Conceptual Framework - Beeghly College of Education

~ Reflection
in Action ~
~ Reflection in Action ~
~ Questions to be Considered ~
What is Accreditation?
What are Standards?
What are Institutional Standards?
What is a Conceptual Framework?
Why is a Conceptual Framework important?
What is our Conceptual Framework?
What are the key elements of the CF?
Understanding the Institutional Standards
The Alignment of Institutional Standards
What is Accreditation?
Accreditation is what we must have in order to legally &
professionally be considered a legitimate college of
education offering degree and licensure programs.
Our accrediting body is the National Council for Accreditation of
Teacher Education or “NCATE” as it is called.
Overall, successful accreditation means that we prove to
NCATE that we are meeting the standards they require.
What are Standards?
Standards are expectations for performance levels
deserving of accreditation.
At the most general level, there are two different kinds
of standards that NCATE demands we address:
1. External Standards.
2. Internal Standards.
What are Standards?
External Standards:
Standards common to all accredited colleges of
education created by external, professional
associations, state government agencies, and
NCATE, itself.
Meeting these standards shows how we are like all
other accredited institutions preparing educators.
What are Standards?
Internal Standards:
Standards created internally by our own institution.
The internal standards we create for ourselves are
“Institutional Standards.”
Meeting these standards shows how we are
unique from all other accredited institutions
preparing educators.
What are Institutional Standards?
Institutional Standards:
1. They are defined and explained in what is called a
“Conceptual Framework.”
2. They form a theme for professional practice that is a
context for our programs and courses.
3. The Conceptual Framework details our unique
Institutional Standards & it shapes our Vision & Mission
for the college.
What is a Conceptual Framework?
A Conceptual Framework is the underlying structure that
gives definition and meaning to how and why we do what
we do as a professional education institution.
The Conceptual Framework characterizes the particular
approach we use to shape our programs, courses,
teaching, assessments, & institutional accountability.
The Conceptual Framework also articulates our theme of
Reflection in Action & makes explicit our Institutional
Why is a Conceptual Framework important?
A Conceptual Framework is an extremely important
part of our college being accredited--Being certified as a
legitimate, effective institution for conducting degree and
licensure programs for educators at both the
undergraduate & graduate levels.
Our Conceptual Framework is intended to
inform, to guide, and to inspire faculty and
students by providing a central theme of related
ideas from which programs evolve, are
explained, and are assessed.
What is our Conceptual Framework?
Our Conceptual Framework carries forth the
~ Reflection in Action ~
Reflection in Action is grounded in a
knowledge base of reflective thinking that
comes from the established works of many
writers including John Dewey, Donald Schon,
Nel Noddings, Deborah Britzman, Grant
Wiggins & many others.
What are the key elements of our
Conceptual Framework?
The full array of the key elements of our
Conceptual Framework are seen in the
schematic diagram.
What are the key elements in our Conceptual
From the knowledge base on critical reflectivity,
seven key principles of Reflection in Action were
derived to define & shape our Conceptual
Reflection in Action is:
1. Reasoned
2. Ethical
3. Fair
4. Logical
5. Effective
6. Critical
7. Technical
What are the key elements of our
Conceptual Framework?
The seven principles are then used to form our Institutional
Standards & then become benchmarks for the other elements
of our Conceptual Framework.
What are the key elements of our
Conceptual Framework?
Vision is our
destination--our desired
result for all that we do.
Our Vision is our sense
of purpose, the
underlying reason why
we do what we do.
Our Vision is
Reflection in Action.
What are the key elements of our
Conceptual Framework?
Mission is the means by
which we plan to arrive at
our destination as
expressed in our Vision.
What are the key elements of our
Conceptual Framework?
Standards represent our
recognition & acceptance
of the External Standards
set forth by professional
governmental agencies, &
NCATE as they apply to
what is expected of all
accredited institutions of
What are the key elements of our
Conceptual Framework?
Knowledge, Skills, &
Dispositions represent the
specifics of what the External
Standards intend. They are
our interpretation of these
standards in terms of course
objectives as seen on our
What are the key elements of our
Conceptual Framework?
Programs represent
specific, cohesive degree &
licensure strands offered
through our various
departments within the
What are the key elements of our
Conceptual Framework?
Opportunities to Learn
is how we define
curriculum--our courses,
field experiences, practica,
workshops, seminars, &
theses studies.
What are the key elements of our
Conceptual Framework?
Assessments are the
mechanisms we use to
determine the degree to
which the knowledge, skills,
& dispositions derived from
external & internal
standards have been
learned. Assessments
include the essential &
critical tasks within our
courses & the transition
points within our programs.
What are the key elements of our
Conceptual Framework?
Outcomes represent the
ideals & characteristics of
Reflective Practice that we
describe in our Vision.
What are the key elements of our
Conceptual Framework?
Diversity & Technology
represent two important
strands that we value & strive
to infuse throughout our
programs that are drawn
from both external & internal
Understanding the Institutional Standards
Understanding the Institutional Standards is central to
being a Reflective Practitioner. Our understanding of them
is also critical to accreditation success.
Exercising rational judgment and giving thoughtful consideration to their
professional activities and decisions.
Candidates use research, theory, and wisdom of practice to inform their
Candidates apply the appropriate knowledge of assessment and
evaluation to their practice.
Candidates utilize evaluation results for evidence-based decisionmaking.
Candidates employ reflective professional judgment across all facets of
their practice.
Acting in a moral, legal, and principled manner in professional
Candidates apply ethical and legal practices in performing their professional
Candidates demonstrate knowledge of education policies at the local, state
and national level for instructional decision making.
Candidates value and apply the professional code of conduct particular to
their area.
Exercising democratic fairness, principled concern, and humane care in all
professional activities.
A. Candidates demonstrate professional, collaborative, and inclusive dispositions
both in their field placements and within their courses.
B. Candidates foster inclusive environments, and respect the backgrounds of and
beliefs held by their students or clients.
C. Candidates strive to meet the educational needs of all students or clients in a
caring, non-discriminatory, and equitable manner.
D. Candidates collaborate with colleagues, families and communities to ensure
that all students reach their potential.
Thinking analytically in a deliberately consistent and rationally defensible manner.
Candidates think systematically and analytically about professional practice
and professional decision-making.
Candidates appropriately apply knowledge of research to their professional
Applying professional knowledge in a consciously purposeful and
deliberate manner.
A. Candidates are proficient in the procedures, techniques, and methods of
their respective fields.
B. Candidates are proficient in the content of their respective fields.
Using professional knowledge, objectively applying it to their own
professional actions and the actions of others to the benefit of their
students and clients.
Candidates evaluate their own effectiveness by giving attentive consideration to
the positive growth of their students/clients.
Candidates assess the needs for professional development and actively engage
in professional activities to expand their knowledge, experiences and
Attending to procedural details and optimizing the use of technologies
appropriate to professional practice.
Candidates effectively and appropriately integrate various technologies into their
work as teachers, counselors and administrators to maximize P-12 student
Candidates utilize technology to enhance their own professional development.
The Alignment of Institutional Standards:
Accreditation also requires that we show how our
Institutional Standards align with External Standards
established by the State of Ohio.
The following slides show how our seven Institutional
Standards for Reflection in Action align with the Ohio
Standards for the Teaching Professional & the Ohio
Standards for Principals.
Ohio Standards for the Teaching Profession and BCOE Conceptual
Teacher Standards
Conceptual Framework
Students: Teachers understand student learning and development, and respect the diversity of the students they teach.
Teachers display knowledge of how students learn and of the
developmental characteristics of age groups.
R4: Reflective practice is Logical.
R4B: Candidates appropriately apply knowledge of research to their
professional practice.
Teachers understand what students know and are able to do and use
this knowledge to meet the needs of all students.
R4B; R5A
R4: Reflective practice is Logical.
R4B: Candidates appropriately apply knowledge of research to their
professional practice.
R5: Reflective practice is Effective.
R5A: Candidates are proficient in the procedures, techniques, and
methods of their respective fields.
Teachers expect that all students will achieve to their full potential.
R3: Reflective practice is Fair.
R3C: Candidates strive to meet the educational needs of all students
or clients in a caring, non-discriminatory, and equitable manner.
Teachers model respect for students’ diverse cultures, language skills
and experiences.
R3: Reflective practice is Fair.
R3B: Candidates foster inclusive environments and respect the
backgrounds of and beliefs held by their students or clients.
Teachers recognize characteristics of gifted students, students with
disabilities and at-risk students in order to assist in appropriate
identification, instruction, and intervention.
R3C; R5A
R3: Reflective practice is Fair.
R3C: Candidates strive to meet the educational needs of all students
or clients in a caring, non-discriminatory, and equitable manner.
R5: Reflective practice is Effective.
R5A: Candidates are proficient in the procedures, techniques, and
methods of their respective fields.
Content: Teachers know and understand the content area for which they have instructional responsibility.
Teachers know the content they teach and use their
knowledge of content-specific concepts, assumptions
and skills to plan instruction.
R5: Reflective practice is Effective.
R5B: Candidates are proficient in the content of their
respective fields.
Teachers understand and use content-specific
instructional strategies to effectively teach the central
concepts and skills of the discipline.
R5: Reflective practice is Effective.
R5A: Candidates are proficient in the procedures,
techniques, and methods of their respective fields.
Teachers understand school and district curriculum
priorities and the Ohio academic content standards.
Teachers understand the relationship of knowledge
within the content area to other content areas.
R2: Reflective practice is Ethical.
R2B: Candidates demonstrate knowledge of education
policies at the local, state, and national level for
instructional decision-making.
R5: Reflective practice is Effective.
R5B: Candidates are proficient in the content of their
respective fields.
Teachers connect content to relevant life experiences
and career opportunities.
R5: Reflective practice is Effective.
R5A: Candidates are proficient in the procedures,
techniques, and methods of their respective fields.
R4: Reflective practice is Logical
R4A: Candidates think systematically and analytically
about professional practice and professional decisionmaking.
Assessment: Teachers understand and use varied assessments to inform instruction, evaluate and ensure
student learning.
Teachers are knowledgeable about assessment types, R1B R1: Reflective practice is Reasoned.
their purposes and the data they generate.
R1B: Candidates apply the appropriate knowledge of
assessment and evaluation to their practice.
Teachers select, develop and use a variety of
diagnostic, formative and summative assessments.
R1B R1: Reflective practice is Reasoned.
R1B: Candidates apply the appropriate knowledge of
assessment and evaluation to their practice.
Teachers analyze data to monitor student progress
and learning, and to plan, differentiate and modify
R1C R1: Reflective practice is Reasoned.
R1C: Candidates utilize evaluation results for evidencebased decision-making.
Teachers collaborate with and communicate student
progress with students, parents and colleagues.
R3A; R3: Reflective practice is Fair.
R3D R3A: Candidates demonstrate professional,
collaborative and inclusive dispositions both in their field
placements and within their courses.
R3D: Candidates collaborate with colleagues, families
and communities to ensure that all students reach their
Teachers involve learners in self-assessment and goal R1C R1: Reflective practice is Reasoned.
setting to address gaps between performance and
R1C: Candidates utilize evaluation results for evidencepotential.
based decision-making.
Instruction: Teachers plan and deliver effective instruction that advances the learning of each individual student.
Teachers align their instructional goals and activities with
school and district priorities and Ohio’s academic content
R2B R2: Reflective practice is Ethical.
R2B: Candidates demonstrate knowledge of education
policies at the local, state and national level for
instructional decision-making.
R5A R5: Reflective practice is Effective.
R5A: Candidates are proficient in the procedures,
techniques, and methods of their respective fields.
Teachers use information about students’ learning and
performance to plan and deliver instruction that will close
the achievement gap.
Teachers communicate clear learning goals and explicitly
link learning activities to those defined goals.
R5A R5: Reflective practice is Effective.
R5A: Candidates are proficient in the procedures,
techniques, and methods of their respective fields.
Teachers apply knowledge of how students think and
learn to instructional design and delivery.
R1A R1: Reflective practice is Reasoned.
R1A: Candidates use research, theory and wisdom of
practice to inform their pedagogy.
Teachers differentiate instruction to support the learning
needs of all students, including students identified as
gifted, students with disabilities and at-risk students.
Teachers create and select activities that are designed to
help students develop as independent learners and
complex problem-solvers.
R3C; R3: Reflective practice is Fair.
R5A R3C: Candidates strive to meet the educational needs of
all students or clients in a caring, non-discriminatory, and
equitable manner.
R5: Reflective practice is Effective.
R5A: Candidates are proficient in the procedures,
techniques, and methods of their respective fields.
R5A R5: Reflective practice is Effective.
R5A: Candidates are proficient in the procedures,
techniques, and methods of their respective fields.
Teachers use resources effectively, including technology,
to enhance student learning.
R7A R7: Reflective practice is Technical.
R7A: Candidates effectively and appropriately integrate
various technologies into their work as teachers,
counselors and administrators to maximize P-12 student
Learning Environment: Teachers create learning environments that promote high levels of learning and
achievement for all students.
Teachers treat all students fairly and establish an
environment that is respectful, supportive and caring.
R3: Reflective practice is Fair.
R3B: Candidates foster inclusive environments and
respect the backgrounds of and beliefs held by their
students or clients.
Teachers create an environment that is physically and
emotionally safe.
R3: Reflective practice is Fair.
R3C: Candidates strive to meet the educational needs
of all students or clients in a caring, non-discriminatory,
and equitable manner.
Teachers motivate students to work productively and
assume responsibility for their own learning.
R1C; R1: Reflective practice is Reasoned.
R5A R1C: Candidates utilize evaluation results for evidencebased decision-making.
R5: Reflective practice is Effective.
R5A: Candidates are proficient in the procedures,
techniques, and methods of their respective fields.
Teachers create learning situations in which students
work independently, collaboratively and/or as a whole
R5: Reflective practice is Effective.
R5A: Candidates are proficient in the procedures,
techniques, and methods of their respective fields.
Teachers maintain an
environment that is conducive to
learning for all students.
R3B; R3C
R3: Reflective practice is Fair.
R3B: Candidates foster inclusive environments
and respect the backgrounds of and beliefs held
by their students or clients.
R3C: Candidates strive to meet the educational
needs of all students or clients in a caring, nondiscriminatory, and equitable manner.
Collaboration and Communication: Teachers collaborate and communicate with other educators, administrators,
students and parents and the community to support student learning.
Teachers communicate clearly and effectively.
R3A R3: Reflective practice is Fair.
R3A: Candidates demonstrate professional, collaborative
and inclusive dispositions both in their field placements and
within their courses.
Teachers share responsibility with parents and caregivers R3D R3: Reflective practice is Fair.
to support student learning, emotional and physical
R3D: Candidates collaborate with colleagues, families and
development and mental health.
communities to ensure that all students reach their potential.
Teachers collaborate effectively with other teachers,
R6B R6: Reflective practice is Critical.
administrators and school and district staff.
R6B: Candidates assess the needs for professional
development and actively engage in professional activities
to expand their knowledge, experiences and relationships.
Teachers collaborate effectively with the local community R3D R3: Reflective practice is Fair.
and community agencies, when and where appropriate, to
R3D: Candidates collaborate with colleagues, families and
promote a positive environment for student learning.
communities to ensure that all students reach their potential.
Professional Responsibility and Growth: Teachers assume responsibility for professional growth, performance, and
involvement as an individual and as a member of a learning community.
Teachers understand, uphold and follow professional
ethics, policies and legal codes of professional conduct.
R2A; R2: Reflective practice is Ethical.
R2C R2A: Candidates apply ethical and legal practices in
performing their professional responsibilities.
R2C: Candidates value and apply the professional code of
conduct particular to their area.
Teachers take responsibility for engaging in continuous,
R6A R6: Reflective practice is Critical.
purposeful professional development.
R6A: Candidates evaluate their own effectiveness by giving
attentive consideration to the positive growth of their
Teachers are agents of change who seek opportunities to R6B R6: Reflective practice is Critical.
positively impact teaching quality, school improvements
R6B: Candidates assess the needs for professional
Alignment: Ohio Standards for Principals and BCOE Conceptual Framework
Approved Summer 2008 (EFRTL)
Principals Standards
Conceptual Framework
Continuous Improvement: Principals help create a shared vision and clear goals for their schools and ensure continuous
progress toward achieving the goals.
Principals facilitate the articulation and realization of a
shared vision of continuous improvement.
Principals lead the process of setting, monitoring and
achieving specific and challenging goals that reflect
high expectations for all students and staff.
Principals lead the change process for continuous
Principals anticipate, monitor, and respond to
educational developments that affect school issues
and environments.
R6: Reflective practice is Critical.
R6A: Candidates evaluate their own effectiveness
by giving attentive consideration to the positive
growth of their students/clients.
R1: Reflective practice is Reasoned.
R1D: Candidates employ reflective professional
judgment across all facets of their practice.
R5: Reflective practice is Effective.
R5A: Candidates are proficient in the procedures,
techniques, and methods of their respective fields.
R4: Reflective practice is Logical.
R4A: Candidates think systematically and
analytically about professional practice and
professional decision-making.
Instruction: Principals support the implementation of high-quality standards-based instruction that results in
higher levels of achievement for all students.
Principals ensure that the instructional content that is
taught is aligned with the academic content standards
and curriculum priorities in the school and district.
Principals ensure instructional practices are effective and
meet the needs of all students.
Principals advocate for high levels of learning for all
students, including students identified as gifted, students
with disabilities and at-risk students.
Principals know, understand, and share relevant
Principals understand, encourage and facilitate the
effective use of date by staff.
R2: Reflective practice is Ethical.
R2B: Candidates demonstrate knowledge of education
policies at the local, state and national level for
instructional decision-making.
R5: Reflective practice is Effective.
R5B: Candidates are proficient in the content of their
respective fields.
R1: Reflective practice is Reasoned.
R1B: Candidates apply the appropriate knowledge of
assessment and evaluation to their practice.
R3: Reflective practice is Fair.
R3C: Candidates strive to meet the educational needs of
all students or clients in a caring, non-discriminatory, and
equitable manner.
R3: Reflective practice is Fair.
R3C: Candidates strive to meet the educational needs of
all students or clients in a caring, non-discriminatory, and
equitable manner.
R1: Reflective practice is Reasoned.
R1A: Candidates use research, theory, and wisdom of
practice to inform their pedagogy.
R4: Reflective practice is Logical.
R4B: Candidates appropriately apply knowledge of
research to their professional practice.
R1: Reflective practice is Reasoned.
R1C: Candidates utilize evaluation results for evidencebased decision-making.
School Operations, Resources and Learning Environment: Principals allocate resources and manage school
operations in order to ensure a sage and productive learning environment.
3.1 Principals establish and maintain a safe school
3.2 Principals create a nurturing learning environment that
addresses the physical and mental health needs of all.
3.3 Principals allocate resources, including technology, to
support student and staff learning.
3.4 Principals institute procedures and practices to support
staff and students and establish an environment that is
conductive to learning.
3.5 Principals understand, uphold and model professional
ethics, policies and legal codes of professional conduct.
R3 R3: Reflective practice is Fair.
R3C: Candidates strive to meet the educational needs of all
students or clients in a caring, non-discriminatory, and
equitable manner.
R3 R3: Reflective practice is Fair.
R3C: Candidates strive to meet the educational needs of all
students or clients in a caring, non-discriminatory, and
equitable manner.
R7 R7: Reflective practice is Technical.
R7A: Candidates effectively and appropriately integrate
various technologies into their work as teachers, counselors
and administrators to maximize P-12 student learning.
R7B: Candidates utilize technology to enhance their own
professional development.
R4 R4: Reflective practice is Logical.
R4A: Candidates think systematically and analytically about
professional practice and professional decision-making.
R2 R2: Reflective practice is Ethical.
R2A: Candidates apply ethical and legal practices in
performing their professional responsibilities.
R2C: Candidates value and apply the professional code of
conduct particular to their area.
Collaboration: Principals establish and sustain collaborative learning and shared leadership to promote
student learning and achievement of all students.
Principals promote a collaborative learning
Principals share leadership with staff,
students, parents and community members.
Principals support and advance the
leadership capacity of all educators.
Principals connect the school with the
R3: Reflective practice is Fair.
R3D: Candidates collaborate with colleagues, families and
communities to ensure that all students reach their potential.
Principals involve parents and community
members in improving student learning.
R3: Reflective practice is Fair.
R3D: Candidates collaborate with colleagues, families and
communities to ensure that all students reach their potential.
Principals use community resources to
improve student learning.
R3: Reflective practice is Fair.
R3D: Candidates collaborate with colleagues, families and
communities to ensure that all students reach their potential.
Principals establish expectations for the use
of culturally responsive practices that
acknowledge and value diversity.
Principals establish expectations for the use
of culturally responsive practices that
acknowledge and value diversity.
R3: Reflective practice is Fair.
R3B: Candidates foster inclusive environments, and respect
the backgrounds of and beliefs held by their students or
R3: Reflective practice is Fair.
R3A: Candidates demonstrate professional, collaborative,
and inclusive dispositions both in their field placements and
within their
R3: Reflective practice is Fair.
R3D: Candidates collaborate with colleagues, families and
communities to ensure that all students reach their potential.
R6: Reflective practice is Critical.
R6A: Candidates evaluate their own effectiveness by giving
attentive consideration to the positive growth of their
Parents and Community Engagement: Principals engage parents and community members in the
educational process and create an environment where community resources support student learning,
achievement and well-being.
~ Beeghly College of Education ~
Educating for Reflective Professional
Practice in the 21st Century.