final exam study guide - Nutley Public School District

State Exam Review Questions
Answer Key
1. Is having a driver license a privilege or a right? Why?
Privilege, because you have to pass tests to get it AND it can be taken away.
2. What three items must you always have with you when driving?
 License
 Registration
 Insurance
3. If you change your address in N.J., you must notify MVS within what period of time?
1 week
4. If you change your name you must notify MVS within what period of time?
2 weeks
5. If you move into New Jersey from another state you must apply for a N.J> license and registration within what
time period?
60 days OR if your current license expires before that time.
6. Can you operate a Moped with a basic driver license?
7. How old must you be to be eligible for a GDL Student Permit?
8. How old must you be to secure a N.J. basic unrestricted driver license?
9. How old must you be to secure a GDL Regular Permit?
10. What are the three screening tests you must pass in order to get your permit?
 Vision
 Knowledge
 Health Screening
11. Once the GDL student permit is validated, what are the conditions for practicing driving?
 Must be supervised by a N.J. licensed driver over 21 (with at least 3 years of driving experience)
 Driving restrictions between 11:01 PM – 5:00 AM
12. Who is responsible for violations committed by a driver with a permit?
The student AND the supervisor/licensed driver
13. What are the restrictions on your provisional driver license?
 Driving restrictions between 11:01 PM – 5:00 AM
 No hand-held electronic devices (cell phones, iPods, etc.)
 All seat belts must be worn
 Must display decals on license plates
 Passengers are limited to dependants and ONE additional passenger, unless accompanied by a
State Exam Review Questions
Answer Key
14. How long must an adult, over 21, practice on their Permit before they can take the road test?
3 months
15. How many points of I.D. are required for your license? Give some examples of documents that you can use.
6 Points of Identification
PRIMARY DOCUMENTS (At least one of these)
 4 Point Documents
 Birth Certificate
 Passport (current or expired less than 3 years) – may not be used for proof of legal name change
 Current license , boat license, or non-driver I.D. card
 U.S. Military photo I.D. card
 U.S. Adoption Papers
SECONDARY DOCUMENTS (At least one of these)
 3 Point Documents
 Marriage certificate
 Decree of divorce
 Court order for legal name change (signed by judge or court clerk)
 U.S. military dependent card
 U.S. military photo retiree card
 N.J. firearm purchaser card
 2 Point Documents
 School photo I.D.
 Federal, state, local government employee driver license or employee photo I.D.
 U.S. Military discharge papers
 FAA pilot license
 1 Point Documents
 Photo I.D. from another state or District of Columbia
 Social Security Card
 Bank statement/record
 ATM card with pre-printed name and signature
 Current health insurance card, prescription card, or employee I.D. card with printed pay stub
 High school diploma, GED, or college diploma
 Property tax statement, bill, or receipt issued by a N.J. municipality
 Waiver certificate for the written portion of the driver’s test
 Proof of Address (One of these)
 Utility/credit card billed issued in the past 90 days
 Checking or savings account statement (issued in the past 60 days)
 High school or college report card or transcript
 Lease or rental agreement
 Property tax bill
 Letter from IRS or tax office within the past year
 First-class mail received from any federal, state, or local government agency in the past 6 months
 Parent Guardian Certification that verifies you’re living with them (under 18)
 Social Security Number
State Exam Review Questions
Answer Key
16. If your driver license is lost or stolen, you should first report this to the police.
17. How long is a N.J. license good for?
4 years
18. What is important to know about the renewal of your license and registration?
If you don’t renew within 3 years, you will be removed from their system and have to retake screening tests.
19. If you fail the written test at MVC, how long must you wait before taking another test?
1 week
20. What requirements must you provide when taking the road test?
 Valid inspection sticker, registration, and insurance
 NO obstructions/consoles
 Valid permit/accompanying driver license
21. If you fail the road test at MVC, how long must you wait before taking another test?
2 weeks
22. Cite three reasons why the automobile could be the cause of your failing the road test?
 Failed inspection / Past inspection
 Center console obstruction
 Defects (lights, brakes, tires, etc.)
23. What is the seat belt law?
 Under 18 – Driver at fault
 18 and older – Themselves
 GDL – ALL passengers
24. Name four reasons why it’s important to always wear seatbelts.
 Keeps motorists/passengers from being thrown from the vehicle
 Keeps motorists/passengers from sliding on seats
 Keeps you from hitting the dashboard or windshield (slows the body down with the vehicle)
 Keeps the motorist in position so that they can maintain control of the vehicle
25. What is the child restraint law?
 Infant: Rear facing
 1-4 years: Face forward
 Age 8 and up to 80lbs.- Booster seat in rear (if no rear- sit in the front seat secured by a booster seat)
 Under 8 and over 80lbs – Rear seat using seatbelt (if no rear – sit in front secured by a seat belt)
*Failure to comply - $54 fine and court costs
26. What is important to remember about air bags?
The supplement seat belts
27. What is the minimum amount of tread you need on your tires in order to pass inspection?
1/16th of an inch
State Exam Review Questions
Answer Key
28. You should start an automatic car in what gear?
29. You should start a manual transmission car in what gear?
30. Where are your blind spots located?
Areas to SIDES and BEHIND vehicle that mirrors don’t show
31. Where should you place your hands on the steering wheel?
9:00 and 3:00
32. What are the guidelines for speed control?
Accelerate slowly, and gradually increase to speed limit
 Obey speed limit
 Go with the flow of traffic
 Keep a proper space cushion
33. What is the most common mistake new drivers make when braking?
Slamming down on the brake pedal too hard
34. When driving around a curve your car has a tendency to do what?
Go straight
35. When must proper signals be used in driving?
Any change in direction
 Turning
 Changing Lanes
 Stopping/Slowing Down
36. What are hand signals?
 STOP: - Palm down
 RIGHT: Upright
 LEFT: Straight out
37. You must signal at least how many feet before a turn?
100 feet
38. When should your horn be used?
Warnings (passing, foggy, etc.)
39. What should you know about steering when backing your car?
Turn the wheel in the direction you want the car to go (Right – Steer right / Left – Steer left)
40. What is the proper hand and body position for straight backing?
 Motorist’s right hand and arm should be placed over the back of the front passenger seat.
 Left hand should grasp the top of the steering wheel (12:00)
 Motorists head and body should be turned to the right until he/she can see clearly through the back window of the
vehicle without the use of mirrors.
State Exam Review Questions
Answer Key
41. What is the proper hand and body position for backing and turning?
 Both hands on wheel (9:00 and 3:00 with head turning in the direction turning.
42. Which way should you turn your front wheels when parking in each of the situations?
a. Uphill with a curb: AWAY from the curb
b. Uphill without a curb: Away from road (toward edge of roadway)
c. Downhill with a curb: TOWARD the curb
d. Downhill without a curb: Away from the road (toward the edge of roadway)
43. When parallel parking the tires must be no farther than how many inches from the curb?
6 inches
44. What is the limit in school, residential, or business zones unless otherwise posted?
25 mph
45. What s the speed limit in all other areas unless otherwise posted?
50 mph
46. What does New Jersey’s “KEEP TO THE RIGHT” law mean?
Keep to the right unless passing
47. Under normal circumstances you should pass another vehicle on which side?
48. When is passing on the right permitted?
 On roads with more than one lane going in the same direction
 If vehicles on the roadway are moving in two or more substantially continuous lines
 When the motorist ahead is making a left turn and there is room to pass
*Never pass on the right SHOULDER of the road
49. What are the right of way laws for each situation?
a. Multi-Stop or FOUR WAY Stop:
1. Whoever gets there first
2. SAME TIME: Left car yields to the car on the right
b. Yield Sign: Yield to traffic on the intersecting roadway
c. Making a Left Turn: Yield to oncoming traffic
d. Uncontrolled Intersection: Reduce speed AND be ready to stop
1. Whoever gets there first
2. SAME TIME: Left car yields to the car on the right
50. What is an acceleration lane?
Extra lane at highway entrance to get up to speed and “blend “ in with traffic
51. What is a deceleration lane?
Extra lane at highway exit to get be able to gradually reduce speed
52. When is it legal to make a right hand turn at a red light?
After coming to a complete stop
No “No Turn on Red” Sign
State Exam Review Questions
Answer Key
53. Explain the procedures for making a right on red.
 Come to a complete stop
 Yield to thru traffic and pedestrians
 Go when clear
54. Describe the basic concept for each left hand turn. (p. 69 -70)
a. Two vehicles facing each other: Careful – turn to left of center of intersection
b. One-way onto a one-way road: Approach in left lane – turn to left lane of the road entering
c. Two-way road onto a two-way road: Approach closest to center of the road
Don’t cross lane markings
Keep to the right of the center line of road when turning
d. Two-way road onto a four-lane highway: Approach turn as close to the center line
Make turn before reaching the center of intersection
Turn into the lane nearest the center line
*Never cross lane markings
55. When approaching a yield sign and traffic on the through street is too close for you to merge in safely, you should
56. What must you do at flashing railroad lights?
57. When stopping for a school bus loading or unloading students, you must be how far from the bus?
25 feet
58. When may you pass a school bus that is stopped and loading or unloading students?
 Dual highway with a median (10 mph)
 Front of school
59. What must you do when an emergency vehicle is approaching or overtaking you?
Pull to the extreme right and stop
60. When must your headlights be lit?
 ½ hour after sunset
 ½ hour before sunrise
 Bad weather (windshield wipers are on)
 Visibility less than 500 feet (fog)
61. When are you bright (high) beam lights used? Dim (low) beams used?
 High beams – Open country driving (when there is no traffic in sight)
 Low beams – City driving or driving in traffic on roadways
62. When should you dim your high beams to low?
When a car is approaching or you get behind a vehicle (500 feet)
State Exam Review Questions
Answer Key
63. Unless otherwise marked, cite the parking regulations for the following:
a. Private Driveway: Never
b. Fire Hydrant: 10 feet
c. Crosswalk: 25 feet
d. Stop Sign: 50 feet
64. What must you do with your car if it breaks down on the highway?
 Pull off to the right shoulder as far as possible(clear of moving traffic)
 Turn on emergency flashers
 Raise hood for assistance
 Stay in vehicle
 Call for help
65. What is the cell phone law?
 March 1, 2008 – Primary offense - Cannot drive with a hand-held phone (cell phone) including texting
 Motorists are permitted to use a hands-free cell phone if it doesn’t interfere with safe vehicle operation
 May only be used in emergency situations (fire, accident, road hazard, medical emergency, etc.)
 Must be able to keep at least one hand on the phone
 Fines: $100 – 250
 GDL – May not use a hand-held/hands-free cell or any other hand-held electronic device (IPod)
What is the standard accident prevention formula?
Be Alert
Be Prepared
Act in Time
67. How can you best “talk” (communicate) to other drivers on the roadway?
 Signals
 Lights
 Eye Contact
 Horn
68. What should you know at carbon monoxide poisoning?
Dangerous (avoid)
 Check exhaust system
 Don’t idle engine with windows closed
 Don’t warm up/start car in a closed garage
69. What is “highway hypnosis” and how can it be avoided?
 Trance-like state from long hours of driving
 Don’t look at anything for more than a few seconds
70. What is the best and safest thing to do if you miss an exit on a turnpike, parkway, or highway?
Go to the NEXT exit
71. What is the proper driving procedure for driving around curves?
Slow down before entering curve
State Exam Review Questions
Answer Key
72. What should you do if passing someone else?
 Signal
 Check blind spots & mirrors
 Gradual lane change
 Safe cushion – don’t tailgate
 Signal return
73. What should you do when someone passes you?
Stay in lane
Slow down to make the pass easier for the motorist
74. What is the “rule of thumb” method of determining a safe following distance?
 One car length for each 10 mph (Ex. 40 mph. = 4 car lengths)
75. Briefly describe the Three Seconds Plus Rule.
 Choose a fixed object, begin counting to 3 (one-one thousand, etc) when car ahead passes it. By the time you
get there, you should reach “three-one-thousand) – You should have enough distance to stop.
76. How much should you increase your following distance on wet and gravel roadways?
 Double it – time interval to 4 or more seconds
77. When are road surfaces the slipperiest?
 During the first few minutes of rainfall – snow (temp near 32˚)
78. How do you test your brakes after driving through a puddle?
 Rapidly pumping them
79. When driving in the city what three recommendations are listed?
 Drive more slowly
Watch for pedestrians (and less visible vehicles)
Look at least 12 seconds ahead
80. What is hydroplaning?
When the tires start to ride on a film of water.
81. What can you do if your vehicle begins to hydroplane?
 Firm grip on steering wheel
82. When are you allowed to use studded snow tires in the state of N.J.?
 November 15th to April 1st
83. Which headlight beams are best to use in the fog?
 Low Beams
84. What is meant by driving in the range of your headlights?
 A motorist should always be sure that the vehicle can stop within the distance that he/she sees ahead.
State Exam Review Questions
Answer Key
85. What is the MVC’s definition of driving under the influence?
 A driver’s senses and judgment are impaired by alcohol.
86. A person under the age of 21 is intoxicated if his/her BAC is .01% or more.
87. What is the minimum basic penalty for being convicted of underage drinking and driving?
 BAC .01% - .07%
 Loss of license (30-90 days)
 Community Service (15-30 days)
 IDRC (Intoxicated Driver Resource Center) Classes or alcohol education and highway safety program
88. A person 21 year of age or older is definitely intoxicated if his/her BAC level is .08% or more.
89. What is the minimum basic mandatory penalty for a person 21 years of age or older being convicted of a 1st
offense DUI?
 BAC .08% - .09%
 3 months license suspension
 $250 – 400 Fine
 12 – 48 hour participation in IDRC (Intoxicated Driver Resource Center)
 $230 per day IDRC fee
 Up to 30 days imprisonment
 $100 Drunk Driving Enforcement Fund Fee
 $100 Alcohol Education, Rehabilitation, and Enforcement Fund (AERF) fee
 $1,000 annual surcharge for 3 years
 $75 Safe Neighborhood Services Fund fee
 Possible interlock device for 6 months – 1 year
BAC .10% or more
 7 months – 1 year license suspension
 $300 – 500 Fine
 12 – 48 Hour Participation in IDRC (Intoxicated Driver Resource Center)
 $230 per day IDRC Fee
 Up to 30 days imprisonment
 $100 Drunk Driving Enforcement Fund Fee
 $100 Alcohol Education, Rehabilitation, and Enforcement Fund Fee
 $1,000 annual surcharge for 3 years
 $75 Safe Neighborhood Services Fund Fee
 Possible interlock devices for 6 months – 1 year
90. What is the Implied Consent Law?
The motorist on N.J. roadways have agreed, simply by using N.J. roadways, to submit to a breath test given by law
enforcement or hospital staff following an arrest for a drinking-and-driving offense.
91. What is the penalty of 1st offense refusal to take a breath test?
 MVC insurance surcharge of $1,000 for 3 years. Failure to pay will result in indefinite suspensions of
driving privileges until the fee is paid.
 Equal to driving with a BAC of .10% for a first offense (loss of license 7 months – 1 year)
State Exam Review Questions
Answer Key
92. What are points?
Added to a motorist’s driving record when the motorist is convicted of a moving violation.
93. Will points be added o your record if you commit a moving violation in another state?
 Yes, two points.
 N.J. belongs to Interstate Compacts (pg. 127), in which member states exchange information to ensure
motorist compliance with the law and that they receive penalties for violations.
94. How many points are deducted from your record after a year of no moving violations?
95. What is the Driver Improvement Program? How many points and in what period of time?
 For motorists who accumulate between 12-14 points in a 24 month (2 year) period.
 Upon receiving a suspension notice, a motorist can do one of the following:
a. Attend a N.J. Driver Improvement Program
b. Request a hearing
c. Surrender his/her driver license for the suspension period
96. How long will a driver be on probation after completing Driver Improvement Program or when the suspension
period is completed?
1 year
97. What is the first two year period after getting a permit called?
Probationary Driver Period
98. How many points or violations are you allowed during this period?
A motorist convicted in two or more moving violations totaling four or more points must enroll in the
Probationary Driver program.
99. Are there any special accommodations made for drivers losing their driving privileges?
100. What is a habitual offender?
A motorist whose driver license has been suspended 3 times within 3 years.
101. What happens if you are involved in an automobile accident, resulting in injuries, while you driving privilege is
 Fine
 Continued suspension
 Potential for a minimum 45-da jail sentence
102. How does drinking an intoxicating beverage affect you?
 Reaction Time
 Coordination and Balance
 Vision
 Ability to judge distances
 Emotions and mood
State Exam Review Questions
Answer Key
103. Your BAC is determined by what four factors?
a) Quantity of alcohol consumed
b) Body weight
c) How quickly drinks were consumed
d) Food eaten
104. How much does your risk of crash increase at various BAC levels?
a) At slightly above .05% : DOUBLES
b) At .10% : SIX TIMES
c) At .15% : TWENTY - FIVE TIMES
105. A shot of whiskey, 5 ounces of wine and 12 ounces of beer all contain about the SAME amount of alcohol.
106. Studies show the greatest number of people arrested for drinking and driving had been drinking BEER.
107. What is the only way to sober up a person who has been drinking?
 Time
108. What might happen to you if someone gets drunk in your home and becomes involved in a collision after
May become involved in a lawsuit
109. The best thing you can do to reduce your chances of having an alcohol related accident is what?
Don’t drink and drive.
110. What is important to know about prescription and over-the-counter drugs?
Affects on driving (“may cause drowsiness or dizziness”)
 Drugs that affect basic driving skills include cold pills, tranquilizers, and some prescription medicine
Never mix drugs without asking a medical professional (Alcohol should never be mixed)
Motorists using prescription drugs must show proof otherwise it will be considered illegal.
111. What is road rage?
When motorists lose their tempers or become frustrated because of a traffic disturbance.
112. What should you do if your angry or excited?
Take time to cool off.
113. Which pedestrian age groups are most often the victims of traffic collisions?
Children and elderly people
114. What pedestrian action is the cause of most traffic collisions?
Not looking. Stepping out in between parked cars.
115. Which side of the road should pedestrians and joggers be on?
Facing traffic (left)
State Exam Review Questions
Answer Key
116. Which side of the street should bicycles, skateboards, inline skates, and horse back riders be on?
With traffic (right)
117. What limitations must you be aware of when driving alongside trucks and other larger vehicles?
 Visibility
 Required stopping and following distance
 Maneuverability
 No-Zones
 In bad weather, a truck takes 25% longer to stop.
118. What are “no-zones”
Areas around trucks where vehicles disappear into blind spots or are so close that they restrict the truck diver’s
ability to stop or maneuver effectively.
119. When stopping behind a truck or other large vehicle on an incline you should do what?
Leave space in case the larger vehicle rolls backwards.
120. In adverse weather conditions it takes large truck how much longer to stop?
As much as 25% longer to stop
121. How old must you be to register a vehicle in N.J.?
122. Your registration is valid for how long? What is the fine for now having a current registration?
 An initial registration for a brand-new vehicle will be valid for 4 years.
 Other registrations typically valid for 1 year.
123. What should you do with your old license plates if you sell your vehicle and do not transfer the plates to
another vehicle?
Turn in the old plates at any MVC agency, and keep a receipt in a safe place for record keepings.
124. How often must your gas powered car or truck be inspected?
Brand-New: 4 years
Older Car/Truck: Every 2 years
125. After registering your vehicle in N.J. you have 14 days to have it inspected.
126. If you fail inspection, how long do you have to make the necessary repairs and have the vehicle pass
The owner will have up to one month from the last day of the month indicated on the inspection sticker to make
the necessary repairs and return for re-inspection.
127. What kind of auto insurance is mandatory in N.J.?
 Liability
128. What is the meaning of the “yellow light” in a regular traffic light?
A motorist should stop before entering the intersection or crosswalk, unless his/her vehicle is so close to the
intersection that it cannot be stopped safely. A yellow arrow means the signal is changing from green to red and
gives the motorist a chance to stop safely.
State Exam Review Questions
Answer Key
129. What is the meaning of a “green arrow” when used in conjunction with a red light?
Proceed only as shown by the arrow. Be cautious and yield to pedestrians.
130. What is the meaning of a “flashing red light”?
Stop. Yield to traffic and pedestrians. Go only when safe.
131. What is the meaning of a “flashing yellow light”?
Slow down and proceed with care.
132. Most warning signs are what shape and color?
Yellow and diamond-shaped.
133. What is the shape of a “school zone” warning sign?
134. What does the color orange indicate?
Construction/Roadwork and Maintenance Warning
135. What is the shape and color of the stop sign?
Octagon and Red
136. What is the shape, color, and meaning of a yield sign?
 Inverted Triangle
 White with red wording and border
 Slow down, give way to oncoming or intersecting traffic, stop when necessary, proceed when safe, and remain
aware of oncoming traffic.
137. What must you do at a railroad crossing with flashing red lights?
Stop. A motorist must always yield to trains.
138. What do center yellow lines mean?
Separates traffic flow going in OPPOSITE directions.
139. What do white dashed lines separating lanes mean?
 Separates traffic going in the SAME direction.
 Passing is permitted.
140. Yellow center lines with the dashed line nearest you means you may PASS when safe to do so.
141. A yellow center line with the solid line nearest you means you CANNOT PASS.
142. A single, wide, white, perpendicular line at an intersection is what and what does it mean?
 Stop line
 Show motorists where to stop at signs or traffic signals
143. What is the shape and color of a slow moving vehicle sign and where is it located?
 Triangle
 Fluorescent Orange
 Located in the rear of tractors, construction vehicles, and horse and buggies
State Exam Review Questions
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144. When is legal to drive on public or private property to avoid a traffic sign or signal?
Only when instructed to do so by a police officer
145. What should you do if your vehicle goes into a skid?
 Firm grip on the steering wheel
 Foot off on all pedals
 Steer in direction the rear of the vehicle is skidding (without over steering)
146. What should you do if your right wheels drift off the roadway and drop down several inches to the shoulder?
 Stay on the shoulder and ease up on the gas pedal
 After slowing down to 25 mph or less, the motorist may slowly and gradually turn back onto the road.
147. What should you do if your brakes fail?
 Shift to a lower gear and pump the brake pedal fast and hard several times
 The parking brake should be used while holding the brake release
148. What should do if a tire blows out?
 Firm grip on the steering wheel
 Foot off all pedals ad coast to a stop as the motorist pulls to a safe area off of the roadway
149. What should you do if your gas pedal sticks to the floor?
 Shift to NEUTRAL
 Steer the vehicle to a safe area off the roadway
 Turn engine off and call for help
150. How can you best see to maneuver your vehicle to safety if your hood flies up and blocks your vision?
 Slow down immediately
 Look under the hood or side window
 Use center line/lane markings as a guide
 Pull off into a safe area ASAP
151. How can you stop a vehicle with conventional brakes the quickest?
Pump the brakes to gain better control in steering.
152. How can you stop a vehicle with anti-lock brakes (ABS) the quickest?
A motorist can put maximum pressure on the brakes and retain steering control without pumping the brakes.
153. If a collision is impossible to avoid, what should you choose to hit?
 Something that gives (brush or shrubs) rather than something hard.
 Something that moves in the same direction.
 Something not moving, rather than something coming straight on.
 Try to make a glancing blow (i.e. sideswipe)
State Exam Review Questions
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154. What should you do if you are involved in a collision?
 Stop
 Stay calm
 Assume the worst and get help (notify the policy; call an ambulance)
 Wait at the scene, but try not to block traffic
 Ask for assistance from passing motorists, bikers, or joggers (if needed)
 Warn oncoming traffic
155. When must you report an accident?
 When there is injury, death, or vehicle or property damage
 When damage to property is more than $500 or personal injury a motorist must:
 Send a written report to the MVC within 10 days if no police report is filed.
 Notify insurance
 See a doctor (if necessary)
156. What should you do if you hit a parked car and cannot locate the owner?
Notify the police and try to find the owner of the vehicle.
157. What is the penalty for a motorist’s conviction of a 3rd violation of Operation Under the Influence of
 Installation of Interlock Device (1-3 years)
 10 years loss of license
 Fees:
 $1,000 fine
 $1,500 a year for 3 years surcharge
 $280 per day IDRC fee
 $100 Drunk Driving fund
 $75 Safe Neighborhood Services Fund
 $100 AERF
 180 days imprisonment
 12-48 hours IDRC
 Up to 90 days CS (which can reduce period of imprisonment)
158. What is the penalty for altering a driver’s license or showing an altered driver’s license?
 Loss of a motorist’s driving privilege
 Fine up to $1,000
 Up to 6 months imprisonment
159. What is the penalty for getting a driver’s license illegally?
 $200 – 500 Fine
 30 – 90 days imprisonment
160. What is the fine for a violation of any of the conditions of the GDL Permits or Provisional Licenses?
$100 Fine or possible suspension of driving privilege
State Exam Review Questions
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161. What are the convictions that carry an insurance surcharge?
 Driving unlicensed/suspended
 DUI of Liquor/Drugs and/or Refusal to Take a Breathalyzer Test
 No liability insurance on a motor vehicle
162. What is the fine and penalty for driving on a suspended license 1st offense?
 $500 Fine
 Up to 6 months of additional license and or registration suspension
163. What happens to fines for violations in highway construction and speeding convictions 10 mph or more above
speed limit in a 65 mph zone?