VOCABULARY ASSESSMENT 1 Vocabulary Assessment Tools How do you (or your school) usually assess vocabulary? What kind of vocabulary knowledge is being tested in each of the tests? Do you see any problems with some of the tests? 2 Various vocabulary assessment tools (available at http://www.lextutor.ca/tests/) Vocabulary Levels Tests (VLTs) To check vocabulary size at different word frequency levels – both receptive and productive Word Association Test Meaning (different senses of a word), collocations Vocabulary Knowledge Scale (VKS) 2000, 3000, 5000, 10000-word levels; AWL Aim at score of at least 80% To check “quality” or “depth” of vocab knowledge Vocab Profiler Lexical richness (type/token ratio) – more different words More frequent words or more low-frequency words being used3 Vocabulary Knowledge Scale (VKS) “retire” iii. I have seen this word before and I think it means “stop working because of old age” (3 pts) iv. I know this word. It means “stop working because of old age” (3 pts) v. I can use this word in a sentence: He spent more time with his family after retire. (4 pts) He spent more time with his family after he retired. (5 pts) He decided to retire. (? pts) 4 VKS Problems: Self-reported in nature Level V: ability to produce sentence with target vocab = ability to use the word appropriately? 5 To sum up… Teach and consolidate the 2000 most frequent words Provide students with a variety of vocabulary building activities Encourage students to read widely Encourage students to become independent learners, esp. for learning low-frequency words outside the classroom Train students to use vocabulary learning strategies 6 VOCABULARY LEARNING STRATEGIES (VLS) 7 Vocabulary learning strategies (VLS) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Taxonomies of Vocabulary learning strategies Memory strategies, e.g. the Keyword technique, using mental images Guessing word meaning from the context Selecting, recording and revising vocabulary Research studies on use of VLS of Asian learners 8 Vocabulary Learning Strategies Important for independent learning of lowfrequency words It is important to use a range of strategies The quality of strategy use counts for more than the quantity of strategies used It is important to choose strategies flexibly and appropriately according to context Strategies can be taught and weaker learners can benefit from strategy training 9 Taxonomy of VLS by Schmitt (1997) Taxonomy of Language Learning Strategies (LLS) by O’Malley & Chamot, 1990: cognitive, metacognitive, socio-affective Oxford’s (1990) LLS taxonomy – direct strategies: involving the target language directly and require mental processing of the language (memory, cognitive, compensation) and indirect strategies: (metacognitive, affective, social) Nation (1990) – discovery vs consolidation strategies Schmitt’s (1997) VLS taxonomy: (1) Discovery: discovering the meaning of unknown words Determination strategies (finding meaning without recourse to others) Social strategies (consulting or working with others to discover meaning) (2) Consolidation: remembering words once their meaning has been discovered Social strategies Memory strategies (mnemonics) Cognitive strategies (similar to memory, but without the use of mnemonics) Metacognitive strategies (planning, monitoring, evaluation of learning) 10 Find out about your use of VLS Complete the questionnaire* developed based on Schmitt’s (1997). * Adapted from Loong Y & Chan S W L, A Study of Vocabulary Learning Strategies Adopted by Dentistry Students in Hong Kong In Learning Specialized Dental Vocabulary, September 2012, Asian ESP Journal 11 The positive effect of VLS training: Strategies can be taught and acquired Strategies that were reported to be used significantly more frequently at the end of the course than at the beginning of the course: Analyze the word parts that make up the word * Analyze any available pictures or gestures Use (dental/medical) word lists* Use flash cards Create or use a visual image about the word in my mind* Group words using a mind map* *Strategies introduced in the English (EAP) course for Dentistry students Source: Loong Y & Chan S W L, A Study of Vocabulary Learning Strategies Adopted by Dentistry Students in Hong Kong In Learning Specialized Dental Vocabulary, September 2012, Asian ESP Journal 12 Schmitt (1997) 600 Japanese EFL college learners (junior high school / high school / university / adult ss) preferred using the bilingual dictionary to discover meaning of words Preferred verbal and written repetition (mechanical rehearsals) to remember the meanings As the Japanese learners matured, they tended to move away from shallow, mechanical repetition such as word lists and flash cards to deeper mental processing such as word association strategies 13 Shallow vs Deep Processing Considered to be shallow: Rote memorisation of word lists Verbal / written repeitition Considered to be deeper: Contextual guessing Association / Grouping of words Making mental images of words Using newly learnt words in speaking / writing 14 Nation’s (2001) Taxonomy General class of strategies Planning: choosing what to focus on and when to focus on it Types of strategies Choosing words to focus on Choosing aspects of word knowledge to focus on Choosing appropriate strategies to use and when to switch to another strategy Planning repetition (increasingly spaced repetition) Sources: finding information about the words Analysing word parts Using the context Consulting a reference source in L1 and L2 (e.g. dictionaries, glosses, concordancers) Comparing similarities and differences in L1 and L2 words (e.g. cognate words) Noticing (seeing a word as an item to be learnt, e.g. keeping a notebook, using word cards, written and verbal repetition) Processes: establishing knowledge Retrieving (recall of previously learnt/met items, e.g. meeting a word in a new context, covering parts of a word recorded in a notebook) Generating (generation of word knowledge, e.g. using a word in new contexts across the 4 skills, speaking, reading, writing or listening) 15 Memory Strategy – Using Mental Images (Adapted from forthcoming “Loong Y & Chan S W L, A Study of Vocabulary Learning Strategies Adopted by Dentistry Students in Hong Kong In Learning Specialized Dental Vocabulary, September 2012, Asian ESP Journal”) Memory Strategy – The Keyword Technique Step One: Think of a word that you know that has a similar sound (audionym “Keyword” ) Step Two: Create a mental image to link up the Keyword with the target word (Adapted from Brahler, C. J. & Walker, D. (2008). Learning scientific and medical terminology with a mnemonic strategy using an illogical association technique. Advances in Physiology Education, 32, 219-224.) The “keyword” technique Japanese word and meaning kurai (dark) karada (body) English Link and visual word that image created has a similar sound The “keyword” technique Japanese word and meaning English Link and visual word that image created has a similar sound kurai (dark) cry A baby cries when it is dark karada (body) colored a colored body Kurai - Cry Imagine the visual of a baby crying when it’s dark Karada - colored a colored body Guessing strategies 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Study the word itself (what pos? any word parts?) Examine immediate context Examine wider context Make a guess Verify your guess by using a dictionary 22 Strategies for guessing word meaning from context (Nation, 1990) Step 1: What part of speech is it? Is it a noun, a verb, an adjective or an adverb? Step 2: Does it contain any familiar parts? (e.g. in-digest-ible) Does it look similar to another word you already know? Step 3: Examine the immediate context. If the unknown word is a Noun Adjective What adjectives describe it? What verb does it go with? What does it do and what is done to it? What nouns go with it? Does an adverb tell you more about it? What noun does it go with? Adverb Which verb does it go with? Verb Step 4: Examine the wider context. Look at the relationship between the clause or sentence containing the unknown word and other sentences or paragraphs. 1. Sometimes this relationship is signalled by a linking word, e.g. but, because, if, when, however, as a result. 2. Word like this, that and such as provide useful information. 3. Look for a definition or synonym in the wider context. 4. Make use of that / which clauses that give further information. 5. Look at punctuation for clues. dashes brackets ( ) colons : semi colons ; Step 5: Guess the meaning. Step 6: Substitute your guess. Does the sentence make sense? If you’re still unsure, look it up in a dictionary. Answers Arduous – difficult / tiring Affability – friendliness Saunter – walk slowly Boisterous – noisy / energetic Squander – spend in a wasteful way Weave – make cloth Remuneration – payment Dusk – early evening Toil – work very hard Selection Strategies: Which words should you skip learning? (Nation, 1990) Recording vocabulary Relate new words with old words (e.g. group together words that look / sound similar, synonyms, antonyms) collocations Grammatical behavior (e.g. prepositions, pos, c/unc, regular/irregular verb) use a drawing Word cards? Portable devices? 27 Revising vocabulary Plan for “spaced repetition” Use quizzes to test yourself regularly Follow a particular topic reported in the media over a few days, e.g. reading about the development of an issue on the Internet or in newspapers over a few days so that you keep meeting the same words or synonyms of these words Try to use the words you learnt before, e.g. by writing sentences or paragraphs using these words Revise the words recorded in your vocabulary notebook or cards regularly (e.g. cover up the word or definition and test yourself) Ask a friend to test you / practice using words you learnt before with a friend 28 Importance of Revision Spaced / Distributed Repetition VLS research on Chinese learners 31 Fan, 2003 (p. 226) – questionnaire based on Gu & Johnson 1996, Naiman et al 1978; O’Malley & Chamot 1990; Oxford 1990; Rubin 1981) Management (including social strategies) Sources (sources for encountering new words) To find meaning of words To commit words into memory (memory strategies) Guessing Dictionary Repetition (mechanical written / verbal repetition) Association (associating target word with another word or an image) Grouping (grouping words e.g. according to topic, for learning) Known Words (to use the word/consolidation/activation) – items K1-K3 in the questionnaire VLS research on Chinese learners Gu and Johnson (1996) – China Gu (2002) -- China VLS and gender, major, lg prof (self-reported) Liao (2004) -- Taiwan VLS of two successful EFL learners (selected from 11 learners who carried out “think-aloud” during a reading task, and were interviewed immediately after the task and afterwards; the notes they took during the reading task were studied) Wei (2007) -- China VLS and vocab size, lg prof, gender, academic major Gu (2003) -- China Beliefs (words should be learnt 1. by memorization / 2. in context / 3. studied and put to use) and VLS use Clusters of learning styles: 1. readers 2. active strategy users 3. passive strategy users 4. encoders 5. non-encoders Correlation betw VLS use and learning outcomes (vocab size and lg. prof) VLS and English majors / non-English majors, gender Fan (2003) -- HK 33 Use of VLS (questionnaire – frequency of use & perceived usefulness) Some conclusions based on these studies Positive correlation between strategy use and language proficiency / learning outcomes Successful learners use a wider range of strategies, use deeper processing strategies, and use strategies more skillfully / flexibly Importance of self-initiation, selective attention, guessing word meaning, activation of newly learned words Management, activation of newly learnt /known words, association, and social strategies seem under-used by Asian learners 34 Next Session (Session 5, Oct 8) – in CRT6.32 (computer lab - use of concordancers) Session 6 – bring in an outline for your assignment for discussion 35