CANALOPATIAS, MUERTE SUBITA Y DAI Andrés Bodegas Unidad de Arritmias y Marcapasos Hospital de Cruces CANALOPATÍAS SINDROMES ARRITMICOS PRIMARIOS (Muerte súbita) Síndrome Síndrome QTQT LargoLargo Síndrome QT corto Síndrome Brugada TV Catecolaminérgica Síndrome Leenhardt Fibrilacion Ventricular Idiopática Síndrome QT Largo - Genes Responsables ARRITMIA CROMOSOMA GEN FRECUENCIA • QTc normal: 36% AUTOSOMICO DOMINANTE Desencadenante (88%): QTL1 QTL2 QTL3 Emocion, hiperactividad simpatica I1p15 KCNQI 7q35 KCNH2 3p21 SCN5A 50% 30-40% 10% QTL4 QTL5 QTL6 • QTc normal: 4q25 19% ANK2 Desencadenante: 21q22 KCNEI Emocion, est. auditivos, reposo 21q22 KCNE2 Raro Raro Raro QTL7 17 AUTOSOMICO Raro • QTc normal: 10% KCNJ2 RECESIVO QTL8 I1P15DEPENDIENTE, KCNQI Inicio de las T de P, PAUSA es predominante Raro en el SQTL2 y Desencadenante: ausentesueño o raro en el SQTL1 Reposo, QTL9 21Q22 KCNQ2 Tan H, et al. Circulation.2006;114:2096 14.XI.06 Raro Mutant Caveolin-3 Induces Persistent Late Sodium Current and Is Associated With Long-QT Syndrome Vatta, Matteo PhD*; Ackerman, Michael J. MD, PhD*; Ye, Bin PhD; Makielski, Jonathan C. MD; Ughanze, Enoh E. MD; Taylor, Erica W. BS; Tester, David J. BS; Balijepalli, Ravi C. PhD; Foell, Jason D. BS; Li, Zhaohui PhD; Kamp, Timothy J. MD, PhD; Towbin, Jeffrey A. MD From the Department of Pediatrics, Baylor College of Medicine, Texas Children’s Hospital, Houston (M.V., E.E.U., E.W.T., Z.L., J.A.T.); Departments of Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, and Molecular Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, Divisions of Cardiovascular Diseases and Pediatric Cardiology, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, Rochester, Minn (M.J.A., D.J.T.); and Department of Medicine, Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, University of Wisconsin, Madison (B.Y., J.C.M., R.C.B., J.D.F., T.J.K.). Circulation 2006;:2104 14.XI.2006 Background: Congenital long-QT syndrome (LQTS) is a primary arrhythmogenic syndrome stemming from perturbed cardiac repolarization. LQTS, which affects [almost equal to]1 in 3000 persons, is 1 of the most common causes of autopsy-negative sudden death in the young. Since the sentinel discovery of cardiac channel gene mutations in LQTS in 1995, hundreds of mutations in 8 LQTS susceptibility genes have been identified. All 8 LQTS genotypes represent primary cardiac channel defects (ie, ion channelopathy) except LQT4, which is a functional channelopathy because of mutations in ankyrin-B. Approximately 25% of LQTS remains unexplained pathogenetically. We have pursued a “final common pathway” hypothesis to elicit novel LQTS-susceptibility genes. With the recent observation that the LQT3-associated, SCN5A-encoded cardiac sodium channel localizes in caveolae, which are known membrane microdomains whose major component in the striated muscle is caveolin-3, we hypothesized that mutations in caveolin-3 may represent a novel pathogenetic mechanism for LQTS. Methods and Results: Using polymerase chain reaction, denaturing high-performance liquid chromatography, and direct DNA sequencing, we performed open reading frame/splice site mutational analysis on CAV3 in 905 unrelated patients referred for LQTS genetic testing. CAV3 mutations were engineered by site-directed mutagenesis and the molecular phenotype determined by transient heterologous expression into cell lines that stably express the cardiac sodium channel hNav1.5. We identified 4 novel mutations in CAV3-encoded caveolin-3 that were absent in >1000 control alleles. Electrophysiological analysis of sodium current in HEK293 cells stably expressing hNa v1.5 and transiently transfected with wild-type and mutant caveolin-3 demonstrated that mutant caveolin-3 results in a 2- to 3fold increase in late sodium current compared with wild-type caveolin-3. Our observations are similar to the increased late sodium current associated with LQT3-associated SCN5A mutations. Conclusions: The present study reports the first CAV3 mutations in subjects with LQTS, and we provide functional data demonstrating a gain-of-function increase in late sodium current. Conclusions: The present study reports the first CAV3 mutations in subjects with LQTS, and we provide functional data demonstrating a gain-of-function increase in late sodium current. Síndrome QT Largo ESTRATIFICACION DEL RIESGO Intervalo QTc Síndrome QT Largo ESTRATIFICACION DEL RIESGO PROBABILIDAD DE 1ºEVENTO ENTRE 10-20 AÑOS (DEPENDIENDO DEL QTc) 1.- La detección de un QTc>500 ms y su seguimiento identifica a los p. con alto riesgo de eventos cardiacos. 2.- Es necesario obtener ECG seriados. Goldenberg, I. Mathew J. et al. Corrected QT Variability in Serial Electrocardiograms in Long QT Syndrome J Am Coll Cardiol 2006;48:1047 septiembre 2006 Síndrome QT Largo ESTRATIFICACION DEL RIESGO Intervalo QTc Fenotipo → Sindrome Jervel-Lange-Nielsen Síndrome QT Largo - Genes Responsables ARRITMIA CROMOSOMA GEN FRECUENCIA AUTOSOMICO DOMINANTE QTL1 QTL2 Sindrome QTL3 I1p15 KCNQI 7q35 KCNH2 Jervell-Lange-Nielsen 3p21 SCN5A 50% 30-40% 10% QTL4 QTL5 QTL6 4q25 21q22 21q22 ANK2 KCNEI KCNE2 Raro Raro Raro QTL7 17 AUTOSOMICO KCNJ2 RECESIVO Raro QTL8 QTL9 I1P15 21Q22 KCNQI KCNQ2 Raro Raro ESTRATIFICACION DEL RIESGO JLNS (n = 44) Age at last contact (mean ± SD) Any cardiac event (%)† 20.1 ± 11.4 86* Age at first cardiac event (mean ± SD) 5.0 ± 7.0* RWS (n = 2,174) LQT1 (n = 285) 29.1 ± 12.5 28.8 ± 12.9 46 48 14.2 ± 9.3 12.1 ± 8.9 Fatal/Near-fatal event (%)‡ 30* 11 7 Age at first fatal/near-fatal event (mean ± SD) 14.5 ± 9.0 19.3 ± 10.7 24.2 ± 9.6 Syncope (%) 84* 43 47 TdP (%) 17* 7 2 VF (%) 15* 6 3 Aborted cardiac arrest, at anytime (%) 14* 8 5 LQTS-related death (%) 19* 4 2 Noise (%) 7 15 5 Emotions (%) 58* 29 28 Physical activity (%) 62* 40 58 Swimming (%) 38* 17 38 Missed Beta-blocker therapy (%) 22* 5 5 Pregnancy (%) 7 9 5 Sleep (%) 25 16 3 Arousal (%) 13 8 4 Events by type during follow-up Event factor Values are given as percentages. *P < 0.05 for the comparison between the JLNS and the RWS groups. †Defined as first syncope, aborted cardiac arrest, or LQTS-death. ‡Defined as first aborted cardiac arrest or LQTS-death. JLNS = Jervell and Lange-Nielsen syndrome; LQT1 = type 1 long-QT syndrome; RWS = Romano-Ward syndrome; TdP = torsade de pointes; VF = ventricular fibrillation. Goldenberg, I. Moss, A. et al. Clinical Course and Risk Stratification of Patients Affected with the JLN Syndrome. J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol 17 2006 (11), 1161-1168. Síndrome QT Largo ESTRATIFICACION DEL RIESGO RIESGO DE UN PRIMER EVENTO FATAL Goldenberg, I. Moss, A. et al. Clinical Course and Risk Stratification of Patients Affected with the JLN Syndrome. J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol 17 2006:(11), 1161-1168. Síndrome QT Largo ESTRATIFICACION DEL RIESGO Intervalo QTc Fenotipo → Sindrome JLN Clínica Los pacientes resucitados de una PC (MS) tienen un peor pronóstico, con un riesgo de 12.9 veces mayor. Moss, A. Zareba, J. et al. Effectiveness and limitations of BBtherapy in congenital long QT syndrome. Circulation 2000;101:960 Síndrome QT Largo ACC/AHAESC 2006 Guidelines for Management of Patients With Ventricular Arrhythmias and the Prevention of Sudden Cardiac Death Circulation 2006;114:1088 (septiembre 2006) Recomendaciones CLASE I: 1. 2. 3. Modificación del estilo de vida (B) Tratamiento con BB (B) Implante de DAI en Parada Cardiaca previa (A) CANALOPATÍAS Síndrome QT Largo Síndrome QT corto Síndrome Brugada TV Catecolaminérgica Síndrome Leenhardt Fibrilacion Ventricular Idiopática Síndrome Clinico GEN Consecuencia Functional Herencia Long QT1 syndrome KCNQ1KvLQT1 IKs loss of function AD Jervell-Lange-Nielsen type I KCNQ1 IKs loss of function AR Familial atrial fibrillation KCNQ1 IKs gain of function AD Short QT syndrome KCNQ1 IKs gain of function AD Long QT5 syndrome KCNE1 /MinK/ IKs loss of function AD Jervell-Lange-Nielsen type II KCNE1 IKs loss of function AR Long QT2 syndrome KCNH2 /HERG/ IKr loss of function AD Short QT syndrome KCNH2 IKr gain of function AD Long QT6 syndrome KCNE2 /MiRP1/ IKr loss of function AD IK1 Andersen/long QT7 KCNJ2 /Kir2.1/ IK1 loss of function AD INa Long QT3 SCN5A INa gain of function AD Brugada syndrome SCN5A INa loss of function AD Lenegre/PCCD SCN5A INa loss of function AD Sick sinus Syndrome SCN5A INa loss of function AR If Sick sinus syndrome HCN4 If loss of function ? Anchoring protein Long QT4 syndrome ANK2 Ion channel targeting AD CPVT1 RyR2 Calcium release AD CPVT2 CASQ2 Calcium storage AR Proteina Canalopatías IKs IKr Intracellu lar Ca+ movement CANALOPATÍAS Síndrome QT Largo Síndrome QT corto Síndrome Brugada TV Catecolaminérgica Síndrome Leenhardt Fibrilacion Ventricular Idiopática Síndrome Brugada Indicaciones de DAI (I) ECG ESPONTANEO TIPO 1 ASINTOMATICO SINTOMATICO MS Hª FAMILIAR DE MS SINCOPE Evaluación causa EC DAI (Clase I) + Seguimiento NO Hª FAMILIAR DE MS EP justificado (Clase IIa) EP (Clase IIa) + - DAI (Clase IIa) Seguimiento + DAI (Clase IIa) Seguimiento Clase I: Hay consenso general Clase IIa: Opción válida, sin consenso general, se Se recomienda EEF (TSV) apoya en múltiples estudios de grandes pacientes Clase IIb: Opción válida, sin consenso general, se apoya en limitado numero de estudios ANTZELEVITCH,Ch. Brugada Syndrome.PACE;2006;29(10),1130-1159. Octubre 2006 Síndrome Brugada Indicaciones de DAI (II) ECG TIPO 1 INDUCIDO CON FARMACOS ASINTOMATICO SINTOMATICO MS Hª FAMILIAR DE MS SINCOPE Evaluación causa EC (Clase I) DAI (Clase IIa) + Seguimiento NO Hª FAMILIAR DE MS EP justificado (Clase IIb) EP (Clase IIb) + - DAI (Clase IIb) Seguimiento + DAI (Clase IIb) Seguimiento Clase I: Hay consenso general Clase IIa: Opción válida, sin consenso general, se Se recomienda EEF (TSV) apoya en múltiples estudios de grandes pacientes Clase IIb: Opción válida, sin consenso general, se apoya en limitado numero de estudios ANTZELEVITCH,Ch. Brugada Syndrome.PACE;2006;29(10),1130-1159. Octubre 2006 Síndrome Brugada ACC/AHAESC 2006 Guidelines for Management of Patients With Ventricular Arrhythmias and the Prevention of Sudden Cardiac Death Circulation 2006;114:1088 (septiembre 2006) CLASE I: Implante de DAI en pacientes diagnosticados de Síndrome Brugada y Parada Cardiaca previa (C) CLASE IIa: Implante de DAI es razonable en pacientes diagnosticados de Síndrome Brugada con clinica de Síncope con o sin gen SCN5A (C) CLASE IIb: La EP puede estratificar el riesgo en pacientes asintomaticos diagnosticados de Síndrome Brugada con clinica de Síncope con o sin gen SCN5A (C) CANALOPATÍAS Síndrome QT Largo Síndrome QT corto Síndrome Brugada TV Catecolaminérgica Síndrome Leenhardt Fibrilacion Ventricular Idiopática TV Catecolaminérgica ►► Síndrome Clinico GEN Consecuencia Functional Herencia Long QT1 syndrome KCNQ1KvLQT1 IKs loss of function AD Jervell-Lange-Nielsen type I KCNQ1 IKs loss of function AR Familial atrial fibrillation KCNQ1 IKs gain of function AD Short QT syndrome KCNQ1 IKs gain of function AD Long QT5 syndrome KCNE1 /MinK/ IKs loss of function AD Jervell-Lange-Nielsen type II KCNE1 IKs loss of function AR Long QT2 syndrome KCNH2 /HERG/ IKr loss of function AD Short QT syndrome KCNH2 IKr gain of function AD Long QT6 syndrome KCNE2 /MiRP1/ IKr loss of function AD Andersen/long QT7 KCNJ2 /Kir2.1/ IK1 loss of function AD SCN5A INa gain of function AD Brugada syndrome SCN5A INa loss of function AD Lenegre/PCCD SCN5A INa loss of function AD Sick sinus Syndrome SCN5A INa loss of function AR If Sick sinus syndrome HCN4 If loss of function ? Anchoring protein Long QT4 syndrome ANK2 Ion channel targeting AD Proteina Canalopatías Ejercicio IKs IKr IK1 INa Long Ejercicio ►► QT3 Intracellu CPVT1 RyR2 Calcium release AD + lar Ca Sarkozy A, Brugada P, Sudden Cardiac Death and Inherited Arrhythmia Syndromes. J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol 16 CPVT2 CASQ2 Calcium storage AR TV Catecolaminérgica ACC/AHAESC 2006 Guidelines for Management of Patients With Ventricular Arrhythmias and the Prevention of Sudden Cardiac Death Circulation 2006;114:1088 (septiembre 2006) CLASE I: 1. BB en presencia de TV documentadas por el estrés 2. DAI y BB en supervivientes de PC CLASE IIa: 1. BB pueden ser efectivos en asintomáticos pero con diagnóstico genético 2. DAI y BB con Síncope o TV documentada CANALOPATÍAS Síndrome QT Largo Síndrome QT corto Síndrome Brugada TV Catecolaminérgica Síndrome Leenhardt Fibrilacion Ventricular Idiopática Síndrome Leenhardt Síndrome Leenhardt CANALOPATÍAS Síndrome QT Largo Síndrome QT corto Síndrome Brugada TV Catecolaminérgica Síndrome Leenhardt Fibrilacion Ventricular Idiopática Fibrilación Ventricular Idiopática Fibrilación Ventricular Idiopática EPISODIOS DE FV HORAS/DIA RECIDIVAS/MESES SOSTENIDO NO SOSTENIDO 2 2 1 0 1 El 50% el 1º mes 1º EPISODIO RECIDIVA > 50% de las 1º año NO SOSTENIDAS 20.01-22 • 3 3 16.01-18 4 12.01-14 • 8.01-10 4 Recidivas: 4.01-6 5 0-2 5 0 0-12 13-24 25-36 37-48 49-60 • De 6-20EPISODIOS horas ocurren el 90%. DE FV DIAS DE LA SEMANA • 81% de los 1º episodios • 100% de las Recidivas 5 4 • Los 1º episodios: Miercoles, Jueves y Domingo (63%) 3 2 1º EPISODIO RECIDIVA Domingo Sábado Viernes Jueves 0 Miércoles Las Recidivas: Miercoles, Jueves y Domingo (75%) Martes • Lunes 1 Eguía I, Bodegas A, Arana JI, Barrenetxea JI. (Congreso Nacional de Cardiología: Octubre 2006) CANALOPATÍAS, MS y DAI GRACIAS POR SU ATENCION