Property and Liability Insurance Policies

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Discuss the importance and basic principles
of property insurance, including types of
exposure, indemnity, and co-insurance
Identify types of coverage provided by home
owner’s insurance
Select the right home owner’s insurance
policy for your needs
Analyze the coverage in a personal
automobile policy (PAP) and choose the
most cost-effective policy
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PFIN4 | CH10
Describe the other types of property and
liability insurance
Choose a property and liability insurance
agent and company, and settle claims
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Basic Principles of Property Insurance
• Property insurance
• Protects real and personal property from losses
caused by various perils
• Liability insurance
• Protects against financial consequences from the
insured’s responsibility for property loss
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Types of Exposure
• Exposure to property loss
• Property insurance contracts define:
• Property covered
• Perils: Cause of loss
• Property inventory
• Identifying perils
• Liability
• Negligence: Failing to act in a reasonable
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Principle of Indemnity
• States that an insured may not be
compensated with an amount exceeding the
insured’s economic laws
• Actual cash value: Value assigned to an insured
property determined by subtracting the amount
of physical depreciation from its replacement
• Right of Subrogation: Insurer’s right to request
reimbursement from person who caused the
loss or that person’s insurer
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Principle of Indemnity
• Other insurance clause
• States that if a person has more than one
insurance policy on a property, each company is
liable for only a prorated amount of the loss
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Exhibit 10.2 A Guide to Home Owner’s
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Property and Liability Insurance Policies
Comprehensive policy
• Covers all perils unless they are specifically
Named peril policy
• Individually names the perils covered
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Perils Covered
• Section I
• Perils against which the home and its contents
are insured
• Section II
• Includes a coverage called comprehensive
personal liability
• Offers protection against personal liability
resulting from negligence
• Provides limited amount of medical coverage
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Factors Affecting Home Insurance Costs
Type of structure
Location of home
Credit score
Other factors
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Property Covered
• Home owner’s policy offers property
protection under Section I for:
• Dwelling unit
• Accompanying structures
• Personal property of home owners and their
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Personal Property Floater (PPF)
• Provides blanket or scheduled coverage of
expensive personal property not adequately
covered in a home owner’s policy
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Renter’s Insurance
• Form HO-4
• Covers contents of a house but not the structure
• Form HO-6
• Required by the owners of condominium units
• Includes a minimum of $1000 in protection for
any building alterations paid for by the policy
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• Types of losses covered
• Direct loss of property
• Indirect loss occurring due to loss of damaged
• Additional expenses resulting from direct and
indirect losses
• Section I
• Damage of the house by an insured peril leads
to the insurer paying reasonable living expenses
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• Section II
• Home owner’s policy covers:
• Cost of defending the insured
• Reasonable expenses incurred by an insured in
helping the insurance company’s defense
• Payment of court costs
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• Persons covered
• Persons named in the policy and members of
their families residing in the house
• Guests of the insured with limited coverage
• Locations covered
• Extended worldwide when off premises
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Factors Influencing Insurance Payment
Amount for a Loss
• Replacement cost
• Amount necessary to repair, rebuild or replace
an asset at current prices
• Policy limits
• Deductibles
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Personal Automobile Policy (PAP)
• Designed to be easily understood by the
typical insurance purchaser
• Liability coverage
• Bodily injury liability losses: Protects the
insured against claims made for bodily injury
• Property damage liability losses: Protects the
insured against claims made for damage to
• Medical payments coverage
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Personal Automobile Policy (PAP)
• Uninsured motorists coverage: Serves the
victims of accidents injured by uninsured,
underinsured, or hit-and-run motorists
• Underinsured motorists coverage: Covers
damages in accidents involving liable
underinsured motorist
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Personal Automobile Policy (PAP)
• Coverage for damage to the vehicle
• Collision insurance: Pays for collision damage
to an insured automobile
• Comprehensive automobile insurance:
Protects against loss to an insured automobile
caused by any peril other than collision
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Factors Affecting Automobile Insurance
Rating territory
Amount of use the automobile receives
Personal characteristics of the driver
Type of automobile
Insured’s driving record
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Financial Responsibility Laws
• Require motorists to:
• Buy a specified minimum amount of
automobile liability insurance
• Provide other proof of comparable financial
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Other Property and Liability Insurance
• Supplemental property insurance coverage
• Earthquake insurance
• Flood insurance
• Other forms of transportation insurance
• Personal liability umbrella policy
• Provides excess liability coverage and
additional coverage for home owner’s and
automobile insurance
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Property and Liability Insurance Agents
• Captive agent: Represents a single
insurance company and is its employee
• Independent agent: Places coverage with
any company with which he or she has an
agency relationship
• Selecting an agent involves questions to be
asked about the company’s:
• Financial soundness
• Claims-settlement practices
• Geographic range of operations
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First Steps Following an Accident
Record contact details of all witnesses,
drivers, occupants, and injured parties
Record license numbers of the
automobile involved
Notify law enforcement officers and
insurance agent
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Steps in Claim Settlement
Notice to insurance company
Proof of loss
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Claims Adjustment
• Insurance company will assign a claims
adjustor if the loss is complex
• Claims adjustor: Insurance specialist who
works for the insurance company or for an
adjustment bureau
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Property insurance
Liability insurance
Principle of indemnity
Actual cash value
Right of subrogation
Comprehensive policy
Named peril policy
• Personal property
floater (PPF)
• Replacement cost
• Personal automobile
policy (PAP)
• Bodily injury liability
• Property damage
liability losses
• Uninsured motorists
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• Independent agent
• Underinsured
motorists coverage
• Claims adjustor
• Collision insurance
• Comprehensive
automobile insurance
• No-fault automobile
• Financial responsibility
• Personal liability
umbrella policy
• Captive agent
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PFIN4 | CH10
• Property insurance covers against losses of
real and personal property caused by
• Comprehensive policies cover all perils but
only individual perils are covered in named
peril policies
• Home owners can choose HO-1, HO- 2, HO-3,
HO-5, or HO-8 to suit their needs
• Types of automobile insurance
• Personal automobile policy, collision insurance,
and comprehensive automobile insurance
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PFIN4 | CH10
• Other property and liability insurance
• Supplemental property insurance coverage
• Personal liability umbrella policy
• Steps to claim settlement
• Provide notice to the insurance company
• Investigation by company personnel
• Provide proof of loss
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