A5 Neuropharmacology - Ms De Souza's Super Awesome IB

Neurotransmitters can be either excitatory or
Excitatory neurotransmitters – promote an
action potential to occur in the post synaptic
Inhibitory neurotransmitters – make it more
difficult for an action potential to occur in the
post synaptic neuron
Generates an action potential in the post
synaptic neuron
A neurotransmitter is released from the presynaptic neuron and causes the post-synaptic
neuron to open its Na+ channels.
If the post synaptic neuron was originally at a
resting potential of -70mV, when Na+ enters
the neuron, the membrane potential
increases to become close to zero (it’s
If threshold levels are reached, this is the
generation of an action potential in the post
synaptic neuron and thus the transmission of
a nerve impulse from one neuron to another
This is when a post synaptic neuron is
inhibited from producing an action potential
(and thus continuing a nerve impulse)
Inhibitory neurotransmitters make the post
synaptic neuron more negative
Post synaptic neurons open it’s Cl- channels,
allowing Cl- to enter the neuron
This hyperpolarizes the membrane (makes it
more negative)
 Ie: a membrane potential lower than -70mV
(Another method could be the opening of K+
channels to cause K+ to move out of the neuron
which would also make the neuron more
This makes is more difficult to generate an
action potential on the post-synaptic
membrane because the resting potential is
now further away from the threshold value.
The means that a nerve impulse will (likely)
not be transmitted from neuron to neuron
Decision making is the summation of EPSP
and IPSP signals
More than 1 pre-synaptic neuron can form a
synapse with the same post-synaptic neuron
If the sum of the signals is excitatory, the
axon fires
If the sum of the signal is inhibitory, the axon
does not fire.
If there are
more EPSPs
than IPSPs,
then an action
potential will
be generated.
The neurotransmitters we’ve discussed so far
have all been fast-acting, crossing the
synaptic cleft and binding to receptors less
than a millisecond after an action potential
arrived at the pre-synaptic membrane.
Some neurotransmitters are slow-acting or
neuromodulators and take hundreds of
milliseconds to act on the post-synaptic
Instead of acting on a single post-synaptic
neuron, they diffuse into the surrounding
fluid and act on groups of neurons.
Ex: noradrenalin/norepinephrine, dopamine,
and serotonin are slow acting
Slow acting neurotransmitters do not affect
ion movement across the post synaptic
membranes directly but instead cause the
release of secondary messengers inside post
synaptic neuron which regulate fast synaptic
In this way they can modulate fast acting
neurons for relatively long periods of time.
Involve changes in neurons caused by
Neuromodulators release secondary
messengers inside the post-synaptic neurons
and can promote synaptic transmission by
 increasing the number of receptors in post-
synaptic membrane
 chemical modification to increase the rate of ion
movements when a neurotransmitters binds
The secondary messengers can persist for
days and cause what is known as long-term
potentiation (LTP), allowing new synapses to
form in the hippocampus and other areas of
the brain.
This is central from memory and learning.
Remember, neurotransmitters are chemicals
that allow neurons to communicate with each
There are over a hundred different brain
The two main excitatory neurotransmitters are
acetylcholine and noradrenalin.
The two classes of neurotransmitters are
cholinergic and adrenergic
Ex of
- Released by all motor
- Activated skeletal muscle
- Hormone and a
- Most important role is
effect on heart
- Also increase blood flow to
skeletal muscles and
glucose release
- Ie involved in relaxation
- Ie involved in “fight or
flight” reactions
Effect on Mood
Calming effect on mood
Increase alertness, energy,
and euphoria
Neurotransmitter produced by the brain
It causes you to feel good
Any activity that increases the effect of
dopamine is potentially addictive because the
individual will want to continue the “good
feelings” it creates.
Many drugs interfere with dopamine and extend the
time this substance is found at the synapse, which
make us feel good.
In drug addiction, dopamine receptors are constantly
Over stimulation, decreases the number of dopamine
receptors (desensitization)
As a result, when the drug has worn off, users
experience less joy (because less receptors) out of
every day events – thus, reinforcing drug use
Also, drug intake needs to be increase to achieve the
same “high”
Can affect the brain and personality by either
increases or decreasing post-synaptic
Psychoactive drugs affect the level of
In this way they can increase or decrease post
synaptic transmission
Enhance the release of a neurotransmitters
Ex: Ecstasy
Increases euphoria,
diminishes anxiety
Stop the release of a neurotransmitter
Mimic the effect of a neurotransmitter
Ex: LSD, morphine and heroin
Mimic endorphins which are natural pain killers
Block the removal of a neurotransmitter
from the synapse (and prolong the effect of
the neurotransmitter)
Ex: Cocaine
Block the receptors of the neurotransmitter
(preventing depolarization or
PCP/Angel Dust
Encourage synaptic transmission
For many drugs, after frequent use, the number
of receptors on the post-synaptic membrane are
reduced which leads to a decrease in the affect
of the drugs.
Increasing doses are needed to obtain the same
 Nicotine, Cocaine, Amphetamines
These are drugs that promote activity of the
nervous system (by mimicking the sympathetic
nervous system)
Make the user more alert, energetic, and selfconfident.
Many excitatory drugs are stimulants
Some mild simulants are present in food and
drinks such caffeine in coffee, tea, soft drinks
May be prescribed to treat depression and
Found in cigarettes
Is both a stimulant and a relaxant
As a stimulant, it causes an increase in
adrenaline which increases heart rate, blood
pressure and blood sugar levels.
As a result it may appear to increase
Effect can also reduce appetite
As a relaxant it mimic acetylcholine
Acts on cholinergic synapses of the body and
brain to release dopamine – which causes
pleasure and makes it addictive
A stimulant made from extracts of the Coca
Stimulates the CNS and causes feelings of
euphoria, talkativeness, increased mental
Temporary decrease in need for food and sleep.
Large amounts will cause erratic and violent
Blocks the re-uptake of dopamine, so dopamine
accumulates in the synapse
Thus addictive feelings of happiness are created
(Cocaine is highly addictive)
It also makes the user feel less tired or hungry
and enhances endurance
The “high” that cocaine provides is usually
followed by a “crash” when the effect of the
drug wears off resulting in depression,
irritability, and paranoia
Remember, the brain will reduce the number
of dopamine receptors when overloaded with
Thus, when drug has worn off, users
experience less joy from everyday life further
reinforcing increase cocaine use.
Drug Free World (8 min)
ASAP Science
For chenchen
Stimulate the CNS
cause the release of noradrenaline and
dopamine and inhibit their uptake
This leads to increased concentration and
10 years of drug abuse
Mimics dopamine.
Binds to dopamine receptors (on post
synaptic membrane)
Used for treatment in the early stages of
Parkinson’s disease to reduce the effects of
insufficient dopamine secretion.
Also used as an anti-depressant
Reduce synaptic transmission
Many are sedatives
 Benzodiazepines
 Alcohol
 Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)
Tranquilizers which slow down the CNS
Ex: Valium (Diazepam), which can be used to
treat anxiety, insomnia, and muscle spasms
They hyperpolarize the post-synaptic
membranes so that impulses are not sent
(increase release of neurotransmitter GABA
which causes Cl- to enter neuron)
Depresses the CNS
It reduces social inhibitions and makes the
person feel cheerful and relaxed.
It causes a receptor of GABA to remain open
longer, further hyperpolarizing the
postsynaptic membrane
This explains the sedative effect of alcohol
(Also helps to increase the release of
dopamine – but not well understood how)
Found in the Cannabis plant (marijuana)
Causes relaxation and can act as a pain killer by
binding to the endorphin receptors causing
 Often create feelings of lightheadedness and
increased appetite.
Other receptors it binds to (cannabinoid receptors)
will negative affect mental and physical activities:
Problem solving
Short term memory
Affects hippocampus of the brain, which is important
for short-term memory.
Affects cerebellum (involved in coordination) which
causes motor impairment
The impairment of memory and decision making
abilities cause students using THC to statistically gain
lower grades than those not using it.
Scientific research is not unified either way on THC
being addictive or not
Marijuana and the brain
Act by interfering with neural transmission
between areas of sensory perception and the
CNS, causing the temporary loss of sensation
in all or parts of the body
Local anaesthetics (such as those used by the
dentist or when getting stiches) cause
numbness in an area of the body
A patient who has been given a general
anaesthetic will normally have no awareness
of the medical procedures they have
undergone as they are unconscious and lack
total sensation.
Inhibit sensory organs as will as signals to
motor neurons
Drug Addiction is the repeated and
compulsive use of psychoactive drugs
Can be affected by genetic predisposition,
social environment, and dopamine secretion
Studies have shown that if there is one
addictive person in a family, there is a greater
chance of there being another
Believed there is an “addiction gene” that
may be turned on in an individual due to
environmental context
One example is the DRD2 gene, which codes
for the dopamine receptor protein.
There are multiple alleles of this gene and
recent studies have shown that people with
the A1 allele for the gene consumed less
alcohol than those homozygous for the A2
allele for the gene.
There is an increased chance of addiction for
 living in an environment where there is substance
 Who suffer from a childhood trauma and/or
Psychoactive drugs may become a way for
dealing with this
May addictive drugs (including opiates,
cocaine, nicotine, alcohol) affect dopamine
secretion, causing prolonged periods of high
dopamine levels in the brain.