A. List of Special talk/Faculty Development Programme (FDP)/Seminar/Workshop organised by the department Year 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 Department Electrical Engineering Date/periods December, 2013 Subject Experts Renewable source of 1. Prof. Praveen Kumar, IIT energy: as future energy Guwahati (RSEFE)” 2. Dr.Sarsing Gao, Associate Professor, NERIST Electronics & 11/05/2013 to Telecommunication Prof. S. L. Maskara, Former Communication 13/05/2013 Engineering Professor, IIT Kharagpur Engineering Electrical 07/09/2014 Hydro Power a Clean Power 1.Rajen Pudur, NIT Arunachal Engineering Pradesh 2. Prof. PD Kayshap, NIT Arunachal Pradesh Management & 27/01/2015 Improving communication Shri Riken Ngomle, Former Humanities to 31/01/2015 skills through Theatre Lecturer of National School of Drama, New Delhi st R&D Cell 10/04/2015 & 1 Research Summit 1. Prof. S. C. Dutta Roy, Former 11/04/2015 Professor, Indian Institute Tech. Delhi 2. Prof.BibekBandyopadhyay, Professor, Indian Institute of Engineering Science & Technology, Howrah 3. Prof.AnirbanKundu, Professor, University of Calcutta 4. Prof. P. K. Basu, Professor, IRPE, University of Calcutta 5. Prof.Soumitro Professor, Indian Science Education Kolkata 6. Banerjee, Institute of & Research, Prof. B. P. Sinha, Professor, ISI - Kolkata Management &Humanities 2015-16 R&D Cell 13.4.2015 & 15.4.2015 1)‘Concept of liberation in Indian Philosophy’ 2) ‘Education in the views of Swami Vivekananda’ Prof.(Dr.) Sudipta Dutta Roy, Fellow (Retd.) Indian Council of Philosophical Research, Jawaharlal Nehru University 28/09/2015 to Pedagogical aspects of Prof. P. Sarkar, Professor, NITTTR, 03/10/2015 Laboratory experiments Kolkata and students project Prof. D. Bose, Professor, NITTTR, Kolkata 10/10/2015 Departmental Research Prof(Dr.) BubuBhuyan, Professor, & Summit-2015 NEHU, Shilong Computer Science Engineering Biotechnology 29/10/2015 & Chemical Engineering Dept. of 07/11/2015 Physics Chemistry & Mathematics Scope of Biotechnology Departmental Summit-2015 Dr. Hui Tag Senior Assistant Professor, Rajiv Gandhi University Research Prof.SourabhBasu, Professor, IIT Guwahati Prof. B. S. Dandapat, Professor, Sikkim Manipal Institute of Technology A. List of Special talk/Faculty Development Programme (FDP)/Seminar/Workshop attended by the faculty members department wise. Year 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Name of the faculty Department Date/periods Mr. kumarSaha Anish CSE Mr. kumarSaha Anish CSE 11th to 13th Workshop on CCA Jan 2013 Rules, Noting and Drafting, Leave Rules and RTI Act June 10- 21, FDP “Topics on 2013 Data mining” , TEQIP, 28-03-2014 Workshop Information Security, Education and awareness Chemistry 18-22 Nov, Green 2013. and EngineeringTowards a Sustainable Future” under TEQIP-II, 5th July 2013 Industrial and Dr.RajatshubraGosw ami Mr. kumarSaha RajenPudur CSE Anish CSE EE Subject Experts Society for Economic Research & Training Organized by TIT Narsingarh, Tripura Mr. GordanNongkynrih Scientist-C NIELIT, Itanagar, AP organized by SVNIT, Surat Prof.Asheesh Commercial Power Singh, System Analysis Allahabad K MNIT (ICPSA)” Recommended Practices. MNIT Allahabad 2014-15 Mr. kumarSaha Anish CSE 26th May 2014 workshop on -30th May “Advances in 2014 Semiconductors, Communication, Electronics and organized jointly with Radio Physics and Electronics, NIT Arunachal Pradesh at NIT Arunachal 1.Shri EE BrajagopalDatta 2. Sri Shantanu Chjetterjee 2015-16 Mr. RalliSangno EE Dr.Swarnendu Kumar Chakraborty RajenPudur CSE Dr.KimjollyLhouvu m Biotech &ChemEngg Dr.Saikat K. Jana Biotech &ChemEngg EE Nano Technology (ASCENT 2014) Recent Trend in control system followed by oil industry Pradesh Campus,Yupia th 9 Feb’14 1. Mr. V.K Jain, IOCL, Noonmati, Inda 2. 2. Shri P.K Goswami, IOCL, Digboi, India 12th June’14 Short term course 1. Dr.Nitai Paul, on Advancement in ISM, Dhanbad Power Electronics 2. Dr VevakanandMukarj ee, ISM Dhanbad 3. Dr. K.C Jana, ISM Dhanbad 22-08-2015 Workshop on Prof.D.Mukharjee, Research ISI kolkata Methodology th 18 April 2015 Grid Integration of 1. Prof. Mishra, IITD Renewable Energy Sources (GIRES) at 2. Prof.Bhim Singh, HoD, EE IITD, IITD 29/09/2015 Teaching NITTTR Development faculties programme 29/10/2015 Teaching NITTTR Development faculties programme