Tuesday, 9

Does literature shape culture or does it reflect culture?
What are the qualities that cause a piece of literature to endure?
How do universal themes represent concerns common to all cultures and societies?
Mrs. Riddick/English 10 Unit One: Ancient Civilizations
Essential Questions
How does literature, both reading it and writing it, play a role in portraying culture?
Are there certain truths that can be considered universal or absolute?
Monday, 9.28.09 & Tuesday, 9.29.09
Bring Holt Reader
 Warm-up: Journal Entry—is revenge ever taken too far? Has anyone ever hurt your
best friend/family member? What was your reaction? If unable to relate yourself,
describe revenge you witnessed in life or film (15 min.) and your reaction to it.
 Reading Quiz on Holt Reader homework—Overhead, on your own paper. Open note
only if homework was completed.
 Read Greek Government and Society (Holt Reader pp. 330-2) and answer questions on
p. 333. Complete “Before You Read” activities on p. 63 in Holt Reader. If needed, add
foreshadowing to your literary terms chart.
 Review homework reading— Ancient Greek Literature pp. 52-58 in your Holt Reader.
 Writing: Comparing and Contrasting Heroes WS—discuss. Complete while reading.
 Review Journal Entries.
 Begin reading from Book 22 of the Iliad (Holt Reader pp. 64-84)
o Be sure to fill out your chart (for the pages we have read together only)
comparing and contrasting Achilles and Hector.
Wednesday, 9.30.09 & Thursday, 10.1.09
Bring Holt Reader to class
 Warm-up: Roots and prefixes
 Review reading from last class and chart.
 Finish reading from Book 22 of the Iliad (pp. 64-84)
 Pairs--Begin Compare and Contrast Poems (Two Voice Poem)
 HOMEWORK: Complete poems.
Friday, 10.2.09 & Monday, 10.5.09
Bring Holt Reader
 Warm-up: Roots and prefixes.
 15 min—finish Two Voice Poems. Volunteers—Read poems
 Complete Writing: Comparing and Contrasting Heroes WS. Review.
 Review quote at bottom of WS.
 Review proper citations for poems.
 Begin draft of essay comparing and contrasting the two heroes.
 HOMEWORK: Finish reading and note-taking if needed.
Tuesday, 10.6.09 & Wednesday, 10.7.09
Bring Holt Reader
 Warm-up: Roots and prefixes
 Show clips of movie Troy—scene from Book 22 of The Illiad.
 Complete draft of essay—comparison & contrast of Achilles and Hector. Due at the end
of class.
 HOMEWORK: Complete essays if needed. Due when you walk in next class. No
straggling printing needs are acceptable.
Thursday, 10.08.09 & Friday, 10.9.09 Bring Literature Book & IR book
 Warm-up: Roots and prefixes
 Complete Reading Skills: Evaluating Historical Practice (p. 85 in Holt Reader)
Does literature shape culture or does it reflect culture?
What are the qualities that cause a piece of literature to endure?
How do universal themes represent concerns common to all cultures and societies?
Cultural Patterns Chart--Identify what the Book 22 of the Iliad reveals about ancient
Greek culture. Explain what is revealed about their customs and beliefs. Are there any
aspects of their culture present in American culture today? Discuss.
Read and take notes on pp. 269-270 in Literature book. Review.
Vocabulary Development Exercise.
Review Internal and External Conflict—add to literary terms list if needed.
IR 20 min.
HOMEWORK: None—ENJOY! Progress Reports come out Monday, 10.12.09!!!
Monday, 10.12.09 & Tuesday, 10.13.09
Bring Lit Book
 Warm-up: Roots and prefixes.
 Read from Aeneid Book 2: The Fall of Troy (pp. 272-293) from literature book and
answer questions in margins. Review.
o Study vocabulary words from Aeneid and notes from class. Both will be on quiz.
Wednesday, 10.14.09 & Thursday, 10.15.09
Bring Lit Book
 2A—Shortened class on 10.14. PSATs.
 Warm-up: Review Roots and prefixes—Practice. Quiz next class.
 Finish Aeneid. Review.
 HOMEWORK: Study notes from class—Aeneid reading quiz next class.
Friday, 10.16.09 & Monday, 10.19.09
Bring Lit Book
 Roots and Prefixes Quiz!!!
 Review reading and questions—if needed and then take Aeneid Reading Quiz!!!!
 Quickwrite: Roland and Concept of Honor—pg. 207 in literature book.
 Read ABOUT The Song of Roland on p. 606 in lit book.
 Add climax to literary terms chart.
 Groupwork—Song of Roland pp. 610-615
o 12 groups will each read and analyze their assigned laisse.
o Present laisse to class. Review.
 HOMEWORK: Complete work on laisse if needed
Tuesday, 10.20.09 & Wednesday, 10.21.09
Bring Lit Book
 Warm-up: Roots/prefixes
 Finish group work if needed. Present to class.
 Cultural Patterns Chart—What does this epic reveal about French culture in the Middle
Ages? What to they appear to value? What is life like?\
 Review Epic Poetry.
 Read: Article “Once Upon a Time in Africa” and respond to the questions on the
worksheet. DO NOT WRITE ON PACKETS—you must return them next class.
 HOMEWORK: Finish article if necessary.
Thursday, 10.22.09 & Friday, 10.23.09
Bring IR Book
 Warm-up: Roots/prefixes
 Review “Once Upon a Time in Africa” answers.
 Listen to Ladysmith Black Mambazo “Gift of the Tortoise” CD and respond to questions
on worksheet.
 Paragraph—from listening to the storytelling CD and answering the questions, describe
the things valued by the Zulu people. Turn in responses.
Does literature shape culture or does it reflect culture?
What are the qualities that cause a piece of literature to endure?
How do universal themes represent concerns common to all cultures and societies?
Common Proverbs WS—complete as many as you can. You may use friends and
relatives to do so.
IR 20 min.
HOMEWORK: Finish Common Proverbs WS. Enlist the help of study block teachers,
parents, or other adults. See how many you can paraphrase.
Monday, 10.26.09 & Tuesday, 10.27.09
Bring Lit book
 Warm-up: Roots and prefixes
 Review Common Proverbs WS
 Add Literary Terms to List on page 514
o Proverb, Metaphor, Rhyme, Alliteration, Parallelism
 Read Background on page 514. Break into pairs and paraphrase African Proverbs from
group of people on p. 515-6. Review.
 Proverbs quiz next class.
 HOMEWORK: Study for proverbs quiz next class.
Wednesday, 10.28.09 & Thursday, 10.29.09
Bring Lit book
 Warm-up: Roots and prefixes
 Proverbs Quiz
 Read the “Lady or the Tiger”
 Read The African Oral Tradition “The Five Helpers” and “Talk” on pp. 151-157 and
answer questions in the margins.
 HOMEWORK: None—be sure you’re caught up and ready for test review.
Friday, 10.30.09 & Monday, 11.2.09
Bring Literature & IR book
 Warm-up: Roots and prefixes
 Review for Ancient Voices test—Jeopardy
 Prepare essay question outline
 HOMEWORK: Study for Ancient Voices Test and prepare essay notes. Do not write the
essay in advance—I will only accept an outline.
Tuesday, 11.3.09—No School
Wednesday, 11.4.09 & Thursday, 11.5.09
Bring IR book
 Take Ancient Voices Test—outlines of essays are all that will be accepted.
 “Power of a Name” article and questions.
 IR if test is complete.
 HOMEWORK: Finish article and questions if needed.