
Modeling Aspects
by Category Theory
Serge P. Kovalyov
Novosibirsk, Russia
FOAL 2010
Aspect-oriented software development
Mission: explicit separation and composition of concerns
Concerns are tangled
Concerns crosscut modular architecture bounds
Traceability is compromised (ability to determine what each fragment of
the system is included into it for)
Proposed solution
Equip program models with traces of refinements that produce them
from concerns (i.e. “label” programs by concerns)
Explicitly identify, compose (weave), and separate concerns
Application: enhance modular design technologies with aspect
handling capabilities
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Category-theoretic formalization
Explicit definition of intuitive notions
Describing objects via relations with similar objects
Universality (existence and uniqueness of connection with similar objects)
Naturality (independence of the result on the way it is reached)
Formal specification and verification of systemic properties
Avoiding appeal to “interiors” of objects
Constructing object by systemic criteria
Objects (things)
Morphisms (connections)
Functors (translations)
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Category of descriptions
Category c-DESC
Example: category of UML classes and inheritance relations
Scenario modeling
Objects are formal models of programs (descriptions)
Morphisms are actions of integrating components into systems
Composition is multistep integration
Identity morphisms are “doing nothing”
Category Pos
Objects are partially ordered sets (posets)
of events ordered by causal dependence
Morphisms are poset homomorpisms
(preserving events and ordering)
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Functor  : X  c-DESC
Graph of X labeled by c-DESC-objects and c-DESC-morphisms
Natural transformation of a diagram (base) to a singleton (vertex)
Colimit of a diagram 
Universal cocone with base 
Minimal “container” that encapsulates objects of  respecting their
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Well-formed configuration
Is a c-DESC-diagram (of components and their interconnections)
Has a colimit (system built from interconnected components)
Satisfies structural constraints
Configurations of scenarios
Well-formed configurations are disjoint unions of cocones
well-formed: parallelism
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ill-formed: concurrency
Category SIG of interfaces and their integration actions
Functor sig : c-DESC  SIG
Default realization of any interface
Functor sig* : SIG  c-DESC
sig ◦ sig* = 1SIG
Bijective map Mor(sig*(I), A) to Mor(I, sig(A)) by functor sig
(i.e. sig* is left adjoint to sig with identity as the unit)
Example: signature of a program module
Scenario interface
Set of events
Forgetful functor |–| : Pos  Set
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Category r-DESC
Objects are models
Morphisms are refinements (individual component development steps)
Elaborating requirements
Implementing specification by means of a programming language
Scenario refinement
Replacing atomic events with subscenarios fully inheriting the order
Dual to a surjective homomorphism
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Traceable refinements
Tracing a refinement r : X  S
Labeling S by concerns that constitute X
Trace is a c-DESC-morphism t : S  X dual to a refinement
sig(t) has right inverse (to preserve traceability at subsequent
integrating S into a larger system)
t = rop
s : sig(t) ◦ s = 1
Every refinement of scenarios is traceable
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Enhancing descriptions with aspects
Aspect-oriented description is a pair A, l : sig(A)  L
A  Ob c-DESC is a “modular” part
L  Ob SIG is an aspect structure
l labels sig(A) by aspects (sig(l) is a trace)
Morphism of AO-description A, l to A', l' is a pair p, q
A, l :
sig(A)  L 
sig(p) 
A', l' :
sig(B)  L' 
Aspect-oriented scenarios
Object are pomsets (labeled posets)
Morphisms are homomorphisms
that preserve labeling
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Aspect-oriented design
AO-configurations are modular configurations that admit any
labeling of components by aspects (i.e. have suitable colimit)
Interfaces of AO-descriptions
mod : A, l | A (modular design interfaces)
asp : A, l | l (aspect design interfaces)
int : A, l | sig(A) (original interfaces)
AO-refinements are duals to such AO-morphisms that are
produced from traces
Aspect-oriented scenario modeling
Configurations are disjoint unions of AO-cocones
Functor mod forgets labeling
Functor mod* labels each event by a unique label (event itself)
Refinement replaces events with subscenarios fully inheriting the order
and detailing the labeling
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Aspects are “elementary” building blocks of AO-descriptions
An integration of an aspect into a system is an invertible embedding at
the level of aspect structures
A is an aspect iff for every object A' and morphism p, q : A  A'
q has left inverse (often a trace)
Aspects in scenario modeling
Aspect is a scenario with all events labeled by the same label
Aspect is precisely a pair A, ! : |A|  1
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Specifying how to weave an advice W with a base program B
Connector: C
Pointcut descriptor: j : C  B
Entry points descriptor: e : C  W
Performing weaving
Pushout (colimit):
1C, e  : C  C  W
B X
Weaving labeled scenarios
Weaving exists if a connector “tolerates” concurrency (i.e. it doesn’t
impose specific order of executing different aspects of the advice bound
to the same join point )
Weaving with an aspect preserves labeling of a base
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Explication of aspect structure
Explication of aspect structure of an AO-description A, l
Obtaining “actual” refinement from concerns
r-DESC-morphism s : X  A where sop is a trace and sig(sop) = l
An explication of A, l is universal if every AO-morphism
p, q : A, l  A', l' has an explication (provided that A', l' has)
p : A  A'
sop   rop
p' : X  X '
Explicating labeled scenarios
Every explication is universal
Every aspect is explicable
“Many” scenarios are inexplicable e.g. interleaving
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Separation of concerns
Subaspect of an AO-description S
AO-morphism m : A  S where A is an explicable aspect
Explication m' of m is right inverse to a trace
Explication diagram of m is a pullback (i.e. mod(m) is a “preimage” of m'
along an explication trace of S)
An aspect has no proper subaspects
If S is an aspect, then m is an isomorphism
Each explicable labeled scenario can be partitioned to subaspects
Each scenario can be labeled by linearly ordered subaspects
Maximal partition: assign a unique label to each event (i.e. apply mod*)
Minimal partition: factorize by linear equicomparability relation
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Industrial application
Distributed measurement system (DMS) development
Main measurement cycle is linear order of separable aspects
Measurement automation infrastructure aspects are woven to it
undermining separation of concerns
DMS scenario weaving schema
measure  store  validate  compute  display
+ metadata model
+ monitoring
+ security
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Understanding systemic nature of AOSD concepts
Providing formal paradigm-neutral description of
Explication of aspect structure
Separation of concerns
Verifying structural properties of aspect-oriented operations
Applying in concurrency theory: labels are aspects
Applying in industry: large-scale DMS development
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Thank you for your attention
FOAL 2010