GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF S.C.C. VA. NO. 1 Mountain Grove-Williamsville Telephone Company Section 29 Revision 1, Sheet 1 EXPLANATION OF TERMS 1. BASE RATE Base rate is the rate for primary classes of exchange service. (c) 2. BUILDING A building is a structure under one roof, or two or more structures connected by enclosed passageways which do not cross public thoroughfares, are regularly used as corridors by persons, and are suitable for the installation and maintenance of inside wiring. 3. CENTRAL OFFICE A central office is a local operating unit by means of which intercommunication is provided for subscribers within a specified area under contracts for exchange service. An essential characteristic of a central office is switching equipment to which telephone stations are connected by means of circuits known as “Central Office Lines”. (c) 4. CHANNEL A channel is an electrical path, suitable for the transmission of communication of the type contemplated at the rate specified. 5. CLASS OF SERVICE The classes of subscriber telephone service are flat rate residence and business service and semi-public service. 6. COMPLEX SERVICE A service that provides special or multi-line business services. (a) 7. CONSTRUCTION CHARGE A separate charge authorized in the tariff for construction of pole lines, circuits, facilities, etc. (a) 8. EXCHANGE (EXCHANGE AREA) The specific area within which exchange service is furnished or offered under the provisions of a specific local exchange tariff. (a) Addition (c) Change __________________________________________________________ Issued: November 14, 1986 Effective: January 1, 1987 By: L. Ronald Smith, President, Williamsville, Virginia GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF S.C.C. VA. NO. 1 Mountain Grove-Williamsville Telephone Company Section 29 Revision 1, Sheet 2 9. EXCHANGE SERVICE The privilege of communication, by means of facilities connected with telephone central offices, offered and made available under the provisions of the exchange tariffs; including the privilege of initiating and receiving toll messages subject to the toll tariffs. 10. EXTENDED AREA SERVICE A type of service furnished under tariff provisions whereby subscribers of a given exchange may complete calls to, and where provided by the tariff, receive messages from one or more exchanges without the application of long distance message telecommunication charges. 11. FLAT RATE SERVICE A classification of exchange service for which a stipulated charge is made, regardless of the amount of use. (a) (c) 12. INTEREXCHANGE CHANNEL In the application of mileage charges, an interexchange channel is one connecting two or more exchanges. 13. INTEREXCHANGE SERVICE In the application of mileage charges, an interexchange service is one with service point in two or more exchanges. 14. KEY SYSTEM TRUCK A key trunk is any Central Office access line which terminates in stations accommodating more than one such line. 15. LOCAL SERVICE The privilege of intercommunication, by means of facilities connected with a central office or offices, and under the provisions of the exchange tariffs, between telephone stations located in the same exchange or in different exchanges between which no toll rates apply. (a) Addition (c) Change ________________________________________________________________ Issued: November 14, 1986 Effective: January 1, 1987 By: L. Ronald Smith, President, Williamsville, Virginia (a) GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF S.C.C. VA. NO. 1 Mountain Grove-Williamsville Telephone Company Section 29 Revision 1, Sheet 3 16. LOCAL SERVICE AREA The area within which telephone service is furnished subscribers under a specific schedule of exchange rates and without long distance charges. A local service area may include one or more exchange service areas. (c) 17. MESSAGE RATE SERVICE The class of exchange service furnished a subscriber at a rate which includes the privilege of sending a specified number of local messages (termed a message allowance) to other stations within the local service area in which the subscriber is located, and of sending additional local messages at a stipulated rate per message. 18. MESSAGE UNIT A message unit is a unit of measurement by which the charges for certain local messages are ascertained. The number of message units applicable to a particular local message shall be as specified in the appropriate local exchange tariff. 19. NETWORK INTERFACE DEVICES A registration jack provided by the Telephone Company to provide network interface. This device must readily permit the connection and disconnection of Customer Premise Wiring (CPW) by a plug, to and from the Telephone Company network for testing purposes. (a) 20. NON-PUBLISHED NUMBER SERVICE A non-published telephone number is one for which no listing appears in the alphabetical section of the directory or in the “Directory Assistance” records. Calls are completed to such stations only when the number is given by the calling party. (c) Change (a) Addition ________________________________________________________________ Issued: November 14, 1986 Effective: January 1, 1987 By: L. Ronald Smith, President, Williamsville, Virginia (a) GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF S.C.C. VA. NO. 1 Mountain Grove Williamsville Telephone Company Section 29 Revision 1, Sheet 4 21. PREMISES Premises is the continuous property (except railroad right of way, etc.) occupied by a customer under lease or ownership. In a building occupied by others in addition to the customer, the customer’s premises is the continuous or contiguous portions of a building which are occupied by the customer. The term “continuous portions of a building” means space within a given building which is occupied by the customer and connected by doors or hallways and not separated by space occupied by others or used by the general public. The term “contiguous portions of a building” means space within a given building which are occupied by the customer and which, while not continuous, as defined above, have one or more common sides. However, where a customer occupies more than one-half of all space on a given floor or a building, all portions of such occupied space are treated as one premise, whether or not separated by space occupied by others or used by the general public. 22. PUBLIC TELEPHONE An exchange main station installed on the Company’ initiative, or at the Company’s Option, at a location chosen or accepted as suitable and necessary for furnishing service to the general public. 23. TOLL SERVICE All service, additional to any exchange service required, rendered in connection with any message or order for communication subject to a toll charge in accordance with toll tariffs. (a) Addition ________________________________________________________________ Issued: November 14, 1986 Effective: January 1, 1987 By: L. Ronald Smith, President, Williamsville, Virginia (a)