Athletic Training Syllabus Mrs. Truax, M.Ed., ATC What is this course about? This course is designed to provide students with a hands-on introduction into the field of Athletic Training and Sports Medicine. This course is an advanced course for students who are in the Sports Medicine NHSSM Club, or have previously taken Intro to Sports Medicine or Anantomy and Physiology. It will prepare students for the NHSSM High School Sports Medicine Competition in April where we compete with schools from all over California, as well as prepare them to enter a University Athletic Training Education Program (ATEP). It will include topics such as: General health, First aid, CPR, Structural and Functional Anatomy, Taping and Wrapping Techniques, and Orthopedic assessment and treatment of many athletic injuries and illnesses. This course will also require laboratory hours outside of the classroom in the ATR after school. What texts and materials will I need? 1. Fundamentals of Athletic Training (3rd edition) by Cartwright and Pitney; Published by Human Kinetics. 2. Three hole binder (for class work organization) 3. Green Damien Polo shirt or Sports Medicine T-Shirt with Khaki shorts or pants 4. Download the Remind 101 App. Enter the class code @athtrain What will I be doing in order to learn? Learning activities inside and outside of scheduled class time include, but are not limited to… 1. Keeping a notebook The notebook is a recording tool; an aid to the student’s learning process. It is designed to be used as a study reference and to help the student stay organized. Many things will be included in the notebook throughout the year. Students are to keep all assignments until the end of the semester grades are completed. Notebooks are not collected in this course. Upper classmen should already know how to keep a notebook that will keep them organized and effective in the classroom. 2. Homework/ Classwork Assignments (15% of the overall grade) All assignments are due on their assigned due dates when I collect them. No late work will be permitted at that time, except for an excused absence. In the case of an absence it is the student’s responsibility to check with myself or a reliable student to get the assignments and class notes that were missed. You must write absent at the top of the paper in order for it to be accepted late by the appropriate due date per the parent/ student handbook rules. Students are to keep all returned graded work as a grade record in their notebooks. It is the student’s responsibility to go online and double check the grades to make sure that they match. If there is a discrepancy, the student should bring in the graded assignment and it will be corrected. If the student does not have the assignment, the grade in the computer will stand. 3. Labs (30% of the overall grade) In this class, there will be a lot of hands on learning and skill requirements. You will also be required to complete an internship in the athletic training room of 5 days for the 1st semester and 3 days for the 2nd semester. If sports or other activities interfere with this assigned time, please have the student see me in advance so that we can make arrangements around their schedules. Other labs include taking one’s blood pressure and pulse, ace wrapping techniques, taping techniques (foot, ankle, knee, elbow, hand, and fingers), injury and first responder labs, and a CPR lab. In case of an absence, the student must attend the assigned make up day after school with me to make up the Lab. Labs are MANDATORY to be made up or the grade will result in a zero. 4. Quizzes / Tests / Semester Exams (55% of the overall grade) Generally, there will be one or two quizzes per chapter. Some Quizzes cannot be made up. In the case of an absence, the grade is left blank, not a zero, so it will not count against the student. For a pre-discussed absence, a quiz may be taken earlier than the assigned date. For tests, there will be at least a test for every one or two chapters. These MUST be made up. I will assign specific make up days after school to complete the tests. If a student does not make up the exam by the end of the Quarter, they will receive a zero. (TIP: Make up the exam immediately. It will be fresher in your 1 mind than waiting until the end of the quarter.) Semester exams are cumulative for the semester and compose of roughly 10% of the overall grade. A study guide will be provided, along with a study guide review. Students will also receive study guides for the chapter tests and are also used as the study guide for the semester exam. 5. Late Work Policy/ Test and Lab Make-up Policy At the end of each chapter (the test date) that chapter’s late work is due and it will be worth half credit if it is complete. If it is not the complete assignment, no credit will be given. The assignment MUST be complete and titled with the assignment title to be accepted. (TIP: If the student knows he missed an assignment, complete it at the time it was missed and store it in the notebook under a late work section. Then he will just have to turn it in on the day of the test instead of cramming all the make-up assignments into one or two days.) Throughout the quarter I will assign specific days after school for test and lab make-ups. Labs and tests are MANDATORY to be made up or a zero will be the resulting grade. Labs are difficult to make-up, so PLEASE do not be absent on Lab days if it is possible or do not miss the assigned make-up day for it. At the end of the Quarter, I will give a deadline and times that the students can come in after school to make up any tests and possibly some labs if they have not done so previously. If they have not made them up by the end of each Quarter (NOT Semester) they will receive a zero. I will also allow late assignments at the end of the quarter for 25% credit. After the quarter has ended, the grade is final. 6. Participation I feel strongly that being in class, participating and being prepared for class are essential for learning. Throughout the quarter, I will choose a random day without warning to check for your materials. This will be worth 5pts. You are required to bring your text book to class every day and be on time. In class we will have discussions, lectures and activities. The more you participate, the more you can learn. Be respectful at all times and keep discussions relevant to the topic. Do not interfere with the learning of another student. BE A LEADER! BE A SPARTAN! 7. Tutoring I am available on Monday and Wednesday after school in my classroom for questions, tutoring, and test make-ups until 4pm. I can also schedule another time to work with you if those days do not work for you. You need to let me know so we can schedule a time that works for you. 8. Extra Credit (no more than 3% of overall grade allowed) a.) CPR certification. I feel that this is a very important skill one should learn and it is a critical skill in the field of sports medicine. The student will receive 35-40 points of EC and it is available to all students. The student must show the CPR card (with their name and instructor’s signature) to me and give me a photo copy of the card; front and back. It cannot be an expired card. This must be done in person. NO online course allowed. This is only available once for the year. b.) Hospital Volunteer. The hospital is a great learning environment, especially if you are thinking about pursuing a career in the medical field. Volunteer 20 hrs and you will write a paper about your experience. The specifics of the paper will be discussed if you choose to complete this assignment. This can also be used for your community service hours; so 2 birds with one stone. c.) Game Day Extra. If you would like to volunteer and intern an additional day in the ATR for a game, you can receive extra credit towards your internship lab grade. It must be scheduled with me in advance. There are playoffs and schedule changes with athletics throughout the year and I will let the class know as soon as I know if an opportunity is open. It is by first come first serve, so act quick! 9. Varsity Letter in Sports Medicine If the medical field or athletic training field really interests you and you would like to get more experience and observations in the ATR come and see me. The varsity letter in sports medicine is for working in the athletic training room year round. (I will work with some schedules) You will learn to tape, take care of minor abrasions and cuts, help getting water to the teams, and assist the DHS Certified Athletic Trainers if an emergency occurs in athletics, as well as earthquakes and disasters during school hours. See me if you are interested. Get a Head Start and keep track of your hours in the ATR and bring those with you to your college athletic training program! Our Varsity Letter Program is a Chapter in the National Honors Society of Sports Medicine (NHSSM). Students in the SMC are required to be in the 2 ATR a minimum of 3 days a week and maintain a 3.0 GPA. We will compete against other high school sports medicine students throughout California in April. The Athletic Training Class helps prepare students for the competition. How do I calculate my quarter and semester grades? The individual’s total number of points divided by the total possible points will determine grades for the semester. At any time during the course, a student may determine their standing on the Damien website. I cumulate the points throughout the semester, so it will be the current semester grade at that time. Generally I will have tests graded within a day or two and posted on the website. Homework and classwork assignments will be posted usually within a week. Labs may take longer to grade and I will have them posted as soon as possible. If you have any questions it is BEST to email me and I will get back to you quickly. A 90-100% B 80-89% C 70-79% D 60-69% F 59% or lower Classroom Rules 1. RESPECT is EXPECTED to everyone in the class No Name Calling, racial slurs, foul, derogatory or sexual language. No Horseplay in the classroom No talking when someone else is talking – ESPECIALLY the teacher!! No interfering in the education of another student Treat others the way you want to be treated 2. Be Polite. Use please and thank you when you are asking or receiving in this classroom. Always raise your hand for questions, permission to sharpen your pencil, etc. Always stand for any adult visitor to our class. 3. Always act with integrity and honesty. I expect that all work turned in for grading will be your original work and not copied from others. Copying or any other form of cheating will result in a zero on the assignment for you AND the person who let you copy their work or let you cheat. Own up to your mistakes! Take responsibility for your actions and then think before you act! 4. Be prepared and On Time for class. If you are tardy 3 times in the semester you will receive a detention with me after school. If you are tardy 5 or more times in the semester you will receive the 3 hour detentions with the deans. 5. Maturity is essential in this class. 6. No food or drinks in class (bottled water is the only exception) 7. No cell phones, i-pods, or video games in class. If I see them they will be confiscated and held until the end of the day. You can pick it up from my classroom at the end of the day and you will have to serve a detention with me. If I confiscate it again, second offenses will have their phones turned into the Deans of Discipline Office with 3 hour detentions to serve. You cannot listen to music on any device if you finish an assignment, test or quiz early in my class. Begin on the next assignment, have a book to read or you may complete homework for another class. If I see them, I will take them and you will have a detention to serve. There are no warnings. 8. Bathroom privileges: Will be very limited per the Deans and school rules. Take care of it during break, lunch or in your passing period. If it becomes a problem I will revoke all bathroom privileges for the entire class. The few can ruin it for the many. 9. I will excuse the class, not the bell. Stay seated until I dismiss the class. If any of the above rules are violated: 1st occurrence: Verbal Warning, or based on the offense, Detention with me after school. 2nd occurrence: 1 Hour detention with me and your parents will be notified 3rd occurrence: Student will be referred to the Deans of Discipline with 3 detentions assigned or a Saturday detention AND / OR Receive a conduct referral and / or a “U” in behavior Flagrant violation of class rule: Student will receive a Conduct referral and / or a “U” in behavior. They will also be given a Saturday Detention. Regardless of number of offenses, any student can jump between these steps based on what has occurred. *** NOTE TO PARENTS: It is best to contact me by email 3 ATHLETIC TRAINING SYLLABUS AGREEMENT Due: ______________ *** NOTE TO PARENTS: It is best to contact me by email I check email daily and will be able to get back to you quickly. I have read and understand the rules and academic requirements of this class (5 Pages). I also understand the detention and referral procedures. I agree to complete the course work designed for the ATHLETIC TRAINING class and conduct myself appropriately and with integrity. Student’s Name (Printed): _____________________________________ Period: ____________ Student’s Signature: __________________________________________ Date: _____________ Parent/ Guardian Name (Printed): _______________________________ Relationship to Student: _________ Parent/ Guardian Signature: _____________________________________ Date: _____________ Parent / Guardian Phone Number: (________) ______________________ Parent/ Guardian Email Address: __________________________________ 4