Draft Jan 2013 Unit 4 Overview – Third Grade – Economics and Financial Literacy 3.E.1 Understand how the location of regions affects activity in a market economy. 3.E.1.1 Explain how location impacts supply and demand. 3.E.1.2 Explain how locations of regions and natural resources influence economic development (industries developed around natural resources, rivers and coastal towns). 3.E.2 Understand entrepreneurship in a market economy. 3.E.2.1 Explain why people become entrepreneurs. 3.E.2.2 Give examples of entrepreneurship in various regions of our state. Working understandings: 1. Definition of a market economy, supply and demand, entrepreneur 2. Human wants and needs differ depending on where you live. 3. Examples of entrepreneurs in our community, state, region Essential Questions: 1. How might location impact supply and demand in a market economy? 2. How might natural resources influence economic growth in an area? 3. Why might a person want or not want to be an entrepreneur? Essential Vocabulary: goods, services, consumers, producers, productive resources, natural resources, human resources, capital resources, entrepreneur, scarcity, opportunity cost, Trade-offs, money, price, specialization, interdependence, productivity, profit, role of government, international trade. Assessment: Assessment should be done throughout the unit, as you see student understanding of concepts through class discussion. Short quizzes can be given at any appropriate time within the unit, based on the essential questions of the lesson. Several quizzes are embedded within the unit, but these can be altered at teacher discretion. By the end of the unit, students should be able to answer all of the essential questions listed above. The goal is student understanding of concepts rather than memorization of facts. Lesson Essential Question Begin the unit explaining that students will be learning and deepening their understanding of economics in our world. Week 1 Using the vocabulary word list (without the definitions), based on their current understandings of the words have students discuss in small groups (3-4) their understandings and how they would categorize the words they do understand. See if the small group could create at least one category for the words they know. Teacher Preparation Draft Jan 2013 Assessment Prepare word list for overhead, or document camera or manipulative word sort for use by small group. Monitor student conversation to determine initial understandings. Optimal book choice shared reading viewed through document camera. “Colonial Voices” Economic Concepts Anagrams and Definitions Baseline observations of student understanding of vocabulary and background with words. For example; resources, things we buy, things we use, money. Students will think of even more. Small group share out after discussion. How might location impact supply and demand in a market economy? Trouble is Brewing in Boston Shared reading of “Colonial Voices: Hear Them Speak” by Kay Winters See handout with link and OR One of the other resources provided in handouts. http://bit.ly/WQLKGK Complete process and questions. Economic Spotter - Trade in Colonial History Explore website of Time Machine activity. Time Machine activity. http://www.usmint.g ov/kids/timeMachine / Economic Spotter – Money in Revolutionary Times Continued Time Machine activity. Paragraph – ELA Common Core informational writing on exchange and specialization. Draft Jan 2013 Week 2 How might natural resources influence economic growth in an area? Continue growing student understanding through selected video clips. Clips are from Econedlink. Video Clip – Trade, Exchange, and Interdependence - http://bit.ly/XjCniG Video Clip – Productive Resources http://bit.ly/WfL5RD View clips prior to sharing with students. Use the essential question to have conversations about the clips that students view. “Think Note” observations made during viewing or from small group conversations. Video Clip – Demand http://bit.ly/14w8KAc Bills and Coins If All Bills Could Talk Money Phrases Week 3&4 Why might a person want or not want to be an entrepreneur? Literature Connections “Arthur’s Pet Business” by Marc Brown Locate “Arthur’s Pet Business” or similar book with young entrepreneur. Arthur’s Pet Business Income Interview. Spotlighting Entrepreneurs – Sweet Success of M. Hershey 5 text-based questions Entrepreneurs – How to Get Your Ideas Out There Entrepreneurs video How might location impact supply and demand in a market economy? How Competition Works Begin discussions around this question. “Why is competition important to a market economy?” Why Competition Works Shared reading through document camera or student’s each have a copy. Draft Jan 2013 Competing for Customers Playing By the Rules Antitrust Laws Additional Literature Connections: “Stone Fox” by John Reynolds Gardiner Stone Fox – Decisions, Decisions Stone Fox – Taxes and You Stone Fox – Economics Test Pancakes, Pancakes Where Did That Pencil Come From? Follow and Ice Cream Cone Around the World Magic Words The Importance of Economics and Entrepreneurship Bookmark – Bookmarks By the Numbers Bookmark Company Bookmark Resource Price List – Teacher Use Graphing Market Survey Results Bookmark – Computing Unit Costs of Production Computing Bookmark Profits Product Cost Computation Sheet Decision Grid Jobs Worksheet Location, Location, Location