IMLA 2008 Employment Law Continuing
Legal Education Seminar
Personnel Administration
Can a public employer get employees to like
their jobs?
Presented by
Attorney Daniel D. Crean
Crean Law Office, Pembroke, NH
Crean Law Office, Pembroke, New Hampshire
Developing Effective Teams in the
How to help employees do the job
they love while loving the job they do
With appreciation to
Attorney Marlene A. Pontrelli
Mariscal, Weeks, McIntyre & Friedlander, P.A.
This presentation incorporates (with permission)
some elements of her presentation made at IMLA MidYear Seminar, April 2006.
Crean Law Office, Pembroke, New Hampshire
Crean Law Office, Pembroke, New Hampshire
Leadership Coaching
Lessons Learned
Employees are looking for greater balance
and less stress in their lives.
 Employees do look to employers to help
them keep balance in the workplace.
 Effective workplaces require that
managers be team coaches.
 Highly successful teams are motivated by
more than money or loyalty.
Crean Law Office, Pembroke, New Hampshire
Consider these matters
1. How many conscious thoughts go
through your head in a typical
2. For what percentage of thoughts
are you really present and
focused during that typical day?
Crean Law Office, Pembroke, New Hampshire
3. How many times do you have to
read, see or experience something
before you finally get it?
Crean Law Office, Pembroke, New Hampshire
4. What is the most important
relationship in the office?
5. What percentage of your waking
hours do you spend working or
thinking of work?
Crean Law Office, Pembroke, New Hampshire
How many conscious
thoughts go through your
head in a typical day?
For what percentage of those
thoughts are you really
present and focused?
How many times do you have
to read, see or
experience something
before you finally get it?
Crean Law Office, Pembroke, New Hampshire
What is the most important
relationship in the
Employee and
immediate supervisor
What percentage of your
waking hours do you
spend working or
thinking of work?
Some thoughts . . .
“In my experience,
there is never
creativity when
people are unhappy.”
“Leadership is not
about what happens
when you’re in the
office . . .
Albert Einstein
It’s about what
happens when
you’re out of the
Ken Blanchard
Crean Law Office, Pembroke, New Hampshire
UN Expert Group Meeting on Managing
Diversity in the Civil Service, May 2001.
. . . we live in an environment increasingly
characterized by turbulence as opposed to stability;
diversity as opposed to homogeneity.
The randomness of change is altering the workplace,
radically transforming the way that organizations
interact with their environment. . . .
Colleagues working together are increasingly less alike
with respect to gender, cultural background and age.
Reprinted from Used with permission from CBS
Interactive, Inc., Copyright 2008. All rights reserved.
Crean Law Office, Pembroke, New Hampshire
The Changing Workforce
Radio Babies (1930-1945)
Baby Boomers (1946-1964)
Generation Xers (1965-1976)
Generation Yers (1977-1991)
Millennials (1991 and later)
Does composition of work force affect how you
perceive employees, how they perceive you,
and how they perceive work?
Crean Law Office, Pembroke, New Hampshire
Diversity Management
U.S. GAO Report to the Ranking
Minority Member, Committee on
Homeland Security and Governmental
Affairs, U.S. Senate, entitled “Diversity
Management - Expert-Identified Leading
Practices and Agency Examples,”
January 2005.
 Lists 9 Diversity Management Practices
Crean Law Office, Pembroke, New Hampshire
“Expert-Identified” Diversity
Management Practices
Top leadership commitment
Diversity as part of an organization’s
strategic plan
Diversity linked to performance
Crean Law Office, Pembroke, New Hampshire
“Expert-Identified” Diversity
Management Practices
Succession planning
Employee involvement
Diversity training
Crean Law Office, Pembroke, New Hampshire
Leadership Lessons from Larry Bird (with a little
assist from MAP & DDC)
Surround yourself with good people and
let them do their job.
And make sure they know what their job is
If they love what they do they’ll love their
job. Help people find their passion for
their job (job satisfaction).
Help people to find another job if they don’t
like working for you.
Crean Law Office, Pembroke, New Hampshire
More Lessons
Believe in your team (dream big).
Know your team and provide coaching and
Hide your weaknesses, play to your
strengths (job purpose).
Know thyself.
Crean Law Office, Pembroke, New Hampshire
To create a team, it helps to know why
people are on the team. Then, consider
Winning is important (need to win as a team).
Make sure everyone is on the same page.
Make choices based on what is best for the
It’s all about preparation.
Your staff is depending on you (a team without
a coach is not a team).
The bottom line is what your fans want (read
councils, governing boards, voters, and
Crean Law Office, Pembroke, New Hampshire