Badminton Unit Earl Oxford Grades 4-8 Brittany Adriaansen Unit Topics 1. Behavior, safety expectations and equipment maintenance Movement and ready position Forehand and Backhand grip 2. Overhand/ Underhand Clear Shots Drop Shots 3. Drive Shot Smash Shot Serving Techniques 4. Boundaries (Singles and Doubles) Rules (Singles and Doubles) 5. Drills – Will be used throughout the unit to enhance the skills being taught. Round Robin/Kings Court Games/Ladder Tournaments – Will be used throughout the unit Block Plan Monday April 1 Tuesday April 2 Wednesday Thursday April 3 April 4 Safety and Movement and equipment Review, drills Forehand and backhand grip Review/Relays April 8 April 9 April 10 April 11 April 12 Clear Shots Review and Drills Drop Shot Review/Drills Game Play April 15 April 16 April 17 April 18 April 19 Drive and Smash Shot Review/Drills Serving Badminton Golf Ladder Tournament April 22 April 23 April 24 April 25 April 26 Boundaries and Rules Review/Drills Tournament Tournament Games Games Tournament Games April 29 April 30 May 1 May 3 Tournament Games Tournament Games Tournament Tournament Games Games May 2 Friday April 5 Game Play Jamboree Completion Checklist Lesson Safety, Movement and equipment Forehand/backhand Grip Clear Shots Drop Shot Drive and Smash Shots Serving Rules and Boundaries Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7B Grade 8A Grade 8AL Grade 8C Assessment Formative Assessment: Will be done through observation during activities and games. Positive and constructive verbal feedback will be used to help students learn and grow in all skill areas. Summative Assessment: Will be used through checklist and record keeping. Checklist will be used to show which students understand and demonstrate the particular skill. Records will be kept as the students go through the unit to highlight strengths and weaknesses. Extra Activities / Games Fill the Tub Badminton Golf Kings Court Ladder Tournament Elimination Circle Hit and Run Lose a Racket Outcomes Students will understand safety on the courts of badminton. Students will show understanding for behaviour and equipment maintenance. Methods Activate: Discuss with students the safety concerns, behaviour expectations and maintaining the equipment. Acquire: Demonstrate a full swing and what it looks like both forehand and backhand. Talk on movement in the courts that involves the ready position. Apply: Have students go through a command drill. Calling out different directions for students to run to and show their ready position and full swing follow through. Students will demonstrate the understanding of forehand and backhand grip. Activate: Resources Curriculum Rackets Birdies Nets Assessment Observation of student understanding. Teacher Notes: Safety – personal space extends, stay off courts being used. Behaviour – Use of racket for playing not aggression, reserve if unsure. Maintaining Equipment – 1,2,3,4 match nets to poles, appearance of cart with rackets and nets. Curriculum Rackets Demonstrate the forehand Birdies and backhand grip. Use of key Nets words like palm facing up and Checklist making the V should be used. Observation of the use of forehand and backhand grips. Check list to highlight those who get it and those who need work. Acquire: Have student practice their grips. Challenge them to use try different combinations to hit the birdie up to themselves. Apply: Group the student into groups for relays. Have the students preform different tasks as relay teams to practice their swings/grips. Things like hitting the birdie up using backhand or alternating between both backhand and forehand. Students will demonstrate understanding of clear shot. Activate: Discuss and demonstrate the clear shot. Talk on both the forehand and backhand clear shot. Acquire: Have students play Hit and Run. Students form two lines on either side of the net. First person hits the birdie over Curriculum Rackets Birdies Nets Checklist Teacher Notes: Like throwing Needs to be high and far Snap wrist Observation of understanding of clear shot. Check list to highlight those who get it and those who need work. and then must run to the other side and join at the end of the line. If the player misses the birdie multiple things can happen. They can be out, reserve or have them do a lap to join back in. The students should try to keep the birdie in play by using their clear shot learned. Corner to corner or side to side Apply: Have students get in groups of 3. One student will throw the birdie up to another student, which will hit it using a clear shot. The third student retrieves the birdies. Students will have a chance to do all three tasks. Students will demonstrate an understanding of the drop shot. Activate: Discuss and demonstrate the drop shot. Talk about how it needs to stay low and goes right over the net. Have students aim at the net furthest away from where their opponent is. Curriculum Rackets Birdies Nets Checklist Observation of the drop shot. Check list to highlight those who get it and those who need work. Acquire: Have student rally with a partner practicing using the drop shot. Apply: Place hoops on one side of the net down the serve line. Have student in groups of three practices their drop shot by trying to get it in the hoops. One person will throw up the birdie while the other tries to do a drop shot and the last partner retrieves the birdies. Students will switch so they all get a chance to practice the drop shot into the hoops. Have students get with a partner. Have them play a game where the serve line is the back of the court. Student will be forced to use drop shots in the net play since it is so close. Students will demonstrate understanding of the drive shot. Students will demonstrate understanding of the smash shot. Activate: Discuss and demonstrate the use of a drive shot and a smash shot. Highlight the similarities and differences of each shot. The drive is power on a straight angle right over the net and drops down. The smash is a power shot that is hit on an angle directly down over the net. Curriculum Rackets Birdies Nets Checklist Observation of the drive and smash shot will be used. Curriculum Observation of serving skill Checklist will be used to record those who understand and show skill with these shots. Acquire: Have students practice using these shots in their groups of 3. One as a thrower, hitter and retriever. Apply: Have students play a mini game applying all the shots they have learned. These can be played as groups of two with timed games so there is equal amount of playing time. Students will demonstrate Activate: and understanding of forehand and backhand serve. Demonstrate a serve. Discuss how the racket needs to stay below the waist. Talk on how their feet should rock. Show them the difference between a short and long serve and a backhand and forehand serve. Acquire: Place a hoop on the corner of the serve and centerline as well as the back corners of each side. (4 on each side of the court) Have students practice serving in to the hoops. They should try both long and short serves and have their partner retrieve the birdies. Apply: Have students play a game. If miss serve they can reserve once. Serves must travel to the diagonally court across the net. Timed games will be used for Rackets Birdies Nets Checklist will be assessed. Checklist will be used to record the student who demonstrate and understanding of serving. equal playing time. Students will show understanding of boundaries lines for double and singles. Students will demonstrate understanding of basic rules for badminton. Activate: Discuss the boundaries and basic rules for badminton. Long and narrow for singles and short and wide on serve and full court after serve for doubles. Discuss scoring with rally point rules. Talk on no net touching and missed serves. Acquire: Have students spread out on the court in their ready positions. Have them follow commands to show their understanding for boundaries and shots. Teacher can yell out serve line and the student’s must get them selves to the line and pretend to preform a serve. They can be commanded to go to the side line for singles or double or show a clear shot or smash shot execution. Curriculum Rackets Birdies Nets Observation for understanding of boundary lines. Observation for understanding of basic rules to badminton. Recoding observation to ensure understanding of each student and the rules and boundaries of badminton game. Apply: Have student play a game using the boundaries and rules learned. They will be playing doubles to maximize participation so students should understand lines on serve and after serve.