LECTURER IN CHARGE : RA.SARJOON FACULTY OF ISLAMIC STUDIES AND ARABIC LANGUAGE SEUSL 2011/04/15 What Is Leadership? Defining Islamic Leadership? The Sources Of Islamic Leadership Principles Principles Of Islamic Leadership WHAT IS LEADERSHIP? Leadership is the ability to persuade others to seek defined objectives enthusiastically. It’s the human factor which binds A group together and motivates it toward goal. Back DEFINING ISLAMIC LEADERSHIP? Leadership in Islam is A trust (Amana) it represents A psychological contract between A leader and his followers that he will try his best to guide them. To protect them, and to treat them justly. According to the holy Quran and Hadith, Hence, the focus of leadership in Islam is on doing good. Back THE HOLY QURAN The holy Quran is the primary source of leadership and success principles. Revealed by A supreme author god its message has universal and eternal relevance it is the last and complete edition of divine guidance and teachers the success and leadership principles which can guide life towards success and highest attainment THE HOLY PROPHET Who is the greatest leader of all times? In intellectual debates, philosophical discussions and the biographies of great people who ever lived on the earth one name always appears on the top-prophet Muhammad. The Quran also bears divine testimony and states he is the best of leaders according to the following verse: “For you the life of the prophet is A good model of behaviour” (33:21) WISE CALIPHS AND PIOUS FOLLOWERS After the holy prophet, the first four caliphs followed the teachings of the Quran and the prophet Muhammad (Sal) and achieved extraordinary results. Be sides the wise caliphs there are many more leaders and people of great wisdom who practical the wisdom based principles of Islam and followed the teaching of prophet Muhammad (Sal) Example: Jamaludeen Afghani, Jalaudin Rumi… PRINCIPLES OF ISLAMIC LEADERSHIP Islam does not permit any Muslim to live without having A leader in any situation even if they are on A trip or in A desert. The primary duties of A leader are to lead the people in offering prayers ,to look after their interest with justice and run their activities in A disciplined and systematic way however, an Islamic managerial leader will sever his followers or subordinates under some distinctive principles, out of which some distinct operational principles are mentioned below THE PRINCIPLES OF ISLAMIC LEADERSHIP 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. FAITH AND BELIEF KNOWLEDGE AND WISDOM COURAGE AND DETERMINATION MUTUAL CONSULTATION AND UNITY MORALITY AND PIETY PATIENCE AND ENDURANCE SHURA FREEDOM OF THOUGHT SOURCES OF ISLAMIC JURISPRUDENCE JUSTICE DEPENDENCE ON ALLAH ACCOUNTABILITY SINCERITY DIGNITY OF LABOR ESPRIT DE CROPS LIFELONG ENDEAVOUR COMMITMENT AND SACRIFICES SUPERIOR COMMUNICATION FAITH AND BELIEF The Islamic leaders must behave faithly and belie fly. Faith lays the foundation of greatness and success and nothing happens unless one believes in its happening .No other religion has placed so much emphasis on faith and belief than Islam. KNOWLEDGE AND WISDOM Knowledge and wisdom are important matters in Islamic leadership. In numerous ayaats or verses of the holy Quran and Hadith human beings are advised to seek knowledge and wisdom. Knowledge and wisdom are the major reasons which determine the leadership. ”….Says are those equal, those who know and those who do not know? It is those who are endowed with understanding that receive admonition” [Al-Quran, 39:9] COURAGE AND DETERMINATION Islamic leadership principle includes courage and determination too these are take part in identify A best leader. MUTUAL CONSULTATION AND UNITY Mutual consultation and unity are more important and basic principles Islamic leadership. Al- Quran also refers this. “And those who answer the call of their lord and to worship none but him and performed their prayer and who conduct their affairs by mutual consultation and who spend of what we have bestowed on them” (Al Quran - 42:38) MORALITY AND PIETY “O, children of Adam! Whenever there come unto you apostles of your own, conveying my message unto you. Who are conscious of me and live righteously no fear need they have, and neither shall they grieve”(Al-Quran 07:35) In numerous verses of the holy Quran including the above, morality and piety are greatly emphasized not only upon as virtues of leaders but all believers. A leader communities he leads, and as such his/her morality and piousness must serve as an example. It is also so since the leaders are entrusted with the affairs of the community and if they are immoral the will not serve the cause of their people. PATIENCE AND ENDURANCE Patience and endurance is get another hall mark of great leadership. God the mighty wise himself has praised this quality in many verses of the holy Quran. “O ye who believe! Per sever in patience and constancy; vie in such perseverance; strengthen each other; and fear Allah. That ye may prosper”(3:200) This shows how important patience and endurance is for A leader and believer in general.(3:200) SHURA Managerial leaders in Islam must consult with their people before making any decision. It is also the fundamental aspect of democratic system. Leaders must consult with their subordinators in formulating any strategy or policy. FREEDOM OF THOUGHT Islam encourages freedom of thought. Practicing leaders or executives should create such an environment in the organization so that the staff members can easily opinion and issue. SOURCES OF ISLAMIC JURISPRUDENCE There are four sources of Islamic jurisprudence these are Quran, Hadith, Izmah and Kiyas JUSTICE The management leaders must behave with team members justly and fairly without and discrimination regardless of their Race, Color Or Religion. Islam always urges for doing justice to all. DEPENDENCE ON ALLAH The managerial leaders in Islam must depend on almighty Allah for the out come of any action. It is known in Islam as tawakkul. Allah asked his believers to depend on him Allah says; “When you have made A decision, put your trust in Allah, certainly, Allah loves those who put their trust (in him)” (Al-Imran: 159) ACCOUNTABILITY Islam teaches accountability as vital component of management. According to Islam, each and every human being will be made responsible for his good or bad deeds and accordingly he will be rewarded or furnished. SINCERITY An Islamic managerial leader is sincere enough to achieve the objectives of an organization. The holy Quran urges people to be utmost sincere in his praying, meditations, and good deeds. DIGNITY OF LABOR Islamic leaders must recognize the dignity of labor. Mohammed (Sal) says; “Pay the wages to the labor before his sweat Dries up”(AL-HADITH) ESPRIT DE CORPS The managerial leaders in Islam must try to achieve organization goals and objectives with team rather than individual endeavors. The highest level of unity should be maintained among the executives, staff and workers for motivating and energizing team works. LIFELONG ENDEAVOR Islam is a dynamic and practical religion and so are its tenets towards leadership. One of the most important tenets of leadership is the concept of lifelong Endeavour for the good of humanity and god’s good causes .The Quran there for tells all be livers. “And strive in his causes as ye ought to strive. (With Sincerity and under discipline) (Quran22:78) COMMITMENT AND SACRIFICE Commitment and sacrifice are yet other trails without which a leader cannot be exemplary. It is through commitment to one’s mission and goals and the mentality of whatever it takes that differentiates great leader from the ordinary people. A Muslim leader must be seen to be making sacrifices; only then the followers will commit to the cause and make bigger sacrifices. An Islamic leader needs to be committed to the upliftment of this people and make personal sacrifices, so down trodden would have more benefits and facilities. SUPERIOR COMMUNICATION A leader must be extremely good in communication. And must be eloquent and articulate communication is an extremely important quality which must be learned, practiced and mastered by every leader of a flock. It is needed because the quality of our communication skills. REFERENCES Rafik I. Beekun,Jamal Badawi (1999) “Leadership: An Islamic Perspective", Amana Publications,Maryland,pp.1-7. Abdul Asees.(2003), “Islamiya Thalaimaithuvamum Ulamakkalin Pankalippum”,south eastern university of Sri Lanka,Oluvil,pp:1-3. Hizam Althalib(1999) “Muslim ilanjarhalukkana thalimaithuvap paitci valicatti”,the Muslim institute for social development,sri lanka,pp.6770,110-112. www. americanchronicle.com “America chronicle Islamic leadership principles” www.ibrahimm.com “principles of Islamic leadership” www.acrobatplanet.com “A study of Islamic leadership” Hamooth Afth,(1991),“Islam unkal parvaikku”,international,islamic publishing house, Saudi Arabia,pp:271-280. Aazim,(1998),“thalimaithuvamum oru islamiya anuhal”,srilanka Islamic student movement publish, Srilanka. ANY QUESTIONS? THANKS