First Nations.WEBSITES

First Nations/Aboriginal [Edit | Delete]
[Add a link under "First Nations/Aboriginal"]
Industry in the Classroom [Edit | Delete] [Posted By: jonathanmauti]
Ontario Ministry of Education Toolkit [Edit | Delete] [Posted By: jonathanmauti]
Truth & Reconciliation [Edit | Delete] [Posted By: jonathanmauti]
First Nations History Theme Page [Edit | Delete] [Posted By: jonathanmauti]
June 11-13th 2010 [Edit | Delete] [Posted By: jonathanmauti] FORGIVEN June 11-13th 2010 - Ottawa, Ontario On June 11,
2008, Prime Minister Stephen Harper extended an apology and asked for forgiveness of the First Nations,
Inuit and Métis people for historic wrongs, and for the abuses many aboriginal people experienced in
residential schools in Canada. A national coalition of First Nations, Inuit and Met... 4 hours ago · Comment
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Indigenous Education Network (OISE/UT-links to other important sites [Edit | Delete] [Posted By:
from daniel shaule [Edit | Delete] [Posted By: jonathanmauti] Use this site to find sources for your paper
"New" Specific Claims [Edit | Delete] [Posted By: jonathanmauti] ...from e-mail...daniel shaule
globe and mail [Edit | Delete] [Posted By: jonathanmauti]
e from e-mail from Daniel Shaule
White Paper [Edit | Delete] [Posted By: jonathanmauti]
Canada in the Making [Edit | Delete] [Posted By: jonathanmauti] HAS TEACHER SECTION
R v. Howard...Sumpreme Court LINK [Edit | Delete] [Posted By: jonathanmauti]
Bill C-31 Discrimination against Native Females [Edit | Delete] [Posted By: jonathanmauti]
Resolution of Land Claims [Edit | Delete] [Posted By: jonathanmauti]
Dan Shaule's webpage [Edit | Delete] [Posted By: jonathanmauti]
Oka [Edit | Delete] [Posted By: jonathanmauti]
recommended by native studies prof [Edit | Delete] [Posted By: jonathanmauti]
Recommended by Prof [Edit | Delete] [Posted By: jonathanmauti] Read: RCAP's Early patterns of treaty making (pages
119-133); Royal Proclamation of 1763. (pages 720-725).
National Aboriginal Document Database [Edit | Delete] [Posted By: jonathanmauti] National Aboriginal Document
Database...listed by Native Studies Prof on Blackboard
Link recommeded by Native Studies Prof [Edit | Delete] [Posted By: jonathanmauti]
National Aboriginal Document Database This site contains Treaties, Statutes, and Legislation on
Aboriginal Peoples
Canadian Indian Policy: A Constitutional Trap [Edit | Delete] [Posted By: jonathanmauti] Canadian Indian Policy: A Constitutional Trap
Kevin Annett [Edit | Delete] [Posted By: jonathanmauti]
Tune in to Kevin's lively public affairs program "Hidden from History". Guests include activists from the
west coast native community, anti-poverty movements, and ordinary men and women battling injustice,
police brutality and globalization on the ground.
Canadian Genocide [Edit | Delete] [Posted By: jonathanmauti]
First Nations Summit [Edit | Delete] [Posted By: jonathanmauti]
First Nations Summit lots of Backgrounders to Residential Schools Stephen Harper's Apology
Royal Commission Report on Aboriginals [Edit | Delete] [Posted By: jonathanmauti] Royal Commission on Aboriginals
Link : Daniel Shaule [Edit | Delete] [Posted By: jonathanmauti]
ainc link....part of "required texts" by Prof Daniel Shaule
Indian Affairs [Edit | Delete] [Posted By: jonathanmauti]
Statement of the Government of Canada on Indian Policy (The White Paper) [Edit | Delete] [Posted
By: jonathanmauti]
Royal Commission Report on Aboriginals [Edit | Delete] [Posted By: jonathanmauti]
Canadian Studies: A Guide to the Sources (Aboriginals) [Edit | Delete] [Posted By: jonathanmauti]
The Native peoples of Canada have a diverse heritage which is gaining popular and scholarly profile,
particularly with the creation of the new territory of Nunavut ("our land"), the launching of the Aboriginal
Peoples Television Network (APTN), and the establishment of the First Nations University of Canada (see
also the Aboriginal Canada Portal). Bruce Trigger's Natives and Newcomers examines the early, often
catastrophic, contacts between Aboriginals and Europeans. Also still useful is George Stanley's classic, The
Birth of Western Canada, which has been in print almost continuously for the past 65 years. Canada's First
Nations, by Olive Dickason, Skyscrapers Hide the Heavens, by J.R. Miller, Native Peoples, edited by R.
Bruce Morrison and C. Roderick Wilson, and As Long as the Sun Shines and Water Flows, a Native
Studies reader edited by Ian Getty and Antoine Lussier, add to our understanding of the complex historical
issues facing Aboriginals. Daniel Francis's Imaginary Indian: The Image of the Indian in Canadian Culture
and J.R. Miller's Shingwauk's Vision: A History of Native Residential Schools are two outstanding
thematic studies. The literary voices of Canada's Native peoples are recorded in An Anthology of Canadian
Native Literature in English, edited by Daniel Moses and Terry Goldie. However, the Report of the Royal
Commission on Aboriginal Peoples, whose CD-ROM edition, For
Seven Generations, includes submissions and research reports, is of unparalleled significance in the field of
Native Studies; it proposes a comprehensive and innovative framework for redressing First Nations'
constitutional and land claims.
Mohawk Indian woman essays NCJRS [Edit | Delete] [Posted By: jonathanmauti] NCJRS (National Criminal Justice
Reference Service) These essays present the reflections of one Mohawk Indian woman and her struggles to
find a place in Canadian society, focusing on issues of racial and gender discrimination and other problems
experienced by Aboriginals in Canada.
University of Western [Edit | Delete] [Posted By: jonathanmauti]
First Nations Equity [Edit | Delete] [Posted By: jonathanmauti] First Nations Equity First Nations Equity offers financial and
management consulting services on corporate and community project financings, business partnerships,
joint ventures, business development, impact and benefit agreement negotiations, consultations with First
Nations, and economic and business research. The company serves Aboriginal communities and enterprises
that are owned and/or operated by Native community based corporations or Native entrepreneurs. The
company serves public and private corporations that wish to develop joint ventures or partnerships with
Aboriginal communities or their businesses. The company also provides wealth management services to
Aboriginal clients through a referral agreement with a major wealth management firm.
First Nations Environmental Network [Edit | Delete] [Posted By: jonathanmauti] First Nations Environmental Network
First Nation Information Project [Edit | Delete] [Posted By: jonathanmauti] In our research for information on the Internet in relation to First Nations,
we have found that the search results for economic development, community planning, self-government,
education, etc., that may be focused on First Nation communities can be difficult to find. You can spend
hours and even days " SURFING " researching, the net to find meaningful information. It is with this in
mind that we have established the " FIRST NATION INFORMATION PROJECT ". This project is
intended to provide a mechanism to share knowledge, interests, and effective practices connecting the
Aboriginal community from around this expanse country and the world.
Can Teach....for teachers [Edit | Delete] [Posted By: jonathanmauti] Three "approaches" to FN content in the classroom: 1.
Add-on 2. Integration 3. Immersion = Wholistic Curriculum?
University of Toronto [Edit | Delete] [Posted By: jonathanmauti]
Canadian Heritage [Edit | Delete] [Posted By: jonathanmauti] To promote the accessibility, knowledge and
research of Canadian Heritage by publishing via the Internet an extensive collection of historical photos,
original documents, Canadian artwork, maps, and illustrations, fully documented and researched for
historical authenticity, and presented in a "user friendly" format;
First Nations Periodical Index [Edit | Delete] [Posted By: jonathanmauti] The First Nations Periodical Index contains journals of mainly
Canadian Native content. This Index is a tool providing access to information about First Nations for
students (high school or university), educators, instructors and researchers. The First Nations Periodical
Index is a joint project of the Saskatchewan Indian Federated College, Saskatoon Campus, the
Saskatchewan Indian Cultural Centre and the Library Services for Saskatchewan Aboriginal Peoples
First Nations Films [Edit | Delete] [Posted By: jonathanmauti] First Nations Films
First Nations Histories [Edit | Delete] [Posted By: jonathanmauti] First Nations Histories
University of British Columbia [Edit | Delete] [Posted By: jonathanmauti] The First Nations House of Learning welcomes you to our website. We hope
that this site assists you in learning more about the many programs and services available for prospective
and current Aboriginal students at UBC.
First Nations Bank [Edit | Delete] [Posted By: jonathanmauti]
First Nations Bank
First Nations School Net [Edit | Delete] [Posted By: jonathanmauti] Our organization has a track record and experience in implementing
Information and Communications Technology with First Nations and provincial schools. Through a series
of projects, we have worked with schools to better their connectivity, maintain their systems, train their
teachers in technology use, and deliver on-line courses. Our corporate vision is to use Information and
Communications Technology to increase the educational opportunities available in First Nations and
remote communities.
First Nations University [Edit | Delete] [Posted By: jonathanmauti]
Stephen Harper's Apology [Edit | Delete] [Posted By: jonathanmauti] Prime Minister Stephen Harper rose in the House of
Commons in Ottawa to apologize to survivors of Canada's Residential School System at 12 PM on
Wednesday June 11, 2008.
First Nations Summit [Edit | Delete] [Posted By: jonathanmauti] The FNS is comprised of a majority of First Nations and Tribal Councils in BC and
provides a forum for First Nations in British Columbia to address issues related to Treaty negotiations as
well as other issues of common concern. As one of the principals of the treaty negotiation process along
with Canada and BC, the First Nations Summit plays an important and ongoing role in ensuring that the
process for conducting Treaty negotiations is accessible to all First Nations. However, the Summit does not
participate in negotiations at individual treaty tables. Each treaty table is autonomous in its negotations.
Health Canada: First Nations [Edit | Delete] [Posted By: jonathanmauti] Health Canada is working with First Nations people and
Inuit to improve their health. Together with First Nations and Inuit organizations and communities, we
carry out many activities aimed at helping people stay healthy, and prevent chronic and contagious
First Nations Seeker [Edit | Delete] [Posted By: jonathanmauti] DIRECTORY OF NORTH AMERICAN INDIAN PORTAL WEBSITES
First Nations Drum [Edit | Delete] [Posted By: jonathanmauti] Back issues of First Nations Drum Newsletters are listed by season and
year. Click on the link to view the articles that were published for each season.
Aboriginal Canada [Edit | Delete] [Posted By: jonathanmauti] A listing of First Nation communities across Canada. Check
your listing according to your province/Region and advise us for an update or correction
First Nations [Edit | Delete] [Posted By: jonathanmauti] We are proud to bring Native issues, peoples and culture to the Internet in a
way that allows us to educate, understand and promote Native ways. Our Internet web site is a place where
all Indigenous Peoples have a forum for their many voices.
First Nations [Edit | Delete] [Posted By: jonathanmauti] This multimedia tutorial focuses on the histories
of Canada's First Nations peoples from ancient times to the nineteenth century. This module provides
examples of creation myths and it examines scientific theories of when and how people migrated to the
North American continent. This tutorial profiles the lifeways of Canada's First Nations peoples, outlining
the cultures and languages of the Native groups inhabiting the northern lands of this continent. It also
examines the economic, political, and social impact of European contact. Finally, this module looks at the
reasons the First Nations and the Government of Canada negotiated and signed treaties, the terms of these
treaties, and how all parties reacted to them.
The Assembly of First Nations (AFN) [Edit | Delete] [Posted By: jonathanmauti] First Nations The Assembly of First Nations (AFN) is the national
organization representing First Nations citizens in Canada. The AFN represents all citizens regardless of
age, gender or place of residence.