Elgin Narayan Donta Wadarius Karla Ebony Amy Mirna Jada Loreley Endia Aiti Say Aldo Padam Jeffrey Arielle Desmond Terrence Alan Jackson Will Charles Abbi Brendan Antwain Jeremy Mo Jenna Jonathan Dianna Brittney Ivanna Blake Vanessa Steven Keaton Carman Maranda Tania Rigell Natalie Tresi Abtehal Arif Jie Nga Purna Heyam Mu Thar Mahmood Zainab Lysa Su Asaydel Tania Suraj Michael Anyela Susana Binod Kamal Buddhi Tika Zaradasht Ashjan Dasarath Phul Say Ber Soe S. Bishnu Damber Ricardo Viridiana Jen Niang Soe R Than Water Bi Thein Pleh Jeeven Soloman Michelle Kointhia Yosvany Justin B. Ravend Jose A. Jeremy Kumari Ibrahem TJ Yirah Cindy Khadija Radha Tiyeana CJ Nick Cha Jose S. Kat Ugo Ruben Jonathan Abigail Mona Lian Rashad Pau Josh Elva Tim Nee Oscar Mehrnaz Dalya Maria S Isaiah Da’Ja Quintin Gerardo Kash Shawn Shatem Nallely Andrea Cachey Demarcus Kim Le’Shona Autumn Jonathan John Rebaz Salih Tuyet Karli Josh RonDariu s Laura Breanna Tierra Luis Justin Maria D Noor Seepan Pishkush Unit 6 Day 1 (6.1) The Kinetic Molecular Theory Table of Contents Unit # and Topic Topic # (eg. 3.2) 6.1 The Kinetic Molecular Theory Exit Ticket % Mastery (Y/N) Learning Objectives • I can explain pressure, temperature, and volume • I can explain the behavior of gases using the Kinetic Molecular Theory of Gases http://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/gas-properties Investigation (11 min) Guided -complete all Practice problems -work with assigned group -quietly -raise your hand to ask a question • Work with the person beside you (groups of 2) • Complete Part A (3min) • Complete Part B—quietly answer questions while watching particular simulator (5 min) • Complete Part C (3min) Instruction Instruction -complete all notes and example problems -complete summary -silently -raise your hand to ask or answer a question KP1: What is a gas? • Phase of matter with high kinetic energy (temperature), high particle spacing, and low potential energy – Ex. The air in this room is a gas, which means its particles are moving fast (high KE, low PE) and are far apart KP2: What is the difference between a real gas and an ideal gas? • A real gas is a gas that exists in everyday life (ex. The air we are breathing) • An ideal gas is what a gas should behave like under specific conditions – In this unit we will learn about ideal gases KP3: What 3 variables do we use to talk about gases? • Pressure (P) = the force of the gas particles colliding with the sides of the container – Measured in Atmospheres (atm) • Temperature (T) = average kinetic energy (movement) of the gas particles – Measured in Kelvin (K) • Volume (V) = amount of space the gas particles take up, equal to the size of their container – Measured in Liters (L) high volume low volume KP4: What is the Kinetic Molecular Theory of Gases? • A theory of the way ideal gases behave that lets us predict gas behavior • According to the KMT: 1. Gas particles have no volume (they are points). Gas volume = volume of container The particles are so small compared to the space between them that we do not consider their size. Therefore, it is easy to compress them or squish them into a small space (unlike solids or liquids). Kinetic Molecular Theory (con’t) 2. Gas particles move in random but straight lines until they hit something—usually each other or the walls of the container. This causes them to “diffuse” or spread out (ex. Perfume) and “effuse” or escape through a hole in the container (ex. Air escaping a hole in your tire) Diffusion Effusion Particles escape through the hole in the container 3. There is no attraction or repulsion between gas particles; they bounce off of each other when they collide 3. Gas pressure is due to the particles colliding with the walls of the container the more collisions, the higher the pressure 4. The average kinetic energy of a gas is measured by temperature in Kelvin Guided practice Guided -complete all Practice problems -work with assigned group -quietly -raise your hand to ask a question •Think (30 sec)-Pair (1 min)-Share (1 min) each problem Independent Practice Independent -complete all Practice problems -silently and alone -use your packet for help -raise your hand to ask for help Did we meet our objectives? • I can explain pressure, temperature, and volume…HOW? • I can explain the behavior of gases using the Kinetic Molecular Theory…HOW? Exit Ticket Exit Ticket -complete all problems -track your score -start your homework -silently and alone -no notes! Grading Exit Tickets Trade Exit Tickets with the person beside you No one should have their own Exit Ticket 6.1 Exit Ticket Answers 1. B 2. A 3. C 4. C 5. B • Give your partner a score out of 5 (check marks for correct answers, x marks for incorrect answers • Fill in their percentage score in the top right hand corner (0/5 = 0%, 1/5 = 20%, 2/5 = 40%, 3/5 = 60%, 4/5 = 80%, 5/5 = 100%) • Pass exit tickets to the person at the front of the row Place binders on the shelf where you found them!!!