10 things To Look For In A Franchise, and How The Skedaddle

10 Things to
Look For In a
How The Skedaddle
Humane Wildlife
Control Franchise
Measures Up
Franchising is a powerful model to help
people realize their dreams. Its success is
manifested in the number of operating
franchises, the number of brand names built
through franchising; the millions of customers
served every day, and the tremendous
opportunity it represents to franchisees. If you
are hoping to enter the world of franchising
and earn part of the $68 billion dollars the
Canadian Franchise industry makes yearly,
you must consider these 10 important factors.
1: The Market Opportunity: Has a defined market
been determined? Is that market in growth mode or is
it in decline? Is the market susceptible to changes in
the economy? Understanding with complete
certainty who you your customer base will be, and
what market you wills serve them in will determine the
viability, and ultimately the profitability, of the
franchise. A superior product and service with
established and recession-proof market demand will
increase your chances of success.
 Skedaddle
Humane Wildlife Control’s Market
Opportunity: As lethal trapping and harvesting
methods become increasing unacceptable to the
environmentally friendly public, humane wildlife
control industry is growing. The Wall Street Journal
reports that hundreds of millions of dollars are spent
annually on nuisance wildlife control. The
opportunity for success is already there. It is just
waiting for you to grab it. Wildlife Control is a
recession proof business. Animals don't realize the
economy is tough. Homeowners in times of
recession retreat to their castle and spend less on
vacations and luxury items. They protect their main
investment, their home. When animals threaten
that investment they must take care of the
2:Training and Support. Study and compare
all support areas: initial training, construction
(if necessary), grand opening support,
ongoing support, marketing, technology, and
so on. The more support franchisees receive
for the initial franchise fee and ongoing
royalty fees, the better.
 Skedaddle
Humane Wildlife Control’s Support: As a
Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control franchisee,
you will get the professional support you need plus
the training to get you on the right track to
operating the franchise. We have a training house
that has all the real life situations you will encounter
in a controlled environment suited to educate you
on the skills required. We also have an intense 2
week training class focused on the execution of
the business model.
3: Level of Investment. You have to begin with a
personal inventory of how much you can
comfortable invest. All franchise companies will look
at your liquid capital (sometimes known as the
capital required) your assets-to-liabilities, and your
net worth. If you come in undercapitalized, you are
more likely to fail and drain the resources of the
franchise company, and the franchise is like an
ecosystem built for the collective good of all the
owners. Be honest with yourself about what you can
 Skedaddle
Humane Wildlife Control’s Level of
Investment: Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control
offers a franchise opportunity in your area for an
affordable buy-in rate. With our established
operating model, successful track record and
respected name, your chances for longevity, profit
and overall success are high. The investment cost
associated with any franchise covers materials and
training. But more than what you get in return for
your buy in is the fact that you are associating
yourself with a nationally known brand.
4: Territory: A territory is a group of defined
municipal boundaries. Franchise companies
are redefining their metrics when carving out
a territory. Depending on your industry and
business, look for what’s trending in your
territory. Is that territory experiencing growth
or decline? Make a visit to City Hall and
speak with someone in planning or zoning.
Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control’s Territory Exclusivity: As part of
our service to franchisees, we are proud to say that we have great
market demographics! We offer a detailed Market Preview for the
territory you will potentially invest in.
 The Market Preview provided to potential franchisees include:
 Population density
 Single family property density
 Household income index
 Color-coded map of each area
 Summary of the single family dwellings/population
 Most franchisees of Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control begin
with the single territory option. This starter program provides
franchisees with one service truck. The investment cost is $1,000
per 10,000 population with a $25,000 minimum. The first 12
months lets you grow your business by adding one more truck
and increasing marketing efforts. A typical single territory
franchisee must be capable of leveraging or borrowing another
$25,000 in capital.
 Demographics for a territory: Approximate population of 250,000.
There is an optional 500 sq. ft. office space requirement, but most
franchisees start with home-based offices.
5: Branding. Does the franchisor work harder
to protect the integrity of the brand and to
protect negative customer experience? The
brand is a concept’s face to the world. It is
the company's name, how that name is
visually expressed through a logo, and how
that name and logo are extended
throughout an organization's
communications. A brand is also how the
company is perceived by its customers and
the associations and inherent value they
place on your business.
 The
Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control brand: Most
homeowners associate the urban wildlife control
industry with unprofessional service. Our branding
conveys the opposite. From the look of our vehicles,
our crisp and clean uniforms and staff, our call
centre experience, our website, and our marketing
materials. Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control is
Canada’s largest wildlife removal and exclusion
company and has been in business since 1989.
What started out as a single service vehicle back in
1989, is now a fleet of 34 across Ontario, Nova
Scotia and Quebec. To say that we are a known
brand is an understatement. Given the established
and growing clientele, the company can give new
franchise owners a great head-start.
6:Company History. Researching the officers
and management of the franchise along with
those who will be supporting your business
should provide you with some insight on the
franchise’s culture. Look for stability and
experience, as franchising is competitive and
you want the best team as your partner.
 Skedaddle
Humane Wildlife Control’s History:
What started out as a single service vehicle
back in 1989, is now a fleet of 34 across
Ontario, Nova Scotia and Quebec. Our
name is synonymous to exceptional service.
We deliver a lifetime guarantee on our
workmanship and materials, which puts our
promise of quality head and should above
the competition.
7: Return On Investment: This represents what
you can expect to earn on your investment.
Understanding what the estimated ROI is for a
proposed franchise is a critical step in the
process of purchasing a franchise. If the
estimated ROI is realistic and based upon
reasonable expectations then you’re ready to
proceed to the next step in the process.
 Skedaddle
Humane Wildlife Control’s ROI: Before
determining how much you can make, you need
to think about how much you want to make. Once
you have determined your financial targets, we
can work with you on a plan to fulfil your financial
vision. A key feature of Skedaddle Humane Wildlife
Control’s business model is that it is scalable; it can
grow as large or as small as your financial appetite
will allow.
 Remember, in franchising, the growth and success
of your location is controlled by you. We just
provide the tools, training, marketing, brand, and
system to assist you in fulfilling your dream of
becoming a successful business owner. You will be
in business for yourself but not by yourself.
8: Technology: Look for a franchise
opportunity that utilizes technology to
make your business life easier and
streamlined, such as a sales support
system, safety systems for employee
monitoring, etc.
 Skedaddle
Humane Wildlife Control’
Technology systems: Our franchisees have
access to our customized proprietary software
and business process systems designed to
streamline and simply all aspects of running
your business.
We have partnered with leading technology
partners for our platforms and then customized
these solutions to our business
process. Servicemax for customer database,
sales reporting, work order management
systems, blackline GPS for employee safety and
monitoring. We utilize Fleetio for our fleet
9: Proven Business Model: When
you’re buying a franchise, you’re
buying a proven business model.
But if that opportunity doesn’t
come with system that works,
you’re flying blind.
Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control’s business
model: Our proven business model will assist
you in all aspects of your running your
We provide you with:
 Operating manuals
 Training videos
 Marketing collateral
 Head office support
10: The Team you will be a part of: Evaluate
the team you will be working with: [Ask
yourself], how is it to work for the franchise
owners? What kind of people are they? It's
important for franchisees to meet ... the
corporate staff. That face-to-face interaction
is huge. You have to have a connection and
know you will be able to communicate and
work with them successfully.
 The
Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control team: At
Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control we’ve carefully
assembled a team of franchise professionals and
industry experts to create a franchisee-centric
culture. We have members of our leadership team
either currently running a franchise or have an
extensive background in the franchise business. This
gives us a definitive advantage with our knowledge
of how a franchise operator-franchisor relationship
works best.
 Being deep in the trenches of the franchising world,
we fully understand what it takes to put together our
own franchise, beginning with the research and due
diligence phase, to signing the agreement,
completing the training and finally down to
successfully running your own franchise.
Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control is part of That
Franchise Group Inc. Since 1970, That Franchise Group
has grown into a family of franchise companies across
North America. It started with a company called Weed
Man Lawn Care. Building on the successful foundation
of that single brand, That Franchise Group was formed
to manage a growing number of franchising concepts
focused on residential services.
That Franchise Group is a privately held corporation. As
such, there are no stockholders or a Board of Directors
to please. Decisions are always made in the best
interest of the brand and the individual franchise
operators. As a member of our franchise family, you will
be trained by management experts and industry
professionals on all aspect of your business.
 At
Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control, we
believe: If you’re not successful, then we’re
not successful. We enjoy being the best in
the markets we operate and we will work
with you to become the best in your local
market. We also believe that following and
staying true to the business model is essential
to the success of the franchise. As long as
you’re committed to your role as a business
developer, manager, and CEO, nothing can
stop your location from being the best it can
you are interested in learning more
about Skedaddle franchise
opportunities in your area, visit us at
www.skedaddlefranchise.com or call us
at 888-222-9453.