
How Does
HCTC Work?
Eligible individuals with qualifying health insurance can:
• Apply to take the tax credit at the end of the year when
filing a federal income tax return (even if they do not owe
any taxes); or
• Enroll to receive the HCTC monthly as their premiums
become due.
Certain general requirements need to be met:
• Ineligible for Medicare or coverage through the U.S.
military health system (CHAMPUS/ TRICARE)
• Not claimed as a dependent on another person’s federal
tax return or imprisoned
Connecticut Department of Labor
Who May Be Eligible for HCTC?
• Individuals receiving Trade Readjustment
Allowances (TRA), including certain individuals
whose TRA is interrupted due to a break in training.
• Individuals who would be eligible to receive TRA
but have not yet exhausted their unemployment
insurance and meet eligibility deadlines for
enrollment in TAA approved training or receive a
waiver from training.
• Individuals receiving Reemployment Trade
Adjustment Assistance (RTAA) or Alternative Trade
Adjustment Assistance (ATAA) benefits.
• Individuals receiving a Pension Benefit Guaranty
Corporation (PBGC) benefit payment who are 55
years or older.
Connecticut Department of Labor
HCTC Questions?
Visit the Internal Revenue Service Website (Keyword/search: HCTC)
Or call the HCTC Customer Contact Center
1 - 866 - 628- HCTC (4282)
TTY: 1-866-626-4282
Connecticut Department of Labor
TAA Training
Obsolete skills may mean it’s time
for a new career.
Connecticut Department of Labor
TAA training must lead to an occupation in demand.
The Connecticut Department of Labor will approve
your request for training if the proposed training
satisfies all TAA requirements.
While attending TAA-approved training, you do not
have to seek or accept work.
Connecticut Department of Labor
Types of TAA Training
• Occupational skills or vocational training
– includes college-level degree or certificate programs
and necessary prerequisite courses; includes
apprenticeable trades
• Remedial education
– includes Adult Basic Education, General Educational
Development, English as a Second Language
• Employer-based training
– on-the-job training (OJT) or training customized to
the needs of a specific employer or group of
– for customized training, an employer must contribute
at least 50% of the training cost and promise to
employ you when training ends
Connecticut Department of Labor
TAA Training Requirements
1) No suitable employment is available to you.
2) The training is reasonably available from either
governmental or private sources.
3) There is reasonable expectation of employment
once you complete the training.
4) You have the background, education, skills or
experience needed to succeed in the training.
5) You have the physical, mental, and financial
capabilities needed to complete the training.
6) The training is suitable for you and available at
reasonable cost.
Connecticut Department of Labor
Training Participation
Training should be of the shortest duration necessary to
enable your return to work.
- a maximum of 156 weeks in training is allowed
- part-time training may be approved but your
training must be full time in order to receive TRA
Connecticut Department of Labor
Training Limitation
Your training plan may include multiple components and
training types, but you are entitled to only one training
program and occupational goal under a single Trade
Act certification.
Before you apply for and begin training, extensively
consider the suitability and appropriateness of both
your requested training program and anticipated
occupational goal.
Meet with your TAA representative early for
Connecticut Department of Labor
Job Search Allowance
100% of allowable costs while seeking work outside your
commuting area, up to $1,500.
• Reimbursable costs include expenses for travel,
lodging and meals.
• Reimbursement is subject to the limitations of the
prevailing per diem rate authorized under federal
travel regulations for the locality where the job search
is conducted.
Connecticut Department of Labor
Job Search Allowance
• You must be found to lack suitable work opportunities
within your commuting area, defined as within 40 miles
from your home.
• Applications must be approved before you begin the
job search.
• You must be totally separated from adversely affected
employment before beginning your job search.
• Job search allowance is for prearranged job interviews
that offer you a reasonable expectation of employment.
Connecticut Department of Labor
You must apply for a Job Search
Allowance before the later of:
• 365 days after either your applicable Trade Act
certification date or your last total separation, or
• 182 days after completing TAA-approved training
Connecticut Department of Labor
Relocation Allowance
100% of allowable costs for moving yourself, family and
households goods, if necessary to accept
employment outside your commuting area.
1) A travel allowance for the expense of transportation,
lodging and meals during relocation;
2) A moving allowance for reasonable and necessary
moving expenses; and
3) A lump sum payment equal to three times your
average weekly wage, up to $1,500.
Connecticut Department of Labor
Relocation Allowance
• You must be found to lack suitable work opportunities
within your commuting area.
• Travel and moving allowances are subject to limitations
imposed by federal travel regulations, including the
prevailing per diem rate authorized for the locality to
which relocation is made and the maximum pounds of
authorized net weight permitted for the move.
• You must receive a bona fide offer of work within the
United States that necessitates relocation outside your
commuting area and provides a reasonable expectation
of long-term employment.
Connecticut Department of Labor
Relocation Allowance
• An application must be filed before
your relocation begins.
• A relocation allowance may be granted
only once under a certification.
• You must be totally separated from adversely
affected employment before relocation begins.
• You must begin your relocation within 182 days of
filing your application for relocation allowance or
completing TAA-approved training.
Connecticut Department of Labor
You must apply for a Relocation
Allowance before the later of:
• 425 days after either your
applicable Trade Act
certification or your last total
separation, or
• 182 days after completing
TAA-approved training
Connecticut Department of Labor
Reemployment Trade
Adjustment Assistance (RTAA)
A wage subsidy for individuals 50 years of age and older
who obtain lower-paying work.
RTAA helps bridge the salary gap between the old and
new employment.
Connecticut Department of Labor
RTAA Eligibility
You must be reemployed either:
• full-time (at least 35 hours per week, working for
one or more employers) OR
• part time, if working at least 20 hours per week
while participating full time in TAA-approved
The work cannot pay more than $55,000 per year
(excluding overtime) or be with the same firm (or
subdivision, if applicable) specified by the Trade Act
certification providing your eligibility.
Connecticut Department of Labor
RTAA Wage Subsidy and Eligibility Period
• RTAA pays 50% of the difference between:
– Your new wages from reemployment, and
– Your old wages at the time of separation
(the subsidy is pro-rated if you work part time while
• RTAA payments may not exceed $12,000 during a twoyear eligibility period.
– If you receive any TRA, your RTAA eligibility period
will be reduced by the number of TRA weeks
– Once you receive RTAA, you may not resume filing
for unclaimed TRA.
• Your eligibility period begins when you exhaust UI, or
begin your new job – whichever is sooner.
Connecticut Department of Labor
Other Reemployment Services
Make effective use of the employment and case
management services available to help with your
• A comprehensive, specialized assessment of your
skill level and employment and training needs
• Individual career counseling
• Development of an individual employment plan
• Short-term prevocational services (interviewing and
résumé workshops, for example)
• Information about
– available training and how to apply
– how to apply for financial aid
– labor market statistics, job vacancies
– supportive services
Connecticut Department of Labor
Your Responsibilities
• Review TAA information and materials carefully to
help you make the best use of available benefits and
allow for your application within the specified time
• Keep a notebook of your efforts to find work to help
us evaluate the effectiveness of your reemployment
• Keep your TAA representative informed of any
changes in your training program or employment
Connecticut Department of Labor
TAA benefits are unique and are not
available to most job seekers.
Use Yours Wisely!
Connecticut Department of Labor
TRA Training Enrollment Deadline
Training enrollment (you have been accepted into a training
program that has been approved by the TAA program and
begins within 30 days) or waiver issuance must occur before the
latest of:
(1) the last day of the 26th week after your most recent total
separation from adversely affected employment,
(2) the last day of the 26th week after the date of the Trade Act
certification providing your eligibility, or
(3) 45 days after the date specified in (1) or (2) if extenuating
circumstances justify an extension in the enrollment period, or
(4) the Monday of the week occurring 60 days after you first receive
notice about the training enrollment deadline and your eligibility
to apply for TAA, if you failed to enroll by the date required by
(1), (2), or (3) because you did not receive timely information
about the training enrollment deadline and your eligibility to apply
for TAA.
Connecticut Department of Labor
TRA Training Enrollment Deadline
If your training waiver is terminated, you must be enrolled in
training by the Monday of the week occurring 30 days after
the week of waiver termination.
If you miss your applicable deadline through no fault of your
own you may still qualify for TRA…
-By establishing good cause for late filing or justifiable cause
due to unforeseen circumstances like a health emergency.
-By restarting the process as a member of a reserve
component following active-duty military or full-time
National Guard service.
Connecticut Department of Labor