October 2013 Talk Time: Leadership Update The key to engaging our people in the journey towards 2017 Headlines 1. Enrolment targets exceeded 2. Strategic Plan consultation continues 3. Consultation on University Values 4. University Car Parking 5. Changes in Professional Services Directorates 6. Salford Media Festival 7. QAA report online 8. US News Channel 9. iSalford app for mobiles launched 55% of meaning is conveyed in facial expressions 38% of meaning is conveyed in the way something is said Only 7% of meaning is conveyed through words used Source: Professor Albert Mehrabian's communications model Guidance This ‘Talk Time Leadership Update’ is the University-wide core brief Please use this as the basis for a face-to-face monthly briefing session with your people and encourage two-way discussions in order to increase engagement levels Add your own local briefing points and examples to the template below Help your people to understand the key updates below by expressing these in the way you feel best Encourage questions, make notes and ensure you provide answers If you don't know the answer to a question, please use the feedback form to pass the question back to the Director of the area in question 1 Core Brief University-wide headlines 1. Enrolment targets exceeded This week has seen the beginning of the new semester. Now that registration has been largely completed, we can confirm that we have met, and exceeded, our enrolment targets. New student registrations are at 107 per cent overall (and 4 per cent above our HEFCE allocation). International student registrations are also higher than expected. Because we also met our planned operating surplus of £4.5m for the financial year that ended at the end of July, we enter the new academic year in a strong financial position. This year there was a stronger emphasis on targets and the Heads of School and Admissions Directors demonstrated real commitment to managing these. Additionally, we invested more resources into developing our relationships with local FE Colleges through regular visits and campus tours. This has had an immediate positive impact but also will reap long-term benefits, as we widen our reach. Our Open Day events were well attended with excellent feedback from parents and enthusiastic prospective students, impressed with our facilities, professionalism and welcoming feel. June saw 1,989 prospective students come to Salford for our Open Days and last weekend drew around a further 2,500 visitors across all campuses. More than half of those who registered to attend came along, which is far higher than the expected figure for such events. The new international check-in system implemented by the UKBA compliance team has been very useful in making the process simpler for Tier Four immigration students. For the first time, Registration has also seen Student Life teams offering specialist immigration advice on site at Clifford Whitworth and this is working well. The new Student Union leadership is in place with Mishal Saeed as President, supported by Vice-Presidents Alex Thorp, Jasmine Pokuaa and Todd Hewitt and we look forward to working with them as partners throughout this academic year. We fully support their goals for the year and with representation on all decision-making bodies, we are committed to helping them deliver these. Work has started on our new academic building and will soon start on our new student residence and our MediaCityUK campus is alive with creative, mind-stretching events; “a cradle of new talent”, “bristling with an array of advanced broadcast equipment that could well put some its better-known neighbours to shame.” (The Times, 1 October). 3. Strategic Plan consultation continues A series of engagement and consultation sessions have already been held regarding the new Strategic Plan with the Executive, heads of school and heads of service; Professional Services leaders and PVC/Deans and their teams. A further five sessions are being held this month and the Plan is being presented to the University Council in November for final approval. The engagement and consultation sessions have also been attended by some of our Council members, whose input has been invaluable in helping the University to shape the Plan. The new Plan - which will set a clear direction of travel for the next five years - is intended to be a living document to inform and guide us as we move forward with clear, measurable, yet aspirational targets. The world has changed considerably since the last Plan was created in 2008 and it is important that the University develops a strong, distinctive strategy for the future. The Plan is also being shared with a range of stakeholders who include students, alumni, trade unions, University Council and a range of external partner organisations and interest and community groups. 2 Running alongside these engagement sessions will be a series of focus groups aimed at getting an understanding of what values the organisation wants to aspire to and defining what behaviours bring those values to life. 4. Consultation on University Values Employees from across the University are being consulted in the coming weeks on our new set of values - the behaviours and attitudes through which we’ll deliver the University’s new Strategic Plan. Following on from a number of events which have taken place with academic and professional services colleagues to gather views and opinions on the first draft of the new Strategic Plan, the University is now holding a series of focus groups which will specifically look at “setting the university’s values”. Focus Groups will take place as follows: 4 October - Student Life, Marketing and Student Recruitment and Student Administration 7 October – Open to all 9 October - College of Arts & Social Science and College of Science & Technology 10 October - Governance Services Unit, Legal, Communications, Salford Professional Development, Advancement Services, Research and ITS 14 October - Open to all 16 October - College of Health & Social Care To book a place, visit http://www.hr.salford.ac.uk/coursebooking/courses.php?booking=course&cat=ppd 5. University Car Parking changes The car parking changes which took effect from Monday 9 September will enable the building of stunning student residences and academic building as part of the Campus Plan. The existing Northern Car Park will fall within the student accommodation footprint. However, the new residences will open with undercroft car parking in two years’ time. Until this new car parking is available, a number of positive measures will increase the security and employees’ ease of use at Adelphi’s Farmer Norton Car Park which will become a key alternative car park now the Northern Car Park has closed. There is now increased lighting and a security car park officer to monitor the Farmer Norton Car Park. We have also improved the car park’s surface area. Permit holders are welcome here and daily tickets will also be available at a charge of £2.00 a day. Permit holders will also be able to park on the car park behind Adelphi House and at Castle Irwell. Employees and students who wish to continue driving to campus are asked to use any of the University’s many car parks over using residential streets since the University is committed to remaining a valued neighbour with respect for our local residents. A number of spaces are available for students and employees with restricted mobility. In particular, colleagues are asked to ensure that they use University car parks and do not park on any double yellow lines on public roads. For more details on car parking, visit http://staff.salford.ac.uk/news/details/3567 3 6. Changes in Professional Services Directorates As a result of the recent organisational change programme, Student Information Directorate (SID) has now been restructured into two divisions – Marketing and Student Recruitment and the Student Administration Directorate. Paula Barrow, has been appointed to the newly-created role of Director of Marketing, and joins the University on November 6 and will head up Marketing and Student Recruitment with a brief to ensure the University maintains a clear proposition in the challenging higher education marketplace and a particular focus on brand development, web and social media, marketing and international student recruitment. Michael Lurie becomes Deputy Director (International) leading our International recruitment and partnerships activity and for an interim period Nicky Chapman is our Associate Director for UK/EU Conversion. Sarah McAleny continues to lead Corporate Marketing and Mark Sanders continues to head up the Digital Team. Both Sarah and Mark and their teams have transferred over from the Communications Directorate to work under Paula. Paul Cartwright, previously Executive Director of Planning and Change, has been appointed as Director of Student Administration. He will be responsible for the core administrative processes that support the student journey, from registration through to assessment and examination to graduation. Student Administration covers academic progression, timetabling, student information and records and student information reporting as well as relationships with a range of external stakeholders including HESA, the UKBA successor organisation, the Student Loans Company and OFFA. Helen Hemaya becomes the Head of Systems and Data; and Saul Quirke continues to lead Information and Analysis. Work is on-going to fill the role of the Head of Customer Service. As you are aware, the Director of Student Life, Claire MacLean, recently left the University to undertake a new role at Goldsmiths in London. Interim arrangements have been agreed for the management of the Directorate, with Linda Tompkins (Associate Director for Employability and Engagement) taking on the role of Acting Director, supported by Sarah Mulholland (Associate Director, Student Support). Linda will lead the Directorate and will focus particularly on Careers, Enterprise, the Salford Advantage, Student Communications, Skills Development and Community and Student Engagement. Sarah will lead on student support, and as such will pick up and lead issues relating to student advice, guidance and wellbeing, discipline, Student Charter, disability and the governance around it, faith provision and support, and our contracted services including the nursery and the health centre. 4 6. Salford Media Festival After 19 years of the Nations and Regions Media Conference, the University’s prestigious event is re-launching this November as the Salford Media Festival. Taking place over four days, the Festival promises to be one of the premier events in the UK media calendar and is a must for content creators, commissioners, producers, broadcasters, policymakers, industry newcomers and media academics. Located in our own MediaCityUK facility for the first time, Salford Media Festival 2013 will be one of the most important festivals of its kind outside London and will feature a host of high profile experts from across the media sector. Industry professionals and academics will attend the festival on Tuesday 19 and Wednesday 20 November, while the final two days of the Festival will consist of sessions for the next generation of talent entering the media sector. These Next Generation days will be an opportunity for our existing students, with scheduled classes at MediaCityUK on those days, to enhance their learning by working with leading industry figures and speakers such as Josh Weinstein – writer of The Simpsons, just one of the high calibre speakers and delegates at the event. A selection of students and young people from outside of the University will also be able to attend the Next Generation days which will, in many ways, be a catalyst in driving forward the University’s excellent reputation as the institution for studying all things digital. It will feature a series of master classes, panel discussions and practical workshops from experts in TV, Radio, Digital Media, Film, Audio, Animation and Broadcasting. Colleagues are encouraged to support the festival as it establishes itself in the UK media calendar by tweeting about the Festival and sharing it on LinkedIn and Facebook. The Festival’s Twitter feed at @Salford_Media and to use #SMF2013 in any tweets. The website which you may wish to point to is http://salfordmediafestival.co.uk/. 7. QAA report now online The Institutional Review (England and Northern Ireland) Report for the University has been published on the Quality Assurance Agency website at http://www.qaa.ac.uk/InstitutionReports/Reports/Pages/IRENI-University-Salford-13.aspx. This follows the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA) visits to the University throughout May and June. The thoroughly positive Report concludes that we fully meet all dimensions of academic standards for higher education institutions in the UK – the threshold standards for our academic awards, the quality of information we provide and the quality and enhancement of student learning opportunities. In particular, the QAA noted two areas of good practice: the role of the University’s Teaching and Learning Strategy, ASPIRES, in guiding and promoting enhancement activities, and the way in which student employability was integrated into student services and curricula. For more information, contact Gregory Clark in the Governance Service Unit on 55868 or visit http://staff.salford.ac.uk/news/details/3596 5 8. US News Channel The online US News Channel has been refreshed to provide more internal good news for employees through video reporting and more interaction via comment submission forms at the bottom of a range of articles. The homepage of the new site still features the regular links which exist on the old Staff Channel homepage. These can be found at the top and bottom of the new site. In addition, the new US News Channel offers a “Hot Topics” section where employee views will be sought on a range of topical issues. News on policies and information to be aware of will be reported in a “What’s new” column whilst successes and people’s stories will feature under a “Success Stories” column. The new site can be accessed at staff.salford.ac.uk and any feedback can be sent through to Internalcomms-uos@salford.ac.uk. 9. iSalford app for mobile devices now launched An iSalford app is available free from Android and iOS app stores, offering students and employees the following features: Access to Blackboard online app (If you haven't already downloaded the Blackboard app you'll be directed to the app store for your platform) Browse the Library catalogue, check item availability, and contact a librarian Find a PC on campus – Locate the nearest available open access PC Get the latest news and announcements and browse recent stories Forgotten your network password? You can reset it through the iSalford App Maps – find your way around campus with our dedicated maps function Browse and share photos and images from the Salford Catalogue Browse University videos – of speakers, events etc Get Help – Need to contact campus security? Your school office? Student Life? Access all the important campus and local numbers when you need them Users of other platforms can access a mobile-friendly web-based version of the app at http://isalford.salford.ac.uk. The app will develop further over time and is just one aspect of ITS work to enhance the experience at the University and to enable greater wireless mobility. 6 Successes Sharing positive news is important for morale and engagement. This section contains a range of successes which you can share with your people. If you can provide details of awards, research funding or partnerships we can celebrate, then please email internalcommsuos@salford.ac.uk. Salford Business School shortlisted in THE Awards 2013 Salford Business School has been shortlisted for ‘Business School of the Year’ in this year’s Times Higher Education (THE) Awards. This is the latest in a long line of nominations the University has received over the last few years. In all, the University has been a finalist more than 10 times in the last three years alone across a range of categories; an impressive achievement in itself and this year we are hoping our submission will gain us a category win. To have been shortlisted for this prestigious award, is a recognition of the hard work of the School in delivering a brand new curriculum that addresses the needs of business being taught in an innovative and pioneering way. The winners will be announced at a ceremony in late November. To find out more about the Times Higher Education Awards, visit http://www.the-awards.co.uk/. Business booms for Salford Professional Development Since its launch a year ago, Salford Professional Development (SPD) has gone from strength to strength. The standalone training company, which is based in Faraday House, is celebrating a successful first year of trading, having turned over £1.3m in its first 10 months of operation. More than 2,000 delegates have travelled from across the UK to participate in one of the 100 courses offered by SPD – and the order book for 2014 is looking very healthy. The Search Engine Optimisation programme that the company offers has been particularly popular. The training programmes currently on offer fall under six main subject headings – Business & Law, Education, Energy & Built Environment, Health & Social Care, Leadership & Management, and Media & Digital. However, the SPD team can also tailor courses to meet an individual organisation’s needs. The company is happy to generate bespoke courses for clients and to respond to their requirements. A recent example of this is when they were contacted by a company in Malaysia, which requested some training in TV production skills and a course was created based on their needs. A proportion of the training offered by SPD is currently facilitated by outside agencies, but the team is keen to enhance their provision through access to the expertise of academics at the University. SPD would like to encourage more academic and professional services colleagues to get involved in teaching these courses. The company takes care of all the administrative work – the marketing and logistics, for example, to create an opportunity for colleagues to just ‘turn up and teach’. University employees are very important as they can generate interest in SPD by telling their contacts in industry about the company. For more information, visit the SPD website at www.salford.ac.uk/spd. 7 Local Brief Use this space to write down key updates affecting your school, directorate or team. Topics you may wish to include: Policy - What new procedures do you need to introduce, explain, reinforce or change? _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ People - What successes, issues and hard work can you discuss with the team? _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Progress - Key areas and tasks which have progressed this month. _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Points for action - What are the University or team priorities for the next month? _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ 8 Questions & Feedback Our mission Salford is an enterprising University which transforms individuals and communities through excellent teaching, research, innovation and engagement. Our vision The University of Salford will be, by 2017, an outstanding University renowned for the quality of its engagement, humanity, global reach and leadership in research, innovation and education. Our values We espouse and promote the following values and behaviours: The highest academic, professional and ethical standards Service to our stakeholders, clients and partners and, in particular, putting our students first Supporting our people and recognising and rewarding excellence and leadership Working together for the advancement of the University Innovation, creativity, enterprise, courage Diversity, humanity, fairness and respect Pride in our heritage and the distinctive difference we make to the world Investing passion in all that we do 9